Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

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Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

I'm trying to solve a puzzle by putting together a series of posts that look at some of the scientific work and political machinations of the military and intelligence services. Further to Remote Control of Human Behaviour - DREADDs, in this post I return to the history of the military-industrial complex's work on radio waves.

Why the US Navy once wanted to turn Wisconsin into the world's largest antenna
In the 1960s, US Navy officials concocted an ambitious plan: they wanted to bury a gigantic grid of cables under roughly 41 percent of the state of Wisconsin in order to turn its bedrock into the world's largest radio antenna. The plan was called Project Sanguine. And though it sounds crazy, it was a logical — albeit impractical — way of communicating with deep-sea submarines around the world. The problem was that radio waves don't travel well through water, so there was no good way to send signals to the nuclear-powered subs that stayed submerged for months at a time during the Cold War. Project Sanguine would have been an antenna for transmitting extremely low-frequency (ELF) waves that can penetrate water and reach the subs.

It never happened, largely because of the huge cost (potentially billions of dollars) and environmental disturbance it would have required. But a much smaller version — called Project ELF — was eventually built in Wisconsin and Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and operated between 1989 and 2004.
HAARP, ELF Generation, and Mass Mind Control
ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional distortion. Infrasound vibration (up to 20 Hz) can subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta, alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in conjunction with media broadcasts as well.

..Title: Russian parliament concerned about US plans to develop new weapon Document Number: FBIS-SOV-2002-0808 Document Date: 08 Aug 2002 Division: Russia, North America Subdivision: Russia, United States Sourceline: CEP20020808000087 Moscow Interfax in English 1009 GMT 8 Aug 02 Citysource: Moscow Interfax Language: English [FBIS Transcribed Text] MOSCOW. Aug 8 (Interfax) - The Russian State Duma has expressed concern about the United States' program to develop a qualitatively new type of weapon. "Under the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), the U.S. is creating new integral geophysical weapons that may influence the near-Earth medium with high-frequency radio waves," the State Duma said in an appeal circulated on Thursday. ... The committees reported that the U.S. is planning to test three facilities of this kind. One of them is located on the military testing ground in Alaska and its full-scale tests are to begin in early 2003. The second one is in Greenland and the third one in Norway. "When these facilities are launched into space from Norway, Alsaka and Greenland, a closed contour will be created with a truly fantastic integral potential for influencing the near-Earth medium," the State Duma said. The U.S. plans to carry out large-scale scientific experiments, under the HAARP program, and not controlled by the global community, will create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines and have a negative impact on the mental health of people populating entire regions, the deputies said.
It was President Reagan who revived Project Sanguine as Project ELF

Maybe not surprising then that when I checked to see if he was also involved with any human brain initiatives, I found that he was involved with the initiation of the Human Genome Project : Mapping the Brain and Dementia ... f6878.html
In 1987, President Reagan unveiled a bold, audacious project to Washington, the nation and the world: the Human Genome Project. Earlier this week, President Obama, following in Reagan’s footsteps, proposed a similarly bold and audacious scientific project: the BRAIN Initiative.
And of course, Reagan also introduced the satellite network surrounding Earth , dramatically called "star Wars" ... Initiative but, I'll leave that aside for another time...

Origins of the Human Genome Project
In 1985, as Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Health and Environmental Research Programs, Charles DeLisi and his advisors proposed, planned and defended before the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Congress, the Human Genome Project. .. The beginning of the project may have occurred in a workshop known as the Alta Summit held in Alta, Utah, December 1984.... How to interpret DNA sequences was one of the problems he had studied, working with the T-10 group at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (a group of mathematicians and others interested in applying mathematics and computational techniques to biological questions).
Voat post on DeLisi :

Jeffrey Epstein's scientists - on the suspension of Martin Nowak at Harvard and the resignation of Dr Neil Ferguson at Imperial College London, coronavirus simulation modeller
Dr Neil Ferguson is the UK professor whose simulation models were used to justify lockdown in the UK, if not globally. Those models are based on Evolutionary Dynamics, the program that Jeffrey Epstein funded...

Both Nowak's suspension and Ferguson's resignation happened in the last week...I thought I'd look for evidence of them working together and found this document: ... sysbio.pdf

Within the list of proposed attendees we find Nowak and Ferguson
Workshop on the Systems Biology of Infectious Diseases – August 2007

Co-organizers: Don Burke (Pittsburgh), Charles DeLisi (Boston University), Simon Levin (Princeton), Arnie Levine (IAS)
Another related Voat post:

The Schumann Resonance, HAARP and the Great Awakening.
Schumann Resonance readings started spiking in 2014 ... 1922476036

someone pointed out that 2014 correlates with the the University of Alaska Fairbanks taking over HAARP:

Research paper Affiliations: Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics

The BRAIN Initiative started at the instigation of the Kavli Foundation. They were hosting a series of brainstorms about what nanoscientists and neuroscientists could do together, and Paul Alivisatos and George Church and Rafael Yuste and many people at that border were at these early sessions. ...

George Church + IARPA + Edge Underground Bases and Tunnels: What Is the Government Trying to Hide? By Richard Sauder which describes 'an unusual electronics facility called “ICE station OTTO” which is not far from the Zorro Ranch.

[Link taken down but..] OTTO is on the Bill King ranch!

..There are fewer antennas now than there were in 1989, but the appearance is practically identical in all other respects. The whited out area of the faded sign out front conceals the name of Sandia National Laboratory on the southeast outskirts of Albuquerque, New Mexico. And, yes, it is my highly educated observation that ICE Station Otto is a part of the secret electromagnetic research that the USA military-industrial-espionage complex has been carrying on for at least the last 100 years, and probably longer. ..
Kavli also connects to neuroeconomist, neuroscientist, Paul Glimcher
After starting up the Institute for the Study of Decision Making in 2014, Glimcher––working with Miyoung Chun of The Kavli Foundation––also began the development of a new interdisciplinary longitudinal study sponsored by The Kavli Foundation, called the Kavli HUMAN Project. ..His father, Arne Glimcher, was the founder of the renowned New York City-based Pace Gallery, the second largest private art gallery in the world.
Paul's brother Marc Glimcher of Pace Gallery runs Marfa Ballroom
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Human Genome Project Information Archive 1990–2003 :

The Alta Summit, December 1984 ... alta.shtml

..Many historical threads in the fabric that later became the Human Genome Project wind through that meeting, although it was not a meeting on mapping or sequencing the human genome. Through happenstance and historical accident, Alta links human genome projects to research on the effects of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki 40 years earlier. If genome projects prove important to biology, then historians will note the Alta meeting.

The Alta meeting was sponsored by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the International Commission for Protection Against Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens. It was initiated by David Smith of DOE and Mortimer Mendelsohn of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, who turned over final organization to Raymond White of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Utah.

The purpose was to ask those working on the front lines of DNA analytical methods to address a specific technical question: could new methods permit direct detection of mutations, and more specifically could any increase in the mutation rate among survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings be detected (in them or in their children)? The idea behind the Alta meeting came from another meeting on March 4 and 5, 1984, in Hiroshima, at which new DNA analytical tools were deemed second highest priority for human mutations research, just behind establishing cell lines from atomic bomb survivors, their progeny, and controls. Those attending the Alta meeting in December (see Table 1) were drawn from a variety of backgrounds, and many had never met each other. Most said in interviews later that they came to the meeting quite skeptical, but left thinking it had been one of the best scientific meetings they ever attended (Interviews, 1987, 1988).

Table 1
Participants at the Alta Meeting, December 1984

David Botstein
Elbert Branscomb
Charles R. Cantor
C. Thomas Caskey
George Church
John D. Delahanty
Charles Edington
Raymond Gesteland
Michael Gough
Leonard Lerman
Mortimer Mendelsohn
John Mulvihill
Richard Myers
James V. Neel
Maynard Olson
David A. Smith
Edwin Southern
Sherman Weissman
Raymond L. White

The principal conclusion of the meeting was, ironically, that methods were incapable of measuring mutations with sufficient sensitivity, unless an enormously large, complex, and expensive program were undertaken. Technical obstacles thus thwarted attainment of the main goal of the meeting, yet the meeting left a profusion of new ideas in its wake, some of which later washed ashore to be incorporated into various genome projects. Five years later, there is still no sensitive assay for human heritable mutations, but there are genome programs at NIH, at DOE, and in several foreign nations.

..George Church began to ruminate on the ideas that culminated in multiplex sequencing. He said later that discussions with Maynard Olson, Richard Myers, and others helped him crystallize his inchoate ideas. (David Smith recalled watching George Church disappear in a cloud of new-fallen powder one afternoon, and worrying about the future of DNA sequencing technology.)
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

C. Thomas Caskey
In 2019, Dr. Caskey took up a new role as Chief Medical Officer of Human Longevity, a medical technology company based in San Diego, using artificial intelligence to prevent diseases associated with aging.
Human Longevity
Human Longevity is a San Diego-based venture launched by Craig Venter and Peter Diamandis in 2013. Its goal is to build the world's most comprehensive database on human genotypes and phenotypes, and then subject it to machine learning so that it can help develop new ways to fight diseases associated with aging.[1] The company received US$80 million in investments in its Series A offering in summer 2014 and announced a further $220 million Series B investment offering in April 2016.[2] It has made deals with drug companies Celgene and AstraZeneca to collaborate in its research.

At the start of 2017, the company hired Cynthia Collins from GE Healthcare, and Venter became Executive Chair. The company's chief operating officer, Mark Winham, left the company in mid-2017, and Collins and the company's chief medical officer, Brad Perkins, left in December. Venter stepped back into the CEO role, but announced in May 2018 that he was leaving the company to return to the J. Craig Venter Institute.[5] Venter was sued for allegedly 'stealing trade secrets' at Human Longevity.[6] The case has been dismissed

In 2018, according to The Wall Street Journal, "the company's valuation has declined 80 percent, from a $1.6 billion peak to $310 million" and "the company’s employee count has dropped from 300 workers in 2016 to 150" in 2018
Craig Venter post: viewtopic.php?f=50&p=7759#p7759
In the short clip Morgan says that in his view 'the work of Dr Craig Venter is the equivalent of the development of nuclear weapons when you realize that he created Life in a cell. They can be programmed into you to do anything you want.. DREADDs are designer receptors that can be remotely controlled... It may affect the way you think, the way you act.. The new way to hide information is going to be in DNA.. This is what the Chinese are doing with DNA.. Merging DNA systems with quantum computing..'

..The poster accuses Google's Head of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, of being a sadistic pedophile, along with two other giants of anti-aging biotech - Peter Diamandis & Craig Venter.

Seth Lloyd, J. Craig Venter and Epstein
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

More on Peter H. Diamandis and Human Longevity Inc. :

Human Genome Sequencing - Can Pedophilia be Predicted or Created? The Field is Unregulated and Wide Open for Disaster.
Enter Peter H. Diamandis, named by Fortune Magazine in 2014 as one of "The World's 50 Greatest Leaders." He is chairman and CEO of the X Prize Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private spaceflights. He is also co-founder and vice-chairman of Human Longevity, Inc., (HCI), a genomics and cell therapy-based diagnostic and therapeutic company focused on extending the human life span. Its headquarters is San Diego, CA along with a Mountain View, CA location. Mr. Diamandis wants to live to age 700...

HLI purchased Lifebank USA in 2016, "a leader in placental and cord blood banking along with its high-yield method for extracting placental stem cells." Cord and placental blood tissue provide high quality DNA from mother and newborn for genome sequencing. HLI plans to start offering its newborn genome sequencing product along with stem cell banking. It may already be doing so. HLI also launched Health Nucleus (based at its San Diego location), a genomic powered clinical reserach center which uses whole genome sequence analysis and advanced clinical imaging to deliver the most complete picture of individual health for the consumer.

Mr. Diamandis wears many hats. Here is his list:

1987 - in his 3rd year of medical school, co-founded International Space University (a $30 million university campus in Strasbourg, France)
1989 - co-founded Microsoft Launch Systems (MIcrospace, Inc.)
1991 - founded Constellation Communications which was sold to E-Systems and Orbital
1994 - founded X PRIZE Foundation after the failure of International Microspace and after he finished reading, "The Spirit of St. Louis." (Thus began a new generation of private passenger-carrying spaceships. X PRIZE was created to fund and operate a $10 million incentive. The PRIZE was announced on 05/18/1996 without any purse or teams, It was funded through an insurance policy underwritten by the Anousheh and Hamid Ansari family)
1994 - founded Zero Gravity Corporation
1995-1999 - president of Angel Technologies Corp.
1998 - co-founder and vice-chairman of Space Adventures, Ltd) a space tourism company that has flown 8 private customers to the Internet Space Station since 2001)
2005 - co-founder and chairman of Rocket Racing League. (a motor sport cross between Indy car racing and rockets)
2008 - cofounder and executive chairman of Singularity University (a university that addresses humanity's grand challenges, based at NASA Ames campus in Silicon Valley; supported by Google, Autodesk, Cisco, Nokia, Kauffman Foundation, and e Planet Ventures)
2012 - founder of Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI)
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

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So articles on Peter H. Diamandis only mention that his Greek parents were in the medical business without going into any further details. His father's obituary: ... -Diamandis
Harry P. Diamandis, M.D. ,89, of Boca Raton, Florida passed away peacefully in the arms of his eternally loving wife Tula on Wednesday June 22, 2016...

Harry came from humble beginnings, born on January 12, 1927 in the village of Mystegna, in Mytilene Greece, graduated from Athens Medical School and then after meeting the love of his life, Tula in 1955, he immigrated to the U.S. to join her and started his training as an Obstetrician/Gynecologist in New York. He had a distinguished career as a Board Certified Ob/Gyn physician and mentor to residents at Booth Memorial Hospital. He touched thousands of families by bringing life into this world but also served as a trusted advisor and caring confidante to the many women that he treated.

Harry was a past president of the Panlesvian Society of America, and active member of the Hellenic Medical Society of New York, The American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologist, the New York State Society of Surgeons, and the American Medical Association. He was a distinguished patron of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of New Rochelle, a Founding Father of the Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church of Roslyn Heights and a faithful member of St. Mark’s Greek Orthodox Church of Boca Raton since 1999 and a lifetime member of the order of AHEPA in New York and Florida.
There was a court case that he and colleagues at Booth Memorial were involved with : QUINN v. Emmanuel G. Pappous, M.D., et al., Defendants-Respondents. ... 72127.html

Voat post re Booth Memorial:
Here's some disturbing history
Jack Parsons (founder of NASA'S jet propulsion labs) and Aliester Crowley were practicing occult rituals to invoke a "Child of light" , a demonic entity known as the goddess of Babylon. In 1924 Crowley started dating Pauline Pierce, an American socialite, with whom he also did these rituals with. On June 8, 1925 Pauline gave birth to a daughter, Barbara Pierce. Barbara went on to marry George H.W Bush. We know her as Barbara Bush.

According to wikipedia:

Barbara Pierce was born on June 8, 1925, at Booth Memorial Hospital, a Salvation Army facility at 314 East 15th Street on Stuyvesant Square in the New York City borough of Manhattan, to Pauline (née Robinson) and Marvin Pierce. ”

And about that Order of AHEPA:
Alefantis & The Freemasonic Order of AHEPA Is One Of Bush Sr's 1000 POINTS OF LIGHT
Another THORN Board Member, Bush's '1000 Points of Light' and the UN's New Age Agenda - TechNews

[On Pelosi's daughter]
As president of AKT, Tsakopoulos Kounalakis has overseen a land development company involved in real estate, farming, ranching, water and minerals projects throughout Northern and Central California. Her closeness to her father has extended beyond helping run the family business and into bankrolling statewide and national election campaigns.

Eleni’s father: ... evelopment

Mr. Tsakopoulos is a Member of the Forum of Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum/Davos, Switzerland, and is an Archon/Knight Commander of the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. He founded the “Aristotle and the Moderns Chair” in Hellenic Studies at Columbia University.

The Greek American behind Kamala Harris’ successful bid for Biden’s Vice President ticket ... president/
Kamala Harris, who is Joe Biden’s ‘running mate’ in the November elections, maintains close ties to the Greek American community. It’s for this reason one of the most prominent members of that community, California Lieutenant Govenor Eleni Kounalakis, ‘went rogue’ back in late July to get Harris selected as Biden’s Vice President.
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Aleister Crowley
Born to a wealthy family in Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, Crowley rejected his parents' fundamentalist Christian Plymouth Brethren faith to pursue an interest in Western esotericism.

[Funnily enough the Plymouth Brethren are the same order that Charlie Ward grew up with.]
He was educated at Trinity College at the University of Cambridge (1895-1898), where he focused his attentions on mountaineering and poetry, resulting in several publications. Some biographers allege that here he was recruited into a British intelligence agency, further suggesting that he remained a spy throughout his life. In 1898, he joined the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, where he was trained in ceremonial magic by Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers and Allan Bennett. ..

.. At the age of 8, Crowley was sent to H.T. Habershon's evangelical Christian boarding school in Hastings, and then to Ebor preparatory school in Cambridge, run by the Reverend Henry d'Arcy Champney, whom Crowley considered a sadist..
Crowley returned to Hastings later in life where he ended his days.

Hastings: birthplace of TV ... elevision/
Hastings is best known for the famous Norman invasion, but did you know that it was also the birthplace of television?

In 1922, John Logie Baird set up residence in Linton Crescent in Hastings, following a bout of illness. As a student, Baird had already experimented with the idea of television, however it was during his time in Hastings that he was able to develop and investigate the idea further. After appealing for help in The Times, Baird was approached by the BBC, who supported his quest to invent the television. By the end of 1923, Baird had successful transmitted a shadowy image with the receiver and transmitter still connected.

In 1924, Baird was thrown across his workshop by a 1200v shock, which left him with burnt hands and a damaged apparatus. Unfortunately, this incident led to Baird being evicted and returning to London. It is clear that while the first true transmitted image took place in Soho, it would not have been possible without the groundwork that was established by Baird during his time in Hastings. ... 5/10630103
How did I miss this ?? > Rigby is most famous for being the "birthplace of television", a title the city can attribute to a high school student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth.

Interesting because in the UK, Hastings on the south coastline is known as the birthplace of television. It is also known as an area with much occult practictioners. Aleister Crowley died there too. ... -1-5436074

[comment from carmencita] Yes, there is even a museum of sorts in Rigby dedicated to him. There is some really weird stuff going on with all this. Liverpool is a Cesspool and somehow Rigby is connected. John Lennon lived with his Uncle George TooGood Smith who bestowed too many kisses and time putting him to bed every night according to the wife. His Uncle is also buried in the cemetery. They lived in Mandip house on Manlove St. Too many signs in Liverpool, imo. Where was Gray taking that sand and for what? Is sand used for bombs or explosives?
Crowley on the cover of the Beatles Sgt. pepper album
Eleanor Rigby - she kept her face in a jar by the door, there are all kinds of crazy connections in this article to the occult....Father Mackenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, Liverpool, pickled bodies, this brings to mind the pickled baby in the home of Barbara Bush. This article should definitely be looked at....those of the occult may seek out Rigby, Idaho for a reason....I am still going through this is an amazing account of how the Beatles are tied to the occult and it even includes Freemasonry.

Savile pictured with Liverpool pop group The Beatles at Finsbury Park Astoria, 1964
Barbara Bush and Jimmy Savile
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

So, Crowley was at Cambridge between 1895 and 1898. In 1898 he joined Golden Dawn. By then he was probably in contact with the intelligence services.

Another esoteric group were making waves at that time too. The Theosophists..

The term Neo-Theosophy is a term, originally derogatory, used by the followers of Blavatsky to denominate the system of Theosophical ideas expounded by Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater following the death of Madame Blavatsky in 1891.

After Blavatsky died in 1891, William Quan Judge became involved in a dispute with Henry Steel Olcott and Annie Besant over Judge allegedly forging letters from the Mahatmas. As a result, he ended his association with Olcott and Besant during 1895 and took most of the Society's American Section with him. He managed his new organization for about a year until his death in New York City, whereupon Katherine Tingley became manager. The organization originating from the faction of Olcott and Besant is based in India and known as the Theosophical Society - Adyar, while the organization managed by Judge is known nowadays simply as the Theosophical Society, but often with the specification, "international headquarters, Pasadena, California."

The Theosophical Society - Adyar is the group denounced as Neo-Theosophy by those who are followers of William Q. Judge and the original teachings of Madame Blavatsky; they do not accept what they regard as the Neo-Theosophical teachings of Annie Besant, Henry Olcott, and C. W. Leadbeater.

The term Neo-Theosophy was coined by Ferdinand T. Brooks around 1912 in a book called Neo Theosophy Exposed, the second part of an earlier book called The Theosophical Society and its Esoteric Bogeydom.[1] Around 1924, Margaret Thomas published a book called Theosophy Versus Neo-Theosophy. This book, now available online,[2] presents a detailed critical comparison of Blavatskyian Theosophy and Neo-Theosophy. ..

The author Daryl S. Paulson associates "Neo-Theosophy" with Alice Bailey..Other neo-Theosophists include Steiner's contemporary Peter Deunov and Samael Aun Weor, who introduced theosophical teachings to Latin America. Dion Fortune and Aleister Crowley were also influencers of (and influenced by) the leading edge of the theosophical movement, which in turn influenced Anton LaVey's Satanism, L. Ron Hubbard's Scientology, Wicca, and the modern New Age and New Thought movements. (Alice Bailey introduced the term New Age)
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »


Heil Satan. Vegetarianism / Veganism and Occultism and it's place in the new world great reset UN one government
..Vegan diet is anti-scientific. not just because of evolution but also because it causes severe nutritional deficiencies that cause death. Veganism causes B12, D and other micro and macromineral deficiencies. Part of it is because of how we grow food, but the other part of it is a fact that we are omnivores that require eating meat to obtain certain required nutrients B12 and D being those.

You won't hear this from anyone else, but I've done deep autist-level research on vegan diet and the roots of it are with a group lucis trust, formerly lucifer trust and 2 occultist: CW Leadbeater who wrote vegetarianism and occultism, a 1918 book which I listened to on audiobook for free via Librivox (they have normal people read public domain books). Here's that book ... sm-CWL.htm

[Alice] Bailey who formed the Lucifer Trust an NGO governance group that promoted occultism and theosophy used a lot of Leadbeaters work--they were very close contemporaries and influences of each other. They promoted the VEGAN diet, but it was just called vegetarian then. Lucis Trust (formerly lucifer trust) is a FOUNDING member of the UN and continues to this day AFAIK.

..I'm saying that the Deepstate Ruling class families are mercantile globalist fascists very much like the Nazi party in early 20th century germany who believe in occultism. This started with "Spiritualism" and "seances" run by con artists that targetted the upper class in the turn of the 20th century in both the US, UK as well as in Germany. You know of this from movies and books. This actually happened. It started with fakes running seances to talk to the dead. Very smart and powerful people got deep into this
From Lomaland to Hollywood - On Theosophy and the Study of Trauma and Ritual Abuse
It’s now known that during the first two decades of the 20th century, Anthony Mann was raised in a bizarre utopian commune known as “Lomaland,” run by the Universal Brotherhood and Theosophical Society. It was located on 350 acres of Point Loma, a peninsula bordering San Diego Bay.

Shurlock’s bulwark against homosexuality is especially interesting when one considers that Katherine Tingley’s most aggressive weapon against her great rival in the Theosophical world, Annie Besant, head of the Adyar Society, was propaganda, widely distributed in a series of tracts, that denigrated Besant for the continued support within her organization of reputed pederast Charles Webster Leadbeater.

..In 1909, soon after Besant's assumption of the presidency, Leadbeater "discovered" fourteen-year-old Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986), a South Indian boy who had been living, with his father and brother, on the grounds of the headquarters of the Theosophical Society at Adyar, and declared him the probable "vehicle" for the expected "World Teacher".

..In the late 1920s, Besant travelled to the United States with her protégé and adopted son Jiddu Krishnamurti, who she claimed was the new Messiah and incarnation of Buddha. Krishnamurti rejected these claims in 1929.
Krishnamurti later rejected the Theosophists..
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Krishnamurti had a a wealthy benefactress, American Mary Melissa Hoadley Dodge, who was domiciled in England ... dley_Dodge
She was the daughter of Sarah Tappan Hoadley (August 16, 1832 - January 10, 1909) and William Earl Dodge, Jr. (1832-1903) from New York. The family wealth came from a mercantile business that developed into one of the largest copper mining and copper wire manufacturing companies in America called Phelps, Dodge & Co...Mary was one of six children and she, like her sister Grace Hoadley Dodge (1856-1914), remained unmarried and lived with her parents for several years. To seek some independence, Mary moved to London, England. Her father supported her decision, and purchased a house for her in Brompton Square, where she lived with a female companion from New York named Julia Fairchild Schreiner (1864-1953)

Dodge moved from Brompton Square to the more fashionable Eaton Square, and then to Warwick House in the precincts of St James’s Palace.[2] She also had a residence named West Side House, located on West Side, Wimbledon Common, in south-west London. She was well-connected in London society, and corresponded with authors, artists and others including Lord Baden-Powell, Henry James and John Singer Sargent and architect Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens.

Dodge gained a new companion at Warwick House, Countess Muriel De La Warr (née Muriel Agnes Brassey) (1872-1930)[5] (daughter of Lord Thomas Brassey), who had divorced her husband Gilbert Sackville, 8th Earl De La Warr in 1902. Lady Emily Lutyens (1874-1964),[6] architect Edwin Lutyens' wife, introduced Mary and Muriel to Theosophy and to the works of Annie Besant (1847-1933). Dodge provided financial support for the Theosophical Society and for the construction of its London headquarters (designed by Edwin Lutyens) in Tavistock Square. The building is now BMA House, the headquarters of the British Medical Association. When in England during the period 1911-1919, the Krishnamurti brothers lodged in quite a few different places, including with Mary Dodge at West Side House, and in lodgings provided by Muriel De La Warr in 2 different locations: sometimes Old Lodge in Ashdown Forest, Sussex, and sometimes a flat at No. 2 Robert Street, Adelphi, London. In 1913 Dodge settled £500 per year for life on Jiddu, and £300 per year on Jiddu's brother Nitya during the years Nitya was a student at Oxford University..

Dodge and De La Warr also supported the Suffragette movement and became involved with Francis Meynell. They helped him and George Lansbury purchase the Daily Herald, a bankrupt Labour newspaper. It was re-launched as a socialist daily newspaper and supported the militant suffrage campaign. Later the two ladies helped Meynell create the Pelican Press.
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Co-opting the Human Brain: From Project Sanguine to Project ELF

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Sister of Mary was Grace Hoadley Dodge, an American philanthropist who was the first woman appointed a member of the New York Board of Education.

Another sister Alice Hoadley Dodge was married to William Church Osborn
the son of a prominent New York City family who served in a variety of civic roles including president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, president of the Children's Aid Society, and president of the New York Society for the Relief of the Ruptured and Orphaned.
.. His maternal grandfather was businessman and arts patron Jonathan Sturges. His maternal aunt, Amelia "Mimi" Sturges, married banker J. Pierpont Morgan in 1861, but died shortly thereafter in 1862

William and Alice were the parents of:

Grace Dodge Osborn (b. 1887)[11]
Frederick Henry Osborn (1889–1981), a major general who became a eugenicist and married Margaret Schieffelin, a descendant of John Jay.[12]
Aileen Hoadley Osborn (1892–1979),[13] who became an arts patron and who married Vanderbilt Webb in 1912. He was a son of Eliza Osgood Vanderbilt Webb, grandson of William Henry Vanderbilt and great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt.[14]
Earl Dodge Osborn (1893–1988),[15] who founded the EDO Corporation,[16] and donated 1,003 acres to New York, for an expansion of the Fahnstock Park.[17]
William Henry Osborn II (1895–1971),[18] a founder of Scenic Hudson.

His wife died at their home, 40 East 36th Street, in March 1946.[9] Osborn died at his then home, 720 Park Avenue in New York City, on January 3, 1951.[1] After a funeral at the Brick Presbyterian Church on the Upper East Side (which was attended by John D. Rockefeller Jr., Archibald Roosevelt, Bayard Dodge, Henry Sturgis Morgan, Junius S. Morgan, Frederick H. Ecker, and John F. Curry among others), he was buried at Saint Philip's Church Cemetery in Garrison
Last edited by MercurysBall2 on Tue Mar 09, 2021 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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