HAARPsichord ago

Second co-author of the Havard paper is Anatoly Streltsov of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida cies.org/grantee/anatoly-streltsov

Energy from Space Plasma: Dr. Anatoly Streltsov at TEDxEmbryRiddle - you.tu. be /-0-gUNz4H_o

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/greggprescott1/status/1211289870817222656 :

In5D on Twitter: "Today's Schumann Resonance chart shows a MASSIVE 13 hour whiteout, beginning sometime after 6PM last night and ending around 7AM this morning (Eastern time).

How did you and your body react to this energetic influx?

As for myself, I needed SLEEP!… t.co/SJuluXCOsg"

https://archive.ph/wip/LIh1t :

martha on Twitter: "🤔On January 31, 2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann resonance reached frequencies of 36+ Hz. It was considered an anomaly when in 2014 this frequency rose from its usual 7.83 Hz to somewhere in the 15-25 Hz levels so a jump from 7.83 Hz to 36+ Hz is BIG.… t.co/ps7Z6ar4fo"

https://tweetsave.com/pc2dw/status/1211443787832135680 :

Barracuda on Twitter: "June 2014... the date the UAF took over HAARP. 😉… "

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