KillAllPedos ago

I've said this FOR YEARS....PEDOS are a GENETIC RACE!!!!!!


carmencita ago

I very much agree. They are working feverishly to accomplish their goals behind the scenes while people have no clue. They don't care how they get their as long as they get there.

8Ball ago

Like drinking children's blood mixed with adrenaline to stay young. Perhaps the pedophile elites are getting ready to grow their own supply, which requires them to sequence the genome.

carmencita ago

They will do what they have to. Sick Sick Sick. I feel like I am in a weird coma version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and can't wake up. Somebody Shake Me.

carmencita ago

Upvoat4U. This is scary at best. They will keep trying unless they are stopped. A big push for the FDA to pull in the reins is in high order. Trump should be pushing this is he is the Swamp Drainer everybody says he is. Your post is so important.

13Buddha ago

Thanks, @carmencita, and appreciated.

carmencita ago

No prob. I meant it :)

equineluvr ago

General discussions about pedophila do not meet submission criteria here.

That is what the mod(s) who deleted my submissions told me. Fair is fair.

13Buddha ago

This is not a "general discussion." The ability is here to do whatever you want with DNA, and there are no regulations in place. This fact alone is frightening. Studies have linked genetics with pedophilia. Yes, they are recent studies and more research needs to be done now that genome sequencing has been conquered. The subject bears watching.

And who said the mods are always fair? Some are, some are not. That is just my opinion, and I believe all, if not most of us who have been active contrbutors to pizzagate have experienced their wrath and what we consider to be unfairness to us. Then again, somebody has to mind the store or pizzagate would not be a subverse.