MercurysBall2 ago

University of Pittsburgh

Development of the polio vaccine

In the early 20th century, epidemics of polio began to hit the United States and other industrialized countries. As hospitals filled with patients in iron lungs, and tens of thousands were left disabled, the fear of polio grew, leading to the closing of many public facilities. Meanwhile, Dr. Jonas Salk had set up the University of Pittsburgh's Virus Research Lab in the basement of what is now Salk Hall. By 1951, Salk and his team had begun immunization experiments in monkeys using dead polio virus. Soon, however, Salk began to test inoculations in paralyzed polio patients and by 1953 human trials among the general population were initiated. By the spring of the following year, the largest controlled field trials in medical history were underway, and by 1955 the vaccine developed by Salk and his researchers was declared effective. By 1962, Salk's vaccine had reduced the incidence of polio in the United States by 95 percent. The breakthroughs in immunology and vaccine development at Pitt by Salk and his team are considered one of the most significant scientific and medical achievements in history.

Pitt is a leading producer of Peace Corps volunteers.[91][94] According to the Peace Corps' 2008 ranking of colleges and universities, only 14 schools in the nation produced more Peace Corps volunteers.[95] Pitt's graduate school also ranked 10th for most alumni Peace Corps volunteers.

.."Greek Week" is a yearlong initiative for the Greek organizations on campus to raise money for different charitable organizations through different events. The two biggest events each year are the Pitt Dance Marathon and Greek Sing. Yearlong fundraising activities are also held to support such charitable organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House, Make a Wish Foundation, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, and the Pittsburgh Food Bank.

MercurysBall2 ago

Vaccine Modeling Initiative

The Vaccine Modeling Initiative (VMI) is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and directed by Dr. Donald Burke, Dean of the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. The VMI is a research consortium between the University of Pittsburgh, Imperial College London and Princeton University with collaborators in many other institutes such as the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center...

A new version of FRED (A Framework for Reconstructing Epidemiological Dynamics) will soon be ready for release. FRED is a tool for building epidemiological agent-based (individual-based) models and is designed to study how patterns of health conditions in defined populations vary over time. The new FRED will make population modeling easier. It is a unique tool for social science modeling and no computer programming is needed. A systems thinking approach is required to identify conditions of interest, their states, and the rules for changing states. FRED will simplify the workflow environment and manage the data produced by the simulation. To read more about the new FRED platform,

MercurysBall2 ago

Turns out that Donald Burke co-wrote a paper on social distancing with Neil Ferguson in 2006 : . Ferguson NM, Cummings DA, Fraser C,

Cajka JC, Cooley PC, Burke DS. Strategies formitigating an influenza pandemic. Nature. 2006 Jul 27;442(7101):448-52.

COHENCIDENTALLY, in the same year Robert Glass at Sandia National Labs along with his high school daughter (yup) did the same: The 2006 Origins of the Lockdown Idea

Laura’s name appears on the foundational paper arguing for lockdowns and forced human separation. That paper is Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza (2006). It set out a model for forced separation and applied it with good results backwards in time to 1957. They conclude with a chilling call for what amounts to a totalitarian lockdown, all stated very matter-of-factly.

Papers are listed in this document:

which I found because of another paper written by Glass:

I present the story of my and colleagues' involvement in formulating the US's policy for mitigating pandemic influenza that culminated in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's issuance of Interim Pre-Pandemic Planning Guidance in February 2007. Modeling lies at the heart of this formulation, but interaction, drive, serendipity, hard work, and advocacy for the use of models to select robust policy in the face of great uncertainty were required for its actualization. Reflecting on this entire process, and others in which high impact influence has been achieved, has led myself and colleagues to the recognition that nearly all the systems we wish to influence can be categorized as Complex Adaptive Systems of Systems or CASoS and that our field of endeavor is CASoS Engineering.

Related: Origins of lockdown theory, Albuquerque High School, Sandia Labs, Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Gates

MercurysBall2 ago

In the Glass lock down paper:

We thank Louise Maffitt, Paul Kaplan, Nancy Brodsky, Theresa Brown, George Barr, Richard Hatchett, Carter Mecher, and Neil Ferguson for discussions and suggestions.

This research was supported by the National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center, a program of the Department of Homeland Security's Infrastructure Protection/Risk Management Division composed of a core partnership of Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory. Sandia is operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company of the US Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.

MercurysBall2 ago

Turns out Ferguson and Glass were at the same workshop in 2006 Agenda: Modeling Community Containment Workshop

Workshop - Day One: Wednesday, October 25, 2006

11:15 – 1:30 p.m.

(45 minutes each)

Modeling Targeted Layered Containment: The MIDAS efforts

Neil Ferguson, Imperial College, London

Steve Eubank, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Ira Longini, University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine

2:45 – 3:30 p.m.

Local Mitigation Strategies for Pandemic Influenza

Robert Glass, Sandia National Laboratories

plancktonne ago

UK Daily Mail: "Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion: Billionaire paedophile lined up three women to meet Duke who was given room nicknamed Britannica and had foot massage while watching King's Speech film."

Shame on us! Here we've been accusing Jeffrey and his guests, the highest of English Royalty, the most respected scientists, the greatest cartoonists, the most celebrated celebs and exalted super-multi-billionaires of the most vile crimes imaginable including Satanic sacrifices and cannibalism.

Now it's revealed the activities were the very picture of innocence. Gentlemen getting their weary feet massaged by young girls while watching movies. Not porn either; what could be more proper and unporn than The King's Speech?

So what if some of the girls were eleven. There's nothing illegal about that. They could have been 4 or 5. The little girls should be proud of the contributions to the progress of science, animation, acting and high-finance that they've made.

plancktonne ago

Around the decades 1990 and 2000 there were tales of the deaths of many bio-scientists, more than a few were obvious or thinly disguised assassinations. I recall a number of stories of such deaths in the UK, Canada and possibly Australia. All I can find in a quick search is two lists, both on what look like "conspiracy" sites. [Both are banned domains. Can't link.]

Bioterror Bible Dead Scientists

List of over 100 Dead Microbiologists

I didn't pay much attention at the time, since the discussions involved the Middle East and UK / Russia assassinations. Anybody else remember this?

plancktonne ago

If lawyers are busy putting together trillion dollar lawsuits against China, they might include these scientists. Especially the ones involved with Epstein. Not that they have any money, but discovery would be interesting:

"Now, Doctor Soandsuch, did you not find it peculiar to receive a foot massage from an eleven year old stewardess on the Lolita Express on the way to Pedophile Island for a high level scientific conference?" and "Mr. G. on your numerous visits to Mr. Epstein's Manhattan mansion, did you have occasion to use the secret, lead-lined, sound-proof and radiation-proof bathroom?"

MercurysBall2 ago

On the University of Pittsburgh and the Chinese Communist Party and organ trafficking:

[The Plague and the Communist Party] The relationship between the University of Pittsburgh and the Communist Party -

The University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine (UPMC), located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ’s second largest city , has helped the CCP train many organ transplant doctors over the years, and assists in the abuse of organ harvesting for Falun Gong practitioners. There is a lot of solid evidence in the world to confirm that in the past 20 years, the Chinese Communist regime has mass murdered criminals of conscience and even harvested organs for transplants for profit.

UPMC has the world's oldest organ transplantation research institute with high academic status-Thomas E. Starzl Organ Transplantation Research Institute. The CCP sends people here every year to study organ transplantation. Before 2003 alone, at least more than 130 Chinese doctors studied at the University of Pittsburgh , and 70 of them studied clinical liver transplantation.

In addition, UPMC also has in-depth cooperation with many medical institutions in China, especially in cooperation with Wanda Group to build large-scale hospitals in 5 first-tier cities in China. UPMC sends management and technical experts to operate.

The Epoch Times special article "Viruses Coming Against the Communist Party" article pointed out that countries, regions, groups and individuals that were severely affected by the epidemic have close relations with the CCP. Pennsylvania is the fourth most severe state in the United States. This is closely related to the University of Pittsburgh ’s close cooperation with the Chinese medical community for more than a decade.

Close cooperation between the transplantation community of the Chinese Communist Party and UPMC

Many Chinese hospitals, universities and UPMC's Thomas E. Starzl organ transplantation research all have close cooperation. According to a report from the Shanghai Office of the Ministry of Commerce on January 8, 2004, the cooperation center between Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital and Thomas E. Starzl Organ Transplant Institute was established in Shanghai. Both sides exchanged scholars to exchange, visit and give lectures to improve the comprehensive level of organ transplantation.

China Tongji Hospital and Peking Union Medical College Hospital once sent directors and delegations to UPMC and Thomas E. Starzl Organ Transplant Institute to visit and recruit talents. Professor Wang Guobin, Dean of Union Hospital, was also awarded as a visiting professor of surgery by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

Phoenix Weekly reported on January 16, 2013 that every year, medical institutions in China send people to the Thomas E. Starzl Organ Transplant Institute for organ transplant training and exchange of experience.

According to a notice on the website of Xi'an Jiaotong University on October 14, 2003: "Professor Zhu Yue will visit our first hospital to guide liver transplantation in the near future. He is the director of the Basic Research Office of the Pittsburgh Organ Transplant Center in the United States, director of Asian affairs, and Member of the Society of Organ Transplantation, and also an honorary professor of five liver transplant centers in China. He often returns to China to give lectures and guide liver transplantation work. Work, has received more than 130 domestic scholars to study in Pittsburgh, including 70 experts specializing in clinical liver transplantation. "

According to the website of the "Follow-up Persecution of Falun Gong International" website, Zhu Yue also served as professor of hepatobiliary surgery in Beijing Youan Hospital and director of the Sino-US Liver Transplant Collaboration Center (US side). The hospital is designated as a hospital for liver transplantation by the Ministry of Health of the Communist Party of China. In March 2003, the hospital established a liver transplant center, and in August 2004 jointly established the Sino-US Liver Transplant Collaboration Center with the Thomas E. Starzl Organ Transplant Institute. From April 2004 to April 2013, the hospital performed 612 cases of liver transplantation.

Wanda Group and UPMC cooperate to build 5 hospitals in China

According to Xinhuanet's report on June 27, 2019, Wanda Group and UPMC signed an international hospital operation and management agreement on June 25, 2019 in Chengdu. UPMC will appoint five world-class medical management experts to serve as the core management personnel such as the CEO, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Information Officer of Chengdu Wanda-UPMC International Hospital. At the same time, UPMC will also appoint 10 world-class medical experts as full-time doctors in Chengdu Hospital and take the lead in the key departments of the hospital.

In addition, UPMC sends 20 world-class medical experts to Chengdu Hospital for professional skills training each year; Chengdu Hospital sends 50 Chinese backbone technicians to UPMC US headquarters for training for 3 months; Chengdu Hospital doctors pass the UPMC practicing qualification certification and meet the requirements Applicants can obtain the titles of professor and associate professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine; Chengdu Hospital can introduce advanced medical technology developed by UPMC in real time.

The South China Morning Post reported on June 26, 2019 that Wanda and UPMC's Chengdu Hospital cost 6 billion yuan ($ 870 million). "This is part of Wanda and UPMC's plan to build a hospital in five major cities in China. The other hospital will be in Guangzhou and will be worth 6 billion yuan (870 million US dollars)."

The UPMC website reported on October 4, 2016 that Professor Timothy Billiar, the director of the Department of Surgery of UPMC and the deputy director of the Department of Medicine of the International Department, received the Friendship Award from the Chinese Communist Party Government. This is the highest "honor" granted by the Chinese Communist Party to foreign experts. He was recommended by the Central South University in Changsha, Hunan Province for facilitating the exchange program between students and doctors, and promoting the research and training program for Chinese medical students at UPMC.

..UPMC is a founding member of the US-China Healthcare Cooperation Program (HCP). This is a public-private partnership composed of 18 companies and 10 non-profit organizations. It is supported by US government agencies and the Chinese Communist Party ’s Department of Health and Commerce. It is engaged in technical cooperation, training, and market development in both countries.


MercurysBall2 ago

Liu was a research assistant professor in UPMC's Computational and Systems Biology Department

Searching for Hao Gu brought up the Pittsburgh Chinese School as the school registrar. This information seems to have already been removed from the school's website but we can still find evidence : here

Screenshots :

OMG : Pittsburgh Chinese School

Dear members:

First of all, I sincerely thank you for participating in the donation activity organized by the Chinese School in January this year to assist Wuhan, China

MercurysBall2 ago

Found an interesting comment re Robert Wood Johnson...

At about the same time that Libet was falling for Lionel, Cambodia “wrapped itself around my heart,” as she put it in a video about her charity. Libet thinks of herself as an idealist. Cambodia allowed her to put her wherewithal where her idealism was, something she’d rarely done before.

Of course, since Libet’s grandfather Robert Wood Johnson Jr. built Johnson & Johnson into a pharmaceutical giant, every Johnson has had the wherewithal to do anything—or nothing. The special existential challenge for the Johnsons has been this: What does someone who doesn’t have to do anything do?

..Then she discovered Cambodia, which she thought was the missing piece of the puzzle. The country is overrun with children, 9 percent of them orphans. For a small amount of money—$10 million is not much for a Johnson—Libet built Golden Children, a community for orphans on the banks of the Mekong River in Phnom Penh. She recruited, and paid, parents to raise the children and teachers to educate them.

MercurysBall2 ago

Very interesting. Thank you.

Coronavirus In Pittsburgh: Researcher Killed In Apparent Murder-Suicide Was Close To ‘Making Very Significant Findings’ Related To COVID-19, Pitt Says

ROSS TOWNSHIP, Pa. (KDKA) – A researcher killed in an apparent murder-suicide was close to “making very significant findings” related to the coronavirus, his department at the University of Pittsburgh said.

Two shootings that happened over the weekend in Ross Township appear to be a murder-suicide, according to police.

kestrel9 ago

The Hao Gu that is believed to have killed Dr. Bing Liu worked for 16 years as a software engineer (award winning and architect of the 'things' for the internet of things at Eaton) Eaton supports the Pittsburgh Chinese School. See linkedinpage https://www.

MercurysBall2 ago

Eaton supports the Pittsburgh Chinese School

Have you got a link?

kestrel9 ago

I'm going off the assumption that the companies listed on the side bar are supporters, because Amazon showed up in their banner as a supporter and they are on the sidebar.