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MercurysBall2 ago

Marfa Ballroom is run by Fairfax Dorn and husband Marc Glimcher of Pace Gallery

Marc Glimcher (born September 16, 1963) is an American art dealer who is the President and CEO of Pace Gallery, a modern and contemporary art gallery founded by his father, Arne Glimcher, in Boston in 1960. He is regularly cited among the top 25 most powerful people in the international art world, according to the annual "Power 100" list published by ArtReview.[1] In 2012, Glimcher made international headlines for selling a Gerhard Richter painting for more than $20 million at Art Basel in Basel, Switzerland.

Glimcher was born in New York City the second son (his brother is neuroeconomist and neuroscientist Paul W. Glimcher) to Mildred “Milly” and Arnold “Arne” Glimcher, an art historian and art dealer respectively, who together founded Pace Gallery in Boston in 1960. He graduated from Harvard University in 1985 with a degree in biological anthropology, and from 1989 to 1991 studied biochemistry and immunology at Johns Hopkins University.

Paul W. Glimcher (born November 3, 1961) is an American neuroeconomist, neuroscientist, psychologist, economist, scholar, and entrepreneur. He is one of the foremost researchers focused on the study of human behavior and decision-making, and is known for his central role in founding and developing the field of neuroeconomics which takes an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how humans make decisions. Glimcher also founded the Institute for the Study of Decision Making at New York University, which he currently directs.

Glimcher holds the Julius Silver, Rosyln S. Silver and Enid Silver Winslow Chair of Neural Science at New York University (NYU) in the School of Arts and Sciences where he also holds professorial appointments in Economics and Psychology, and in Neuroscience and Physiology in NYU's School of Medicine. He is also the founder of the HUMAN Project, a large-scale interdisciplinary longitudinal study, and Datacubed Health, a start-up company focused on developing and marketing new Software-as-a-Service (PaaS) technologies in the healthcare industry and biomedical/behavioral research domain.

The HUMAN Project

After starting up the Institute for the Study of Decision Making in 2014, Glimcher––working with Miyoung Chun of The Kavli Foundation––also began the development of a new interdisciplinary longitudinal study sponsored by The Kavli Foundation, called the Kavli HUMAN Project. One of his signature achievements, the Kavli HUMAN Project is a “big human data” research platform that took its inspiration from big data surveys in other disciplines, in particular the astronomy community's Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Voat post:

The BRAIN Initiative started at the instigation of the Kavli Foundation. On Optogenetics and EPSTEIN related. :

he BRAIN Initiative started at the instigation of the Kavli Foundation. They were hosting a series of brainstorms about what nanoscientists and neuroscientists could do together, and Paul Alivisatos and George Church and Rafael Yuste and many people at that border were at these early sessions.

...IARPA is involved. They are trying to do a hard push for short-term mammalian brain circuit mapping based upon existing technology, and sort of a small part of that more on the technology development side. Most of the money is on the application side. But we have some new tools that we think can be very, very helpful.

...I can tell you about a collaboration that we have with George Church. George’s group for about fifteen years now has been trying to work on a technology called in situ sequencing, and what that means is can you sequence the genetic code and also the expressed genes, the recipes of cells, right there inside the cells?

Of course George Church is one of the Epstein related scientists.

George Church + IARPA + Edge

He has also pioneered new privacy, biosafety, ELSI, environmental and biosecurity policies. He is director of an IARPA BRAIN Project and NIH Center for Excellence in Genomic Science.

Optogenetics is of interest because of their brain experiments which can be seen to potentially be leading to modern forms of mind control. And as Epstein is involved...


Nice work Merc!

MK Ultra findings evolved = "nanoscientists and neuroscientists"

MercurysBall2 ago

And I just noticed: George Church + NIH Center for Excellence in Genomic Science

That definitely needs further looking into.


On it ...

MercurysBall2 ago


MK Ultra findings evolved = "nanoscientists and neuroscientists"

Nailed it.