OhRutherfordBehave ago

We need solar and wind energy really bad. And people need to start implementing it themselves on their own land, circumventing the utility companies. We need to start depending on ourselves to the greatest extent possible. Interesting that they are doing some good.

ASolo ago

We need an alternative form of energy altogether separate from the kinds they tell us to use. I'm pretty sure Nicholas Tesla was somewhere around the bend to a power source that was virtually pollution free as the 'ancients' might have utilized until this modern era.

strix-varia ago

Except they are finding out that solar panels aren't working as well as they should, are being scrapped and contain very noxious substances. The countless batteries required are bad enough. Wind energy, if you're speaking of wind farms, emit infrasound and if there are enough and you live close by, it is said that they can drive you nuts. Although maybe small windmills on property would be the best choice. Having said that, I agree that we need to depend on ourselves and stop leaving it in the hands of government, but as I see it it's almost too late. The vultures have infested the world.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Seriously. Cant get my parents to move an inch in the right direction, they were made too comfortable by society and they don't realize that they could lose that paradyme at any moment. I think with the utilization of graphene the problems with solar panels will be solved, and obviously we just need to continue researching, we will fix the problems undoubtedly.

You should check out heating your water with solar energy, it looks really simple, just need a metal panel that holds water painted black. And then you need to hook it up to your water system.

strix-varia ago

Yes, you are right about older folks being so stuck in their comfort. We've got troves of people driving humongous buses around because they don't like the weather where they are in the winter. It's insanity. This comfort will not last and will be a shock to most people who are oblivious to what is happening in the world. Red pilling your folks might help however, I myself, have not had any luck convincing anyone I know. I'm an older folk, but not too old. I can still chop wood and carry water. I've been red-pilled to no end.

I have a small solar system that I will be installing this spring if it ever stops raining or snowing where I live (they are chem spraying like crazy these days). I've also discovered that you can heat a small greenhouse simply with 4 litre milk jugs, painted black. They will provide enough heat in cool spring and fall. I will look into the water heating for sure.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

They are chem trailing the fuck out of the town where I live as well, and is part of the reason I am going to stop going to college. Can you explain how to heat a small greenhouse with the milk jugs? Wont it heat itself? Why do you need to heat it more?

strix-varia ago

I haven't done it yet, but here's a link http://homeguides.sfgate.com/heat-greenhouse-during-winter-water-21599.html I live in a climate that is quite cool (cold), in the mountains and the greenhouse needs more heat at night. This method will keep it warmer at night apparently. The problem is is that they haven't stopped spraying and it has been raining and snowing literally for f*kg weeks and if it stops for a bit, then there's nothing but fog, so I haven't seen the sun for a long time to get the jugs warm.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya the spraying dims the earth by 10-15%.

strix-varia ago

Causes blue sky to look metallic grey

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Metal oxides. Thorium selenium and 2 others i forgot.

strix-varia ago

I think aluminum and barium? Anyway, it pisses me off to no end and after seeing one that looked like a perfectly made double helix dna strand, I don't know what to think about it. A perfect double helix dna strand made out of a chemtrail!!!!!!!!!

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya i thinks thats it. Ive never heard of a double helix chemtrail....

strix-varia ago

It just looked like a really bad omen, really bad.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

"The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm run by James Alefanits..." Please explain.

ASolo ago

I'm sorry, but you are simply reading the expression of the sentence incorrectly, I also had to read it a few times.

cantsleepawink ago

Pelosi filing shows financial disclosure loophole



As president of AKT, Tsakopoulos Kounalakis has overseen a land development company involved in real estate, farming, ranching, water and minerals projects throughout Northern and Central California. Her closeness to her father has extended beyond helping run the family business and into bankrolling statewide and national election campaigns.

Eleni’s father: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20091009005789/en/Kyriakos-Tsakopoulos-Named-President-CEO-AKT-Development

Mr. Tsakopoulos is a Member of the Forum of Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum/Davos, Switzerland, and is an Archon/Knight Commander of the Holy Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. He founded the “Aristotle and the Moderns Chair” in Hellenic Studies at Columbia University.


As Investor’s Business Daily reports, the winner of the 2003 César Chávez Legacy Award from the United Farm Workers does not herself employ unionized workers.

Top contributors to Pelosi: https://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/contrib.php?cycle=2016&cid=N00007360&type=I&newmem=N

Here's a video where she is exposed for not paying her interns anything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7KV8W2UiAuA

ASolo ago

So very interesting. She's obviously Greek, the father's Greek studies, and most likely the entire family is in the order of AHEPA, as well as for being ambassador in the land of vampires.

Alefantis & The freemasonic order of Ahepa 2016 1000 POINTS OF LIGHT https://youtu.be/h7mXSrjA434