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cantsleepawink ago

Notice the language used in this quote from the police department:

“Tonight, his body lost this fight. We would like to offer our condolences to his wife, April, and their loved ones. We say “body” because his spirit will live on with all of us. Bill was truly the best of mankind. Always willing to help, always willing to go the extra mile. Bill was a big man, with a bigger heart.”

Anyone who has ever attended a church mass will recognize the language of religion.

I believe also that the location and name RIGBY is significant. And is connected to other events as per my comment on this post :

I've never been big on Germatria but the word POLICE in English Germatria equates to 360 and RIGBY equates to 366

This incident in my view had some ritualistic significance. There is no doubt in my mind that we are dealing with occult practitioners.

For newcomers to these ideas, I think this video which includes the Lee RIGBY incident and connections to the occult, is quite an insightful introduction :

carmencita ago

Eleanor Rigby - she kept her face in a jar by the door, there are all kinds of crazy connections in this article to the occult....Father Mackenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, Liverpool, pickled bodies, this brings to mind the pickled baby in the home of Barbara Bush. This article should definitely be looked at....those of the occult may seek out Rigby, Idaho for a reason....I am still going through this is an amazing account of how the Beatles are tied to the occult and it even includes Freemasonry. PLEASE Take A Look @argosciv

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting article, thanks. One curious thing about Rigby I just found- it was directly in the path of the solar eclipse on 21st August:

And the museum closed for the event. They hosted speakers from NASA in the days before:

carmencita ago

This is really taking on a life of it's own....Rigby. I truly think the occult is involved somehow. Maybe all of these things mentioned and others from the past have made people think of it as a small mecca of the occult. Those two are another reason. This is all becoming too bizarre.

cantsleepawink ago

How did I miss this ?? > Rigby is most famous for being the "birthplace of television", a title the city can attribute to a high school student named Philo Taylor Farnsworth.

Interesting because in the UK, Hastings on the south coastline is known as the birthplace of television. It is also known as an area with much occult practictioners. Aleister Crowley died there too.

carmencita ago

Yes, there is even a museum of sorts in Rigby dedicated to him. There is some really weird stuff going on with all this. Liverpool is a Cesspool and somehow Rigby is connected. John Lennon lived with his Uncle George TooGood Smith who bestowed too many kisses and time putting him to bed every night according to the wife. His Uncle is also buried in the cemetery. They lived in Mandip house on Manlove St. Too many signs in Liverpool, imo. Where was Gray taking that sand and for what? Is sand used for bombs or explosives?