Potential Smoking Gun in the Madeline McCan Case

Investigating corruption, child trafficking and abuse uncovered in the WikiLeaks Podesta emails.

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Potential Smoking Gun in the Madeline McCan Case

Post by darkknight111 »

https://mobile.twitter.com/crazyzombien ... 5757768709

Those who are more tech savy than me, can we confirm the man in the yellow circle is indeed Gerry McCan (Madeline’s father).

If that is him, then the red shoes he’s wearing are the smoking gun implicating him in Madeline’s murder.

We have a motive too. Sacrifice his daughter to join the “elites”. I suspect those particular shoes were made from his daughter’s skin.
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Re: Potential Smoking Gun in the Madeline McCan Case

Post by Thisismyaccount »

Very interesting development to be sure.
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Re: Potential Smoking Gun in the Madeline McCan Case

Post by Heisenberg123 »

In this good quality picture it doesnt look like him anymore. Maybe similar.. Dates would help a lot.

https://preview.redd.it/hm2xftqh1od51.j ... 75909c129e

Potential ties between McCann and Podesta brothers circle:


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... Canns.html
It's three months since Maddy vanished and her parents are grieving in very different ways. He's thinking about moving back to Britain and starting to rebuild their lives. She's still lost in despair and cannot bear to leave Portugal
On Wednesday evening, Gerry McCann flew back to Portugal after a hectic three day trip to Washington DC - the latest and farthest-flung staging post on his mission to champion the cause of abducted children and maximise publicity for his missing daughter, Madeleine.
Do we have a date of Tony Podesta red shoe club pic? If we find it that would help a lot.


Richard Branson pops up very fast above.. Hes connected with Epstein and Podesta circles..

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnew ... na20807215
Richard Branson helps McCanns clear name
Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Group, pledged $200,000 on Sunday to help the British couple declared suspects in the disappearance of their young daughter to clear their name, a spokeswoman said.
As we remember he hosted pedo NXVIM cult members on his island which is not far from Epstein island.

In bigger context some ties here:


Freud ties in bigger context here:


And dont forget creepy Italian Gio Forbice posts about human skin shoes predating Pizzagate, Tony Podesta and James Alefantis are very much linked in Italy, perhaps they could be linked to high circles of aristocracy and old dynasties (like their common friend Michael Louis Giacalone)




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Re: Potential Smoking Gun in the Madeline McCan Case

Post by darkknight111 »

This case is eerily similar to the Adam Walsh case.
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