Votescam ago

slick --

Isn't the eternal presumption now that many or even everyone appointed or employed in these "missing children" organizations and any of their contacts are involved in this. Same for any other institutions working to "help" children. None of them seem to be trustworthy.

Though I don't mean a parent like McCann seeking the help of what should be a legitimate "missing" organization. Caution: it would be dangerous to presume that every father of a kidnapped child is involved in setting it up.

Of course we can't dismiss parents as a link to kidnappings because that has proven true in many of these cases -- from Johnny Gosch where Noreen Gosch (his mother) discovered a number of years later that her husband was involved in setting up the kidnapping.

Also, as Kathy O'Brien and other MKULTRA victims tells us their fathers were their first sexual abusers and that the fathers were either approached by someone connected to CIA to arrange deal making and the fathers were said to have succeeded thereafter in employment and earnings. Perhaps this info circulated in pedophile circles at the time? Actually, rather likely, imo.

What we do know without question is that males are our sexual abusers of children. And that officials in our government have to be involved (as do various government agencies) in order to protect this activity.

slickleg64 ago

The level of cover up from British government and the bizarre behavior from the parents is what makes this case so controversial, its something worth looking into as it is something clearly involved on a higher level pre-pizzagate. Even if it is not anything to do with podestas , the truth will uncover something big. If the black child had compulsive lying creep parents with deep connections and government level of mainstream shilling, then yes she would matter.

Honestly the only thing convincing about John is the emails and possibly the "fatherhood" video. I'm more convinced his brother Tony is the real creep.

strix-varia ago

Another company to unplug from....anything Virgin (just the name alone says a lot).

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

WTF!!! I checked Podesta emails to see what he was up to during the time that Gerry McCann was in DC. This is the only email from June 17, 2007 to September 18, 2007.

The subject line looks like spam, but the body of the email looks like code.

Silverlining ago

email mentions a domain apparently for sale?? In the source, the addressee of the podesta address is Lindsay Goins. Who she?

search shows no but is European Society of Aesthetic Gynecology - I assumed penis enlargement, but they seem to focus on vaginas.
ESAG 2nd World Congress May 2017 Dates : 10-05-2017 - 12-05-2017 Location : Melia Castilla Hotel, Calle del Capitán Haya 43, Madrid, Spain

One could always email the source Terry Goldberg - [email protected] and straight out ask him what it was all about.

In the coding there is a next part and some code - for the techies. Possibly search the podesta emails for Terry and

Choice of Terry Goldbergs on search. First two are the same guy Professor & Director of Research in Neurocognition, Litwin-Zucker Center for Alzheimer’s Disease & Memory Disorders, Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Hofstra Northwell School of Medicine Currently, I have several primary areas of interest: identifying genes associated with normal variations in cognitive function and relevant to cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, developing an account episodic memory impairments in schizophrenia using genetic dissection, fMRI, cognitive science and computational models, understanding the cognitive underpinnings of thought disorder in schizophrenia in mechanistic terms and assessing cognitive enhancing drugs in schizophrenia.

Then you are on to personal injury lawyer, super lawyer in Ca. and someone wanting the right to die - euthanasia?

Votescam ago

Doesn't look like that email will be easily figured out.

slickleg64 ago

Wow this is really odd

Don-Keyhote ago

They're also connected through Matthew Freud/chipping Norton set which is a UK clique of media and political peo0le suspected Satanists

keepthefaith ago

indeed. discussed on here many a time.

siegnagel ago

I'll guarantee McCann wasn't abducted by anyone. Not the Podestas, not the 'faceless' man Jane Tanner saw. No-one. Her parents killed her through neglect. This is a blind alley.

TweedleDee3000 ago

You can go back to your synagogue now, pedo shill boy.

siegnagel ago

Shut up you fucking idiot. You don't know what you're talking about. Try researching before commenting.

Clinker ago

Aren't you supposed to be able to find a connection between any two people in the US within 6 links?

TweedleDee3000 ago

The person who wrote this "six degrees" post is an obvious satanist pedo jew shill.

TweedleDee3000 ago

You can go back to your syngagogue of satan now, shill boy.

rwb ago

No serious Madeleine McCann researcher thinks that the Podesta emails and the photos of the Podesta brothers have anything to do with the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

If being accused of not being serious about McCann or PG is the price to pay for seeing a potential connection between suspect photos and JP emails, I'll wear the badge.

John Podesta's Chief of Staff in for Hillary 2016 was Sarah Latham. She was former communications director at public relations firm Freud Communications. That would be Mathew Freud, son of Clement Freud, known pedophile with a villa 1/3 of a mile from where Maddie was taken. McCann's were guests of C. Freud not long after the abduction. By my reckoning, that's three narrow degrees of separation down to a four minute jog from the hotel to Freud's villa.

Coupled with Wikileaks Podesta emails starting two days after Maddie's disappearance (one can infer all previous emails may have been deleted to cover travel/itinerary history, hence they were unavailable to Wikileaks) and the great lag of another six weeks until he makes another email and resumes anything that could be considered regular email traffic (one can infer several suspicious things here) a more direct connection cannot remotely be dismissed out of hand. If these are just coincidences, J &TP have to be considered two of the unluckiest men alive to have such coincidences befall them. If there is any information that disproves the possibility of the more direct potential connection as just outlined, kindly respond with same.

Clinker ago

I'm totally with you that the Podesta bros took Madeleine. I think every single point you make above is valid, and helps prove the case. I just think that the OP here is making the theory look silly because his argument is so easily dismissed.

Ihatepizza2 ago

I would advise caution because "six degrees of separation" can pretty much link any two people on the planet.

slickleg64 ago

Not in a crime ring. aka in the world of hard drugs, you always score by knowing a guy who knows a guy and so on. I'd imagine child sex trafficking would be similar, Unusual coincidence for someone like Gerry Mccann.

Edit: In saying that would make sense if Jeffery Epstein acted as the middle man and Richard Branson/ Ernie Allen were ones who knew the "customers" Also since Ernie Allen is involved with NCMEC/ICMEC this makes a link to the recent development with Brian Podesta.

Votescam ago

And human trafficking and drug trafficking seem to run together.

equineluvr ago

Wow. You may be onto something. Good find! Thanks for sharing.

slickleg64 ago

This forum is a goldmine for anything mcann related, and it has a decent amount of shills present which makes it good dig.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle Hampstead's Pizzagate and Dolphin Square New Links in the Madeline McCann Disappearence

slickleg64 ago

ICMEC History:

ICMEC held its first Board of Directors meeting in May 1998. It was officially launched in April 1999 at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton, then-First Lady of the United States, and Cherie Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

[size=16]In November 2014, Ambassador Maura Harty was appointed President & CEO of ICMEC The Board of Directors of ICMEC includes: Mary Banotti, Daniel Cardon de Lichtbuer, Raymond F. Schinazi ICMEC Inaugural Gala Gotham Hall NYC | May 7 2015 : 193 Photos with Names Black Tie : ICMEC May 2015 Photos US European Summit on Missing & Exploited Children OCT 2005 Roche Forum Buonas, Switzerland .pdf Office of Children's Issues The Office of Children's Issues is an agency of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, which in turn is part of the U.S. Department of State. The Office of Children’s Issues was created in 1994 under the leadership of Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Mary Ryan and that of her successor Maura Harty. The Office of Children's Issues develops and coordinates policies and programs related to international child abduction. In this respect, it is the U.S. Central Authority under the terms of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption. WePROTECT WePROTECT is a global alliance led by the UK government, founded by Baroness Joanna Shields and supported by over 63 countries, 20 technology companies and 30 NGOs to stop the global crime of online child sexual abuse and exploitation. Chairman: Ernie Allen Jeff Koons[/size]


15d Anon broke down a few things on Amb Elizabeth Frawley Bagley & ironically I was researching her deep/longtime ties to the DNC & Clinton Cabal a few months ago. Her husband Smith Bagley died in 2010, was an heir to RJ Reynolds fortune, a prominent Democratic fundraiser & DC/Georgetown socialite (Tobacco). The couple has two children Vaughan Elizabeth Bagley and Conor Reynolds Bagley. Elizabeth Bagley is on NDI (National Democratic Institute) Board of Directors

Within a few years, the headlines were less flattering. In 1980, Mr. Bagley settled a civil suit with the Securities and Exchange Commission over government charges that he and others artificially inflated the price of the stock of the Washington Group, a North Carolina textile and food conglomerate he led.

Months earlier, a U.S. District Court jury in Richmond had found Mr. Bagley and four other defendants innocent of all criminal charges in a related stock manipulation and conspiracy case. The company went bankrupt in June 1977. Both the judge and Mr. Bagley accused the Justice Department of overzealous prosecution.

His marriages to Sandra Peabody Robinson and Vicki Bagley ended in divorce.

Survivors include his wife of 26 years, Elizabeth Frawley Bagley of Washington; a son from his first marriage, Walker Bagley of Lexington, Ky.; three children from his second marriage, Nancy Reynolds Bagley and Nicole Ladmer Bagley, both of Washington, and Brett Dylan Bagley of New York; two children from his third marriage, Vaughan Elizabeth Bagley and Conor Reynolds Bagley, both of Washington; a sister, Susan Bagley Bloom of Vancouver, Canada; and five grandchildren.1

Smith Bagley, Executive and Democratic Fund-Raiser, Dies at 74

Over the years, the Bagleys frequently opened their homes to fund-raising events for Democratic candidates, including Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and Senators Edward M. Kennedy and John Kerry. Last year they raised $600,000 to help pay for events celebrating President Obama’s inauguration.

Among his civic activities, he was president of the Arca Foundation, which focuses on social equity in developing countries

Smith Bagley funeral a gathering of his fellow Democrats

"After all these years -- decades of friendship -- this is the first event I've attended for him," said Bill Clinton, who delivered the closing eulogy at Georgetown's Holy Trinity Catholic Church. "This man, notwithstanding the circumstances in which he was born or the wealth he generated for himself, always found a way to give more than he took."

The church was packed with family and friends: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former DNC chair Terry McAuliffe, former secretary of state Madeleine Albright, members of Congress, and plenty of people who benefited from Bagley's deep-pocket, behind-the-scenes generosity.

2007 (28 June) Dr Gerry McCann: “I have no doubt we will be able to sustain a high profile for Madeleine’s disappearance in the long-term”.

2017 (February) Dr Kate McCann…thrust into a global bidding war…news giants battle to sign her up for the 10th anniversary…offered huge bids…bombarded with offers…30 sitting on the table…getting new bids every other day…one told Kate and Gerry: ‘Name your price!’