GreenDell144 ago

A lot of interesting names popping up here...

Vindicator ago

Here's a an old thread about her:

[–] Pizzaskeptic 1 points (+1|-0) 1.4 years ago (edited 1.4 years ago)

"She(Sarah Latham) was previously MD of Philip Gould Associates and ran President Clinton's scheduling office at the White House". Read more at

That's a pretty good summary article you've linked to. We need more like that. It's too bad it isn't loaded with links to all of primary sources! That would make for a powerful share.


As she is linked to UK government I googled her name with David Axelrod. He and Jim Messina were placed by the Obama admin in the two major UK parties in the 2011 UK general election to make sure Cameron got elected.

When pizzagate broke I searched Axelrod's twitter and he had deleted all his tweets where he had used pizzacode. I could tell he had done this because the replies were of couse still on twitter and they were replying with pizza coded comments.

I'll have a search of her twitter.

YogSoggoth ago

Who the heck is this Axelrod? Do we have even one thread devoted to doxxing this POI? How common is the last name Messina? I hate to admit that I wikid this, but I did. English crime gang from Sicily. The father of the five Maltese Messina brothers was Giuseppe from Linguaglossa in Sicily. In late 1890 he came to Malta and worked in a brothel in the notorious Strait Street (Triq Strada Stretta) in Valletta. He married a Maltese woman from Zejtun with the surname Debono and had two sons Salvatore (born 20 August 1898, Hamrun) and Alfredo ( born 6 February 1901, Hamrun) He then moved to Alexandria in Egypt in 1905 where there was a thriving Maltese community and built a chain of brothels. The other three sons Eugenio (born 1908 Alexandria, Egypt) , Attillo (born 1910 Alexandria) and Carmelo ( born 1915 Alexandria) were born in Egypt. All the five brothers joined their father in running brothels and prostitution. In 1932 the Egyptian authorities expelled Giuseppe and his sons. The family returned to Malta as Giuseppe had Maltese citizenship. In 1934 Eugenio the third son of Giuseppe, born in 1908 moved to London with his French prostitute wife Colette. She helped establish the sex trade in London. The other Messina brothers followed Eugenio and established themselves in Soho, London.

Factfinder2 ago

Looking forward to what you find in her Twitter.


She's had everything prior to the 2016 presidential election scrubbed from her twitter - probably with the aid of twitter. This is her second tweet after the scrub from 14 October 2016 and it is a mention of lobster risotto.

Originally I stopped searching after I couldn't find mentions of pizza or David Axelrod, but since you were interested I did a date search. I'm afraid you'll have to go through the NSA if you want to access her twitter history.

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for that. Her twitter scrubbed, photos of her scrubbed. Very interesting. She has something to hide, I'd guess.

Factfinder2 ago

She was mentioned in the Feb. 2013 issue of Washington Life magazine as co-hosting an intimate reception for PeacePlayers International, an organization that brings kids from cultural groups that hate each other together via playing basketball. They have what they call a "Twinning Program." One of the guests was Tamera Luzzatto.

Photos and article:

The Feb. 2013 issue:

There are other photos from the event:

None of them show Latham (unless she's in the background). In fact, it's almost like someone scrubbed photos of her from the internet intelligence operative style. Or she avoids the camera, but really it seems like there would be some pics of a person in the public positions she's held.

PeacePlayers International website:



Staff, Board of Directors and Partners:

new4now ago

found this, gives more of her work

Sara Latham served as a Communications Adviser to former President Clinton and former Prime Minister Tony Blair with over a decade of experience in strategic communications and public affairs. Ms. Latham worked in the White House as Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff, John Podesta and as Deputy Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of Presidential Scheduling from 1996 to 2000. Following the Clinton Administration, she moved to Brussels as a government affairs adviser for Microsoft Europe, Middle East and Africa. In 2001 she moved to London as Managing Director for Philip Gould Associates. Ms. Latham worked as Public Affairs Director at Freud Communications and in 2005 worked for Tony Blair on his re-election campaign, travelling with him and producing his campaign events and speeches.

Following the 2005 UK General Election, she served as Special Adviser to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. Ms. Latham founded Latham Group in 2006, which has worked for Tony Blair Associates, the British Documentary Film Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Coke, Dow, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, PhrRMA and TIME magazine. She served as Executive Director of IEnergizer Limited until September 11, 2015. She served as Non-Executive Chairman of IEnergizer Limited until June 30, 2015 and its Executive Director since July 1, 2015. She served as a Director of IEnergizer Limited since July 30, 2010. Ms. Latham is a graduate of Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Hope it helps

Gothamgirl ago

A post connected to this subject from a year ago.

Joe10jo ago

Yeah like Factfinder says, we know about her but there was never a ton of digging on her background.

Factfinder2 ago

Voaters have looked at her before, but she's a great target for further scrutiny.

A Voat thread search brings up these:

Here's a good one:

lamplight ago

So Sara Latham has a job to do. **Podesta’s Girl Friday is a Rothschild watchdog ** Now get this: Matthew’s former ace at Freud Communications, Sara Latham was on the White House staff of Bill Clinton, a consultant to the Clinton Foundation and Microsoft, and she is the Chief of Staff for Podesta Associates and his liaison staffer to the Hillary for America campaign. Latham is the Rothschild watchdog over Podesta, the Clintons and the Democratic Party leadership. She is also a mentor to Chelsea Clinton.

GoodGodKirk ago

Whoa, never saw that post that you linked. Wow.

Was that little girl (McCaan) a sacrifice to put them all in power? Is that why these people are all “sick”? They sacrifice people to stay in power? Is that why they need Haiti? Are they not meeting a sacrificial quota and that’s why people are “waking up”?

Holy shit.

YogSoggoth ago

A little from column A and B. Been going on for a really, really, long time.

GoodGodKirk ago

But the real question, how many more sacrifices do they think is needed to put people back to sleep?

That’s a scary thought.

Factfinder2 ago

The McCann case does seem to have struck right at the heart of something evil that required extraordinary coverup tactics. It's highly suspiciouos that people in high places dropped everything to focus on "finding" the perp who took one little girl from a supposedly ordinary family while other kids are snatched, raped, tortured and killed by the hundreds and thousands without seeming to cause a ripple.

Blacksmith21 ago

Like the murderer leading the search party.

Psychanaut ago

I was just reading more for the parts about Gislaine Maxwell and then suddenly this Sara Latham just stuck with me...

Onetime1 ago

If you are checking into Ghislaine Maxwell, you may want to track down the other computer- generated images that were made of persons of interest surrounding Medelaine McCann's abduction. The 2 that closely resemble the Podestas are well known, but there are maybe a half dozen others. One seemed to have a strong resemblance to Maxwell.

Factfinder2 ago

This seems to be her on Twitter:

carmencita ago

The people tweeting to her are amazing. Podesta, Dan Pfieffer. Dan Rather, Marc E Elias. She def is not some ordinary sec'y. There is much more to her than has been made of. Is she one of those people hiding in plain sight? Under the radar too. Her connections to Podesta, Clintons, Freud seems to be a place the Podestas dropped as well. These people are always connected because they can trust no one else. They can't bring in new people. Very rare. Usually the same old same old.

Factfinder2 ago

She's extraordinarly connected on both sides of the Atlantic. Why are there no photos of her?

YogSoggoth ago

One thing seems for certain, her friends are afraid of Trump for some reason. Could be a pattern.

carmencita ago

Don't know for sure if this is her or not, but it kept popping up when I put in her name.

Factfinder2 ago

Link didn't come through.

Factfinder2 ago

The first one is a sports massage therapist:

The second one is actress Marcia Gay Harden:

On twitter she describes herself as a "wannabe florist"--a clue or a red herring?

carmencita ago

On her twitter there are 3 pictures Is she in one of them, like the first one. It may be. Why the secrecy about what she looks like? Something is off about that. Very weird. Could she know there are incriminating pics out there of her. She would have had to have them scrubbed or how odd there just are not any of her.

Factfinder2 ago

I think that's Chelsea and that Sara took the picture. Yes, the lack of photos is odd. It's like what is done for intelligence operatives.

carmencita ago

I mean, did she commit some crimes and there may be pictures that put her at the scene of the crime, or something similar? Really, the absence of photos really casts suspicion on her. Hmm. Makes you wonder. It makes it obvious actually. I think she may be much more important than many of us suspect.

carmencita ago

I noticed I could not find anything either. Also notice there is not one on her Twitter either. Evidently she and others don't want us to know what she looks like. For a reason.