popcorn77 ago

I believe in Trump. I believe he really is trying. What I don't understand is why witnesses and investigaters keeps dying. Why aren't they protected? Something is very wrong here. Bad actors? All a game? WTF

millennial_vulcan ago

agreed. I wish I knew the answer too :(

Somebodybrave ago

Alirghty then,,,,,, Well, obviously Voat has been compromised. "Nothing to see here, just another of the 1000+ coincidences..." Marfa-Lights is NOT an AUTHORITY on ANYTHING. Marfa-Lights takes a subject and spins it to Mars. "...ing to do with the vatican, the Vatican has nothing to do with the pope, the pope has nothing t..." This is the way this is done. "But I think we all get it." Get it?

Marfa-Lights ago

I couldn't agree with you more, I am not an AUTHORITY on ANYTHING. I am unsure why you decide to attack me or my post in this way. Nobody should take anything at face value anymore, everyone should do their own research into these things and make their own conclusions. If you wish to believe the world is not under direct control by a handful of satanic families, that's fine by me. If you think Pizzagate has nothing to do with this bigger picture, then that's also fine. Personally I believe it's all tied together, in the way I mentioned it in my post here.

Shillaxe ago

I think he took your comment literally.

Narcissism ago

Podestas cleaning house while they still can...

Piscina ago

I'm playing devil's advocate here, but did he con the fund to find Maddie McCann out of £300,000? Halligen was sentenced to 41 months in a US prison in an unrelated fraud case after he pleaded guilty to defrauding Trafigura. Was he set up?

ASolo ago

Another crazy development. Things are heated up.

dontmindthemess ago

I'm sure are involved with this fucking case. And just like every other person that has investigated them has ended up " suicide" . These murders have to stop . Clintons are a fucking mafia .

dontmindthemess ago

,John and Tony Podesta kidnapped and raped this little girl . They both deserve to be fucking executed.

RedChildPurpleMind ago

Made up character.

nameof ago

Praying for him...so sad.

dreamwarrior23 ago

You think Hillary is powerless in jail? On the contrary.

MrrHandsome ago

Saw this article in the daily mail and my first response was I bet those heroes over on voat have got this flagged. It blows my mind how this info is not being treated as suspicious. The news i read on voat should be printed on newspapers across the globe, this is real authentic non biased journalism. When will the public wake up!!!

GreenDell144 ago

The only real news source. Is this the evolution of journalism? Researchers for yourself and share? I like it. Maybe a shift to this type of self education would effect a lazinessless society.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh fuck.

new4now ago


A security services source is clear that Halligen’s Oakley International, set up soon after Oakley Strategic Services, was specifically set up in readiness to be appointed as the lead investigators in the Madeleine McCann case in April 2008. The same source is clear that Halligen had a long history of setting up ‘front’ companies.

there is more than meets the eye with Halligen

would put more up but puter messed up again

must read, has his work here and England

is he CIA?

millennial_vulcan ago

yes I included that link in a comment on here

new4now ago

Did you know the guy who co founded Oakley, Ken Irish died in an accident in Virginia in August 2011?

RedChildPurpleMind ago

@millennial_vulcan Ken Irish and Oakley from Dublin.

All we need are the leprechauns to tell us where MI5 store their porn.

88-90 Hatton Gardens

millennial_vulcan ago

I do now! Fuck. What!?

Do you have any links, @new4now

Head. Exploding.

new4now ago

Was in the Jill Haven link

Tried looking it up

Irish was only 55, can't find what kind of accident it was

Still looking

millennial_vulcan ago

@new4now I cant find anything about his death!

new4now ago

Told yea, zilch

Hard to believe he's a fraud when you look at his LLC's

Seems all of them had Goverment contracts

Also came across an article that mentioned a sham wedding that was attempted by former agents, VIA station Chief and an advisor to Obama

This Tim Craig Harvey seems to be the one who claiming he's a drunk and whatever else

But now he has been rewarded with a job with oil and diamonds? Is that what it Was?

I smell a smear campaign, the making of a pasty

If you look further in that link I gave you, you find a web of some sort

Been working on it when I can

Wish laptop was running better,

Yep one hell of a rabbit hole

How did Tim avoid scrutiny when it was his company too?

millennial_vulcan ago

how do you know he died if no evidence?

new4now ago

I don't, as I don't know if Seth Rich died

It was stated in Rticle, he had an obit, so I went with that

He could be in Ireland

I just started looking into this....

Lol. Have to admit there's less news on Irish then Rich

I can't help but think these guys and gals are spooks

Gals as those who work at the LLC's

So did Halligen really die?

I have to plant my feet somewhere when looking up stuff, so until something comes up, I have to go with it with my paltry source

UtangmanSimian ago

Madeleine McCann was reported missing in Portugal May 3, 2007 aged under 4 yrs, she has since emerged as CP model Miss Alli which exposes the entire affair as a massive hoax. Link.

Immelda ago

That little girls eyes are dark brown though?

Skeptical2017 ago

What is the link?

Podge512 ago

From Richard D. Hall's excellent series on the McCann case, Buried By Mainstream Media: The True Story of Madeleine McCann Part 3: Private Investigations?


The section on Kevin Halligen and 'Oakley International' (which professional liar Clarence Mitchell described as, "the big boys of international private investigation" even though it was just Halligen) begins at 45.50. Halligen hired disgraced ex M15 agent Henri Exton and it was he who produced the e-fits which bear such an uncanny resemblance to the Podesta brothers, supposedly based on a description of a man carrying a small child circa 10pm on the night Madeleine was reported missing given by the father of a family from Drogheda in Ireland, Mr. Martin Smith. However, Smith initially waited almost 2 weeks before telling the Gards (the Irish police) about this sighting despite being in Portugal when the media storm blew up about the disappearance, and only the day after Robert Murat (whom he admits knowing) was made a suspect. Moreover, he told the Portuguese police that he didn't see the man's face and that he wouldn't recognise him if he saw him again, so how was he able to allegedly give Exton a description of what is clearly two different men, when he and his family only claimed to have seen one man? Did the other likeness come from a description given by members of his family? If so, why wasn't a composite created? Why did the McCann team withhold the e-fits from the police for a number of months, possibly up to a year? So many questions, so few answers!

With President Trump seemingly cracking down on elite paedophile rings and the traffickers who keep them supplied, it would appear they're cleaning house. If Exton knows what's good for him, he'll be half way to Costa Rica by now!

yaddayadda ago

Let's assume for the sake of it that all involved knew who the e fits were of. Do I have to go on? It explains the trip to America by Gerry. Although I find Mr. Halls series quite informative there is an incredible bias towards blaming the parents at every step. Which I believe one has to do to stay alive. I like to think Richard is smarter then believing whole cadaver dog crap was real. I like to think his series is what I would call "shaking the tree to see what falls out." Almost every dedicated media site is anti McCann. I mean I'm not here to defend them at all but it would seem someone is spending quite the bankroll to keep all focused on parents.

millennial_vulcan ago

thought that too. How did R D Hall not get whacked by McCann's expensive attornies?

millennial_vulcan ago

right! I know Exton produced the e-fits but Halligen 'commissioned' them, so they were both in on it!

Exton, plastic surgery is pretty cheap in Costa Rica: I'd recommended getting a full face transplant while you're down there!

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Mouth dropped open. This is brazen on a whole new level y’all

RedChildPurpleMind ago

It's fake.

millennial_vulcan ago

Please take a moment to read through the original VOAT thread on Kevin Halligen I included in my post above.

Also, further reading on the sketchy Halligen: http://jillhavern.forumotion.net/t11794-a-new-look-at-kevin-halligen-and-all-his-high-level-connections-posted-3-september-2015

new4now ago


Ronin3000 ago

Holy fuck

migratorypatterns ago

Holy shit! Yeah, he knew something and part of this coming storm is Madeleine McCann. That kid is being tortured/sexually abused.

UpVoat for you ... this is a shockeroo!!!

Joe10jo ago

Looks just like her. The part I keep looking at are the eyebrows; same pattern. I’m gonna try to find a picture of “old” Maddie’s ears. And someone on here said that this “new” Maddie has brown eyes, but hello, who wouldn’t want her wearing colored contacts, for Pete’s Sake, right!? To cover the coloboma.

RedChildPurpleMind ago

She doesn't exist. Made up character...

Didn't die. They made it up.

millennial_vulcan ago

post evidence if youre going to keep repeating yourself

millennial_vulcan ago

see my other comment to you.

millennial_vulcan ago

Spread! You have great contribs too, MP!

carmencita ago

Oh Good God.

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO! The bombs keep dropping. And its STILL not even halfway through Jan!

carmencita ago


Marfa-Lights ago

Nothing to see here, just another of the 1000+ coincidences continuously happening day in day out. If this isn't directly related to her disappearance then the jews have nothing to do with the freemasons, the freemasons have nothing to do with skull and bones, skull and bones have nothing to do with the presidents, the presidents have nothing to do with the black nobility, black nobility have nothing to do with the vatican, the Vatican has nothing to do with the pope, the pope has nothing to do with royalty, royalty has nothing to do with parliament, Parliament has nothing to do with paedophilia, paedophilia has nothing to do with evil, evil has nothing to do with the devil, the devil has nothing to do with ancient Egypt. Of course I could go on. But I think we all get it.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

With a clever mind like that....get your ass into the meme wars....sign up here. https://8ch.net/qresearch/catalog.html You could do great work and might just save a world.

Somebodybrave ago

Well, obviously Voat has been compromised. "Nothing to see here, just another of the 1000+ coincidences..." Marfa-Lights is NOT an AUTHORITY on ANYTHING. Marfa-Lights takes a subject and spins it to Mars. "...ing to do with the vatican, the Vatican has nothing to do with the pope, the pope has nothing t..." This is the way this is done. "But I think we all get it." Get it?

pmichel ago


gazillions ago

Way to muddy the eater and make it sound like you have to be into the illuminati to see something wrong.

Marfa-Lights ago

You have to see the bigger picture, you need to see where the evil has come from, you need to understand how the earth has been infiltrated by this evil and why. If you believe none of this is connected directly to pizzagate, then you need more research my friend. Today you must question everything, believe that everything you have been taught could possibly be a lie, keep an open mind, try to break free of the programming they have given us all. Only when you start to realise that the world is being controlled by a small number of families, only then can something be done about it. Knowledge is the power they don't want us to have. It will do you no harm in starting here.


gazillions ago

As a matter of fact, nobody has to see the bigger picture. They have to get rid of evil people.

Marfa-Lights ago

You can't get rid of the evil until you know exactly what the evil is. The bigger picture.

tirejack ago

i peed because I ran out of tears

pizzaequalspedo ago

Yep, way too many ridiculous coincidences. These people will be burning in hell soon at least.

giggelingpanda ago

I would think they would enjoy that actually...

ProfessionalCynic ago


JesusRules ago

Haha, funny, but absolutely the truth!

Z11Mama ago

Madeline disappeared years ago. This should be old news. But it's not. And someone just died for it. That outline right there tells me that recent work on this has scared people. Hmmm...who might be scared right now?

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO. It rhymes with Schlong Modesta.

used2likepizza ago

Schlong Modesta? LOL! Think he read that? You haven't suicided yourself yet, have you? Probably pretty annoying to find out some of the lowly plebes are actually pretty clever.

millennial_vulcan ago

Still alive honey! And you? Survived the abortion bucket? Why don't you crawl back in?

Are_we_sure ago

That doesn't rhyme at all.

Shizy ago

I bet you're fun at parties. If you ever got invited to any that is

Are_we_sure ago

just got home from one, thanks.

I did pretty well.

Shizy ago

Keep thinking that

millennial_vulcan ago

Ssssh. Let the grown ups talk.

think- ago

Ssssh. Let the grown ups talk.


Are_we_sure ago

Grown ups know how to rhyme.

millennial_vulcan ago

Not always! A Haiku:

Are_we_sure. A thorn. Among Voat roses. Die.

Are_we_sure ago

5 -7- 5?

He claims roses will grow

underneath all this bullshit

I am not so sure

millennial_vulcan ago


rickman ago

It sounds more like he was bribing the Podestas and once they stopped playing along in 2013 he released the e-fits.

Say the McCanns and Podestas are linked. McCanns need an outside investigator who will be "on their side" and go along with the story. The Podestas find Halligen through Patton Boggs and suggest him to the McCanns. Maybe Halligen was better at his job than those quotes in the article suggest. Once he found out who was involved and that this was a cover up he began to blackmail them all.

Now that the Podestas have had their power removed, Halligen may have been seen as a lose end that needed tying up.

GreenDell144 ago

Likely the truth is like this, but weirder.

Are_we_sure ago

The efits were released to police in 2009. They were not released to the public until the Police did a rethink of the case.

The UK had to apologize and pay a settlement over this.


We accept that the articles may have been understood to suggest that the McCanns had withheld information from the authorities. This was not the case. We now understand and accept that the efits had been provided to the Portuguese and Leicestershire police by October 2009. We also understand that a copy of the final report including the efits was passed to the Metropolitan police in August 2011, shortly after it commenced its review. We apologise for the distress caused."

Shizy ago

Are you trying to steer people away from the Maddie Mcann story and on to the Eliza story instead? Hmmmm

pizzaequalspedo ago

Paid shills are not to be believed

millennial_vulcan ago

Google for other stories on Halligen's 'charm' and what he was able to bribe out of those in power....! Also click on that original Voat link from ONE YEAR AGO I included in post, to read more.

ESOTERICshade ago

Curioser and curioser

SebuttYopick ago

WTF is going on?

RedChildPurpleMind ago

Well, coloboma's don't change position. She's a made up character just like the Sandyhook children.

GreenDell144 ago

Is there meat to this theory? Sounds interesting.

millennial_vulcan ago

Have often wondered about that theory and read about it: that she was a psy op designed to promote microchipping of kids and that Kate + Gerry + the Tapas friends were all crisis actors and would explain all the govt protection they seem to have.

Just don't know what to think. I just can't ignore the eye coloboma. The fact she has one and a very pronounced one, is too coincidental. It fits into her disappearance; I'm just not sure how.


@carmencita @ESOTERICshade @migratorypatterns @new4now @Podge512

carmencita ago

Remember Kate was inseminated. That + the coloboma is highly questionable. Who is the real father and what a odd outcome that she just happened to be born with coloboma eye. Also that the Podestas are involved. Podestas and Soros

migratorypatterns ago

No, I don't consider things like that. The grief on the parent's face told me all I needed to know about whether the bond was genuine.

The girl was abducted. Someone hated Kate and was obsessed with that child. It's why the blame was placed on her. She loses her child and is vilified in one nice even stroke. I've posted my theory a million times.

Madeleine is alive, and if my intuition is right, she'll be recovered at the end of this storm. She's a key piece and represents the countless childen that have been savaged after disappearing into the night.

RuthParsons ago

@carmencita @ESOTERICshade @migratorypatterns @new4now @Podge512

As expressed in this video, her coloboma changes position because it's faked like everything else and was used as a trap to bring forth people with unusual DNA. Same reason for the existence of the Finder's cult.


Same reason for Tavistock, looking for The Messiah.

Same reason for Pizzagate

RuthParsons ago

@carmencita @ESOTERICshade @migratorypatterns @new4now @Podge512

Funny how we never heard of this Kevin Halligen until now, sounds awfully like the Hegalian dialectic doesn't it, featured in Michael Aquino's 1987 Psychological Warfare Operation's Manual.

Just a coincidence of course.

millennial_vulcan ago

it wasn't his real name.

new4now ago

This Halligen character is a rabbit hole it's self

think- ago

Hmm. What doesn't add up for me - the McCanns clearly had contacts to some of the British 'usual suspects', I don't think they are legit (hiding something, possibly involved in the murder, or they pimped Madeline).

So why hire someone like Kevin Halligen? I always assumed they did it just for the show.

Was Halligen actually bribing Gerry and Kate over something?

This of course would make sense. Weird.

RedChildPurpleMind ago

It was to do with microchipping the population who fear it could happen to them.

Their plan failed.

millennial_vulcan ago


millennial_vulcan ago

He was the one that produced the e-fits that many thought looked exactly like John and Tony Podesta

Ding ding.

think- ago

Yep. But then....why would he rat on them? Didn't they give him enough money when he tried to bribe them? ;-P

millennial_vulcan ago

one has to wonder!

carmencita ago

Maybe he came to them with another proposal. Maybe he got greedy and demanded $1M or some other large figure or he would release something else. The something else that turned him on to the Real Truth What really happened and who was involved. Also the news about Gerry having CP on his computer, which a policeman erased for him. People talk, who knows. Also I remember reading in an article on here that a woman that lived downstairs from the McCanns said that she often heard Maddy crying and that one night when her parents were out, there was loud crying Daddy! Daddy! This went on for quite some time. Finally she heard the parents coming home since they lived upstairs and she heard them going up. Halligen put 2+2 together and figured out that they were selling off Maddy to be abused. So why not the Biggest Sell Off of Them All.

Joe10jo ago

Dear God, I never heard that story before!!!! Holy Cow, that’s awful; hollering for her Daddy to “rescue” her. Omgggg.

carmencita ago

I know. Terrible. It was the first time I read it. Someone on here sent it to me. It made me cry, her crying for him and no one was coming. I always think about it whenever I read about her. They are vile people in my book. They sold her off. They had her first, and they then had a boy and girl so why not just sell off the first one, they would still have a complete family, that is how I see it. It just makes me physically ill. Not only do I want the pedos that are involved, go to jail. I want them to be taken away in chains as well. For Maddy. But I so very much will feel sadness for her Brother and Sister. What Horror.

millennial_vulcan ago

Halligen was the direct link ALLEGEDLY between Pervdestas and McCanns. Let's just call it what it is. Uh, ALLEGEDLY. And that's why he was ALLEGEDLY bumped off. ALLEGEDLY.


carmencita ago

Yeah, well nothing to see here folks. Everything must be thought of as Allegedly. Nothing can ever be talked about as really happening. Otherwise we are called Kooks, Conspiracy Theorists, Tin Foilers, you name it. Or actually we could even be sued or jailed. Yeah, someone that chased after them comes up dead and covered in blood, yeah, allegedly. No, do not insist he was murdered if he was covered in blood, no. Do not. You must always allege.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/bAmWb :

Maddie McCann detective conman Kevin Halligen found dead | Daily Mail Online

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