MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

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MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Article by POLITICO: U.S. life expectancy plummets amid pandemic ... mic-469738
Minorities suffered the biggest impact, with Black Americans losing nearly three years and Hispanics, nearly two years, according to preliminary estimates Thursday from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Black and Hispanic communities throughout the United States have borne the brunt of this pandemic,” Bibbins-Domingo said....More needs to be done to distribute vaccines equitably, to improve working conditions and better protect minorities from infection, and to include them in economic relief measures, she said.

Dr. Otis Brawley, a cancer specialist and public health professor at Johns Hopkins University, agreed. "Not enough use of masks, early reliance on drugs such as hydroxychloroquine, “which turned out to be worthless,” and other missteps meant many Americans died needlessly", Brawley said.

“Going forward, we need to practice the very basics” such as hand-washing, physical distancing and vaccinating as soon as possible to get prevention back on track, he said.
So the push to vaccinate minorities is on from an article full of disinformation.

For me there are 2 aspects to this article which need further scrutiny: First- Dr. Otis Brawley and second- POLITICO.


Dr. Otis Brawley

Dr. Otis Brawley actually says that hydroxychloroquine is worthless despite the American Medical Association rescinding their stance on HCQ and allowing physicians to prescribe the medication for use in coronavirus treatment and prevention. They did this after the 2020 election steal, of course.

Shortly after that announcement a pharmaceutical factory that manufactures hydroxychloroquine mysteriously bursts into flames exploded

So, who is Dr. Otis Brawley? Obama's AIDS tzar ... as-brooks/
He is the first openly gay, HIV-positive African American to have the job.
Well, here he is at the Elton John AIDS Foundation and The ONE Campaign Host Reception on Global HIV/AIDS Funding in 2015
Who else was there? (L-R) David Furnish, U.S. Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahey (D-VT), U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), Sir Elton John, Founder, Elton John AIDS Foundation, Ronald Perelman, U.S. Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and U.S. Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)
You can find the other attendees at this link: ... _event_adp

So once again we find a gaggle of crooked politicians at an Elton John soiree. We have a number of posts about the ONE Campaign ... gn%22&b=on including:
BONO's 'ONE' Charity UNDER FIRE for Abuse Allegations / Remember > BONO was on David Geffen's Yacht w/ Obama, Oprah and Tom Hanks after Election

Return to James Alefantis' PEGASUS MUSEUM / Temple for Satanic Rituals and Alleged Child Sacrifice :
So I figured out who owns the top level apartment across from Pegasus, with the similarly drawn blinds, and it's Laura Itzkowitz & Catherine Rivkin. Laura Itzkowitz works for USAID, where she specializes in maternal & child nutrition in third world countries, and is on the board of DC non-profit that serves homeless children, New Endeavors by Women. One of New Endeavors financial contributors is none other than Amy Weiss, who is the wife of Peter Kadzik, a very close associate to JOHN PODESTA..

Catherine Rivkin, a.k.a Katie Rivkin Visser, who works for the Department of Defense, is married to Tim Visser, a trial attorney for the US Department of Justice. Here they are together: ... kJumbo.jpg . Tim Visser does missionary work in Haiti with Hope On A String. Now why Laura Itzkowitz & Katie Visser both own an apartment together, who knows. I guess the best connection made in all this is that Laura Itzkowitz works on the board of an organization that 'helps' homeless DC children and which is funded in part by close associate to John Podesta, Amy Weiss, ,the wife of former DOJ official Peter Kadzik, who appears through the Podesta e-mails and was invited to one of Podesta's "pizza extravaganzas"...

There is more to this connection. Kadzik, Comey, McCabe and Yates are a few at the top who obstructed all investigations and inquiries. Why did McCain say in Racine that “he sees foreign assistance as a factor in securing America”? What is the ONE campaign related to HIV/AIDS, malaria and illiteracy? Why was the World Core Curriculum established in Racine? Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make the “highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum in Racine?.... What is the Center for Global Development? What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development? How are the departments of State, Treasury and Agriculture connected with the US Agency for International Development and the Center for American Progress?
OKAY.. so I'll leave that there for now and summarize in another post. I want to go on to POLITICO...

John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei left The Washington Post to become Politico's editor-in-chief and executive editor, respectively. With the financial backing of Robert L. Allbritton, the pair launched the website on January 23, 2007...Their first hire was Mike Allen, a writer for Time,[10] and Frederick J. Ryan Jr. served as its first president and chief executive officer.[11] Martin Tolchin was another member of the editorial founding team.

In September 2014, Politico formed a joint venture with German publisher Axel Springer SE to launch its European edition, based in Brussels.
Robert Allbritton
.. is the owner and founder of Capitol News Company, the parent company of Capitol Hill political newspaper and website Politico.. Allbritton was previously the final CEO of Riggs National Corporation, the parent of Riggs Bank, from 2001 to 2005, when PNC acquired the bank.[5] Allbritton has been described by The New Republic as having "reshaped the way we follow politics."[6] He is a trustee of the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum.
Riggs Bank was a bank headquartered in Washington, D.C. For most of its history, it was the largest bank headquartered in that city. On May 13, 2005, after the exposure of several money laundering scandals, the bank was acquired by PNC Financial Services...The bank was known for handling the personal financial affairs of many U.S. Presidents and many embassies in Washington, D.C. Twenty-three U.S. Presidents or their families banked at Riggs, including Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Richard Nixon. Accounts were also held by Senators Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun and Daniel Webster, Confederate president Jefferson Davis, American Red Cross founder Clara Barton, suffragist Susan B. Anthony, and generals William Tecumseh Sherman and Douglas MacArthur.

The bank was investigated for several money laundering scandals, including going to great lengths to allow former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet to hide his fortune after his accounts were subjected to asset freezing and for unknowingly allowing the hijackers involved in the September 11 attacks to transfer money due to lax controls at the bank.

We have a number of interesting posts re Riggs Bank which Ill put in the comments below.
Jim VandeHei
James VandeHei (born February 12, 1971)[1] is the co-founder and CEO of Axios and the former executive editor and co-founder of Politico. Previously, he was a national political reporter at The Washington Post, where he worked as White House correspondent. ..

VandeHei was born in Oshkosh, Wisconsin,[2] and graduated from Lourdes High School in 1989. In 1995, he graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh with a double major in journalism and political science. As an undergraduate, he interned at The Brillion News in Brillion, WI the summer of 1993, and with Democratic Senator Herb Kohl in 1994, which led to his decision to become a political journalist.

He is married to Autumn Hanna VandeHei, a former staffer for House Republican Leader Tom DeLay of Texas, and also served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation (Human Services) in the Presidency of George W. Bush, She is an Executive Producer of the critically acclaimed film on sex trafficking “I Am Jane Doe.”
I will continue the elite network of suspicious characters that Autumn Hanna VandeHei seems to be connected to in the comments.

I just want to finish with the University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh as it has been on my radar in the last few days. Mostly because of the bat coin that was launched early 2020 ... 61cb5e5788

As part of its America the Beautiful Quarters Program that launched in 2010, the U.S. Mint releases five new quarter designs per year, each depicting national parks and sites. The 2020 set is scheduled for release on Feb. 3 and will include the National Park of American Samoa quarter, which features a Samoan fruit bat hanging from a tree and holding her pup.

The National Park of American Samoa is the only U.S. park that’s home to the Samoan fruit bat. Also known as “flying foxes,” these bats are big guys, with wings that span up to 3 feet, and are active day and night. They can only be found in the Samoan Islands and Fiji, as they’ve become extinct from Tonga.

Richard Masters, the coin’s designer, stated that the design is meant to “promote awareness of the species’ threatened status due to habitat loss and commercial hunting.”
Richard Masters was Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, where he previously served as Professor of Art for 19 years. Prior to retiring in 2015, he was selected for the SNC Professor of International Relations Endowed Professorship Award. ... rd-masters

Posts on Oshkosh:

Green Bay pizzagate by @fogdryer
But the problem is not limited to Brown County. • In Oshkosh, authorities made 31 arrests linked to prostitution and human trafficking in 2013. A year later, they reported making 50
Chicago Deputy Chief Dion Boyd Dies By "Suicide" at Hoban Square facility, where many people have 'disappeared'. ... rumours of organ trafficking ... =pizzagate
Death of CPD deputy chief in Homan Square facility ruled a suicide: autopsy... According to previous reports Homan Square is notorious for disappearing people : ... -thousands..

Day 99 DynCorp, Haiti, and Me, Part 1 Who Killed Monica Petersen? .. From Homan Square Chicago to Cleveland Clinic Operation Underground Railroad - Convincing Good Mormons You Are A Bad Guy Public Private .

Ezili Danto mentioned Farmer's Hospital in Hinche, Haiti where alleged (by George Webb as well) organ trafficking occurred ... ed-part-2/ Jump in at 19:00

Cleveland Clinic - Board of Directors: Beth E. Mooney Chairman and Chief Executive Officer..She serves as a Trustee of the boards of The Cleveland Orchestra, United Way of Greater Cleveland, and the Greater Cleveland Partnership

Children's Wisconsin is a children's hospital located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The hospital was originally established as Milwaukee Children's Hospital on March 16, 1894. Three months later, it became known as Children's Free Hospital. In 1985, the hospital became known as Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. ..In addition to the Milwaukee location, there is a second location in Neenah, Wisconsin on the campus of ThedaCare Regional Medical Center-Neenah which serves the Appleton, Green Bay, and Oshkosh metro areas.. The medical center is dedicated to Theda Clark Peters (1871–1903), daughter of Charles B. Clark (1844–1891), a philanthropist and one of the founders of Kimberly-Clark Corporation.

Kimberly-Clark Corporation is an American multinational personal care corporation that produces mostly paper-based consumer products..The British subsidiary holds Royal Warrants from both Queen Elizabeth II and Charles, Prince of Wales.
Betsy DeVos, Bethany Christian Services, Amway, another private island and whispers of child trafficking
The hub for experimental aircraft is in Oshkosh Wisconsin, formerly in Milwaukee, at the Experimental Aircraft Association. I don't know why exactly the majority of Majestic 12 is from Wisconsin but it must have to do with the effigy mounds and other ancient formations in the area, which could have been built to signal or communicate with the flying objects that ancient people in this area saw. Now it makes sense why the Podestas got their "big break" in Racine, because John Podesta is known to be involved in Project Blue Beam and is connected to Tom DeLonge. United Way and Rotary Club both appear to be used to pool resources together, although I am not sure if this is the answer you are looking for..
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Re: MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Autumn Hanna VandeHei

Autumn VandeHei and Malika Saada Saar

Taken from The Rebecca Project at Tory Burch's Tysons Boutique ... 7997186934

Sarah Brown is in a number of the photos ... 997186934/
Sarah Jane Brown (née Macaulay; born 31 October 1963), usually known as Sarah Brown, is a British campaigner for global health and education, founder and president of the children's charity Theirworld, the Executive Chair of the Global Business Coalition for Education and the co-founder of A World at School.

She was a founding partner of Hobsbawm Macaulay Communications, a public relations company. She is married to Gordon Brown, who served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997 to 2007 and Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2007 to 2010.
Gordon Brown and Jimmy Savile
I'll just put this in here:

One of the most vociferous supporters of the Hart Inquiry whitewash is Barbara Hewson, close relative of U2 front man Bono. It is interesting therefore to see Bono as one of the illustrious guests at the funeral of paedophile Freud.

Gordon and Sarah Brown at the funeral Image Gordon Brown's father Ebenezer started a school in Israel. Tabeetha School, Jaffa. The Gordon Brown masonic hand shandy was a classic, watch how he elbows some fellow out of his way in order to say hello to his brother.

Our pizzagate posts re Gordon Brown here: ... agate&b=on
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Re: MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

Post by MercurysBall2 »

More about Autumn Hanna VandeHei :

The Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual congratulates the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Injury and Violence Prevention for the appropriation of $1 million in new Congressional funding for the for child sexual assault prevention research.

“We are grateful to our Congressional champions who have recognized the importance of this issue and worked to secure the funding in the final bill,” says Elizabeth Letourneau, PhD, director of the Moore Center and a professor in the Bloomberg School’s Department of Mental Health. “This is a remarkable win for our field and for the children we aim to protect.
POLICY ADVISORY BOARD : Autumn Hanna VandeHei, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation, US Department of Health and Human Services
Mrs. VandeHei is a founder of the Advisory Council on Child Trafficking (ACCT), and serves on the board of directors for the national advocacy organization Rights4Girls. She is a human rights and human services policy expert and advocacy consultant focused on solutions-based social justice advocacy and reform. Her expertise in communications and messaging on women’s issues and her access to the faith and conservative communities have enabled her to bridge the partisan divide in Washington, DC. As a former policy aide to the Majority Whip in the House of Representatives, she advised Members of Congress and Republican Leadership on federal legislation focused on child abuse and neglect. She began her career as a child protective services investigator and case manager for physical and sexual abuse cases. ... onors.html
Thank you for visiting the website of the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. I am an alumnus of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, and completed my preventive medicine residency at the school. My wife Julia and I are the founding donors for the Center, and we want to briefly share the reason why we started the Center, why we named it as we did, and what our hope is for the future.

My grandfather, Clem Moore, was a pedophile and, as such, he harmed many children including many members of my family. The harm done to children through CSA does not confine itself to childhood, and my family has suffered from the lifetime complications that CSA survivors must often endure ..

Voat post re Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse :

Germany is Well On the Way to Legitimizing Pedophilia and The US of A is Laying the Groundwork to Follow A Sickening, Similar Path :
Klaus Beier, M.D., leads the prevention network at Charite's Sexual Medicine Institiute in Berlin, Germany. He states that "pedophilia is not curable, but it can be treated...a pedophile can learn to control his urges."..Switching over to the US, Elizabeth Letourneau, Ph.D., is involved with 3 "family-focused" research projects. Letourneau is Director of he Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In her "Help Wanted" Study, quantitative interviews were conducted with young adults attracted to prepubescent children but who have not commited abuse. Many of these young adults said they recognized their attraction in adolescence but did not know what to do.

Here is a link to Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau's academia publications. It's beyond stomach turning. ... AAAJ&hl=en

Comment: This "researcher" isn't related to Marykay Letourneau, the pedophile teacher, is she?
About Marykay Letourneau:
Mary Kay Fualaau (née Mary Katherine Schmitz; born January 30, 1962), formerly known as Mary Kay Letourneau, is an American schoolteacher who was imprisoned from 1997 to 2004 for having sexual intercourse with her 12 year old student, Vili Fualaau. She gave birth to two of Fualaau's children while incarcerated. After her release from prison in 2004, Letourneau married Fualaau and took his name.

Letourneau was born Mary Katherine Schmitz in Tustin, California to university professor, John G. Schmitz and chemist, Mary Schmitz.[3][4] She was known as Mary Kay to her family and was affectionately called "Cake" by her father. She was the fourth of seven children, raised in a "strict Catholic household."[5][6] When she was two years old her father began his political career and ran for a seat in the state legislature.[6] Later, he held positions as a California state senator and U.S. Congressman and he ran for president as an American Independent Party candidate in the 1972 U.S. presidential election.[7][8]

In 1973 her three year old brother drowned in the family pool at their home in the Spyglass Hill section of Corona del Mar, California while under the care of Mary Kay and her older brother, Jerry.[7]

In 1982, Schmitz's political career was severely damaged when it was revealed that during his affair with a former student at Santa Ana College, where he had taught political science, he had fathered two children out of wedlock.[9] Her father's affair caused her parents to separate, but they later reconciled. According to friends Mary Kay felt betrayed and thought her mother was a cold person who "drove him to it" by denying her father affection.[10][11] Schmitz refused to lend financial support or assistance to his illegitimate children who became wards of the state after their mother died.
John G. Schmitz
Schmitz was born in Milwaukee, the son of Wilhelmina (Frueh) and Jacob John Schmitz.[5] Schmitz graduated from Marquette University High School in 1948.[6] He obtained his B.S. degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee in 1952 and an M.A. from California State University, Long Beach, in 1960. He served as a United States Marine Corps jet fighter and helicopter pilot from 1952 to 1960, and was a lieutenant colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve from 1960 to 1983.

.. His children with his wife include Joseph E. Schmitz, John P. Schmitz, and Mary Kay Letourneau.
Joseph E. Schmitz
Joseph Edward Schmitz (born August 28, 1956) is an American lawyer, former inspector general of the United States Department of Defense and a former executive with Blackwater Worldwide. After working as a watchdog at the Pentagon for three and a half years, Schmitz resigned to return to the private sector. Although allegations questioning his stewardship of the inspector general's office surfaced nine months after his resignation, a high-level review board, the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency, cleared him of all wrongdoing in 2006.[1] He was named one of Donald Trump's foreign policy advisors for his 2016 presidential campaign..

Upon graduation from the Naval Academy, Schmitz served in the U.S. Navy for approximately four years, including a stint as an exchange officer with the German Navy. After leaving active duty, Schmitz went to law school, and was in the Naval Reserve until 2001. He clerked with James L. Buckley, Circuit Judge for the D.C. Circuit Court, and was a special assistant to Attorney General Edwin Meese III during the Reagan Administration.

He is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta,[7] and a co-author of the book, Sharia: The Threat to America.[8] As Inspector General, Schmitz investigated involvement of the U.S. military in the sex trade in South Korea, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

On June 18, 2001, Schmitz was nominated by President George W. Bush to act as the Inspector General of the Department of Defense. His nomination was held up in the Senate Armed Services Committee for unknown reasons until March 21, 2002,[citation needed] when he was confirmed by the full Senate by voice vote. One of his first actions as Inspector General was to hire controversial Republican operative L. Jean Lewis as his chief of staff.[9]

Various senior officials in the Defense Department stated that Schmitz had an enduring fascination with Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, having personally redesigned the Defense Department Inspector General's seal to incorporate the Von Steuben family motto.[10] Schmitz's association with the German journalist, Henning Von Steuben, the leader of the Von Steuben Family Association, attracted the criticism of Senator Chuck Grassley, who stated that Schmitz had "feted Von Steuben at an $800 meal allegedly paid for by public funds."[10] In 2005, Schmitz canceled a planned $200,000 trip to Germany "to attend a ceremony at a Von Steuben statue," after Grassley questioned the expenditure.
Henning Hubertus von Steuben - Axel Springer Verlag (BILD/BamS) ... onSteuben2 [Axel Springer > Politico]

On Twitter Steuben's account is protected but interesting to note that the only tweet to him ... 5912932354 is from Barton Buechner -Adjunct Professor of Military Psychology - Adler University; State Vice-Chair, Michigan ESGR
Interesting to note that he also follows Fielding Graduate School and Southwest Airlines
Barton Buechner, PhD, is a Senior Adjunct Professor in the MA in Psychology with Emphasis on Military Psychology (MAMP) program at Adler University, and an Adjunct Professor in the Creative Leadership for Innovation and Change (CLIC) Doctoral studies program of the University of the Virgin Islands. His areas of academic focus are in the fields of military psychology and qualitative social science research, integrating perspectives of Somatics, Phenomenology, and Communication. ... n-buechner He presently serves as a member of the board of directors of the Chris Kyle “Frog” Foundation

Warner Bros. Supports Chris Kyle Frog Foundation Indy 500 Crew ... -500-crew/
PIRTEK Team Murray and the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation have created a unique program that will see six military service veterans and first responders from across North America molded into a pit crew for this year’s 100th Indianapolis 500 celebrations in May.

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment (WBHE) worked with Team Murray and the Chris Kyle Frog Foundation to create the concept and WBHE will be using the pit crew program to launch American Sniper: The Chris Kyle Commemorative Edition Blu-ray on May 3.

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Re: MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Oops. here's another Politico article giving the game away : Speakers for next Women Rule event ... ent-099706
Power, Hensley McCain, Letourneau and Saada Saar are set to appear

Then there's ... prevention
On October 4, 2017, Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau gave a talk at the World Congress for Child Dignity in the Digital World, a conference that brought together leaders and researchers from around the world to discuss the dangers of children becoming victims of online sexual abuse and bullying. The conference took place in Vatican City and was convened by the Child Protection Centre at the Pontifical Gregorian University. (Featured at left: Dr. Letourneau and Fr. Thomas Rosica.)
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Re: MSM vaccine propaganda continues from AIDS "activists", Crooked Politicians and their NWO agenda

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Riggs Bank posts:

CIA's connection to elite pedophilia -
Michael Holt, The CIA part 2 The second faction is what he calls “The Bush CIA.” Bush Sr. was head of the CIA, and VP under Reagan. Holt says that Bush led the team that assented JFK and was behind the attempt on Reagan. Holt states that GHWB and his brother worked with Leo Wants and George Soros to destabilize Russia’s currency. They stole gold and money from Russia and laundered it through Riggs Bank, Velment Bank, and Bain Capital (Mitt Romney’s company).
Bush - the German Dynasty - Zeus
The Bush family were German nobility that branched off from the House of Bussche. The Bussche family ruled as feudal lords in the regions of Ravensberg and Osnabruck located in Westphalia. The House of Bussche had several family branches in the Holy Roman Empire and the Bush family are one of them...

The German royal and noble families helped to create Hitler and the Nazi movement. The Windsor family changed their name under King George V who was from the House of Glucksburg and House of Saxe Coburg and Gotha and both of these families were involved with the Nazis. Prescott Bush's Union Banking Corporation was holding gold for Nazis and was shut down under the "trading with the enemy act". J. Bush & Co. was a continuation of the Union Banking Corporation and founded by Skull and Bonesman Jonathan Bush. J. Bush & Co. was bought by Riggs Bank which absorbed into PNC Financial Services after allowing money laundering into Saudi Arabia. Vannevar Bush oversaw the Manhattan Project as the head of the Office of Scientific Research and Development and developed Raytheon. Steven Walker is the Director of DARPA today. Wesley G. Bush runs Northrop Grumman.
An Extensive History of the Riggs Family and Bank
T Lawrason Riggs (Son of George Washington Riggs) Founded St. Thomas More Chapel at Yale University and was also, Yale's first Catholic Chaplain, Ex Scroll and Key Member, Which is a Secret Society similar to that of Skull and Bones. Except Tax records show an endowment worth several million dollars more than that of Skull and Bones. T Lawrason Riggs was also an Intelligence Officer in WW1.

...The center of Georgetown is the busy crossroad of Wisconsin Ave. & M Street, highlighted by the gold dome atop Riggs Bank. Inside the bank's vault is the gold & marble gavel used by George Washington to lay the cornerstone of the U.S. Capitol in 1793. ..

In 2004, George H.W. Bush's brother, Jonathan Bush (Both Skull and Bones members) was on the board of Riggs Bank, which has been linked to terrorist money-laundering -- another Bush bank, down through the generations, funding causes like Nazism then, and terrorism now?

Sares in Riggs bank- James E. FitzGerald, S.J. was the 4th President of Fairfield University. During his tenure, the Graduate Department of Education became the Graduate School of Education in 1963...

George P. Clancy, Jr., age 61, Knights of Malta (SMOM) and is also Executive Vice President and Chief Lending Officer of Chevy Chase Bank, FSB, a position he has held since 1995. Mr. Clancy has an extensive career in banking which includes serving as President and Chief Operating Officer of The Riggs National Corporation (1985-1986) and President and Chief Executive Officer — Signet Bank, N.A. (1988-1995). Mr. Clancy is active in several community and civic organizations, including serving as Chairman of the Catholic Charities Foundation, Chairman of the Washington, D.C. Police Fund, Member of the Board of Trustees of the University System of Maryland Foundation, Inc. and the University of Maryland College Park Foundation. Mr. Clancy has been a director of Washington Gas Light Company and a director of WGL Holdings since December 2000.

..Few Americans know that J.P. Morgan Company began as George Peabody and Company. George Peabody (1795-1869), born at South Danvers, Massachusetts, began business in Georgetown, D.C. in 1814 as Peabody, Riggs and Company, dealing in wholesale dry goods, and in operating the Georgetown Slave Market. In 1815, to be closer to their source of supply, they moved to Baltimore, where they operated as Peabody and Riggs, from 1815 to 1835. Peabody found himself increasingly involved with business originating from London, and in 1835, he established the firm of George Peabody and Company in London. He had excellent entree in London business through another Baltimore firm established in Liverpool, the Brown Brothers. Alexander Brown came to Baltimore in 1801, and established what is now known as the oldest banking house in the United States, still operating as Brown Brothers Harriman of New York; Brown, Shipley and Company of England; and Alex Brown and Son of Baltimore. The behind the scenes power wielded by this firm is indicated by the fact that Sir Montagu Norman, Governor of the Bank of England for many years, was a partner of Brown, Shipley and Company.* Considered the single most influential banker in the world, Sir Montagu Norman was organizer of "informal talks" between heads of central banks in 1927, which led directly to the Great Stockmarket Crash of 1929.

Soon after he arrived in London, George Peabody was surprised to be summoned to an audience with the gruff Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild. Without mincing words, Rothschild revealed to Peabody, that much of the London aristocracy openly disliked Rothschild and refused his invitations. He proposed that Peabody, a man of modest means, be established as a lavish host whose entertainments would soon be the talk of London. Rothschild would, of course, pay all the bills. Peabody accepted the offer, and soon became known as the most popular host in London. His annual Fourth of July
dinner, celebrating American Independence, became extremely popular with the English aristocracy, many of whom, while drinking Peabody's wine, regaled each other with jokes about Rothschild's crudities and bad manners, without realizing that every drop they drank had been paid for by Rothschild.

During his London years George Peabody and his banking house rose in prominence. Peabody & Company financed the westward expansion of the American railroads and the laying of the first transatlantic cables. When Peabody retired, his partners, Junius Spencer Morgan and his son, J.P. Morgan, took over the company, which became the House of Morgan.
In 1851, George Peabody underwrote the American installation in the Great Exhibition and the following year he financed the first Anglo-American cooperative scientific venture. In the years that followed he created America's first museums of natural history, archaeology and ethnology at Yale and Harvard Universities and the Peabody Museum in Salem, Massachusetts. After the Civil War he funded the Peabody Education Fund which established public education in the South. In London he founded the Peabody Trust to provide homes for the poor of London. The Peabody Education Fund and the Peabody Trust were the first philanthropic foundations in America and England.
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