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kjkjnkjnkjn ago

Well, I've done more digging and found a loose thread connected to Pegasus. I noticed that the window blinds on the top floor of Pegasus were customized so they are open at the top. This typically is so one can look out the window without being fully seen in the window.,-77.0291098,3a,37.5y,58.3h,116.87t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1spmPTeoKnqCh-kxDKZE_X_g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en I then looked across the alley to check out the neighbors place. And coincidentally enough, the neighbors have their blinds the same exact way. Interesting as no other surrounding homes have their blinds in such a way. Being they are adjacent, it seemed possible there is a connected.

I learned that both Pegasus and this neighbor are properties sold by the same realtor; Rebecca Love, who works for Redfin Real Estate. Now maybe it's just a coincidence that their management team look like demons, but I'll just leave this link here anyways: .

So I figured out who owns the top level apartment across from Pegasus, with the similarly drawn blinds, and it's Laura Itzkowitz & Catherine Rivkin. Laura Itzkowitz works for USAID, where she specializes in maternal & child nutrition in third world countries, and is on the board of DC non-profit that serves homeless children, New Endeavors by Women. One of New Endeavors financial contributors is none other than Amy Weiss, who is the wife of Peter Kadzik, a very close associate to JOHN PODESTA. Amy is on the left:

Catherine Rivkin, a.k.a Katie Rivkin Visser, who works for the Department of Defense, is married to Tim Visser, a trial attorney for the US Department of Justice. Here they are together: . Tim Visser does missionary work in Haiti with Hope On A String. Now why Laura Itzkowitz & Katie Visser both own an apartment together, who knows. I guess the best connection made in all this is that Laura Itzkowitz works on the board of an organization that 'helps' homeless DC children and which is funded in part by close associate to John Podesta, Amy Weiss, ,the wife of former DOJ official Peter Kadzik, who appears through the Podesta e-mails and was invited to one of Podesta's "pizza extravaganzas".

PegasusRAM ago

There is more to this connection. Kadzik, Comey, McCabe and Yates are a few at the top who obstructed all investigations and inquiries.

Why did McCain say in Racine that “he sees foreign assistance as a key factor in securing America”?

What is the ONE campaign related to HIV/AIDS, malaria and illiteracy? Why was the World Core Curriculum established in Racine? Why did Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders make the “highly unusual move” to endorse a billion dollar referendum in Racine?

What is the Center for Global Development? What are the “17” goals of Sustainable Development? How are the departments of State, Treasury and Agriculture connected with the US Agency for International Development and the Center for American Progress?

Who did Trump appoint to the Science and Tech Advisory Council? Who did Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with?

Who are the sponsors of the I-94 Project? Why did Women at shelters in Racine say they “were being eaten by bed bugs”? Why were showers and underground tunnels built under the spaceship church? How many cities have underground systems and escape routes? What is Continuum of Care? What is Awesome without Borders? What is Oxfam and Sustainable Brands? What are Synthetic musks, terpenes and other “secret” ingredients that cause cancer and reduce immune defenses?

Who is on the Board of the Children’s Home of Haiti? Who is sourcing plastic from Haiti and the Plastic Bank? What is the Deb Group? What was Mike Shinoda doing with Bill Clinton in Haiti? What is Blinkin Park and how does Tom DeLonge know the Podestas?

Art in Embassies was started with families from Racine - Johnson and Case.

The Rothschilds live in Racine and many elites visit for dialysis treatment. Loyola in Chicago also handles many transplants. What is True Blood and why did Mayer Amschel Rothschilds change his name from Bauer?

The Podestas admitted to getting their big break into art and politics after meetings in Racine - they live nearby in Illinois.

Racine is the original Chicago where Mitt Romney was the quarterback of the NFL team the Racine Normals, now the Arizona Cardinals after moving to Chicago and St. Louis before Arizona.

What is the President’s Council on Sustainable Development?

Why did the DOD sink the USS Racine? Eureka is a major supplier for the Department of Defense, owned by the Johnsons, and the connections run much deeper. Who is the Global Marketing Director, who is the Systems Engineer, and what are the relationships with Booz Allen Hamilton, Raytheon, Lockheed, DOD and Cornell? Who were members of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development and the related task forces?

What is the Volunteer Center? Who is Achille and the Infusino family? Who are the Bonnano family? Who are the Balistrieri family? Who are the Madrigrano family? Who are the Masons? What is Kids First? What is Save the Children? What is United Way? What is Unitarianism?

Many pizza restaurants were started in Chicago and Wisconsin with connections to the mafia. They catered to many tastes.

Zika was a test for what is happening now. Haiti and Brazil were hubs for trafficking and abuse that is now openly occurring in Sanctuary Cities with the undocumented.

Do Trump and Q not know the connections between NXIVM and the Knights of Pythias?

Why is it being covered up while the Agenda is implemented?

Who was the Anon before Q and what do they say to “keep digging into”. What happened to them?

Angelis_Solaris ago

What does this have to do with Pegasus? Why are you distracting from the investigation?

ArtInEmbassies ago

James is a Rothschild connected with Art in Embassies.

The Rothschilds live in Racine and Art in Embassies was started with families from Racine.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name is Bauer. The Bauers also live in Racine. What is True Blood?

Racine is the real DC and hub for pizzagate, and the “Root” and model for Agenda 21 and 2030 leading to the Mark of the Beast.

The moderators are intent on distracting everyone from the Root. Look at the list of banned users before the last few days.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know? It is not in DC. Everyone knows that James works with the Agency.

Did you know that Epstein is a member of the Knights of Pythias linked with NXIVM based on the fellowship at Exit 333?