JesusBuiltMyHotRod ago

Just south of Green Bay on the HWY 151 corridor in Beaver Dam:

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Their newest group which is meant to control the investigation and narrative, and to shelter those are really involved, is called The Fight to End Exploitation. This group is directly linked to the corrupt area churches, the mafia, and others involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. It is also linked with the Clinton Foundation, McCain Foundation, local corrupt foundations, local corrupt authorities, powerful PACs, Penn State University and even has ties to Blink 182 of all things.

They were planning to have Ashton Kutcher serve as a front man for some of the group's events until it was exposed, and now he is hiding in the bushes and afraid to be directly affiliated because they know the truth about Racine and what is being hidden. His real name is Chris Kutcher, he is a freemason and Kabbalah guru, and he is close friend of Clintons, Podestas, Emanuels, and McCain. This is all linked to the Pilgrims Society, Knights of Pythias, Knigths of Malta, and Council of 13 among other nefarious groups involved. Part of the reason why Racine is so important is because it serves as a playground for the elite nearby Chicago, and is the birthplace of initiatives such as United Nations Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 21), the Art in Embassies program, Sanctuary Cities, and Community Policing to name a few.

The entire state is run by the mafia, freemasons and other secret societies. Those involved have openly declared they "are immune to all laws" and "will destroy anyone's life both personally and professionallly if they ask questions about corruption".

The corrupt criminal mayor of Racine just resigned and is being rewarded with a position to control the Great Lakes water supply for his corporate handlers who are directly involved in Agenda 2030. Racine, Wisconsin is the real secret that the world needs to know.

fogdryer ago

There is something odd with I94 project

There sponsors are intertwined with police foundation and Racine foundation

Have to get my notes and return

Sorry so slow at this

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

All of the foundations in Racine are involved, and also tied to other foundations in Milwaukee, Chicago and globally such as the Clinton Foundation. They move money between the various foundations and use them to control other groups based on funding sources.

There is much more than something odd with the I-94 project. It was designed specifically as a cover to those involved in Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Vox_Pacem ago

good job! Milwaukee has a prostitution problem, that's for sure. The places between Milwaukee and green bay though.. Most people probably have no idea.

Wasn't there a bust in that area recently with 12-14 people getting nabbed?

carmencita ago

If you know there is that problem ad people don't know, can you print some of those Cards and pass them out? Take someone with you. No one should do this on their own. It needs to be spread.

Vox_Pacem ago

I was looking into a place in Madison a while back. Why I knew about that bust.

9800086? ago

If you go to this website and type 'Green Bay' in search box some interesting articles can be read regarding Green Bay Pedophilia.

carmencita ago

GREEN BAY Keepers Murder Case: THIS is similar to the Keepers in that a Priest commits murder to quiet the ultimate crime against a child. Thank you for the tip on this advice. I had forgotten about this site. There are many many more.

9807627? ago

You are awesome @carmencia.

Good find.✋

If you go to the website and type

Ryan Erickson

In the search box.... Quite a few other articles are available.

Many MSN articles whitewash so be aware!

I'm thinking pedophilia, sexual perversion, child sacrifices, baby killing and eating may just have started things off in places like Wisc.

I know some wonderful honest non perverts in Wisc. So I must not and do not want to over generalize.

Thank you.

carmencita ago

Here is a better link. I could not get that one to copy correctly. It is a heck of a story. He lied at the end and he probably did not think what he took from that teen was not his to take. He was a pedophile.

Dressage2 ago

Very true

carmencita ago

Holy Cow! You are on a Roll. I have crossed eyes. I am going to read all of them so keep them coming.

fogdryer ago

There should be more under vpizzagate