moderator99 ago

Thanks for posting all this.

cantaloupe6 ago

Chris Coon's daughter was sniffed by Joe too.

thetruthspoken ago

Imagine if the hard drive were to leak verbatim. Imagine the chaos that would come after it.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Imagine if the hard drive were to leak verbatim.

Sometimes people have to see for themselves. Otherwise they would not believe it.

At first the truth hurt :( But then IT WILL SET YOU FREE :)

thetruthspoken ago

I'm fear mongering, saying it would be awesome of the drives were to leak? You might not know what that phrase means. You may have some mental habits where your brain latches onto a phrase and then looks for any reason to try to use it whether it makes sense or not. You might want to get checked for cognitive disorders.

PacaGoat ago

Sold his daughter for access. Sickening!

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Hello @PacaGoat :) In this video, the Democrat Party's Senator Coons & his wife somehow move their underage daughter Maggy next to Joe Biden. Of Course we can see Biden's grabby hands and hair sniffing time is instantly activated. It's just plain creepy and weak ethic.

Then an interesting "coincidence" happens, in this same video you can see Biden intensely looking at the underage girl Maggy, while he says "See you back [at my] home I hope". Then Maggy's mothers says "Oh ABSOLUTELY [Joe]" with a big smile on her face.

Another interested coincident is that after according to Lauren Witzke Democratic Party's SENATOR Chris Coons UNDERAGE DAUGHTER is in the photos on Hunter Biden #LaptopFromHell. With 7 other underage girls. Where where those photos taken? At Biden? This is just speculations. I look forward to learn more about those photos on the #LaptopFromHell.

PacaGoat ago

This is the demoncrat party. And a lot of the repubican party. why there is panic inD.C!

Keep up the great work you do.😊

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

Does Coons behaved like a Kleptocrat?

For those not familiar with Kleptocrats

Kleptocracy is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population.

In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. Also, kleptocrats often export much of their profits to foreign nations in anticipation of losing power.

petevoat ago

These people traded their own flesh and blood like soulless cattle, just for political power.

We all watch movies of roman elites diddling each other and the stories are true.

Man just can't handle power, they really can't.

Francewhoa1905151045 ago

These people traded their own flesh and blood like soulless cattle, just for political power.

@petevoat :) Does Coons behaved like a Kleptocrat?

For those not familiar with Kleptocrats

Kleptocracy is a government whose corrupt leaders (kleptocrats) use political power to appropriate the wealth of their nation, typically by embezzling or misappropriating government funds at the expense of the wider population.

In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates. Also, kleptocrats often export much of their profits to foreign nations in anticipation of losing power.