carmencita ago

"raising children from poverty to become leaders in their own country" What a Crock.

think- ago

Could you maybe add a screenshot of relevant Twitter followers - people like me, who are not on Twitter, cannot see anything when they click the link. Thank you!

Heisenberg123 ago

Obama: Paula Poundstone: Sasha Lord Presents: Avi Gupta:

Avi Gupta is friend of James Alefantis and Justin Barrows - two guys who posted most suspicious children related pictures. This is Avi Gupta messaging Barrows on IG:

think- ago

Great, thank you!

Heisenberg123 ago

Lmao, someone downvoated me XD

think- ago

OMG!! This was actually me, I accidentally hit the downvote button, instead of upvoting you! LMAO.

Should show an upvote now. ;-)

Babylon5 ago

A great follow up to what was uncovered previously OP.

Honestly, at this point we've all collectively unearthed the connections. It's clearer than ever how these people operate. Gotta appreciate all the folks here that have brought together the spiders web from Alefantis.