darkknight111 ago


Look what I found during a search for Transformaer in the Podesta emails. A whole bunch of names to dog into.

Heisenberg123 ago

Look here:

Anthony Green Director of Public Policy Safe Kids Worldwide

And here:

Conrad Cafritz* Chief Executive Officer Cafritz Interests

Conrad Cafritz is son of Morris Cafritz who established Cafritz Foundation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morris_Cafritz http://www.cafritzfoundation.org/about

Cafritz Foundation was source of funding for Transformer DC which is artist centered organization where James Alefantis is a board president:


Cafritz Foundation is also tied to NXIVM and it's tied directly to it:


More here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2546657

Heisenberg123 ago

It's important finding, James Alefantis is board president of Transformer DC, artist centered organization and fact that Michael Giacalone was guest of Transformer DC seems to specifically connect him to James Alefantis and not only to Victoria Lynn Reis ( she works for Transformer DC ) and of course Victoria Lynn Reis is on those pictures as well named "Victoria Reis".

NotHereForPizza ago


Your work is being noticed.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

issuu - https://archive.is/rroEz

BONUS PIZZAGATE EVIDENCE: NSFW - https://files.catbox.moe/kyqbv7.PNG

Brought to you by our good friend - @ESOTERICshade