Since I have been posting on vaccines and abortion, this article came to my attention. Are they stirring up another Ebola threat to sell more vaccines? The following links will tie in Wellcome Trust, including previous pizzagate posts on the topic. Connect the dots....
"Congo's Ebola response threatened by conspiracy theories, rumors"
"People who have contracted Ebola are opting to die at home rather than seek treatment as conspiracy theories fuel distrust of the government and of health workers grappling with the crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to the workers and aid groups."
"In addition to combating a lethal virus, health workers are having to dispel rumors that the disease is manufactured and that the millions of dollars spent on the response are part of a money-making scheme derisively referred to as the “Ebola business.”
"We have lost the trust of the community," Tariq Riebl of the nonprofit International Rescue Committee told NBC News from Goma.
A study conducted in September, less than two months into the outbreak, found that 25 percent of people surveyed in the affected areas did not believe Ebola was real, while 36 percent thought it was fabricated to destabilize the region.
“It’s all about money, that we’re getting bonuses for cases we find, that prolonging the response helps the business side,” Riebl said"
"Ebola treatment centers established by the central government in conjunction with international aid groups have been met with suspicion. Designed to isolate and treat suspected cases of Ebola and staffed by health workers wearing bulky “space suits,” the centers come with an increased presence of police and military forces.
Some people in Butembo even believe that "when you go there they inject you with the disease," according to Vahavi, 30, who collects data for a Congolese nonprofit."
"On Friday, the World Health Organization said an Ebola doctor was killed in an attack on Butembo University Hospital.
Hours later attackers armed with machetes tried to burn down another treatment center, the city's deputy mayor said Saturday.
Two centers run by Doctors Without Borders, along with the Ministry of Health, were attacked three days apart in February, forcing health workers to suspend operations."
"Ebola was confirmed by the World Health Organization on Aug. 1, months before the country was set to head to the polls. "
KEY: "He’s more optimistic now that the elections have taken place, saying that a VACCINATION campaign — which reached more than 100,000 people in the Ebola-effected region — has been effective."
NOTE: "Two centers run by Doctors Without Borders"
"Ebola Vaccine Trial begins in Kilifi
Researchers at the KEMRI| Wellcome Trust Research Programme in Kilifi, Kenya, have started the human testing of a vaccine designed to protect against Ebola. The first dose of the VSV-Ebola vaccine was administered to a health worker on Wednesday December 17, 2014 at the Kilifi County Hospital.
The Phase 1 trials are part of a wider World Health Organization (WHO) led consortium (VEBCON) funded by the Wellcome Trust. These trials, and other trials that are taking place in the USA, Germany, Switzerland and Gabon, will test the vaccine’s safety and its ability to generate an immune system response in healthy adults. The vaccine is administered as a single dose after which the participants will be monitored closely. Early trial results will be provided in February 2015.
The VSV- Ebola vaccine was made by combining the Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) with a portion of a single protein covering the Ebola virus.
(NOTE: THIS IS A GENETICALLY ENGINEERED VIRUS WITH AN EBOLA PROTEIN ADDED ON. What could go wrong?) The vaccine can therefore generate an immune response to Ebola but since it only contains an isolated component part of the Ebola virus it cannot cause a vaccinated individual to become infected with Ebola, or to test positive for Ebola. (NOTE: How do you know it works?)
These trials are led by Dr. Patricia Njuguna, Dr Benjamin Tsofa and Prof. Phillip Bejon who are the Principal investigators. Explaining the approval process the Director KEMRI Prof. Solomon Mpoke said “The approvals were fast-tracked by KEMRI and the Pharmacy and Poisons Board so that a 6 to 7 months approval process was conducted in only 6 weeks” He also noted that while the VACCINE TRIALS WERE BEING FAST-TRACKED the safety of the VOLUNTEERS would remain key.
The trials target HEALTH WORKERS due to their first line contact with Ebola patients. Health workers are easier to communicate with regarding the trial due to their knowledge of how vaccines work, however seminars and information sheets have been used by the trial investigators to educate prospective participants on potential risks.
Although there are no cases of Ebola reported in Kenya, demonstrating safety and immune responses by the vaccine in the Kenyan population will facilitate use of the vaccine if necessary. After these Phase 1 trials, the next step will be to TEST THE VACCINE FURTHER in the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak."
"Vaccine company has $140 million contract with Department of Defense to develop Ebola jab
This patent, which Hodges recently posted on his website, reveals that the CDC claims ownership over Ebola, meaning it can also claim royalties on the distribution and sale of Ebola vaccines. The DoD is also in on the scam, having contracted with Tekmira Pharmaceuticals Corporation, a leading RNA interference therapeutics developer, to develop a vaccine for Ebola.
But this is hardly a recent development -- the government has been working with multinational corporations like Tekmira to develop vaccines for Ebola since prior to 2006, long before the current outbreak. Bill Gates has also invested heavily in the development of such vaccines, footing $50 million in "aid" to the United Nations to "fight Ebola."
This fight, of course, is more of a commercial endeavor rather than a humanitarian one, as evidenced by the various partnerships involved. Gates, Monsanto and others quietly invest "seed" money to initiate product development; the government and media play along by hyping whatever crisis is needed to generate demand for the product; and at just the right time, the vaccine is launched and millions are subjected to it."
"In this case, both the CDC and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are among the key players in promoting the Ebola vaccine. While the CDC owns the patent on Ebola itself, the NIH owns the patent on Ebola vaccines. As it turns out, the NIH has collaborated with the Vaccine Research Center (VRC), a division of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Crucell, another vaccine developer, to commercialize an Ebola vaccine in the very near future."
(2014) "Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières(MSF) announced today that it will host clinical trials in three Ebola treatment centers in West Africa. The separate trials, which are aimed at quickly finding an effective therapy that can be used against the disease, which has so far taken around 5,000 lives in the current outbreak in the region, will be led by three different research partners....the University of Oxford will lead, on behalf of the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium (ISARIC), a Wellcome Trust-funded trial of the antiviral drug brincidofovir at a site yet to be determined. The World Health Organization (WHO) and health authorities of the affected countries are also taking part in this collaborative effort."
"Breaking: David Rockefeller’s Son Richard Dead in Small Plane Crash
Dr. Rockefeller practiced as a family physician in Falmouth, Maine, until 2000 and has worked on global health causes. He served as president of the Health Commons Institute, a nonprofit organization, and chairman of the U.S. Advisory Board of Doctors Without Borders, according to the Rockefeller Brothers Trust Fund website." 2014 - Same year as Ebola outbreak
The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate
Archived Wellcome Trust, Marina Abramovic, Hans Wyss and biotech industry AND THAT PODESTA HANDKERCHIEF EMAIL
The Wellcome Trust, the International Brain Lab, and Champalimaud Foundation of Lisbon, Portugal - and child adoption queen Madonna.
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darkknight111 ago
I did a thread on Wellcome Trust.
Ebola is a suspected bioweapon.
Note that head shill (((AreWeSure))) shilled the hell out of this thread. Ebola being a bioweapon must be true if he stuck his nose in it.
septimasexta ago
Even before the 2014 outbreak, I had researched the original 1970's outbreak which occurred in the same area, then known as the "colonial" ruled Belgian Congo. Ebola had never been seen before, but had characteristics of hemorrhagic fever, was quite virulent with a 100% death rate. Because it quickly killed the host, it did not spread very far. Patient 0 came down with it after visiting a Belgian health clinic for a (think) malaria shot. They tried to pin it on a monkey virus that "jumped," but African monkeys are often used for research. Later, a less virulent strain showed up in other areas with a lower kill rate, but with an increased infection rate. Ebola spreadability peaked with the 2014 outbreak:
"“Your Majesty, Ladies, and Gentlemen. It is now almost 40 years ago since the so-called Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) was discovered. We speak of 1976 and it was a young and devoted Belgian doctor, Peter Piot, who identified the virus in the village of Yambuku, in today’s Democratic Republic of Congo.
Four decades have passed since then and the Ebola virus has struck communities on various occasions, each time in a harsh and cruel way. These epidemics somehow always ended after a few months of time and did not seem to result in a truly systemic crisis. Or at least, this is how the international community had perceived it up until last year.
2014 became the year of the global wake-up call. Most probably it was a two-year-old boy in the town of Guéckédou, in Guinea, who was the first victim of the current Ebola epidemic. He already died in 2013, on December 6th to be more precisely. Things went very fast then and it was the organization Médecins Sans Frontières who first sounded the alarm. Being active in the field and on Ebola for many years, they had never seen an outbreak of the virus with such dimensions."
The African journalist of this article has his own ideas about the cause of both HIV and Ebola:
"Was De Croo trying to hide something or because there were many celebrities, including the queen at the conference? Because De Croo failed to mention the role of Hillary Koprowski and Belgium nurses and doctors who deliberately sprayed contaminated vaccine into the mouths of the poor and innocent Congolese, which later gave birth to Ebola and other deadly diseases."
"That was a pity because Michel should have known the date of scientific literature of the criminal pharmaceutical, medical and corrupt (African) politicians, who also knew Aids and Ebola were man-made diseases, just as the Western World, Russia and Japan, and two top Belgium scientists, Guido van der Groen and Peter Piot knew of the medical crimes."
"But during the African Ebola crisis, the only thing Belgium really did was to let the Council of Ministers approved the deployment of a mobile laboratory in Guinea to fight the spread of the Ebola epidemic. The government of France received the expected guarantees for the safety of the Belgian team."
"Belgium History About The So-Called First Ebola Outbreak in 1976.
Once in 1976, a research team had been formed, including a special Belgian Aids researcher, to meet at the Antwerp Prince Leopold Institute of Tropical Medicine. To their surprise, they didn’t find only members of the American National Institute of Health but also many others, including the director of the American National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases NIAID, and surprisingly the director Peter Piot of the Prince Leopold Institute itself.
The highly experienced doctors at the American Center For Disease Control had enrolled an unfamiliar epidemiologist from Johns Hopkins Hospital, who told them exactly how the investigation in Zaire should be given. The plan is to hide the result of the investigation from the public as a medical crime. The outcome of the research remained a mystery because the results are never published."
Usually if a virus is patented, it is because it has been genetically altered for research.
septimasexta ago
"The Secret Behind The Tracking Down Of Ebola In Congo By Belgian Scientists"