letsdothis1 ago

The founding members of the Campus Biotech are the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de LAUSANNE, the University of Geneva, the Bertarelli Family and Hansjörg Wyss.

I've linked Podesta with the biotech industry in Geneva here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2390929/11939792

Since we know that the Podesta's have some kind of family connection to Swizerland and seem to have some kind of base in Lausanne, I thought I'd do a search for his name with that of Bertarelli, and here comes a wikileaks email: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26150

The second change is that we have just heard that unfortunately Mr. Bertarelli had a family matter come up, and although he was looking forward to the dinner he won't be able to join you after all. Instead, Bertarelli Foundation Director Mark Bolland will join you. Appended here is Mr. Bolland's biography:

Mark Bolland: Director, Bertarelli Foundation & Group Communications Director, Waypoint Capital Holdings

A chemisty graduate, Mark started his career in the media at the UK's Advertising Standards Authority, where he was head of research and adviser to the organisation's Director-General. In 1992 he was appointed as the first ever Director of the UK's Press Complaints Commission.

In 1996 he became Deputy Private Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales, with responsibility for media relations and the Prince's interests in healthcare, the environment, and architecture. Having served in the position for six years, he left in 2002 to establish his own consultancy business, which provided communications advice to businesses, individuals and charities.

Since 2008 he has been a Trustee of both The Helen Hamlyn Trust and its educational initiative "Open Futures". He is also a Trustee of the David Ross Foundation and the David Ross Education Trust, which sponsors a number of school Academies in the United Kingdom.

I'm not sure if this is relevant but here is the family name for both in a Royal Almanac

Millennial_Falcon ago

Rule 3: You need to logically connect all this somehow, ideally with a concise summary at the top. Otherwise, it comes off as one of our resident troll's patented "baffle with bullshit" posts. Right @Vindicator?

Vindicator ago

This post didn't come off that way to me...maybe because I know all the pieces are legit, rather than some hokey crap about King David and Knights Templar, etc. It is difficult, with complex webs of relationships like this, to write a post that ties things up neatly in a bow. Generally that's what editors would do with a writer's piece to prepare it for publication. But we're dealing with raw research, here. It's difficult, especially for those who are writers by trade.

Millennial_Falcon ago

It is difficult, with complex webs of relationships like this, to write a post that ties things up neatly in a bow.

Nobody's asking for that. I'm just asking for something explaining why the pieces are perceived to be connected (the required description of link content and how links relate to the post as a whole).

think- ago

Thanks for this.

swordfish69 ago

@Millenial_Falcon I get your rationale but some of this information is extremely precious. I don't want this overlooked while the board gets crapflooded with QAnon posts.

letsdothis1 ago

it comes off as one of our resident troll's patented "baffle with bullshit" posts.

I thought the post was extremely logical.

Marina Abramovic - check, podesta email - check, names mentioned in email are associated with an industry that we know to be corrupt - check

Care to explain further or give an example?

ESOTERICshade ago

Its about six against one on this subject and nobody in this thread agrees with you. These people are good researchers.

@kevdude already agreed too in the last thread you deleted on this topic

@swordfish69 @vindicator @think- @letsdothis1

Millennial_Falcon ago

It is you who needs to explain further.

dragonkiller ago

I think Falcon is getting paid by somebody. I can't prove it but with research this good getting deleted something is up.

ESOTERICshade ago

It is you who needs to explain further.

OP explained it fine. Well enough to interest researchers, known and reliable researchers in this forum, to participate. These participants are not shills. These are some of the brightest minds in the pizzagate research community. Prove to me that they are not. The burden of proof IS ON YOU.

letsdothis1 ago

I'll try - in another post.

Vindicator ago

letsdothis1, your persistance is commendable. Here's what helps me: ask yourself "What is my premise?" See if you can formulate the sum total of the whole post as a single sentence that you are trying to prove or disprove. Then, stick that right at the front -- and line up the rest of the info nuggets you've got to support that premise. Protip: This is the very last thing you do. Often, there's no way to articulate this when you first start writing the thread. You just have a bunch of juicy stuff and a hunch. But making the effort to distill all that material into a premise that can be proven or disproven is a great service to us all and really helps focus everyone's research efforts.

Don't give up. I really think you are onto something.

letsdothis1 ago

Thanks very much for the input vindicator. Sometimes I'm trying to do too much at once. I'll work on summaries in other posts.

Vindicator ago

Capturing your angle in a "premise" or "hypothesis" is not easy, but it is a great discipline and I have found it makes me a better writer and thinker. Also, it generates much more animated discussion, as people have a clear target to aim at, pro or con. ;-)

letsdothis1 ago

Btw vindicator, I've been meaning to ask you what kind of writing do you do? You mentioned something about academia, so I presume it's non-fiction? What's your field?

Vindicator ago

I started out as a newspaper reporter but couldn't take the bullshit. I then did freelance business writing and editing for ten years or so, including some ghostwriting, until I quit to write a novel. The manuscript won a regional writing competition award and was going strong, but I got in a really bad car accident and ended up with neck injuries and migraines that forced me to stop writing for years. Still recovering from that. I've never done academic writing -- for me, it's all about the story. I do have one nonfiction book that has been translated into multiple languages, but it's more how-to than academic. Has a lot of footnotes and support material, though. :-)

letsdothis1 ago

I get it. I have to do that for academic papers - seems I've got to do it here too :-)

Millennial_Falcon ago

k. Again, you need to explicitly state what the logical connections are between you items of evidence, because it really isn't clear just from reading the post.

ESOTERICshade ago

k. Again, you need to explicitly state what the logical connections are between you items of evidence, because it really isn't clear just from reading the post.

Yes it is. Your comprehension of all the material is not a rule in this forum. You are exceeding your mandate. We are sick of your censorship. this poster that made this post is one of the best posters in the forum and intellectually is far above you. You can see from the very PRODUCTIVE comments that researchers were connecting the dots. Since when did your agreement and understanding of all the material beocme a rule? I am throwing doen the gauntlet and I will continue to fight for our right to research up until the minute I am banned.

@kevdude he is doing it again.

@vindicator @think- @letsdothis1

swordfish69 is one of the best researchers in the whole pizzagate world and has contributed a lot to this line of research as well. That fact that you can't understand and recognize good research means you need to step down Falcon.

swordfish69 ago

Oxfam's massive archiving initiative gets seven-figure funding by the Wellcome Trust

The entirety of Miriam Rothschild's work studying art therapy (which I think is related to the MK Ultra program) is stored at Wellcome

So is the entirety of the Eugenics Society

World League for Sexual Reform--the meeting that brought abortion, transgenderism and modern sexual mores into the mainstream--was hosted by Wellcome

letsdothis1 ago

Wellcome - Oxford - Intelligence services - UN - ...

Try making a post with all those connections and see how long it will be allowed to stay up. They want us here to have to fight the story of Hillary in the basement of CPP instead of getting to the real meat of what is going on.

JFK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ya8J503VFqY

think- ago

More info about Abramovic from The Guardian:

With an exhibition schedule booked to 2024, she is working on new artwork for a solo show at the Royal Academy of Art in London in 2020.

In the meantime, she is maintaining her roving project, the Marina Abramović Institute, which hosts temporary projects across the globe.

letsdothis1 ago

MAI partners with the Google Cultural Institute https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/partner/marina-abramovic-institute

Fyi, this post has been deleted.

think- ago

Speaking of Abramovic....there's an article about her in today's Guardian, and guess what? They mention Pizzagate! ;-)

While her own performance work is linked with shamanistic rituals, the far right have misunderstood her art as Satanism.

Her work surfaced during the Pizzagate scandal of 2016, where one of Abramovic’s emails to Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta (brother of Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta) refers to a “Spirit Cooking,” which is the name of an artwork she made in 1996. It was assumed to be an occult ritual.

“People can so easily put labels, we are afraid of everything,” she said. “I talk openly on every single subject in my work, it’s very important to understand it and put it in the right context.”


But it doesn't stop there, there's an opinion piece by The Guardian's art critic, who some time ago argued in favour of a painting of Balthus, creator of pedophile art at the MoMa.

letsdothis1 ago

That's how they are trying to bury the truth of the web of corruption. Think of this web as a series of layers as well (pyramid), trying to keep it at the mainstream version of pizzagate i.e. Comet Ping Pong and Hillary lurking in the basement. We also have one or two mods here who 'seem' to think and act along those lines - rather like trying to close the gate after the horses have bolted.

swordfish69 ago

Marina's Slaughter--err,I mean Spirit! house

"In the original installation, the tango piece played in the room where the cattle would spend their last night awaiting the morning slaughter. The spectators who entered the space heard Marina's tape recorded voice, arguing that the body cannot burn as long as blood flows and claiming that the spirit can actually never burn. However, the installation was later exhibited at other locations, developing new meanings in this way. Currently exhibited together with 'Luminosity', which shows Abramovic naked on a bicycle seat attached to a steel construction, casting shadows against a white wall, 'Dissolution' and 'Insomnia' refer to various themes recurring in Abramovic's work, from trauma and cultural memory to the idea of putting the stamina of the body to the test in order to reach a higher state of consciousness."

letsdothis1 ago

I just realized that the acronym for the Marina Abramovic Institute (MAI) is I AM backwards.

Vindicator ago

Well that sucks. :-( Yuck.

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you. My post has been deleted.

Markb63 ago

Why didn't they quote the email.

letsdothis1 ago

Bertarelli Foundation (worth looking into?) https://www.fondation-bertarelli.org/

think- ago

P.S. I believe the Podestas have further connections to Lausanne

Maybe I'm wrong, but doesn't Podesta own a house in Switzerland?

When I read @Swordfish69's excellent last blog entry, I realized we always should keep in mind that Alefantis is possibly a Rothschild => Wellcome Trust has a strong connection to the Rothschilds, it houses part of their archives.

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, I believe so. I've seen others post about it. I don't have the time to look, I'm hoping someone else can fill in the blanks.

think- ago

I'll have a busy day, but will try to find the info tonight.