exposethecriminals ago

Thanks for reposting.


Airbnb connection:

Charles DeSantis' Facebook mentions David McDermott works at Guest Prep.

Guest Prep is an Airbnb and short-term rental property cleaning company in Washington, DC, Denver, CO, and Austin, TX.

Guest Prep: http://archive.is/aQ4GG

McDermott also owned/owns several Airbnb rentals, and formerly was head of housekeeping and operations at 'elite' hotels.

(Link has to be copied and pasted for some reason) https://web.archive.org/web/20180220072927/https://www.yourwelcome.com/the-art-of-hospitality-cleaning/

The laundromat where he used to clean his rental apartment linens burned down, which sends up a red flag.



Washington, DC hotels housekeeping connection:

McDermott was formerly Director of Housekeeping for Your DC Hotels, which purchased the iconic ‘elite’ Georgetown Inn, which has hosted "Washington's most honored residents, Hollywood stars, royalty and sports icons." The team that created the Georgetown Inn later built the infamous Watergate Hotel.

McDermott/DeSantis mention, 2012: http://archive.is/7LwE1#selection-603.5-607.1

YourDCHotels: http://archive.is/HFYiv


I wonder just what kind of cleaning up needs to be done sometimes at these places, in order to destroy evidence of child sexual abuse and SRA by deletes.

carmencita ago

Copied from archived thread: http://i.imgur.com/6HkygSj.png Furry Parties?

Nana66 ago

OMG the kids...it looks like one had tried to get away and had to be restrained on the floor...and they don't look like white children.

carmencita ago

I know. It is frightening and disgusting. They are stealing these children and they are not enough. They are stealing them through whatever method they can. CPS, Adoption. This is not a great start to our day. How do we save these children. I don't know. They have vehicles to create and mold their thinking into their brains. That in itself is frightening.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Just like the Rothschild parties. This is an element of transhumanism.

All the people buying into this cosplay trend are either sheep or cult members.

I find it absolutely frightening.

carmencita ago

Generational cults.

carmencita ago

Also the normalizing of beasteality. Humans and animals. All one. Yes. It is frightening. They are so bored living our life, they must create the bazaar and beyond normal.

mooteensy ago

Excellent detective work here.

carmencita ago

Hi :)

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago


Blacksmith21 ago

There was a lot of good info in that post. I'm surprised all the links still work.

Oh_Well_ian ago

did you see the FB post of Bubba babysitting?

surreal !

Blacksmith21 ago

I did. WTF. That was a new one on me.

Oh_Well_ian ago

The pic really is a touchstone of the PG investigation >> Elites having access to immigrant sex slaves that have been adopted by LBGTQ's, who gain favor and promotion. This post is PACKED with so much information, I had to share it. I'd actually been searching for it for awhile.

think- ago

Thanks! :-)

Oh_Well_ian ago
