Truewarrior ago

Fuck. We need to do a gigantic schematic spreadsheet of all the connections. It's so interconnected and confusing. Who wants to take on that task?

AHuman ago

I'd never heard of Kibera so I did a quick search. I then included clinton into the search and

Turns out Bill Clinton foundation has links with Kibera.

Money is finding its way through from many international organizations including Gates Foundation, Bill Clinton Foundation, all the well known charities and of course the churches both in Africa and internationally.

Weirdly enough the website summarizes on of the problems in Kibera is

  • 58% of the population is under 14 years old

Sorry I can't investigate further at this moment. I 'm deep in another line of investigation but will pick this up in the next day or 2.

Thought I'd post now in case anyone else would like to pick it up in the mean time.

EDIT: Ignore this if the connection has already been made.

redditsuckz ago

Good find...Im wondering if Kibera is where the children really came from even tho they say they were taken from El Salvador.

Here is some more continuing info regarding Charles Desantis and the UN;

More Comet Ping Pong Connections - United Nations Charles DeSantis friends with NSA SPY AGENCY worker - Booz Allen Hamilton(Snowden) + The Washington Ballet

James Alefantis connections - CFR, Trilateral Commision, Bilderbergs - Zbigniew Brzezinski's Daughter on UN refugee Board

AHuman ago

It's a possibility. But tbh they get taken from all around the world. So they could easily be from El Salvador.

Just putting it out there though.....

AHuman ago

Thanks for linking me to this. I had missed it.


Xpol ago

It's only a matter of time.

Right now they are going to try to make pedophilia legal.

Eventually we will do what needs to be done. We need to start trying an executing them.

Establish our own investigations as we have done. Eventually we will establish our own anti pedo courts and justice.

This can only end one of two ways.

Xpol ago


The animal masks are everywhere that has pedophilia. I would never take a photo with my child like that.

These people are sick. The genie isn't going back in the bottle. Of course these people love gin, Muslim demons, so they probably love it.

ich1baN ago

Dude... reddits.... you are onto something HUGE... please DO. NOT. STOP. WHAT. YOU'RE. DOING.

The whole UN refugee thing makes total sense in the grand scheme of things which brings Wylita Bell's name back into the picture at the US Consulate in Shanghai (someone who would have an ability to give visas for children).... they could use the UN refugee program as pretext... dude... you're genius!

victuruslibertas ago

Excellent work. I am doing a video on this directing people here. Again, excellent post

redditsuckz ago

Whats the video link?

victuruslibertas ago

Have not done it yet. I am going to review everything this evening. I will ping you when it's done

redditsuckz ago

Here is an image dump of some screenshots that you might find a few useful mostly from Charles DeSantis Facebook;

Album 2 - David DeSantis misc;

And the most recent thread on the findings;

More Comet Ping Pong Connections - United Nations Charles DeSantis friends with NSA SPY AGENCY worker - Booz Allen Hamilton(Snowden) + The Washington Ballet

victuruslibertas ago

Thank you , Brother

srayzie ago

Why do you say that?

EndThePizza ago

440 didn't come from the Nazis. It was the result of a long, mundane, international debate about which standard to use.

anolegion ago

The question that started this post is still not addressed: What was Justin Barrows doing at that particular Adoption Day Celebration?

Also, the 440 hz 'lead' is bull shit. That's just the pitch standard for A above middle C. While different technicians/orchestras use somewhat varying frequencies, a browser tab displaying 440 hz is nothing out of the ordinary for anyone who knows - or wants to know - anything about formal music.

[Edit: Btw why did I not get a notification for this post?]

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Ordering in pizza and hotdogs!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So, just like the music industry in order to make it big and line your pockets, these singers and rappers conform. Do you think those like Kayne and Mylie Cyrus know they have had MKUltra used on them?

Brainyidiot ago

This is amazing

carmencita ago

The first picture of the two of them with the kids on the couch. It is listed underneath.

What_photo123 ago

The reason I asked is because I came across and started looking for odd business names in this area. Grooming Lounge was the first one that popped out to me. If you look at the GT website, it has ping pong, the triangle symbol, and it covers White House to Dupont Circle and 16th Street NW to New Hampshire Avenue NW. You can scroll down to see their map.

carmencita ago

It is listed under that first picture of the two of them with the kids on the couch.

What_photo123 ago

The reason I asked is because I came across and started looking for odd business names in this area. Grooming Lounge was the first one that popped out to me. If you look at the GT website, it has ping pong, the triangle symbol, and it covers White House to Dupont Circle and 16th Street NW to New Hampshire Avenue NW. You can scroll down to see their map. Comet Ping Pong is a straight shot to the area

carmencita ago

Ta-Da! Good for you. That name set off an alarm only because of the suspicious content in their backgrounds. I think the photographer should also be checked out. I don't have time right now but hope to remember. We have to remember who we are looking at here. 2 guys that have connections to Alfantis, Hillary and Bill, Georgetown U. , etc.

Eastwood350 ago

When the immigrants were starting to flow in to this country a couple of us researched back then to find out if these kids were put into the system rather than hooking up to family members here whether or not they'd be eligible for the same benefits that fosters/adoptive parents are privy to. We discovered they were.

It's a complicated financial structure but I'll share a little of it with you just in case you aren't aware. After Hillary penned (yes she penned) the ASFA act and it was signed by her POTUS husband in 1997 states were incentivized to increase their adoptions over the prior year. NO INCREASE = NO BONUS for the states. Each child who is presently adopted reaps from 4k-10k per child depending on their ages IF the state managed to exceed their adoptions even by only one child. So if a state adopted 1000 children in 2015 and 1001 children in 2016 then those 1001 children are each going to bring in a bounty for the state. Whereas if they adopted 1000 in 2015 and 999 in 2016 the state receives NOTHING! Those bonuses going into the state coffers and the state can do with it as they please. Texas is the only state since this was instituted in 1997 that has consistently made their bonuses without missing one year.

The other thing that Ms Hillary did with ASFA is reward the adoptive parents with a monthly maintenance check for each child. It would never be more than what they were receiving as foster parents however it's quite lucrative for both the state and the adopters. Most states deem children over the age of 6, or of a minority group or siblings as "special needs". They are characterized that way because those children are not as highly adoptable. Special needs children are put into a different category for compensation to fosters and adopters and the result is a higher monthly maintenance payment. Adopted children also get free medical care through Medicaid until they turn 18. AND another bonus to adoptive families is they get a $13400 tax credit for each and every child that can be applied to a tax liability up to a period of six years.

The other thing I once came across but haven't been able to locate it since is the state continues to receive funding from the FED (they receive it from day one when a child goes into the system from SSA) until that child is 18 or 21 if the child goes on to higher education. The split is 60/40 60% going to the adopters and 40% retained by the state for administrative expenses which consists of cutting a check once a month. Adopters receive from $500- $ 830 per month, per child (each state sets their own rates) all tax free all the while the state would be pocketing from $330-$550 just for issuing the check.

And I haven't even touched on how much the state receives from the FED IV-E while the child is originally made a ward of the state which averages 85k for a period that normally lasts about 18 months.

Again it's slightly off topic but I feel there is VERY good reason to believe this is what's happening to these immigrant children because it's so lucrative for adopters and the state and since they opened up the "market" to the LGBT community it's only helped to increase the child trafficking.

remedy4reality ago

If it's such a small part of the population, why is it so prevalent and highlighted in our media and entertainment industry? It also looks like Hollywood is full of pedo's so I find your comment a bit condescending. I firmly believe this entire pedo/smuggling/cultural infrastructure and it's participants have found highly convenient and effective cover behind the LBGT movement. I'm sick of hearing the sexuality identity struggles of individuals, famous and not being broadcast every day, everywhere. I am a liberal and have never voted Republican, but your comment lacks all context in light of recent events.

srayzie ago

I would love to believe that's just a beautiful family. But who the heck lets Bill Clinton babysit their kids and puts chicken and panda masks on them? It didn't look like Halloween at all. Creepy. That browser tab showing 440hz is weird. It looks like one of the tabs said suicide too. So many people that are friends with Alefantis or the Clinton's are WEIRD people. Thank you for this post.

remedy4reality ago

Not weird, WIRED. These freaks are all CIA programmed, including the Clintons.

cakeoflightylight ago

sounds of A = 432 have been taken down?? (followed the links and tried to find out more: is gone as are several other links)

Eastwood350 ago


GeorgeT ago

This is truly amazing work guys. Do you realize that the dam has been perforated and the leak is about to burst the dam open. This cannot be covered up any longer. May I dare to say that my deep resentment towards homesexuals adopting children has been vindicated. It is time when LGBT community adopting kids becomes a crime, ie illegal. I commend every one of you for an incredible detective job. Here in Australia pedophilia in high places is rampant. But thanks to you the word is spreading. Pizzagate is trending in Australia. As Victor Hugo famously said: 'No army can supress an idea whose time has come.'

adam_danischewski ago

I agree - there is no need to allow for a high risk of pedophilia group such as homosexuals to adopt children.

GeorgeT ago

Absolutely. Very well phrased, high risk group. I have no business with homosexuals doing whatever is it they do behind closed doors, but when it comes to addoting children, it's a no go. We were taught that actions have consequences and homosexual lifestyle bears no progeny. Rule of nature.

waxdino ago

I respect your opinion, but want to throw out there that not everyone here agrees that gays shouldn't adopt, or that they do it for pedo reasons. That's not why I'm here.

Xpol ago

Are you homosexual?

If not and you care about this then you need to speak to your gay friends and tell them to stand up against this.

The lgbt community is trying to normalize pedophilia as a preference. They need to distance themselves if they want any credibility

GeorgeT ago

Unfortunately homosexuality gives birth to NAMBLA, which is basically legalizing pedophelia. Tough choices, tough measures.

YingYangMom ago

I just got goosebumps. Thanks for this, very well said.

remedy4reality ago

that Hugo quote is one of the best ever

carmencita ago

Wow. How you have opened my mind by mentioning Tesla. I have meant to look him up many times. Thanks. I have suspected some shady business for some time. And the 440 Hz. Does anyone know if there is anything invented that would bypass this? Something you can put in your earphones, or something else?

cakeoflightylight ago

no but I quit listening to the songs by any Illuminati shills I could find out about. No longer listen to Adele, Katy Perry or Taylor Swift's newer stuff... going to retune my guitar

carmencita ago

Good for you. I am going to look into finding some that music.

Jem777 ago

Really great work everyone. Inspiring to watch all the effort. Also to the deeper understanding of what's at play here historically.

carmencita ago

Is that the photograph courtesy of The Grooming Lounge? What kind of name is THAT? Don't know if that means anything, but they sure have some creepy names. Georgetown link, set up a art school at an orphanage in Africa, These people don't care anymore. They are hiding in plane site. They have been getting away with this stuff for years and are so brazen because they know they will be protected or not investigated. Well the jig is up! We must not let stuff like this slip by. Thank you for posting and archiving. I am only half way through your post. More jaw dropping for me.

Singleservename ago

Oh come on look something up for yourself. They groom hipster beards not kids.

What_photo123 ago

They are in the golden triangle of D.C., I was coincidentally looking into grooming lounge last week:

carmencita ago

I did look it up. Still think it is weird that it is featured with them. That's all I am saying. They seem to be connected to all things pedo. I am in no way pushing people to head out on an all out witch hunt. Just saying that sometimes things should be considered and not just taken for granted.

remedy4reality ago

They have no intention of hiding. They are forcing change.

carmencita ago

I agree. I meant to say they have been hiding in plain site and now they feel more brazen since their conditioning is taking hold, imo. They are pushing pushing pushing. And some of us are asleep and do not see nor hear. But some of us are awakening.

YingYangMom ago

Nice work finding a connection between Bill Clinton and the Chair of the UN Refugee Agency, Chris Dermott. The 'seemingly nice gay couple' appear to be close with the Clintons, close enough to let the Perv babysit their 'brand new' children while they're out having drinks with the Old Hag. If I were to make a bet, I'd say they're 'importing' many more. However, I don't believe they flaunt these ones on social media.

Would be nice if we could find more solid evidence. Something they couldn't deny or cover-up.

Nevertheless, I have to congratulate you again on your great analytic and researching skills. Respect.

GeorgeT ago

Years ago Alex Jones was ridiculed by a caller for suggesting that UN was into child trafficking. Truth is stranger than fiction.

YingYangMom ago

It's a mad world. I sometimes feel so down, that I could almost believe Camus was right about life, ha... But then again, no. I just take a break and refill myself with positive energy. We all sometimes need to distance ourselves a little to see things clearer, right?

remedy4reality ago

What if the evidence was right in front of your face? What if the program to normalize pedophilia included famous people who have broad political and/or cultural support?

YingYangMom ago

Unfortunately, it seems that we've already reached this point, but we're still all pretty much in denial, aren't we? I can't help but remember this leaked 'Podesta pal' email and its message:

And as I've mentioned, we've all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking - and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.

remedy4reality ago

' conspire ' << that is what we call a CONFESSION of criminal activity

do you have a link for that email? that is really something !

YingYangMom ago

remedy4reality ago

wow... Ivey is clearly panicked by the ascension of Trump in the primary and was running contrary to those in the HRC campaign chomping at the bit to get at the Don.

YingYangMom ago

Yeah. That's when I pretty much understood that Trump wasn't part of their club and that he NEEDED to win.

GeorgeT ago

You know what guys, I really did not want to admit this to myself, but in light if these revelations, I see Madonna's and Angelina's 'Humanitarian efforts' in a new light! Given the Hollywood's obsession with pedophilia and given it's ties to the occult (see Marina Abramovic) it only stands to reason that child adoption by these Hollywood elites from 3rd world countries has a sinister agenda. Project Monarch, MK Ultra and others that we know little about.

Singleservename ago

Tbf uncredited anon in the original thread did much of the heavy lifting here.

YingYangMom ago

Sure. Sorry I didn't post a reply sooner, I was away. I completely agree with this being a group effort. I just felt the need to give credit to redditsuckz for the efforts he or she put into, not only his thread, but also into every other thread that's not his or her own. Whatever anyone does in good faith is welcomed and appreciated. That's how I see it.

redditsuckz ago

I dont take credit for anything...this is a group are welcome to go through the facebooks or research on your own with these people and also contribute here and I will update the Original post as new and important info comes available...

Singleservename ago

Maybe you didn't take the credit. But you did get it.

Just thought it would be fair to mention this is based on other investigators' work.

Yes it's a group effort but there's nothing wrong with giving credit where it's due if only for motivational reasons.

redditsuckz ago

Look...I dont really this whole thread again and say you discovered long as this gets exposed it doesnt matter to me...there are reasons I dont ping/credit people anymore...and one reason is they get attacked by shills if I ping them for credit....I posted a link to the original thread...people can see the work everyone does here...

Don-Keyhote ago

Are you random rants of Ryan or is that concernedcitizen

Singleservename ago

Sry I did not know about pinging leading to shill attacks. Probably better this way then.

remedy4reality ago

This has SHADY written all over it. I would like to call it a ' find ', but I'm afraid that sells it short. This submission is a REVELATION that neatly puts all the large pieces together including the role of the The Clintons, UN, State Department, the DC culture including Georgetown and of course, our buddies at Comet.

Responding to edit by OP > Can you please explain the addition of the MK ULTRA connection and the two Chihuahuas in a Gucci bag? @redditsuckz thanks

GeorgeT ago

Incidently, Carrol Quigley, Professor at Georgetown, author of Tragedy and Hope where he exposes the global conspiracy was a Bill Clinton's mentor.

redditsuckz ago

You can see the 440Hz Music in the browser of the picture above the dogs heads + "suicide" beside it...

That frequency is used for mind control and cant just be a coincidence and what that picture was really about. And the fact they all put on animal head costumes.

That is another form of MKULTRA so the child sounds crazy if they tell someone about their would sound like this "they all had animal heads and were abusing me"...

And just to add that I think Caris James might actually be a BOY....

Comment by Alefantis: "It's HIS money!" Izette Folger next comment: "It's a SHE baby"

Here the guy calls "her" ceris ?...and the "boy lover spirals" are on the Caris dress...

They might be grooming this child from birth to be a girl even tho they are a boy...

Here is Scott Cummings wearing a "Butt" shirt and holding the gay magazine Butt;

"Daddy likes Butt"

And "Chicken lovers" is a reference for young boys and he is holding caris;

The whole family and friends would have to be in on this sick thing...and all James Alefantis close friends are probably all gay including Joe Wills and Scott Cummings and Jeff and Blaire Smith etc or at least bi...just like all the elites who go to Bohemian Grove are married but are secretly are into guys.

Just like Angelina Jolie and her grooming her child Shiloh from a girl to a boy;

Angelina Jolie is also connected to Charles DeSantis and the UN refugee agency here;

stellarcorpse ago

doubt they are all gay. I think they are Bi. James included. Yes, I believe this family is complicit and they have sold Caris to James.

ich1baN ago

It's possible Caris James (aka Juniper) is a boy... however, I want to say something first and chew on this idea and think about it. I've looked at that same photo (the one where he says she baby) before and have thought deeply about it weeks ago and I came to this conclusion.

These people JA, JP, Marina Abramovic pay homage and great honor to their ideology which is steeped deeply in ancient Egyptian rituals such as ISIS (which has an interesting interplay to ISIS the terror org today and why Obama and the West let it metastasize in order to accomplish the complete George Soros' reengineering and destruction of Western society through exporting millions and millions of refugees that they knew would cause extreme social/cultural issues while overwhelming infrastructure and natural resource limits of their host countries) Osiris and Horus. At any rate if you recall the story is that Horus the son of Osiris and ISIS does not have a gender (therefore is trans, or nonbinary) until ISIS takes Osiris' dead body (which was cut into 14 pieces, hence John Podesta's fish and 14 on his hand) and then copulates with the dead body after she puts it back together through "black magic", except for the penis which was eaten by the fish and forever lost in the Nile river.... at any rate this ritual is what James Alefantis base a lot of their ideology on.... and root their idea of male/female duality.

This is why Majestic Ape has a mask and is played by both a female and male character at different times. It represents their devotion to this male-female duality theme. Imo, Caris is a girl and they are calling her a "he" at times in order to play into this male-female duality sort of like how Horus did not have a gender until ISIS copulated with Osiris' dead body and then engendered Horus through this sexual act.... hence their complete fascination with sadistic sexual acts.

@redditsuckz @yingyangmom

YingYangMom ago

Excellent theory. I had researched this Podesta pic with 14 and fish before and it also led me to this. I got the hint from a video called 'Secrets in plain sight' from 34:28 to 36.21.

Edit: link.

GeorgeT ago

Angelina must be a naive idiot, a satanist, a pedophile enabler or a down right weirdo. Which one is it? Perhaps all of the above, minus the naive part.

redditsuckz ago

Its kinda throws the "born this way" out of the questions...these people are created and mind fucked to be this way.

alanna ago

Wonder if "John" is from dis-associative causes.

ansipizza ago

Musician here. I guess all we violinists are mind controlled, or maybe mind controllers, because our A string is tuned to 440 Hz.

ich1baN ago

Can you elaborate on your post for the laymen amongst us... really appreciate insights from experts on their subject topic. What does it mean when you say "our A string is tuned to 440 Hz".... pretend if you will that I'm an infant and know nothing LOL.

ansipizza ago

Sure! Our sensation of pitch comes from things that vibrate periodically, like a violin string, the column of air in a flute or horn, a xylophone key, etc. The faster something vibrates, the higher the pitch sounds. For example, the vibrations from a piccolo are much faster than those from a tuba. Pitches are measured in terms of cycles (complete vibrations) per second. This unit is something also called Hertz, abbreviated Hz. Our ears are capable of perceiving sounds in the 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz range, but we can only usefully distinguish musical notes (i.e. follow a melody) over a narrower range, perhaps 40 Hz to 4,000 Hz.

Violins have four strings, and while the standard tuning notes have moved around over the centuries, right now, the official frequencies violinists are supposed to tune to are E(the highest string)=659.3 Hz, A=440.0 Hz, D=293.7 Hz, and G(the lowest string)=196 Hz. So, when I said a violin's A string is tuned to 440 Hz, that simply means that when the string is excited without altering its length, it vibrates 440 times per second, i.e. if you were to use a stroboscope or film camera and take 440 pictures per second, the vibrating string would appear to stand still.

Now... the bit in the thread about "440 Hz music" refers to a trend wherein people prefer slightly different pitches for their music. All the intervals are the same, but everything is shifted up or down a little. It would be as though I took my violin and tuned the A to 432 instead of 440, and then adjusted everything else in the same proportion. Of course the looser string would sound a little different and some people prefer this.

We've been hearing many such tunings for our whole lives whether we realize it or not, because a lot of classical and pop music isn't referenced to A=440.0 Hz exactly. I can tell the difference but I wouldn't say that one or the other tuning scheme is better overall.

ich1baN ago

Wow, really appreciate your thorough and well thought out explanation. It's interesting that there is such a large range in the Hz interval yet our ears are "designed" to only hear a small spectrum of it.... I wonder if we can perceive the vibrations beyond what are ears are able to perceive...

ansipizza ago

There have been experiments, and yes, vibrations below 20 Hz and above 20,000 Hz can affect us. The low frequencies shake our bodies if they're strong enough, to the point where deaf people can perceive the vibations. Fear is a common reaction to very loud, low frequency vibrations. High frequencies can likewise cause discomfort beyond our ability to hear them. Then there are wackier claims, like I seem to remember an assertion that 7 Hz is the resonant frequency of a chicken's skull... whatever that is supposed to mean!

ich1baN ago

Very interesting! Sort of like how a fan that is oscillating a certain frequency is well known to make your stomach feel sick if it is focused in your direction for too long?

ansipizza ago

Wow, I hadn't heard of that one.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I always thought Jolie and Charlie Sheen had been MKUltra(ed). Overly sexed is another sign of the Illuminati control! Pure Evil!

ich1baN ago

Yea and it's interesting b/c his character on that show 2 and half men is ALL about sex and that's it.

cantsleepawink ago

Don't forget Charlize Theron, the UN Messenger of Peace (blech) who dresses her son like a girl

rail606 ago

If anyone is interested in some 432hz music I have a butt-load of modern music re-tuned on my YouTube channel. Enjoy!

I actually found out about 432hz because of Pizzagate. Honestly just go to an occult store read one of the books(qabbalah/kaballah/aleister crowley/golden dawn) see how these sick people think and pizzagate makes perfect sense. Will blow your mind and change your life. Some reasons why 432hz music is better

srayzie ago

Wow. I see what your saying. These people are sick. So maybe some get off on a transgender child? I wonder why they would call her a she if she's a he when they can easily get ahold of real boys?

It amazes me how some of these celebrities think. If I had a 2 year old daughter come to me and say she would rather be called John, I would say No your name is not John. A 2 year old doesn't even know gender yet. They could have stopped that real quick. They had to have encouraged this thru the years. That's why kids these days grow up so dang confused about their sexuality! Instead of going to counseling to learn how to help them handle her Gender issues with care, why don't they do counseling to learn how to not encourage her to be something she's not?!

GeorgeT ago

I remember my grandma dressing me up as a girl when I was 4 as a joke. My mum and dad and grandpa walked in, my mum just laughed but my dad and grandpa blew the gasket. Grandpa wad roaring at my grandma with fury I remembered for the rest of my days. Then they had a talk for hours. I was too small to understand. Now I know. Don't worry, I am as straight as an arrow and had never put a dress since that episode.

srayzie ago

Lol good. Luckily she didn't keep dressing you like that. I used to have a neighbor. They had a 5 year old girl that she still breast fed 🤔 They told me she was transgender and dressed her like a boy and called her a boy name. I can't remember the name. I'm sure that kids gonna grow up well grounded 🙄

redditsuckz ago

The child would be set up to be mind controlled from birth having a split personality or a personality disorder...James Alefantis might have been raised the same way now he is the "godfather" of Caris and possibly a seems similar to the Finders Cult as the whole cult raised the children;

The Finders Cult | CIA Connection Explained

srayzie ago

That's horrible :(

remedy4reality ago

awesome... thanks for the clarification also, Will Smith 'son' is also 'gender neutral' as is Carrie Fisher's 'daughter', Billy.

This isn't new age. This is brain washing from infancy.

GeorgeT ago

This is satanism. Baphomet, the god they worship is an androgenous creature that is both male and female. Homosexual, LGBTXYZ agenda is real. It's Satanism & Eugenics.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

The Vatican is the most Evil! This is why I believe the pedos use pizza and pizza eateries. Pizza=Italy= Vatican= Gives the direct orders

Truthseeker3000 ago

Exactly. And the goal? Ultimately to destroy the family dynamic and create population control. Brilliant they are but incredibly evil. So sad people are so brainwashed. Seems to me now it's getting rare to find straight males and females. High levels of estrogen being pumped into lotions, sunscreens, plastics, you name it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Estrogen pumped into city water and milk, meats ect

Yuke ago

A picture on McDermott's Facebook of the kids with Bill Clinton. Nice tough.

redditsuckz ago


Is he really joking here?;

David McDermott - Hillary and I went out for tequila shots. I'm totes fine with Bill watching the kids for a while


Michael Harnden - I bet the former president is a fun babysitter. He had allot of practice in the White House. LOL!

He looks like he is having a good time everytime he is with them. BTW, are you done with your laundry?

So this guy kidnaps children and pimps them out to the elites??...

Edit...People need to dig dig dig and archive archive archvie...

Singleservename ago

The twin sisters are biological siblings of the boys per the article. So they likely came from El Salvador too.

Wonder who that 'call' came from. And how do people import children like this while only legalizing the adoption years later?

remedy4reality ago

That is a convenient loophole for the pedo parents in case they want to return their purchase.