Was looking into ICMEC/NCMEC yesterday and found excellent research that doesn't seem to have gotten a lot of attention.
@ShockDoctrine101 did a LOT of excellent deeper-pass dot connection 9 months ago: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1658938 Many leads here.
For those wondering about the Clinton connection, here's a photo & history from ICMEC launch in 1999: https://www.icmec.org/history/ I agree with other researchers who suggest that the ICMEC was indeed formed in response to the Dutroux Horror -- the elite nearly lost control of that one, with 300,000 people protesting for justice for the children.
@bumbleberries posted about the CIA connection to ICMEC here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1639553
@rebelskum did a deeper pass on Jeff Koons (and more) here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1829566 and on steemit: https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@rebelskum/meet-jeff-koons-artist-icmec-champion-for-children-and-child-molester
@Littleredcorvette looked into ICMEC's VIC program -- ICMEC became the clearinghouse of all CP worldwide, and developed an elaborate tracking system: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1651918 Here's an archived page showing VICs "success" http://archive.is/2EOx4
My own poking around about ICMEC board members turned up these tidbits:
Maura Harty, President and CEO of ICMEC, worked in Bill Clinton's State Department in the early 90s, where she co-founded the Office of Children's Issues. The wiki on the OCI mentions these "controversies"
In 2002 parents of internationally abducted children characterized the Office of Children's of allowing deference to foreign leaders and laws to trump OCI’s vigilant pursuit of the interests of U.S. citizens. Patricia Roush,the mother of daughters abducted to Saudi Arabia, characterized her interactions with the State Department and Office of Children's Issues as demonstrating “indifference bordering on hostility,” Dismissing the Office as “merely another data collecting, do-nothing, play-dead-at-the-wheel section of the federal government." Maureen Dabbagh, mother of a daughter abducted to Syria, used the Freedom of Information Act to acquire her OCI files and was shocked by “page after page of slanderous, insulting comments made about me and comments trivializing my case.”
In 2003, Joel Mowbray, the journalist credited with exposing the still running "Visa Express" program of the U.S. State Department long after it allowed the entry of at least 15 of the 18 hijackers of 9/11 wrote the book "Dangerous Diplomacy" on the role and culture of the U.S. State Department. Mowbray's second chapter in "Dangerous Diplomacy", titled "Cold Shoulder: State's Smallest Victim's", is dedicated to an analysis of the assistance provided to American parents left in the wake of an international child abduction. It describes State's overriding desire to appease foreign governments and maintain "good relations" as having a conflict of interest between their responsibility to internationally abducted children as the designated United States Central Authority under the Hague Convention. This inherent conflict of interest between the two roles is magnified by what the book defines as the "culture of state", a culture characterized by extreme moral relativism, valuing process over substance and misplaced priorities that reward failures by promotions or high paying jobs "consulting" for the foreign government of the country that they'd previously been paid to advocate America's interests in.
Board member Anne-Marie Lizin (now deceased) was caught in the 1980s trying to “get three children back to Belgium” from North Africa -- who had “been abducted by their father” — she was using false passports. https://www.expatica.com/be/news/country-news/Former-Huy-mayor-deliberately-hit-successors-car_164551.html
And board member Patty Wetterling, who started the Jacob Wetterling Resource Foundation four months after the disappearance of her son, recently wrote in opposition to sex-offender registries. Perhaps the registries were working for them in the beginning -- helping them to locate likeminded people -- but they've since become a nuisance? https://web.archive.org/web/20080214170401/http://www.sacbee.com/110/story/377462.html
(edited to add "Bill Clinton")
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ESOTERICshade ago
chabon ago
Thank you for all this, @ESOTERICshade.
ESOTERICshade ago