cantsleepawink ago

Griffeye is working with Project Vic but I can't seem to foind out who is on the management team

cantsleepawink ago

Why are all of these systems based on identifying children rather than the criminals and the organisations and infrastructure that are built for this global grid of child abuse and trafficking ?

zzvoat ago

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

SturdyGal ago

Why on earth are there all these NGO's and non-Profits? It's because they operate without oversight and have almost no compulsion to report financials. I don't care for ICMEC, NCEMC or Thorn.

pidgin ago

Good post. I was just browsing on the ICMEC website, and I ran across this little gem.

Basically, the page is ICMEC's work in fighting "international parental child abductions' They define this as being when a parent tries to take their child(ren) into another country without proper documentation. Who exactly would be the most likely parents to move their children with insufficient papers? My guess is poor people from war-torn places like Kosovo, Sudan, Libya, and Haiti.

From the page, they are working towards:"A more consistent and uniform implementation of the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction."

Article 13 jumped out at me as being particularly key to this piece of international law... Again we are most likely dealing with poor people, so the parents can essentially be railroaded into losing custody to either state, and in many cases the children end up in group homes, at least for a period of time.

Also on this page, "In 2010, we co-hosted, along with the Permanent Bureau and the U.S. Department of State, an International Judicial Conference on Cross-Border Family Relocation." You can read it here:

Basically, it is just adding a lot more ways for governments to scrutinize and exercise complete control over families. It's weird to me, because I was expecting to find that they were trying to eliminate red tape (as a way of moving in immigrants), but it's all about getting more people involved in family courts wherever they have jurisdiction. To me, this looks like an administrative way to get kids into state/NGO institutions.

micha_ ago

I am wondering if Kutcher is compromised or if this is a typical case of "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"?

If PG teaches us something, it is the fact how good they are in covering in plain sight. It would be in their best interest, just like they infiltrated childcare and adoption units, to know how Thorn works and to know which pics/movies are already burned or compromised.

Child trafficker Silsby is working at Amber Alert. Why not work with Kutcher's Thorn - and maybe even support him? Give him the programmers he needs... Be at the source of the investigation database...

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent post. Thank you.

snooooze ago

We need some pill size information made + users on board to get it trending. If we throw Ashton & Thorn under the bus, people might realize what sociopaths these people really are.

redditsuckz ago

NCMEC and ICMEC both have connections to masonic CHIP program for children;

Freemason Lodge website. Child Identification Program (CHIP) listed on front page.

SturdyGal ago

I am concerned that all the hoopla will stampede people into getting their children chipped.

cantsleepawink ago

Who on earth would chip their child ?

YingYangMom ago

You would be surprised to learn how many people believe in the "This would be better, because you could track your children" theory. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that we are still surrounded by an overwhelming amount of zombies. We still have a long way to go before we can say we're going to be fine. So much work ahead of us. Prepare to double-down and work hard.

YingYangMom ago

I posted this comment "Over my dead body" on a YT video about a case of kidnapped girls from the UK in reply to this comment: "Please, people get your kids micro-chipped" and you wouldn't believe the amount of negative replies and feedback I got from it. I mean wow! Just wow, people are asleep and don't know what's going on! I just ignored the replies after a while because it was getting ridiculous. This is why I keep fighting everyday now. Not only for the children, but because so much more people need to know the truth.

SturdyGal ago

I know, just wondering if it might be acceptable. Problem:Solution. Your negative reaction makes me feel better.