RaspberryPi ago

Thank you for this, hilarious incongruities.

TweedleDee3000 ago

Jennings = pedophile satanist homosexual jew that needs a bullet in its pig maggot talmudic skull.

Cuboctahedron ago

I don't have any news articles to make a longer comment, but it's good to see that Kevin Jennings is being brought up for discussion.

PizzagateBot ago

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dogeminho ago

Articles on Kevin Jennings

BREAKING: Obama ‘Safe Schools’ Chief Kevin Jennings Used Pro-Pedophile, pro-NAMBLA Publisher for First Three Books

Jennings is already under fire for praising his hero, early homosexual activist Harry Hay, despite Hay’s longtime, dedicated support of NAMBLA — the North American Man/Boy Love Association, which advocates for sex between men and boys. (Jennings’ praise of Hay was first reported by AFTAH’s Lambda Report in 1998 based on a GLSEN conference where Jennings spoke the previous year.)

Moreover, many have questioned Jennings’ judgment — as a private high school teacher — for failing to report to authorities an apparent seduction by an adult man of one of his sophomore students. In his book, Jennings describes using the situation to confirm the student, Brewster, as “gay.”

These three books by Jennings were published by the now-defunct Alyson Publications:

Becoming Visible: A Reader in Gay and Lesbian History for High School and College Students (1994); and

One Teacher in Ten: Gay and Lesbian Educators Tell Their Stories (1994)

Telling Tales Out of School (2000)

Below is a reproduction of Americans For Truth’s debut press release, issued in 1993, highlighting Alyson’s pro-pederasty connections. This release was the debut edition of “Lambda Report,” a newsletter monitoring the “gay” activist movement that actually preceded AFTAH. Kevin Jennings, founder of the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) — and a one-time activist with the homosexual extremist group ACT UP — is a man of words, who has devoted his life to promoting his version of “human rights” to students. So why did he choose to publish his first two books with a company that was pedophile- and NAMBLA-friendly?

Is Obama's "Safe Schools Czar" A Pedophile?

It is curious why White House officials and Education Secretary Arne Duncan believe it’s worth it politically to continue taking arrows for defending Kevin Jennings, who is Mr. Obama’s controversial “safe schools czar.” The evidence suggesting he is unfit to serve as a senior presidential appointee is startling and plentiful. It was revealed this week that Mr. Jennings was involved in promoting a reading list for children 13 years old or older that made the most explicit sex between children and adults seem normal and acceptable. This brought up anew Mr. Jennings’ past controversies, such as his seeming encouragement of sex between one of his high school students and a much older man as well as his praise for Harry Hay, a notorious supporter of the North American Man Boy Love Association.

But there is more. There are shocking new revelations this week of tape recordings from a youth conference involving 14-year-old students. The conference, billed as a forum to encourage tolerance of homosexuality, was sponsored by Mr. Jennings’ organization and was held at Tufts University in March 2000. Mr. Jennings was executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) from its founding in 1995 until August 2008. The conference sessions appear to have had less to do with promoting tolerance and more to do with teaching children how to engage in sex.


This is the CREEPY dude who wrote the foreword to the book “QUEERING ELEMENTARY EDUCATION”.

I wrote about this slimy pedophile Oct 5, in WordPress. He’s a who’s who of the assault against our children and parental authority. He’s all about advancing a pernicious ideology against the most powerless in our society. Listening to those who support this person gives serious doubt as to the Obama administration’s ability to govern. So far it rhymes with ineptitude.

That some of the key people around Obama and his lapdogs in the fringe-stream press would circle the wagons around Jennings says worlds about who they are.

Sean Hannity interviewed George ‘Boy’ Stephanopoulos…(the”Your Christian Faith” Stephanopoulos?) on Fox News last night and Georgie covered himself with glory (or something), again saying among other things that Jennings had a “distinguished career” and then parsing answers and pleading ignorance to every fact that Hannity threw at him. He’s a prime example of why the main stream media is rapidly becoming the has-been it so richly deserves to be.

Then there’s Valerie Jarret, who has done Obama no favors since becoming a Senior Adviser to His Majesty. She is largely responsible for gathering the gaggle of Marxist incompetents that surround Obama. The glorious leader certainly is covering himself with magnificence…at least in his own eyes.

Memo to Kevin Jennings: Your reputation is on the line

I’m talking about the revelation that in a speech you gave in 1997, you praised gay rights icon Harry Hay and claimed you were “inspired” by him.

According to various blogs and smaller news outlets, when you addressed the GLSEN Mid-Atlantic Conference on October 25, 1997 in New York, as reported in the January-February 1998 edition of the Lambda Journal, you said:

“One of the people that’s always inspired me is Harry Hay, who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. In 1948, he tried to get people to join the Mattachine Society. It took him two years to find one other person who would join. Well, [in] 1993, Harry Hay marched with a million people in Washington, who thought he had a good idea 40 years before. Everybody thought Harry Hay was crazy in 1948, and they knew something about him which he apparently did not—they were right, he was crazy. You are all crazy. We are all crazy. All of us who are thinking this way are crazy, because you know what? Sane people keep the world the same [shitty] old way it is now. It’s the people who think, ‘No, I can envision a day when straight people say, “So what if you’re promoting homosexuality?”‘ Or straight kids say, ‘Hey, why don’t you and your boyfriend come over before you go to the prom and try on your tuxes on at my house?’ That if we believe that can happen, we can make it happen. The only thing that will stop us is our lack of faith that we can make it happen. That is our mission from this day forward. To not lose our faith, to not lose our belief that the world can, indeed, be a different place. And think how much can change in one lifetime if in Harry Hay’s one very short life, he saw change from not even one person willing to join him to a million people willing to travel to Washington to join him.“

So — what’s the problem? The problem is that Harry Hay, despite whatever else he did in his life, was deeply involved with NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association — a group which advocates for legalization of sexual relations between adult men and underage boys. In other words, it’s a pro-pedophilia group.

How deeply was Harry Hay involved with NAMBLA? As I discovered: very deeply. Much deeper than almost anyone seems willing to admit. He gave keynote speeches and led panel discussions at several NAMBLA conferences. He openly told stories about how wonderful his own experiences were as a young teenager having sex with adult men. He encouraged the gay rights movement to not exclude NAMBLA from the united front of rights for all sexual minorities. And that 1993 march you recalled in your 1997 speech in which Harry Hay was joined by one million other protesters? Well, just one year later, in 1994 — just three years before you gave your speech — Harry Hay marched in the Stonewall 25 parade in front of the NAMBLA banner, for the stated purpose of bringing NAMBLA into the mainstream of the gay rights movement. Now, obviously NAMBLA doesn’t publish lists of its members, so we have no way of ever knowing for sure, but from all the evidence I’ve learned (presented below on this page), I wouldn’t be surprised if Harry Hay was at some point somehow affiliated with NAMBLA.

How could you not know any of this? What were you thinking when you praised Hay in public? Aren’t you by your own self-description an expert in the history of the gay rights movement? How else would you know the obscure details of Harry Hay’s activist career, which you mentioned in your speech? I’m no expert myself, but Harry Hay’s proclivities were quite well-known, and the photos, links and quotes presented below were uncovered after a mere 30 minutes of searching.

Yes, I know that many mainstream media outlets showered praise on Harry Hay in their obituaries about him when he died in 2002. And nary a mention of his NAMBLA activities was made at the time. But as a prominent gay rights activist yourself, and as a fan of Harry Hay’s early activism, weren’t you of all people the kind of person who should have known of Harry Hay’s unsavory later affiliations? Just because his NAMBLA connection was swept under the rug for a mainstream audience, doesn’t mean it would stay hidden forever.

dogeminho ago

On facebook some of his friends are:

Stephanie Fuller of Head of Fundraising at The Sick Children's Trust

James B Anderson who is the Head of Government Innovation Programs at Bloomberg Philanthropies

Chris Geidner who is the Legal Editor at BuzzFeed

Meg Riley who is the Senior Minister at Church of the Larger Fellowship

and many more!

Hillary Clinton Donated to GLSEN

Barack Obama donated to GLSEN



Fed grants awarded to begin addressing bullying and safe schools

I got the below from this website

Camp Ten Trees Camp Pegasus

A camp for LQBT youth and family. The fact they have a 'Team Pegasus' was interesting.

Okay, oddly enough they're also affiliated with something called 'Pizza Klatch'. Links below:








Vancouver United Church of Christ... See previous post for more on that and the Obama/Clinton connection to the church.

youth activities(leads to camp!)

camp adam

https://archive.is/Hrxup 216 acres


Glassdoor Reviews

Cons GLSEN's leadership does not have a clue what they are doing; the organization undergoes constant restructurings and the newer staff that get hired are completely incompetent and unprofessional, make unprofessional comments with racist undertones and are degrading to lower level staff. The organization constantly argues that they are interested in lower level staff opinions, but during these planning sessions, the same things are repeated over and over again and nothing comes of it. Majority of the staff are rude and disrespectful. Several of the "Chiefs" make belittling and demeaning comments. GLSEN is a very stressful place to work and has been emotionally damaging on numerous occasions. Many staff have said this in their exit interviews and the executive team has made no efforts to alleviate these problems. Sadly, with an organization that preaches respect for all, GLSEN does not even have respect for its own staff.

Cons This organization does not help LGBTQ communities of color. Research that the agency executes is not reviewed by a third party. The Development team is "led" by an individual that cares more about traveling around the nation than making a difference. When approached by this agency make sure to ask what have they done to directly improve the lives of students. Also, check out their digs, it is pretty posh for a non-profit, "struggling to keep the lights on". Show Less Advice to Management I would urge the board to get rid of the Executive Director and the Chief Development Officer.