Rahm Emanuel said there had to be a “reward-punishment system” to force people to get vaccinated.

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Rahm Emanuel said there had to be a “reward-punishment system” to force people to get vaccinated.

Post by brwn »

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Says We Must Create A ‘Reward-Punish’ System For Vaccines

https://www.headlinestoday.news/2021/07 ... -vaccines/

Former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said there had to be a “reward-punishment system” to force people to get vaccinated.

Emanuel said people shouldn’t be able to participate in activities within the company unless they take the hasty jabs.

“There are a lot of things we can do without calling it a warrant. It just makes it almost impossible for people to go about their lives unprotected and protect us, ”said panelist Margaret Hoover.

“I agree. I’m the son of a pediatrician… The point is, no child can show up to school without showing their vaccines, smallpox and measles. You have to make it familiar to people. Second, I would close the space. If you want to participate in the activities, you have to show that you are vaccinated. So it becomes a reward-punishment system. You do your own math. The point is that there is data this week that 30% of health workers are not vaccinated, “Emanuel replied.” They must lead by example. “


He added: “My own recommendation is that the religious community ecumenically, at all levels, should speak out and encourage people. You therefore strike all populations with a unique message. I give credit to the White House, whether it’s Fox TV or Republican leaders, for having a chorus of voices, across the spectrum, not just politics, religion, etc.

more on Rahm:
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2056&p=8907&hilit= ... nuel#p8907


https://theintercept.com/2019/05/20/chi ... -failures/
Rahm has proved himself, Ill pass.
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