carmencita ago

I have been investigating the Chicago Mob "The Outfit". Have read a lot. Down and Dirty. I found a list of members and their level.

Some of the are gone like LaPietra but if you look down there is a name of Ronald Jarrett

One is the 1999 Outfit killing of hit man Ronald Jarrett, who was shot outside his Bridgeport home. Jarrett, sources familiar with the FBI investigation said, was a close friend of Nick Calabrese, and the Jarrett hit was a message to Nick.

HIT MAN Ronald Jarrett. Jarrett is not that common of a name. Have not found a connection to Valerie as of yet. Also this is what goes on in Chicago. Serious Business. From the same article:

The FBI is also questioning Calabrese about the Will County killings of Billy Dauber and his wife, shot as they left a courthouse. And the murders of the Spilotro brothers, and the killing of Teamster official Alan Dorfman; and the assassination of federal witness Danny Siefert in front of Siefert's 4-year-old son. And so on.

No wonder they are able to operate an organ harvesting op in Chicago. @fogdryer @new4now @millennial_vulcan

new4now ago

Chicago interesting in the fact you still have mob there

you have the black communists that have been there since the 60's

the ones who put Bama in

then you have Rahms Jewish group

interesting , dont think the groups are doind best for the people in cities or state or even the US for that matter

carmencita ago

Someone told me that Rahm is running a huge ponzi scheme in Chicago and I believe it. He is a crackerjack at Creative Math. Children are being hidden by the thousands. I read a while back that the Mafias are not fighting anymore but working together now. That's even more frightening.

new4now ago

and this is just one city

Andidog ago

This is insane that government officials have no idea how to handle child abuse claims. And the teachers also did nothing, they have the ability to call the police not just CPS. How is there no oversight of these organizations that are meant to help but don’t know what to do or how to handle these crimes. And how the fuck did these teachers with criminal and pedophile backgrounds get hired on?

Any liberal reading this should take note of what happens when you live in a communist led city like Chicago. It’s not called chiraq for nothing.

argosciv ago

LOL! Thank you!

I literally just went back to Rahm looking for another connection, had the wrong person so I came over here to look for the right name, scrolled down v/pizzagate/new abesnt-mindedly, saw this Rahm thread. Saved.

argosciv ago

Per the above, can anyone remeber a NXIVM-connected person coming up on here, who happens to have served as an advisor(or some shit) to Biden?

Needed for map and 'memes'

cc: @Vindicator @srayzie @new4now @migratorypatterns @think-

carmencita ago

https://www.linkedin(com)com/in/lori-lightfoot-27a60aa Lori Lightfoot Presently involved in 4 diff. positions. Appointed to President of Chicago Police Board for 1 yr by guess whom She is running for Mayor and will keep things running Rahm Style if elected
@fogdryer @millennial_vulcan @new4now

carmencita ago

@fogdryer @millennial_vulcan @new4now There may have been some that got confused by CPS. In Chicago it means Chicago Public Schools and that kept some mixed up. But people also need to know that sometimes a post can evolve as things are researched and discovered. Really was odd that derram did not post his usual though. Hmm.

millennial_vulcan ago

I knew that CPS for Chi is the public school whereas everyone else I think think it is Child Prot Servs.

Easy mistake, no worries. Yes and Derram clearly suspiciously staying away. Maybe he feels he doesn't get paid enough to deal with the REALLY TOUGH TOPICS....

carmencita ago

I remember hearing from someone that derram got him banned. Lot of strange things went on last night.

millennial_vulcan ago

verrrrry spooky. Hmmm

carmencita ago

come to think of it, maybe it was Commoner who has been AWOL

urbanmoving ago

Vindicator ago

From 2015:

It is not clear why an entire year passed before the FBI raided the Chicago business. A spokesperson would only tell FOX 2 the search warrants for the site were authorized here but filed under seal.

Vindicator ago

Archived the original Trib article:

And this thread:

millennial_vulcan ago

terrific! thanks vindi. Glad my thread with shitstain Cheeseburg or whatever its name is, got included in the archive too LOL. @CheeseboogersGhost That racist F should just pee off back to the subverse NIGGERS where he posts frequently, then has the audacity to come over here and pretend to act all civilized in a thread that is mostly about poor oppressed Black folk. Piece of shit. Free speech n all I get it, but the likes of that thing seriously undermines our hard work when he starts spouting "kikes" and "niggers" all over the place. @carmencita @new4now @think-

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You are a salt factory. ah ah ah

millennial_vulcan ago

go back to your nigger subverse. loser. abortion bucket slop.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

awwww black girl be mad yo

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm not black but we all know you wish you were. youre OBSESSED.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I can tell by your thought patterns that YOU ARE a black woman. No doubts.

millennial_vulcan ago

well I'm not but now youre saying youre obsessed with black women too? thought it was the men and their winkies...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Little burnt black winkies that you like?

millennial_vulcan ago

are you just copying what I'm writing, abortion bucket.

new4now ago

back in the day, every ethnic group had derogatory names

why it still goes on I dont know unless its something their crappy family handed down

millennial_vulcan ago

don't start trying to justify it. "cracker" isn't the same as "nigger"

CheeseboogersGhost ago


millennial_vulcan ago

you cant spell HICK.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

uh oh black girl is mad ah ah ah

new4now ago

justify it? Really?

thats the way things were when I was young

I was called a kraut

I must be a lot older then you

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm not a triggered millennial. At any age, kraut and nigger are not the same thing. I cant even take 'kraut' seriously. at least you weren't called hitler d*ck sucker Nazi trash and kicked in the face like my german buddy.

new4now ago

but I was, thats what was meant when they call me a kraut

it wasnt just the kids either

you just dont get it

all the names are derogatory

your pissed, I'm pissed

I talking History

some things dont change

millennial_vulcan ago

I think youre dearanged.

Vindicator ago

Honestly, I think a lot of that here on Voat (when it's not a deliberate attempt to soil the comment section of a thread like Donkey is so fond of) is mostly just gleeful liberty. It's like a little kid who gets his diaper taken off before a bath and runs down the hall naked to look in the mirror just because he can.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You people live in some sort of bubble holy shit

millennial_vulcan ago

and you live in a smelly trailer. Loser. Go back to the Nigger subverse that you love so much.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

There are many hard working good folks who live in trailers, black girl. You trying to use it as an insult just shows how out-of-touch you are.

millennial_vulcan ago

no they are mostly losers who are fat asses and too lazy to get a job. Like yourself. Which is why youre on here all day. Struck a nerve with that comment did I? you sound so defensive, like you know all about it. Now you understand why others get troubled with the racist bile you spill when some of our closest, nearest and dearest are BLACK. And keep coming at it, retard. Like that's all you have in life to brag about. I'm happy to keep going forever, dummy. I don't know you so this is like an awesome game where I get to beat you and send you running back sniveling like a two yr old to the V/Nigger subverse that you call home Wahhhhhhhhhhh

CheeseboogersGhost ago

We're known for being hard workers. try your bullshit Hollywood jew lies elsewhere. You're a black woman. Its okay. I noticed it last year when I started looking at your comments. The pattern is identifiable. You can deny all you want but secretly know that I KNOW my shit.

like an awesome game where I get to beat you and send you running back sniveling like a two yr old

Beating children seems to be your culture, but okay. You are delusional. The only thing you beat is your keyboard in frustration because I own you. I can only imagine how laughable your first name is ah ah ah

millennial_vulcan ago

and youre a toothless greying hick whos desperate for black dick...just admit it. Youre not a hard worker, you spend all day in your trailer on here. LOOSSEERRR!

look at you repeating yourself because youre too retarded to think of new insults....inbred slop. Why haven't you gone running back to your basement gays sniveling like you did last time "we were mean to you" waahhhhhhh

My first name is Elizabeth. But you can call me Shanequa bc you know you want it hard, little wieny...!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

uh oh, black girl is unraveling. ah ah ah

millennial_vulcan ago

not really, abortion slop. Do you play with your poop . Like squish it between your fingers and try to eat it like those retarded kids. That's you. Youre so odd and stinky.

Bring it on anytime. Unlike your 300lb trailer ass, I work so I can't answer you straight away but I will always make sure you get your tiny wiener booted and send you sniveling back to your KKK crowd.

I love that you want me to be black girl...maybe youre not a faggot after all. Nope. Youre a faggot who craves black dick, that's what you read as...

Edit: seriously, please keep going stinky. I'm loving it!

new4now ago

like a kid that hears swear words, tries it out and loves the reaction

grade school stuff really

millennial_vulcan ago

true story. hmm. whatevs happened to donkey! SUCH a skeeve.

LarpExtraordinaire ago

This is great news. CPS is becoming a serious problem. And Rahm Emanuel needs to be flushed from the world.

carmencita ago

Just saw your comment. Epic Statement.

millennial_vulcan ago

research + post.

ReddittRefugee ago

@millennial_vulcan & @carmencita

Here's the info you are looking for on Obama and Rahm Emanuel being involved in the gay community together.

It's circumstantial evidence, but they were both members of the gay club: Man’s Country, according to an article Wayne Madsen published in his newsletter in 2010, and republished here:

This article expands on that:

Here's an amusing article:

and here's the interview with a former high school classmate the article refers to:

millennial_vulcan ago

damn, what a read. knew about Oboz preference but not about RE.

Well there it is. color me shook n shocked.

carmencita ago

Wow Thanks Much. I am reading the wnd one right now. Amusing? Oh I could use that with all this dark info in here. Thanks for helping out. We have to help each other. Will check them all out. @new4now

new4now ago

I trying :)

Thanks ❤

new4now ago


millennial_vulcan ago

there is so much on ROSEMONT alone, dating back years. Hiding in plain sight. SO MANY woke folk on Youtube talking about the corruption there. Organs. Everything. THEY KNOW. Trump wanted to send in the troops. Got scared away by Rahmmm Im guessing. That story died a death. Rahmmmm has so much sh*t on Trump, makes Stormy Daniels look like kindergarten playtime....@carmencita

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the ping carmencita. I have not read this thread yet. Just getting started on it. Hopefully slippery Rahm Emanuel will get some egg on his slimy face :)

carmencita ago

Well, I am sure we will not cause anything serious, but it is important to get this news out. Who knew how important Chicago was.

millennial_vulcan ago

its bigger than just rahmmm. 1000s of blacks gone missed/chopped up. Organ selling. Ties to pol DC. This is IT. @carmencita

carmencita ago

millennial_vulcan ago

is it Emmanuel with one or two m s? does anyone know? Ive seen both spellings online....

new4now ago

one M, I make the mistake enough :)

millennial_vulcan ago

right on!

millennial_vulcan ago

How can you expect R Emmanuel to not obey the law when brother ARI is aiding and abetting Pedowood? OUT these brothers and out them NOW.

Third brother Ezekiel Emanuel just HAPPENS to be oncologist and bioethicist and senior fellow at the Center for American Progress....uh huh.

Does Rahmmmm get him a friends n family discount of organs or....?


new4now ago

dont forget Ezekiel been at Penn State for a loooooong time

millennial_vulcan ago

what! Did not know that! @carmencita

carmencita ago

Oh my God I had forgotten that. I remember now. Thanks to @new4now for that bit of news. HOLY MOLY!

carmencita ago

Ari and Oprah and Matt and Devid G. meeting up with jorge. jorge as in pope francis. Hmm. Wonder what will be the Topic of Discussion. Possibly the Varkey Foundation?

The Varkey Foundation, initially the Varkey GEMS Foundation, is a global charitable foundation focused on improving the standards of education for underprivileged children.[2] It was formed in 2010 by Indian businessman Sunny Varkey, the founder and chairman of GEMS Education, the world's largest operator of kindergarten-to-grade-12 schools.[3] The foundation's main focuses are improving global teacher capacity by training tens of thousands of teachers and principals in developing countries; providing access to education via a variety of programmes and projects; and advocating for change in, and conducting research that can help develop, education policies worldwide.[1][4]

millennial_vulcan ago

ARI EMANUEL (Ari Gold from the HBO show ENTOURAGE is based on this cat) runs pedowood and is part of the HWood 1%

ARI also owns UFC. Yes, the whole thing.

Wonder if Ari called in some of his BLACKKKK CUUUB*E buddies to help take out Bourdainnn as a blackslap to his buddy Weinnnystein...?? Huh.


millennial_vulcan ago

KENNEKA JENKINS Post what you know. Ill start.

She has become the poster child for organ trafficking in Chicago. Heart of Rosemont Scandal. Police Corruption. Mayors Office. Goes all the way to the top. This has been HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT FOR YEARS....

"...flying in 65k worth of pizza n hotdogs" ??? More like a 65k cornea, hip joint, plasma bags n irrigated red blood cells. uh, Im guessing. Allegedly. etc etc


@carmencita @new4now @EVERYONE!

new4now ago

Here are the owners of The Crowne Plaza Hotel Rosemont

David Melech Friedman (born August 8, 1958) is an American bankruptcy lawyer and the United States Ambassador to Israel.

head of the creditors' rights and bankruptcy practice group,[3] Friedman advised and represented Donald Trump and The Trump Organization in bankruptcies involving his Atlantic City casinos.[12]


A Mind of Its Own: A Cultural History of the Penis is a non-fiction book by New York-based columnist and author David M. Friedman[1] that details the history of the human penis.

this should be eye catching

millennial_vulcan ago

"David Melech Friedman (born August 8, 1958) is an American bankruptcy lawyer and the United States Ambassador to Israel."

Friedman advised and represented Donald Trump and The Trump Organization in bankruptcies involving his Atlantic City casinos

Um, jackpot?

new4now ago

maybe, maybe not

friend mentioned it, so I went looking

I dont go zooming off cliffs

Trump does seems to keep guilty ones around

better to keep an eye on them?

in cahoots with them?

I watching

millennial_vulcan ago

we all know answer to that :)

new4now ago

the family that runs Rosemont is the Stephens family

this town was founded with heavy ties to the mafia

hmmm same mafia that was selling illegal Bronfam liquor

on phone, but sent links to some in here, not sure all of them been put up

millennial_vulcan ago

New, its spelled Bronfman please make sure to get this correct so these posts are easier to find for folk doing a search :) @carmencita

new4now ago

I'm dyslexic

will take time to check

millennial_vulcan ago

you seem to be doing just fine so far! I couldnt tell you were dyslexic.

new4now ago

as long as spell check working and I not rushing I good lol

millennial_vulcan ago

doing great, New!

millennial_vulcan ago

Snatched to order. Someone needs a kidney, STAT.

Wonder if celebrities like SELENA GOMEZ pay 10 times as much when she needs one in a hurry? What was Kenneka's mom's commission from that sale...?

Oh one your own research on this, all you folk reading this thread and not commenting. Its VERY REAL.


new4now ago

this guy reports all deaths on this side of town

I followed him when I was on FB

new4now ago

if Kenneka's organs were harvested, then ME lied on report

she had all the organ weights

havent heard yet that the one girl missing fingers and organs was not true

millennial_vulcan ago

v interesting. but they would say that wouldn't they...;-)

new4now ago

where would the donor program be without networks?

carmencita ago

I don't see any comments from our Other Fellow Educated Researchers as of yet. Hmmm.

millennial_vulcan ago


strokes beard, one eyebrow raised

Hit a raw nerve have we? i guess if this post gets flagged, WE'LL KNOW. LOL.

i would love Srayzie + pals from her first thread on this topic to come back and repost more. Maybe she's just too busy.

carmencita ago

Bingo. The Poster Child. Horrifying. Here is my last post on Kenneka J. and here is my new post in PGWhatever Black Folks dying horrid deaths

InnocentAngels ago

Omg, I remember the story of the girl found in the freezer. That is awful about the family finding out their sons organs were removed and stuffed with newspaper. I just can't imagine how terrible that would be to lose your child and then find out his organs were stolen.

carmencita ago

They do these things to the poor. They have no care for they are not like them they are of a different class to them. It makes me so sick knowing this is going on every day all day long somewhere. And how to stop it, I just don't know. Spreading the news is what we are trying to do with this post. It must STOP. We are ALL God's Children.

InnocentAngels ago

They go after all those that are disadvantaged. We see this with the poor, those affected by natural disasters, or war torn countries. They take advantage of those that are unable to fight back. I can't believe how the black market trafficking of organs in Chicago has been swept under the rug. I hope the people of Chicago rid their city of Emmanuel. It also makes you wonder what other cities this is happening in. I hope many more voices rise up to stop this injustice.

carmencita ago

Oh I think they are working hand in hand. Yes, he has quite a business going. The world has always been taking advantage of the poor, but now with today''s medical discoveries they are taking it to the next horrid level. Stealing body parts so the rich can live longer and making money to boot. I think I read that they fly them from here to Israel as well.

InnocentAngels ago

It's shameful. Come on Chicago, make some noise about this.

carmencita ago

Don't know who is from there on here, but yes, do what you can guys. Word hard to make a change.

millennial_vulcan ago

kenneka jenkins. discussed upthread.

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you to Mod @srayzie being the first person to mention Chicago area body parts scandal 1.5 years ago. If he/she would like to chime in again. that would be beneficial for all @think- Here is srayzies original post as a reminder.

@new4now @ReddittRefugee @carmencita

Many folk seem to be steering clear of this topic. Huh. Wonder why?

G*DDAMN post what you know about the flying under radar Emmanual Brothers and post it NOW.

millennial_vulcan ago

PAGING Chi-town native KAYNE WEST!!!

Kanye, we need you and your powerful tweet words! Come help the town youre so proud of...

oh. Wait. Maybe thats why he was silenced and medicated in the first place.....


@carmencita @new4now @srayzie @fogdryer @ReddittRefugee

carmencita ago

I wonder what his rep is like with Rahm now. And BO and MO? I am sure they are avoiding him like the plague.

millennial_vulcan ago

didn't bo famously call him a 'jackass"? cant remember why.

Lovers spat?


carmencita ago

Hmm. Never heard that one. Wow.

new4now ago

didnt know he from there, hmmmmm

millennial_vulcan ago

FAMOUSLY so... his mom died tragically young. "plastic surgery operation gone wrong" UH HUH. Just like WOKE Joan Rivers....wonder if that was Kanye's FIRST warning. After all, it was only a year or so after Kanye gained world wide infamy for daring to utter on a global telethon:


uh huh...

@carmencita @ReddittRefugee @new4now @srayzie @think-

srayzie ago

If I remember correctly, I think he’s the one that has broken down and blamed himself for his moms death. That’s really strange. I didn’t know he was from here either.

millennial_vulcan ago

you should follow him on twitter srayzie! You have some good influence over there. If you feel like tweeting about Emanuel/Organ trafficking/Homan Square/Kenneka Jenkins, would be awesome. You could reference this thread :) :)
@carmencita @new4now @think-

carmencita ago

Let's hope she takes your advice! Finally an answer.

millennial_vulcan ago

she seems to post about everything else...

carmencita ago

She also did not drop any info either. Since her post was on it. I know it is a yr. later, not a word about organ harvesting. Not one syllable.

new4now ago

or was her death an initiation?

carmencita ago

I just looked at his Twitter and he said that he won again, his 8th album At The Top. So much for boycotting KANYE!

millennial_vulcan ago

he knows the organs stuff. His family, his peeps ALL back in chi town. any references in the new lyrics i wonder....

carmencita ago This says it all.

millennial_vulcan ago

mostly his ass awful fashion line :(

carmencita ago

There were messages about the album and how it covered mental health.

millennial_vulcan ago

but not organs smdh. he made a pact with the devil. old Kanye would have been all over it...

carmencita ago

I think I am Punch Drunk. Have to go Ni Ni. <3

carmencita ago

Did you get my last DM about Casey?

carmencita ago

He's not stupid. He can't talk about it. Who knows what they threatened him with. Maybe doing with his child. He sent Kim to DT to do what he can. To free the woman. I think he will keep trying to do the good that he can. If he speaks out about THAT, Its Over.

millennial_vulcan ago

true story. niii!

septimasexta ago

And he (Rahm) also said it should not be a political question. “If anybody has an idea, anybody, bring them forward. Anywhere."


carmencita ago

or forever hold your piece. Yes, we shall see who steps up and tells what they know. We have some mighty fine researchers on here that are sure to info. Huh. Is Right. I Wonder Why 2.

new4now ago

Emmanuel doesnt give a shit about the children or the adults of Chicago

He is in Politics for one reason, to push the agenda and get rich doing it

millennial_vulcan ago

He only has $14mil. Is he stashing the blood money (literally) in the Caymans?

Matt_Helm ago

More like $200 Million and maybe more than that by now all of it stashed away probably in Tel Aviv.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ho-Lee-fuk! TRUE STORY. See this @carmencita ? Great contrib from Matt

carmencita ago

So they have a place to park their "dirty money" in Tel Aviv. He also had his son's Bar Mitzvah in Israel. Talk about spending your money here. You know where his "black heart" really lies.

carmencita ago

What? That's all? Gotta be hiding it somewhere else. He's got to have at least 1B.

new4now ago

did his name come up in either the Panama or Paradise Papers?

course those arent the only banks that hide money

where did Hellery go to check a bank that had a lot of hidden money in

think she played lets make a deal, and some people where thrown under bus to save others

millennial_vulcan ago

damn this is a whole new set of avenues! @carmencita. Should be easy to find....

millennial_vulcan ago

incredible post. Long time coming. Heart of pizzagate.

carmencita ago

I agree It's the <3 of Pizzagate and even though Heart Breaking it must be explored and spread.

carmencita ago

The talk is and online that he is setting up Another Blue Ribbon Program (those are my words) to combat this. I have a feeling that is his standard answer to everything and nothing ever improves.

new4now ago

it's been set up

3 cities are suppose to be new program for combating abuse, have to find article, think Philly or Pittsburg another one

the bitch is its just another slush fund to raid

carmencita ago

Philly and Pitts. Yeah and Philly just voted to become a Sanctuary City. His kind of town.

carmencita ago

Here's another question Rahm needs to answer. Sent to me by new4now

carmencita ago

millennial_vulcan ago

woke! so homan square mentioned on here A YEAR AGO and no follow up?

ok. taking names too.

carmencita ago

I don't think you got my message about Gov. Casey. This is from a while ago. Even then it was going on.

A whole page to look at. The Black Man who gave his organs? Or were they stolen. It is reported that they never paid the
burial fees for this man or anything else. I will never forget the ignoring of this post. Never. I have all their names. Either they are shills or someone deleted their comments as they were written.

carmencita ago

Yes, mentioned before and quiet as Church Mice. Not a Squeak.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Rahm's daddy was an Israel Irgun terrorist.

new4now ago

and Mommy protested with the Frank Davis people

many nights she didnt come home because she got arrested

think thats where Rahm met Obama

rumor has it the both enjoyed certain Bath Houses in Chicago

millennial_vulcan ago

Rahm has always reminded me of Trumps lawyer mentor Roy Cohn from back in the day. SAME GAY FACE. Roy total fruit of course. Died pf AIDS


carmencita ago

THE SNARLING DEATH OF ROY M. COHN Elevated by Joe McCarthy, felled by AIDS, he went with no regrets

YES. That is exactly how he might look 10 yrs. from now.

carmencita ago

Why are you getting downvoats on this? It is true.

millennial_vulcan ago

not the topic. The commentator Cheese Burger is disgusting piece of shit racist f*ck. In this case he's right however.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You still mad, jew? ah ah ah yeah, you still mad.

millennial_vulcan ago

you still wishing you could hump on kosher nutz? yeah, you still mad brah...

Hope that your life one day gets saved by what you call the 'N Word'....not that your abortion bucket reject self, basement life is worth saving, but because youll have to live with an N Word having saved your life. WHAT TORTURE. Better still, A HASSIDIC JEW saves you. HAHAHAHA. You disgusting piece of diarrhea.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Yep. You mad.

Nigger save me??? hahahahalololol You better come out of that libtard fantasy, boy. They are destroyers. Not savers. Lets look at black crime stats, shall we? Oh whats that? boo hoo? Idiot.

A jew is a vampire. Not a saver.

millennial_vulcan ago

you use the N word so much, youre obsessed by them. You want hot dark meat up your stinky hole, doncha?

Keep telling ya. Stop projecting and just go join the fruit club. Its clearly what your jonesing for...mmmm yeaahhhhh puckered butthole right?

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I don't use it that much, do I? There is a difference between good black folk(which are far and few inbetween) and nigras(which are the majority). You're too low IQ to understand that.

Stop projecting and just go join the fruit club. Its clearly what your jonesing for...mmmm yeaahhhhh puckered butthole right?

Keep your homoerotic projections to yourself, sicko

millennial_vulcan ago

Stop denying yourself, boyyyy. Butthole still puckering at the thought of black and jew WEINY tickling it...ooooh yeah just like that. Just relax and enjoy. Hey go join grindr. Some desperate folk there might take pity on you.

YOURE the one who cant spell and goes running sniveling to your fellow basement freaks when we come at you. Waahhhhh mommy they were mean to me! Snitching little panty pooping shit.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

What's Grindr? Oh I guess a peter licker like YOU would know! ah ah ah faggot

and goes running sniveling to your fellow basement freaks when we come at you


You reddit Israeli's are far behind mentally. Happy baby dick sucking, rabbi!

millennial_vulcan ago

Stop copying what im saying freakazoid. You're so stinky hick and trailer.

Sniveling little mommy's boy who craves jew n black know what grindr is. Youve mentioned it when chatting with your butt buddies in the ni**ger subverse. Stop fronting, abortion bucket slop.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

You're so stinky hick and trailer

There's that jewess talk! ah ah ah I win. Will you attack my spelling again?? hurr duurpy doo!

Youve mentioned it when chatting with your butt buddies in the ni**ger subverse

Yawn. Lying jewess. I request a link to your claim immediately or I will globally ban you from this website. Clock's ticking...

millennial_vulcan ago

HAHAHA. you stinky racist trailer hick. I dont think you can because YOU were banned from here and went whining about it to your basement freaks. I only post here. I dont care about the subverses you post in, you cock worshipping fag.

You post shit then you delete it when you realize you could get caught out. Sniveling mommy's boy. wahhhh wahhhhhhhh. HAHAHA

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Banned. The thing that scared, commie degenerates do. Sad!

You post shit then you delete it when you realize you could get caught out

Yawn. More jewess lies. Lets see something I "deleted".

millennial_vulcan ago

You cant spell HAHAHAHAHA

CheeseboogersGhost ago

hur dur

I can spell J-E-W

Bow at my boot.

millennial_vulcan ago

you cant spell "more" hahahahaha

carmencita ago

We'll give him that.

millennial_vulcan ago

we wont give him anything. Hes a missing toothed trailer hick trash virus, but i always manage to scare his tiny penis self away, haha

carmencita ago

Land Sakes Alive! I have sensitive ears.

millennial_vulcan ago

dont look or read. Not for your eyes or ears. Only language that sh*t stains like him understand. No point reasoning.

carmencita ago

About Rahm and his dad Irgun terrorist.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Nice! Thanks for the link

millennial_vulcan ago

stop pretending to be a nice civilized commentator when you are front + center of the subverse NIGGER. Everyone can go see the racist shit you spew constantly.

You dog turd son of a whore.

carmencita ago

:) We've gotta work together.

millennial_vulcan ago

well apart from the fact he's a racist hick who is a prime member of the subverse called N Word.

You hate that. Remember?

carmencita ago

I will remember now. Hate that and many on here do too.

carmencita ago

Correct. He's still alive in Chicago and is still a practicing pediatrician. Think about that for a while.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

wow. I didn't know that. That has to be looked into.

millennial_vulcan ago

if you've been "writing about this since 1993" then you would know. You cant even keep up with what you've posted plus youre now lying.

Dumb hick.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Come on, black girl! Surely you aren't trying to thieve shit that doesn't belong to you and take credit for shit that's been happening since before you even knew what human trafficking, body parts harvesting and child sex slave trafficking even was. lol moron awwww yeah boi

millennial_vulcan ago

I'm still not black since the last time you thought I was (5 mins ago) but youre still a trailer hick who cant spell. Look at you using ebonics cos youre desperate to be one. Youre doing a good job at showing everyone what uneducated pigsslop you are. hahaha, better run back to the Nigger subverse where you post so much and dribble with your fellow basement slop.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Trailer hicks are smarter than you, black girl.

millennial_vulcan ago

hahah black girl. showing everyone youre like a 2 yr old!

I wish I was one. Theyre beautiful.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Oh sure they are, sista

millennial_vulcan ago

using ebonics again!

CheeseboogersGhost ago

I thought his dad was dead. wow.

"MD graduated from Univ De Lausanne, Fac De Med, Lausanne, Switzerland"

Yeah, Switzerland has been a popular place for them for a long time now. I've run across other trails that lead me there. I would be willing to bet that his residencies has had many lawsuits and whatnot.

millennial_vulcan ago

stop pretending to be a nice civilized commentator when you are front + center of the subverse NIGGER. Everyone can go see the racist shit you spew constantly.

carmencita ago

I would imagine.

carmencita ago

I posted it a while back. Can't remember where he's at now but it's in Chicago. If I find I will send.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Thanks. I missed it somehow. This is an Israel connection that probably leads somewhere. Just what I've been looking for. Thanks again

millennial_vulcan ago

stop pretending to be a nice civilized commentator when you are front + center of the subverse NIGGER. Everyone can go see the racist shit you constantly spew.

CheeseboogersGhost ago

No such thing as a "racist". I am a realist. Now cry me some MOAR OF THEM TEARS! ah ah ah

Truth does not = racist

millennial_vulcan ago

"MOAR" hahahah uneducated racist trailer hick...

CheeseboogersGhost ago

Uh oh, jewess is getting testy. Or are you a black woman? Its one or the other. I can tell ;) ah ah ah

millennial_vulcan ago

im neither, trailer hick, as you well know. Youre like a retard with your insults hahah. Typical mommy's boy responses.

for someone that hates black folk so much you cant stop talking about them!

carmencita ago


new4now ago

and Mike Obama worked the poor side of a hospital

millennial_vulcan ago

holy sh*tballs. I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!! Research, research @carmencita

carmencita ago

Way back I read something about MO being connected to Chicago U and Hospitals. must be the one.

new4now ago

she got a huge raise when hubby became a Senator

just remember she was on poor side

carmencita ago

I remember now hearing something about her mother and father not being exactly what we have been told.

millennial_vulcan ago

christ this is huge. i think we've tugged on tail of serpent. @new4now

new4now ago

we need to chop off head and smash it

we dont want that head biting

carmencita ago

Oh yes. All we did was post what was on the internet. It's there for everyone if they look for it. We did not raid anyone's office or drawers (oops). am waiting for voat to go down. Maybe that is why they are avoiding us to keep it from shutting down again. Hmm.

ReddittRefugee ago

what the hell, the chicago mayor is not obeying the law. He is not protecting our kids. This is horrendous. To think our children are not safe from sexual predators in our schools

What do you expect!

Rahm Emmanuel is an old buddy of Obama from his Chicago days. He also was in Obama's cabinet in the early days of the Obama presidency until he was forced out due to his offensive behavior.

But this guy is an elite pedophile network insider.

Of course there is going to be pedophilic abuse when he's mayor of a city.

millennial_vulcan ago

"old buddies" .....from the bathhouse??

fogdryer ago

lifetime membership...………...

fogdryer ago

Journalist Reaches From Grave To Nail Rahm EMMANUEL

"Heaven has cursed us, the common people of America, with a traitor-infested central government, with a fraudulent banking system, with a mendacious press, and with a corrupt judiciary condoned by cowardly lawyers. ……

We ordinary Americans, if loudmouthed ---Are we quickly approaching the time when foreign secret police on U.S. soil, with impunity, will knock at our door in the dark of night and take us away, who knows, to a world government concentration camp? And will we be the most well-informed inmates of why and how we are

Most people don't know of Rahm Emanuel's frightening past. After Clinton's election years ago, Rahm Emanuel, allegedly named each of the enemies of the Clinton campaign. He is the son of an Irgun Fighter, who were classified as Terrorists by the British in Palestine .Rahm enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces.

In 91 he moved to, Ark. to help conduct Clinton's presidential campaign. Raised funds reportedly by knowing secret workings of major covert operations of the American CIA. Such as: HOUSEHOLD INTERNATIONAL and HOUSEHOLD BANK. Rahm Emanuel latched onto a 50 million dollar portion of federal funds parked with Household.

Rahm Emanuel grabbed a portion of the parked funds to jump-start Clinton's 92 campaign. Other portions of the funds were secretly transferred to Little Rock to try to cover up an embezzlement of Madison Guaranty S & L for which Bill and Hillary Clinton were subject to being prosecuted on federal bank misappropriation criminal charges. Emanuel is reportedly a double-dealer, purporting to act for the Mossad at the same time acting against. Emanuel is reportedly chief arranger of Red Chinese and other illicit funds massively flowing through the Chicago markets, disguised as soybean trading, foreign currency dealings, and such, on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercentile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Currently Rahm plays a key role with Wasserstein & Perella, New York-based alleged investment firm apparently fronting for various Red Chinese interests in U.S." "Foreign intelligence sources are snickering over reports that the Red Chinese claim they have clandestine audio tapes, still pictures, and YES, even undercover video, showing secret agents of the President/Commander-in-Chief receiving suitcases loaded with money, in return for the U.S. top nuclear secrets including a copy of the super-secret computer data on nuclear testing. The Chinese, so say these sources, are asserting that they BOUGHT such items, fair and square, from Clinton's emissaries. If there is a problem in this type of "routine" business transaction, say the sources quoting Chinese officials, well, "Let the Americans attend to their end of White House business ethics". " "Wow! What Americans perceive as treachery and espionage the Chinese identify as "business ethics" in a C.O.D. deal. And who are suspected of being Clinton's secret luggage receivers? Here are a few reportedly to consider: For a long time, RAHM EMANUEL was Clinton White House Senior Advisor and top campaign fund-raiser using apparently strong-arm tactics or even blackmail. In a PBS-outlet program, broadcast in Chicago on WTTW-TV, Channel 11, Rahm Emanuel, on-camera, showed how influential he was with Clinton that Rahm's desk was the closest to the Oval Office. Ergo he came to be known as JOSH LYMAN, the character on WEST WING. Intelligence sources contend Rahm Emanuel, in effect, is and has been the reputed Deputy Chief, for NORTH AMERICA, of Israeli Intelligence, the Mossad [The Institute]. And why do some contend that Monica Lewinsky, her parents, and others surrounding Clinton in the sex episode, dealt with a Nazi-like specialty, luring someone into a sex "honey pot" and that these are all reportedly Israeli intelligence assets? " "AND, the Mossad has had unholy arrangements with the Red Chinese on nuclear secrets, contradicted by the fact that the Red Chinese have supplied Silkworm Missiles to sworn enemies of Israel. After supposedly leaving the Clinton White House, Rahm Emanuel has become a bigshot on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which has reportedly laundered billions of dollars, for Clinton and his handlers and controllers, including Red Chinese and ethnic Chinese [Indonesia] illicit funds from dope trafficking from S.W. China into the U.S.., through Chicago, of "China White", high purity heroin. Also illicit funds from the harvesting of human body parts, on a just-when-needed basis from political prisoners, condemned to death when the hearts, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc., are needed by greedy U.S. hospitals. {As a producer/moderator of a public access Cable TV Show in Chicago, I am planning a one-hour show on this dirty, bloody business. By the way, the political prisoners are beheaded so as not to damage the body parts. Prominent doctors and hospitals are in this rotten traffic, bought and sold like parts of a car.] " "Rahm Emanuel is no stranger apparently to murder. His father reportedly was part of the assassination team in 1948, that slaughtered U.N. Official, Count Bernadotte, during the Palestine Partition controversy.

so much more----------------but no more time....

carmencita ago

I am not good at archiving. Can we archive this whole post? Will it archive all the links too? Did you notice I don't think derram left his comment. Another odd thing. I don't want all our hard work going down drain.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes that was weird. no derram. touched a raw nerve.

carmencita ago

Vindicator did it. Odd that he would. He probably noticed.

new4now ago

its rumor, few died and the one who did speak up, Sinclair was it?, well they smeared him and threw him in jail , anyone else knows shhhhhh

I think when Obama was being trainned, Emanuel was nearby

one thing I'd like to know is Clintons connection to Chicago, Bill

I've read things that say he was there back then

I'm not saying any of them gay

I want to know how they all hooked up

when I get home, will post the rumor links

Shizy ago


toutedesuite ago

Thanks, now I need to bleach my eyes as well as my brain 😮

fogdryer ago

open your eyes...…………..absolutely no one is coming to help...

new4now ago

he had quite a few years with ballet

I believe he outlasted his brothers, he being the only one that liked it

would have to look to remember why Mother had them take lessons

where this pic from? is it a performance or maybe a party?

have to remember Patrick Swayze also studied for years

hmmm just remembered, Michael Flatley of Riverdance fame was from Southside Chicago

his dance lessons seem to clash with his personality

fogdryer ago

...“President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.” The report added, “WMR spoke to several well-placed sources in Chicago who reported that Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Obama’s former church of 20 years, Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC) on Chicago’s south side, ran what was essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church, including lawyers and businessmen, particularly those with children. The matchmaking club was called the ‘Down Low Club’

lol you cant make that shit up......

fogdryer ago

Rahm Emanuel also worked closely Robert E. Rubin (Zionist) during the Clinton years to impose NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement, which was designed from the start to be a stepping-stone to a North American, and eventually an American Union, along the lines of the EU.

that might be Clinton ties to chicago…..Rahm/human square/mccorimak place

millennial_vulcan ago

I would be interested in that too! @carmencita

carmencita ago

Young, 47, also a deacon at Trinity, was found — shot in the head — by his roommate Sunday morning, Chicago Police said.

When Young’s roommate came home about 7:30 a.m., he found the door to the apartment in the 2300 block of East 69th unlocked but closed, police said.

When Young’s roommate came home about 7:30 a.m., he found the door to the apartment in the 2300 block of East 69th unlocked but closed, police said.

Christmas presents and some jewelry were missing from the apartment, but police have not yet settled on robbery as the motive.

I read where he was very well thought of and highly regarded. Teacher of 4th grade too.

new4now ago

look up what Sinclair had said

carmencita ago

Sinclair claims it was in a second call from “Mr. Young” that he began to suspect the man had been sexually intimate with Obama. Sinclair said he drew that conclusion “by the tone of the conversation” and by its “sexual nature.”

In late October 2007, Sinclair received a text message from “Mr. Young” stating Young “was intimately involved with Senator Obama and that Obama was discussing with him and his pastor how to publicly acknowledge Senator Obama’s drug use in 1999.”

The text message also indicated Obama wanted to make sure Sinclair had not discussed the sexual encounters or drug use with any media at that time.

At least that is what the article claims.

carmencita ago

Whoa You are going to go there?

millennial_vulcan ago

Where am I going though?!

Im asking a totally innocent question...@ReddittRefugee over to YOU

carmencita ago

correct your ping please.

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

Btw where is Are We Sure? You would think he would be on here shilling away.

toutedesuite ago

AWS must be too busy shilling the good peeps who are seeking to understand what the IG report was about over on politics...

carmencita ago

Yes and many others were missing too. Somewhat Odd Indeed.

millennial_vulcan ago

STILL no input from anyone other than the cheesehick very. interesting.

carmencita ago

Yes. I am pinging.

carmencita ago

yeah but you did not leave a space before @

millennial_vulcan ago

oh no! Well, i figure if reddit refugee is interested in telling us, he/she will be back...

ReddittRefugee ago

This subthread got way too long, so I put the info in a new reply off of the OP.

carmencita ago

@RedditRefugee Do you have any info on Rahm or are you surprised like us how large a part Chicago played in PG?

millennial_vulcan ago

@RedditRefugee and are you, like us, astounded that this thread + topic is continually ignored when it speaks to the heart of PGate....

carmencita ago

We are her almost all alone by ourselves here again. My post on the 4 Missing Girls had over 150 comments all by a few people. I will have to return the favor. I always try to hit mostly all posts during the day, you know, to help people out. I will be very choosy from now on. Taking Names.

millennial_vulcan ago

everyone is reading this and staying verrrry far away. F-ing SUSPECT.

Yes totally expecting Voat to go down again...LOL or yet ANOTHER celebrity suicide/Royal death to distract SMDH....just you guys wait and see...@new4now @RedditRefugee

carmencita ago

Guilty as charged. They are guilty for not standing up for Our Children. Slackers and worse. On here all the time and it is just a Sham and A Shame.

millennial_vulcan ago

did i spell his name incorrectly?

carmencita ago

Hot Dog Buddies.

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

Yes, they do gross things. I don't know what is worse. The pedophilia or stealing their organs. Both. I struggle to find words for their macabre operations. Horrid just does't cut it anymore.

millennial_vulcan ago

hot dogs n pizza fresh straight from chi-town. Roll up roll up, need a kidney? You get a kidney and YOU get a kidney and YOU get a kidney and....etc

right? @new4now @fogdryer

I wonder when Oppy will remember the good folk of chi town and how good they were to here during her decades there. Or is she too good now, sitting in her Monticieto mansion to worry about the rampant organ selling crime scandal currently literally tearing the city about and reaching upper echelons of DC Elite....

exposethecriminals ago

Don't know if this has been posted yet:

IL Sec. of State goes into schools to recruit 16-year-olds to become organ donors - zero parental consent needed!?

Jesse White urges Southland teens to register as organ donors

A state law took effect Jan. 1 allowing teens as young as 16 to register in the Secretary of State's organ/tissue donor registry.,amp.html


@carmencita @new4now @Vindicator

carmencita ago

This Jesse White needs to be looked into.

The law means 16- and 17-year-olds can give consent to donate their organs, but for donors below the age of 18, procurement organizations must contact a parent or guardian for approval to harvest the organs or tissue.

A Huge Push to Get Organs. Notice the Words Harvest.

exposethecriminals ago


carmencita ago

My friend told me she thinks you are automatically now registered as an organ donor and you have to opt out if not wanted. So they just do it. I don't know if that is true, I have not looked into it. Thank you for your links. This must be looked into. I don't know where everyone was last night. No one responded or commented on this post except 1 or 2. I pinged many and only a couple answered. This site has really been taken over. Every day I try to get to almost every one's post to give support to all, unless shill post. I always upvoat and try to comment. This is what we get for trying to spread the Truth on who is Really Behind PG. Thank You So Much for Responding! Please read the entire post if you can. It is filled with many links on Missing Children of Chicago and Missing Organs. I will read the links.

exposethecriminals ago

I can't speak for others, but there were several reasons I did not respond to this thread last night. It was just before 10:00 p.m., too late for me to research. But at that time I did read the OP article almost to the end mistaking "CPS" for Child Protective Services, not Chicago Public Schools. Then, the comments here were about organ harvesting, and I hadn't heard organ harvesting was involved in the tragic death of Kenneka Jenkins, so I decided to save that, and looked up organ harvesting in Chicago schools because I thought I was missing something (that's how I found the links about Jesse White...) A mess.... But I'm going to read all those links you all posted.


carmencita ago

I believe they have done this to totally confuse people. I learned just recently that what is CPS Child Protective Services in other sates, Chicago and other counties use DCFS. Another Smoke and Mirror Op. Believe everything they do is carefully thought out. Nothing is a coincidence.

carmencita ago

Meaning of harvest

VERB- "after harvesting, most of the crop is stored in large buildings"

remove (cells, tissue, or an organ) from a person or animal for transplantation or experimental purposes.

collect or obtain (a resource) for future use.


exposethecriminals ago

Great catch! Harvest always basically meant crops, animals, or things for people to eat or use. If the situation was legitimate, "transfer" would be a better word.

carmencita ago

Great word as well. Transfer from one to in body. Just thinking how they might think brings up all kinds of answers.

GreenDell144 ago

I don’t always comment, but I read as much as possible try to upvoat every decent comment. I often save stuff. I read and upvote every post that seems legit.

You may not see me for a few posts, but I’m here. Mostly I find that others handle the comments reasonably well, so I only chime in a little. I just downvoat the bullies and bigots, not wasting time arguing with them.

carmencita ago

Oh yes, I just dv them too they don't deserve our valuable time. If that is all they have time to do to trash our children and us then let them know that they are wasting their time. No one really listens to them but their own kind. Thank You so much.

exposethecriminals ago

Sorry, I read it wrong

While the law gives 16- and 17-year-olds the right to express their wishes, parents and legal guardians will maintain the right to give or revoke consent until the registered donors turn 18-years-old.

@millennial_vulcan @carmencita @new4now @Vindicator

carmencita ago

Yes, but think of it. Do you think they will ever take the time to opt out? NOpe. Besides Black Kids will not doubt this guy. He wears a suit and tie. Looked up to. Just like BO. They have very few Role Models.

carmencita ago

She was here long enough to know the backstory. You don't hear a peep from her about all the Missing Children in chi town. No not a peep, after all the support she got from Black Women and the Church Going Ladies. Their Missing Children and Grand Children. No Siree.

millennial_vulcan ago

The black elite become total Uncle Toms when they hit a billion. Oppy. The BET guy. *Shonda Rimes on her way there too....

Hey Mizz Shonda. How about incorporating a 'ripped from the headlines' body organs for sale in Chicago storyline to one of your edgy script, huh??

new4now ago

only after a billion?


how do you think they make the first million?

hate to say it, but behind every multi millionaire is a Jewish man

millennial_vulcan ago

and yes meant to say million!

millennial_vulcan ago

Im not disagreeing!

carmencita ago

In our dreams. Yes, unfortunately they forgot where they came there and who helped them get there. Now they are owned property. They can't get out even if they wanted to.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes why does oppy not invest her $$$$$$ in Chicago Southside? Why open schools in Africa (where your kids get sexually abused anyway.) Why not charity begin at home? Half of chi's Black population are below poverty level.

DESPICABLE. Showing her limpy ass up at Royal Weddings like shes g*damn mother theresa @new4now

carmencita ago

Yeah and Mother Theresa was No Saint. jorge anointed a Fake One.

new4now ago

got to keep the image up, why I dont know

doesnt she have enough money?

just what kind of dues are these people paying?