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Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 10:31 am
by MercurysBall2
This is a follow on from the post Theatre of the Absurd viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2816&p=10041#p10041 where I touched on the use of the clown / jester archetype in freemasonry and the counterculture movement via such characters as Wavy Gravy, the Merry Pranksters, and the Warlocks who became the Grateful Dead.

In doing that post I came across this article: Why Do Jesters and Tricksters Appear in the DMT Experience? ... ience.html and in looking into DMT I came across this video: jaguar tastes the hallucinogenic effects of yage
phpBB [video]

This is an interesting clip borrowed from the "Peculiar Potions" episode of BBC's series "Weird Nature" - A Jaguar in the Peruvian rain forest eats Yage (banisteriopsis caapi), a vine containing hallucinogenic chemical harmaline and other beta carbolines, used by natives in a ritualistic ceremony involving Ayahuasca. (it's the one of the two ingredients, the other contains usually DMT)

1986-2003 – Ayahuasca Is Patented in the US ... trademark/
Loren Miller, director of California-based International Plant Medicine Corporation, had brought a sample of B. caapi to the US in 1981. In 1986, an ayahuasca US patent was granted to Miller, who received exclusive rights to breed and sell the vine, which he named Da Vine and claimed to be a new species of plant. About a decade later, the indigenous communities caught wind of this action and attempted to get Miller to withdraw his patent. He ignored their repeated requests.

Eventually, the Coordinating Body for Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), a group based in Ecuador and representing over 400 indigenous groups from eight countries, stepped in and challenged Miller’s patent arguing that it was improperly issued. Their request was approved by the US Patent and Trademark Office, and the patent was nullified in 1999.

However, the PTO allowed Miller to submit new evidence, disregarding COICA’s argument that B. caapi’s religious value should exempt it from any patenting attempt. Two years later, Miller’s patent was allowed to stand yet again, until its expiration date, which came on June 17, 2003. The patent cannot be renewed, and, seeing as its original instatement likely originated solely from the lack of awareness of ayahuasca’s existence, it’s not likely to happen again.

1972 – Marlene Dobkin de Rios Publishes the First Major Study of Urban Ayahuasca Shamanism ... shamanism/
In 1972, the first major study of urban ayahuasca shamanism, entitled Visionary Vine, was published by Marlene Dobkin de Rios, a medical anthropologist and psychotherapist who studied the use of psychoactive plants by urban Peruvian shamans. She wrote numerous books and articles about ayahuasca, shamanic techniques of healing, and psychotherapy, and later studied the UDV (União do Vegetal) church.
Note the pedo swirls in Marlene's dress and the website's logo..

Marlene's book : LSD, Spirituality, and the Creative Process: Based on the Groundbreaking Research of Oscar Janiger, M.D. ... in+De+Rios
An exploration of how LSD influences imagination and the creative process.

• Based on the results of one of the longest clinical studies of LSD that took place between 1954 and 1962, before LSD was illegal....

The studies recounted in LSD, Spirituality, and the Creative Process depict an important moment in the history of consciousness and reveal the psychic unity of humanity.
Uh huh..

Geneva, 24 Feb 2000 -- In the Amazon jungles between Brazil and Guyana, the long-separated chiefs of the Wapishana indigenous community are to gather soon. Their aim - to challenge patents which have usurped their ancestral knowledge and practice.

For now, they have banned visits by just anyone masquerading as a "researcher" to their villages.

The patents, of considerable monetary value to the pharmaceutical industry, have been registered in the United States and Europe.

The Wapishana community is furious with a British chemist, Conrad Gorinsky, in whom they confided some of their ancestral secrets of plants with healing powers. Now, they are convinced Gorinsky has betrayed them.
Conrad Gorinsky came up in this post: Happy Earth Day - another weird UN ritual from Pedos Inc. ? viewtopic.php?f=50&p=9560#p9560
Survival International [SI]was founded in 1969 after an article by Norman Lewis in The Sunday Times Magazine[1] highlighted the massacres, land thefts and genocide taking place in Brazilian Amazonia.. its first chairman, the explorer Robin Hanbury-Tenison..travelling with the ethnobotanist Conrad Gorinsky in the Amazon...

[Robin Hanbury-Tenison talking about SI's formation:]

I found a bright young man called Robert Allen; an anthropology student who I employed, and we spent a lot of time with Tommy Franklin who walked me through the minefield of registering a charity. It was very bureaucratic and boring. We needed patrons and there was a lot of discussion about whether we should have a Royal patron, and we never did, though Princes Philip and Charles were involved later. Julian Huxley, Peter Scott, Malcolm MacDonald, Lawrence Van Der Post and other people nobly put their names to what we were doing..

Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace were founded at around the [same] time.
Gorinsky was a fellow of Green College, Oxford (now Green Templeton College ... -xtn8b0qtz

Green Templeton College, Oxford
Green Templeton College (GTC) is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom. The college is located on the previous Green College site on Woodstock Road next to the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter in North Oxford and is centred on the architecturally important Radcliffe Observatory,[4] an 18th-century building, modelled on the ancient Tower of the Winds at Athens. It is the university's second newest graduate college, after Reuben College, having been founded by the historic merger of Green College and Templeton College in 2008.
Templeton College named after Sir John Templeton > Templeton Foundation . Related post:
Templeton Foundation >> Templeton Prize >> the Royal family >> a labyrinth of US and UK charities aligned with both the right and the left and accusations of satanism

WEF and The Quest for Humanity 2.0 viewtopic.php?f=50&t=2283
Jim Pitofsky - John Templeton Foundation, on the board of Humanity 2.0
The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control: Torture, LSD And A 'Poisoner In Chief' ... 0809597027
MK-ULTRA, which operated from the 1950s until the early '60s, was created and run by a chemist named Sidney Gottlieb. Journalist Stephen Kinzer, who spent several years investigating the program, calls the operation the "most sustained search in history for techniques of mind control."
UK MKULTRA Link to CIA sponsored Anti-Communist groups ... st-groups/ [archived:]
By linking information in David Teacher’s book ROGUE AGENTS to my own research I have traced links between MKULTRA and the UK...David Teacher describes his essay “Rogue Agents” as a study of the ‘Paneuropean Right’ and begins by describing a super-powerful, little known international group the Pinay Cercle, it ‘s links with international Intelligence / Secret Services and how it interlocks a host of powerful Right Wing groups including Opus Dei, the Moonies, etc along into the Paneuropean Union...

MKULTRA a Psyop / Cover Story?

This is looking increasingly like a cover story believed by many of those who participated in the operation. In fact this created the opportunity and paved the way for a psychopathic controlling elite to gain tremendous power over regular citizens as it began to apply those techniques to the entire populations of the USA and Europe.

Whether you search in Dutch, French, German, English, American, or South-African newspapers of the past 35 years, you will find that there is virtually no information available on a private association naming itself the 1001 Club. Even in the Netherlands, where Prince Bernhard’s involvement with Bilderberg should be widely known by now, absolutely no one has heard of his role in creating “the 1001″. The only official information available about this club – which the average person is very unlikely to stumble upon – is that it was established in the early seventies by individuals as Prince Bernhard, Prince Philip, Charles de Haes, and Anton Rupert, and that every member paid a one time fee of $10,000 to get lifetime membership – that’s about it. This almost total absence of public awareness seems odd, as the men visiting 1001 Club receptions often represent some of the greatest economic interests on the planet.

PETER PARKER and his mate Jimmy Saville It was Parker in his role as chairman of British Rail who brought in Saville as “The Face of British Rail” In a 1970’s advertising campaign
Prince Philip is also a member of the 1001 Club and he is known to have worked closely with Sir Peter Parker on the Commonwealth Study Group. Parker was invited to Buckingham Palace to discuss this in May 1954.

Parker went on to become chairman of the Associated British Maltsers who bought the firm where my father worked for when we lived in Bath, Somerset – E Baily (sometimes spelt Bailey) & Sons (Malsters) Frome, Somerset.

N.B. A contact who had a family member working at the Military Base at Corsham close to the house we lived in at Swainswick, Bath has told me Prince Philip was a frequent visitor to the base.

Parker’s wife, Lady Gillian Parker (nee Rowe-Dutton) is a trustee and founder member of the British False Memory Society. In the USA the False Memory Association was founded by Drs. associated with MKULTRA in an apparent bid to cover up their activities.
Further reading: An Idea is Born ... ok-ch1.pdf

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 12:12 pm
by MercurysBall2
A letter from C.E. Guinness - 1956 Aftermath and Formation of Central Committee of Study Groups ... %20CSC.pdf

Harold Hartley chaired the 1956 conference:
Brigadier-General Sir Harold Brewer Hartley GCVO, CH, CBE, MC, FRS[1] (3 September 1878 – 9 September 1972) was a British physical chemist. He moved from academia to important positions in business and industry, including serving as Chairman of the British Overseas Airways Corporation...

He was the only child of the collector and bibliophile Harold T. Hartley (1851–1943).[3] His mother died in 1884 when he was a young child and his father later remarried. The future academic was educated at Dulwich College,[4] and Balliol College, Oxford. As a tutor at Balliol, he supervised the research of Edmund Bowen[2] and Cyril Hinshelwood..

He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in May 1926.[1] His candidacy citation read:

Distinguished for his investigations in physical and mineralogical chemistry, including electrical conductivity, ionisation, and electrolytic equilibria in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. Has greatly contributed by his own work and that of his pupils to the building up of a notable school of physico-chemical research at Oxford. During the war and afterwards has done valuable work in connection with gas services. Acted as Chemical Adviser to the Third Army in France. Appointed Assistant Director of Gas Services, GHQ. Later appointed Controller of Chemical Warfare Department, with the rank of Brigadier-General.

He gave the address "Man's Use of Energy" as president of the British Association for 1949–1950.[8] He received the Hoover Medal in 1968.
Harold Thomas Hartley ... sinessman)
Harold Thomas Hartley (28 October 1851 – 29 September 1943) was a British journalist, publisher, mineral water manufacturer, and professional organiser of exhibitions. He was closely associated with Joseph Lyons and the early development of the J. Lyons & Co. catering company. He was also a noted art collector and bibliophile.

..Hartley's early career was in the wine trade and in trade journalism on Fleet Street on The Milk Journal (est. 1871).[2] He was a partner in the firm of Emmott, Hartley & Company, publishers and founders of the Warehousemen and Drapers' Trade Journal (1872) and the Chambers of Commerce Chronicle (1876).[1] He was early on involved in the world of exhibitions when he worked on advertising for the Vienna World Exposition of 1873...
Program for Venice in London, Olympia, 1891–93.
In 1891–93, with Lyons,[3][4] he staged Venice in London at Olympia. The show was designed and directed by the theatrical impresario Imre Kiralfy who specialised in spectacular events and lent his name to the production to increase its appeal to the public.[4] It required the import of 100 gondolas from Venice with Venetian gondoliers.[5] Hartley went on to organise the Indian, Victorian Era, Greater Britain, and Military exhibitions

Hartley was a knight of the Order of St Sava of Serbia and a commander of the Order of Danilo of Montenegro. He was a life governor of the Charing Cross Hospital and a member of the Junior Constitutional Club and the Authors' Club.
Joseph Lyons (caterer)
Sir Joseph Nathaniel Lyons DL (29 December 1847 – 22 June 1917) was the chairman of J. Lyons and Co., a restaurant chain, food manufacturing and hotel conglomerate created in 1884 that dominated British mass-catering in the first half of the twentieth century...

He was chairman of the Strand Palace Hotel, part of the Lyons and Gluckstein interests, where he introduced a "no-tip" policy to great success..Around 1891, Lyons met Harold Hartley, an entrepreneurial publisher and mineral water manufacturer..

Lyons was a Deputy Lieutenant of the County of London. His firm catered for royal garden parties at Buckingham Palace and enjoyed a royal warrant.[10] He was knighted for public services in 1911..

His charitable activity was directed to the Little Sisters of the Poor in London's Hammersmith, and the Music Hall Benevolent Fund.
Little Sisters of the Poor
Blessing of the Dome at St Peter’s, London
The dome was gifted by a benefactor during the Covid restriction for family visits and which will also serve as a summerhouse. We are extremely grateful for the beautiful dome. ... 2/10624789 ... rches.html

Cathedrals are not necessarily Christian, many were constructed by the Templars as mystery schools and were only taken over by the Church after the French aristocracy decided to murder them all rather than pay off their Usury. St Pauls is unusual in that it has a dome. Domes are meant to contain energy whereas steeples direct that prayer energy up into the firmament. My findings are that St Paul’s is built on the site of the main Roman temple to Lucifer, which in turn was built over the site of a Druidic human sacrifice site – thus the requirement to contain the energy. The pentagrams shown in your blog encompass The City of London. The City is an independent, sovereign state and along with Washington DC and Vatican City, they administer the different aspects of Pope Innocenti’s 3 Trusts of the 1400’s, otherwise known as Unum Sanctum.

Hawksmoor’s 5 churches are in fact temples in my opinion. which guard and mark the boundaries of the City as do the many dragon statues on the roadways into it. The City is indeed the New Jerusalem as celebrated in that favourite hymn of the same name sung by the Establishment at every opportunity. Its called ‘New’ because the treasures of the ‘Old’ were transported here for safe-keeping away from Suleiman’s sons and daughters. These ‘treasures’ have formed the Capital of Stirling ever since and is the reason why Stirling is the only fiat currency to last more than 50 years – it isn’t fiat, its backed by treasure on infinite value and can be hypothecated to infinity as a result. Its no coincidence that The City is called ‘The Jewish Vatican’ because that’s exactly what it is. Its also no coincidence that the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family hold their coronations and marriages there. St Pauls is a Synagogue.

Meridian Delta Ltd. had been chosen by the government to develop the Dome as a sports and entertainment centre, and to develop housing, shops and offices on 150 acres (0.61 km2) of surrounding land. It also hoped to relocate some of London's tertiary education establishments to the site.[citation needed] Meridian Delta is backed by the American billionaire Philip Anschutz,..

Meridian Delta Limited operates as a subsidiary of Trinity College, University of Cambridge.
Sisters of Nazareth
The Sisters of Nazareth, until recently known as the Poor Sisters of Nazareth, are a Roman Catholic apostolic congregation of religious sisters of pontifical right, based in London, England. Members live in "Nazareth Houses" in English-speaking countries around the world: the UK, Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa...

Victoire Larmenier was born on 21 July 1827 at Liffré, near Rennes, France. In 1851 she entered the Paris novitiate of the Little Sisters of the Poor, taking the name Sister Basil Marie. Shortly thereafter, she and four other sisters were sent to make a foundation in London. This was in response to a request from the London branch of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In keeping with mission of the LSP they directed their service to the care of the elderly poor.[1]

In October 1857 the Sisters built the first Nazareth House in Hammersmith. By this time, the Sisters were also caring for poor and infirm children.[1] In 1861 Hammersmith community separated from the Little Sisters of the Poor and were recognised as a diocesan religious community under the title Poor Sisters of Nazareth in 1864.

In 1924, Archbishop John Joseph Cantwell invited the Sisters of Nazareth to California, where they founded the first Nazareth House in the United States, in San Diego. A home for the aging was established in September 1935.

Child abuse
Allegations of cruelty and sexual abuse were made in 1998 about Nazareth Houses in Tyne, Sunderland, Plymouth, and Manchester in England, Swansea in Wales, and Aberdeen, Glasgow, Midlothian and Kilmarnock in Scotland. A report was published on allegations of abuse and brutality at one of the order's homes in Queensland, Australia, over a 90-year period ending in 1976, including 48 children who were part of the British government Child Migrant Programme...

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 1:43 pm
by MercurysBall2
About that connection between Peter Parker and Jimmy Savile...( Parker's son Alan was the chair of Save the Children ) :

Marina Abramovic and a PIZZAGATE art exhibition in Venice viewtopic.php?f=16&p=8264#p8264
James Sherwood was an early beneficiary of the privatisation of British Rail, acquiring Sealink ferries and the prime East Coast mainline franchise...The InterCity 125 .. Jimmy Savile advertisement for the line..

Navy officer James Sherwood founded Sea Containers...
Sea Containers
Related activities included: Sea Containers Chartering
At the first annual meeting of the Sea Cargo Charter Association on 11 March 2021, 13 members were elected to the Steering Committee to coordinate the Association on behalf of its members. ... committee/
Jan Dieleman was elected as Chair of the Steering Committee. Rasmus Bach Nielsen was elected as Vice Chair of the Steering Committee. Claire Wright was elected Treasurer of the Steering Committee. ..

Alessio La Rosa, Engebret Dahm, Eva Birgitte Bisgaard, Hans Christian Jensen, Heidi Aakre, Jürgen Willemsen, Maria Damkær, Peter Lye, Seb Landerretche, and Sebastien Roche were elected as new members of the Steering Committee.

About the Sea Cargo Charter
The Sea Cargo Charter is a global framework for assessing and disclosing the climate alignment of chartering activities. It establishes a common, global baseline to quantitatively assess and disclose whether chartering activities are in line with climate goals set by UN maritime agency, the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Jan Dieleman, Cargill CEO becomes chair of shipping players' new set of CO2 rules


U.S. Supreme Court justices question human rights claims against Nestle and Cargill ... SKBN28B5X9

Finger Lakes Upstate NY
The Cargill corporation has been one of the largest pushers of the migrant crisis, and according to Dr. Leuren Moret, the Cargill corporation is "A horrific center of pedophilia."
and another interesting comment from that thread:
Who was a key executive at Cargill from one of the wealthiest families in America?
Curt Johnson..

What University are the Johnsons closely linked with?
Cornell University of Finger Lakes

What did Curt Johnson admit to?
The most evil crimes of pedophilia imaginable including with his own children and their friends.
It ties in with this image of Stephen Russell, founder of Celadon Group, Inc., a truckload shipping company located in Indianapolis viewtopic.php?f=16&p=10016#p10016
Source: ... 396490002/

Apart from the picture of the child on the wall, I zoomed into the bookshelf:
A book on Cornell University and another one called Power Trip. I think it might be this one:
The story of America's love affair with energy.

After covering the environment and energy beat for more than a decade, journalist Amanda Little decided the only way to fully understand America’s energy crisis was to travel into the heart of it. So she embarked on a daring, cross-country power trip to the most extreme and exciting frontiers of our energy landscape.

In Power Trip, we accompany her to a deep-sea oil rig, the cornfields of Kansas, the catacombs of the Pentagon, the Talladega Superspeedway, and inside New York City’s electrical grid. We visit laboratories creating the innovations that will carry us into a clean-energy future. We also travel back through history to investigate how America developed its unrivaled appetite for fossil fuels. In vivid, fast-paced prose, she illustrates how the same American ingenuity that got us into this mess can get us out of it too.

With next-generation candor and optimism, Little explores the most promising clean-energy solutions on the horizon, arguing that everything we know about our past teaches us that we can solve the problems of our future. Hard-hitting and forward-thinking, Power Trip is a lively and impassioned travel guide for all readers trying to navigate our shifting landscape, and a clear-eyed manifesto for the younger generations inheriting the earth.


“Power Trip offers a panoramic view of our energy crisis, exploring past, present, and future with hope, passion, and humor. Whether you are liberal or conservative, expert or novice, young or old, you’ll find adventure and insight in this book.”
– Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“Energy is the most important story in the world bar none, and no one has ever told it with more verve than Amanda Little. If you want to know how the world works, and why it may not work much longer, this is the book you need.”
– Bill McKibben, author of Deep Economy and The End of Nature

“Lively, engaging, and most thought-provoking, Power Trip takes us on a journey through the very wide world of energy, from its colorful past to its high-tech future. Little answers the questions that perplex many and, so importantly, identifies the key questions that only the future will answer.”
– Daniel Yergin, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money, and Power

“Power Trip weaves a fast, fun, and gripping story–one that’s both candid and unflinching in its approach. Amanda represents the best of a new, young perspective, a new voice of green.”
Robert Redford

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 3:58 pm
by MercurysBall2
Sea Cargo Charter Association Steerung Committee - Alessio La Rosa

Global Grain Geneva 2015 ... -rosa.html
Alessio La Rosa is Global Head of Freight at Noble Agri, he worked the last 8 years for Noble Group with various management positions and before that 7 years at Louis Dreyfus as a Freight Trader. Alessio started his career in freight trading for a grain house in Andre Group.
Louis Dreyfus ?

See: Nicole Junkermann, the Louis Dreyfus Company and China

COFCO's Alessio La Rosa opens up on factors driving 'eco' charter strategy ... 2-1-591461
The global head of freight at Chinese-owned, Geneva-based trading house warns of soft dry market ahead and says shipyards need to get real about pricing

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 4:07 pm
by Deleted User 146629
Tl;dr the 1960s counter culture movement was created by Jews and was largely unpopular at the time, the "greatest" generation and baby boomers' biggest mistake was letting these Jews and hippies teach the youth of today.

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 5:37 pm
by MercurysBall2
A thread about Peter Parker and his wife Jill
Given my experiences with Barbara Hewson, with her stalking of my wife and kids, her badgering of my employer and her failed attempt to report me to the German public prosecutor, I have developed a healthy distrust of her and her associates.So, too, the false memory brigade.Lady Gillian Parker was a founder member of the British False Memory Syndrome Association.Jill, a woman with a keen interest in gardening and in the Polish scientist Marie Curie, married the boyfriend of Shirley Williams.But who was this Jill?

Jill Parker was of course the wife of Peter Parker, Chairman of British Rail between 1976 and 1983.Peter Parker was the man instrumental to introducing the paedophile Jimmy Savile to BR advertising.

Jill Parker was of course the wife of Peter Parker, Chairman of British Rail between 1976 and 1983.Peter Parker was the man instrumental to introducing the paedophile Jimmy Savile to BR advertising.

Jill Parker was a staunch supporter of the NHS and an admirer of Aneurin Bevan. It was, of course, Jennie Lee, Minister of the Arts and wife of Aneurin Bevin, who negotiated bail for the vile paedophile Colin Peters, caught ferrying scugnizzi from Naples to Ischia..........Together with David Steel, Anthony Steen and Cardinal Hume (who introduced Savile to the Athenaeum), Sir Peter Parker was a sponsor of Youth Call, a movement chaired by Nick Stacey of Kent social services. ..
PAEDO PEER Ex Lib Dem leader Lord Steel unmasked as backer for sex fiend Sir Clement Freud’s knighthood ... nighthood/
PAEDOPHILE Sir Clement Freud was nominated for a knighthood by ex-Lib Dem leader Lord Steel, The Sun on Sunday can reveal. And Freud was the SECOND child sex abuser backed by the peer - who also pressed for fellow Liberal Sir Cyril Smith to get a gong.

The evil pair, who shared a Commons office, were both awarded knighthoods in the space of 12 months between 1987 and 1988 after Steel proposed them. His support was given even after he was told of allegations that Smith had abused kids. We revealed last month how the Cabinet Office had refused to tell us who had proposed Freud for a knighthood in 1987.

But after we appealed, Whitehall caved in and last week confirmed the mystery sponsor’s identity as Lord Steel. Dad-of-five Freud, who died aged 84 in 2009, became a Sir in 1987 when he lost his Commons seat. At the time Lord Steel wrote a glowing obituary, calling him “one of those rare characters who managed to excel in several spheres”.

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 8:37 pm
by MercurysBall2
Okay, I'm going to veer off a little into the twilight zone here...

returning to the theme of 'the clown / jester archetype in freemasonry and the counterculture movement'...

One famous Joker in film is Jack Nicholson... The actor who also played the lead in the film version of Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Kesey features in the Theatre of the Absurd post. See : One Legendary Party: The Hell’s Angels and the Merry Pranksters Meet at Kesey’s posting.php?mode=reply&f=50&t=2825

Jack played a biker too... in Easy Rider.. I wrote about him and that movie in this post : Isaac Kappy and Camp Navajo Military Base
Did you notice the Tom Hanks instagram? The location of the bridge? ..
Bellemont is the site of the Pine Breeze Inn, featured in the 1969 movie, Easy Rider.
The same year as the Woodstock disaster with the Rolling Stones. Bellemont is on Route 66. That's one of the main arteries through America that truck stops are situated along.

(Get your kicks on) Route 66? The song featured on the Rolling Stones debut album..
phpBB [video]

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group ... )_Route_66
"(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66" is a popular rhythm and blues song, composed in 1946 by American songwriter Bobby Troup. The lyrics follow the path of U.S. Route 66 (US 66), which traversed the western two-thirds of the U.S. from Chicago, Illinois, to Los Angeles, California. The song became a standard, with several renditions appearing on the record charts..

The lyrics read as a mini-travelogue about the major stops along the route, listing several cities and towns through which Route 66 passes: St. Louis; Joplin, Missouri; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Amarillo, Texas; Gallup, New Mexico; Flagstaff, Arizona; Winona, Arizona; Kingman, Arizona; Barstow, California; and San Bernardino, California. Winona is the only town out of sequence: it was a very small settlement east of Flagstaff and might indeed have been forgotten if not for the lyric "Don't forget Winona", written to rhyme with "Flagstaff, Arizona".

Many artists who have covered the tune over the years have changed the initial lyrics, usually to "It goes to St. Louis, down through Missouri ..." then continuing with Oklahoma City and so on. Of the eight states through which the actual route passes, only Kansas and its cities are not mentioned (US 66 only passes eleven miles (18 km) inside the state's southeast corner).

..Nat King Cole, with the King Cole Trio, first recorded the song in 1946 at Radio Recorders in Los Angeles. Capitol Records released it as a single, which became a hit, appearing on Billboard magazine's singles charts...

The song has become a standard and has been recorded by numerous artists:

  • Billy Bragg recorded an anglicised version of the song titled "A13 (Trunk Road to the Sea)" for a John Peel session in 1985. It uses the original music, but the landmark cities are replaced with English towns along the route of the A13, with Bragg inviting listeners to "Go motoring, on the A-thirteen". According to Bragg, he wrote the lyrics while playing with his band Riff Raff in 1977: whilst the band played "Route 66" as part of their set, Bragg "objected to singing about these places that (he) didn't know ... there's a tradition of driving down the A13 to the glory of Southend. Growing up in Barking, that was the promised land, in quite a Springsteenish way". The song was originally meant to be released on Bragg's 1983 debut album Life's a Riot with Spy vs Spy; however, it was ultimately not included due to problems getting permission to use the music of "Route 66". It was finally released commercially on the bonus disc of the 2003 compilation Must I Paint You a Picture? The Essential Billy Bragg.
  • Michael Martin Murphey recorded the song for his 1989 album Land of Enchantment. Released as a single in 1990, it peaked at number 67 on the Billboard Hot Country Singles & Tracks chart.
  • The 2006 Walt Disney and Pixar animated film Cars includes renditions by Chuck Berry and John Mayer.[7] Mayer's version was nominated for a Grammy award for Best Solo Rock Vocal Performance.
The A13 is a major road in England linking Central London with east London and south Essex. Its route is similar to that of the London, Tilbury and Southend line, and runs the entire length of the northern Thames Gateway area, terminating on the Thames Estuary at Shoeburyness.
The UK ratline? Qinetiq and C2c
Steve Bing led to the Chandler family... remembering the ports and c2c connections, I speculate that there must be a c2c UK format as well.. googling c2c and railways for the UK..

Trenitalia c2c Limited,[1] trading as c2c, is an English train operating company owned by Trenitalia that operates the Essex Thameside railway franchise. It manages 25 stations and its trains call at 28. c2c provides commuter services from its London terminus Fenchurch Street and from Liverpool Street to east London and parts of Essex along the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway.

..c2c operates services on the London, Tilbury and Southend Railway line from London Fenchurch Street to the northern Thames Gateway area of southern Essex, including Grays, Leigh-on-Sea and Southend-on-Sea. The main route from Fenchurch Street to Shoeburyness ..

MOD Shoeburyness

MoD Shoeburyness is a military installation at Pig's Bay near Shoeburyness in Essex.
Following the closure of the Old Ranges in 1998 the old garrison land and buildings were sold and converted for housing.[3] The New Ranges remain in use, however; the work of the Experimental Establishment, begun in 1859, continues today under the auspices of Qinetiq.
...Richard Branson has said he is 'devastated' that Virgin Trains' reign over the West Coast Main Line train route is coming to an end after 22 years. The Department for Transport has awarded Aberdeen-based First Group and Trenitalia UK, an arm of Italy's main train operator, the contract to run the London-to-Glasgow rail line from 8 December.

..Stagecoach, which owns 49% of Virgin Trains, had disagreed with the government about how to fill a huge deficit in the Railways Pension Scheme, which covers railway workers.

The Pirbright Institute is controlled by the Queen's Golden Share along with SERCO and QinetiQ..
Ratline confirmed.

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:20 pm
by MercurysBall2
John Peel was a popular DJ who worked for the BBC...

BY HONOURING A SEX PREDATOR LIKE JOHN PEEL THE BBC SHOWS IT’S LEARNT NOTHING FROM JIMMY SAVILE ... my-savile/ March 2012, the Corporation decided to rename a wing at Broadcasting House after Peel, who died in 2004. But while they were preparing to nail a blue plaque on the wall, an allegation was made that the DJ had had sex with an underage girl numerous times on BBC premises in 1969.

Amid a fusillade of similar allegations involving other former BBC DJs and employees, most notably Jimmy Savile, the Beeb hurriedly shoved the plaque into a drawer. It also said it would consider calling the Peel Wing something else, though in the event it did nothing.

Now, more than two years later, the Mail’s Sebastian Shakespeare Diary has revealed that the Corporation is dusting off its blue plaque in the belief that the furore has died down. This is a decision that speaks volumes about the BBC. It shows it has still not come to terms with the industrial-scale sexual abuse which it tolerated among its ‘stars’.

I realise, of course, that Peel is still widely admired as a ‘national treasure’. All I can say is this was also true of many of the figures whose reputations lie in ruins: Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Dave Lee Travis and so on.

Even before the allegation against Peel surfaced in October 2012, there were good reasons, which naturally the BBC had entirely ignored, for suspecting that he had unusual sexual tastes — or at any rate sexual tastes that were unusual outside the BBC.

As a young man he worked as a DJ in Texas in a local radio station. Much later he recalled that girls, some as young as 13, used to queue up outside his radio station.

‘Well, of course I didn’t ask for ID,’ he said. ‘All they wanted me to do was to abuse them sexually which, of course, I was only too happy to do.’ He complained that American girls had ‘this strange notion of virginity as a tangible thing which you surrendered to your husband on your wedding night. So they would do anything but s*** you’

Aged 26, in 1965, Peel married a 15-year-old American girl called Shirley Anne Milburn. He later claimed she and her family had lied about her age. They divorced in 1973. Some years later, after returning to the U.S., she committed suicide.

In the mid-Seventies, Peel wrote a column in Sounds (a rock music weekly) in which he sometimes mentioned that he preferred the company of fans when they were dressed as schoolgirls. He once put on a schoolgirl uniform for a picture, and ran a Schoolgirl of the Year competition on his Radio 1 show... ... years-ago/
Born John Robert Parker Ravenscroft on August 30, 1939 in Cheshire, England, Peel moved to the U.S in 1960 at age 21 to work for a cotton producer, and soon found other jobs that included working as a travelling insurance salesman.

During that period he lived in Dallas, Texas and even got the opportunity to talk with the, then, presidential candidate John F. Kennedy, and his running mate Lyndon B. Johnson, who were touring the city during the 1960 election campaign, famously taking photographs of them. He started to work professionally as a Radio DJ while in Texas, and as Beatlemania hit the United States, Peel got a job with the Dallas radio station KLIF as the official Beatles correspondent on the strength of his connection to Liverpool.

In 1967 he returned to England and worked with the famous offshore pirate radio station Radio London where he started to develop his talent as a promoter of new bands and sounds. At the time, he promoted heavily the Psychedelic Rock scene from the U.S as well as the new emerging bands and music styles in the U.K. After Radio London closed, Peel went to work at BBC Radio 1, and broadcast regularly from 1967 until 2004, that earned Peel the title of the longest serving of the original BBC Radio 1 DJ’s .
The Undertones – Teenage Kicks ... op-friday/
The Undertones were a Northern Irish punk band led by Feargal Sharkey. This song got them a record deal when British DJ John Peel played it on his show. Peel was a very influential and well-respected DJ, and he raved about this, even playing the song twice in a row, something he never did before. With Peel’s endorsement, it became a punk anthem and got the group signed to Sire Records...

From Songfacts:

Sharkey: “Our only hope was John Peel, and we sent him a copy – that was the only copy we sent anyone”

Peel died October 25, 2004. This was played at his funeral.

Guitarist John O’Neill (from Q Magazine): “In 1978 we didn’t think ‘Teenage Kicks’ was the best song. True Confessions was the one we thought people would go for and we only named the EP after it because we were teenagers and it seemed appropriate. When John Peel played it twice on his show we were in shock. I came-up with the title. I was an MC5 fan and they had a song called Teenage Lust and we used to cover Route 66, so with the licks in the chorus I just made the connection. I was actually shocked that there wasn’t already a song called Teenage Kicks because it’s an obvious cliché...

The line, “teenage dreams so hard to beat” from this song was carved on John Peel’s gravestone. His widow, Sheila Ravenscroft said: “We have put the words on the stone that he would have wanted. I wouldn’t dare do anything else.”
Radio London
Radio London, also known as Big L and Wonderful Radio London, was a top 40 (in London's case, the "Fab 40") offshore commercial station that operated from 23 December 1964 to 14 August 1967, from a ship anchored in the North Sea, three and a half miles (5.6 km) off Frinton-on-Sea, Essex, England.

The station, like other offshore radio operators, was dubbed a pirate radio station. Its offices were in the West End of London at 17 Curzon Street, just off Park Lane.

Radio London was the brainchild of Don Pierson, who lived in Eastland, Texas, United States. In a 1984 interview, Pierson said he got the idea in 1964, while reading a report in The Dallas Morning News of the start of Radio Caroline and Radio Atlanta from ships at that time anchored off south-east England.
Re Radio Caroline:

Deep State "Influencer" - Prof. Kate Williams viewtopic.php?f=50&p=7863#p7863
Sir Jocelyn Edward Greville Stevens, CVO (14 February 1932 – 9 October 2014) was the publisher of Queen magazine and a London newspaper executive..

He hired Mark Boxer as art director and Antony Armstrong-Jones, future husband of Princess Margaret, as photographer..In the 1960s he provided financial backing for the first British pirate radio station Radio Caroline.

Radio Caroline- Financial backing for the venture came from six investors, including John Sheffield, chairman of Norcross, Carl "Jimmy" Ross of Ross Foods, and Jocelyn Stevens of Queen magazine, with which Radio Caroline shared its first office.O'Rahilly named the station after Caroline Kennedy, daughter of U.S. president John F. Kennedy.

Ray Teret (1941–) - Former Radio Caroline DJ and friend of Jimmy Savile, he was convicted in 2014 of seven counts of rape and 11 counts of indecent assault during the 1960s and 1970s against girls as young as 12. He was jailed for 25 years.

In the early 1960s, Teret met Jimmy Savile after winning the Savile-run singing contest at the Palace Theatre in Manchester.[4] The two men later shared a flat on Great Clowes Street in Broughton, Salford,[4] with Teret becoming Savile's support DJ, assistant and chauffeur...

Ray Tenet with the Beatles in the 1960s
Another former BBC Radio 1 DJ who was friends with Jimmy Savile has been jailed for possessing indecent images of children after police raided his private yacht. As reported by our sister site PlymouthLive, former Parliamentary candidate Michael Willis, 74, was caught with nearly 500 vile pictures on his computer equipment. Willis, who went under the stage name Steve Merike when he was a disc jockey, was a BBC Radio One DJ in the 1970s. He was also a DJ on the famous pirate station Radio Caroline.

Re: Prince Philip, the CIA and the creation of the Sixties counterculture 'mass mind control' movement

Posted: Wed May 12, 2021 9:33 pm
by MercurysBall2
phpBB [video]
John Peel, recorded June 23,1996:

"I went over there the beginning-to-middle of 1960. The first radio programs I did were on a station called WRR in Dallas and they had a rhythm & blues program called Kats Karavan, spelled inevitably with two K's. I'd gotten some British LPs of blues and rhythm & blues stuff that were only available in Britain, or in Europe anyway, so I went along and played them some of those records and they put me on the radio to talk about them. I thought they'd probably put me on there because of my extraordinary knowledge of the music, but I think in fact they probably put me on there because they found my accent very entertaining because in those days I used to talk a bit like Prince Charles." ...

"This was not the day that Lee Harvey Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby; it was a few days before that. It was when he was kind-of presented to the press as the man who'd been arrested and charged. And, I mean, it was just one of those things that -- Earlier on when the assassination first happened, and I'd been - I used to work here for an insurance company on Central Expressway, so I was able to get into town pretty quickly. I was an office boy, so I could come and go as I pleased, and so when I heard about the assassination, it was announced on the P.A. in the office, and I just drove into town and went to the police cordon and told the policeman, I said, "I'm from The Liverpool Echo" and instead of telling me to piss-off, he let me through. It's one of those things which sounds so bizarre. And I walked down - I didn't go to the grassy knoll - I just stood on the other side of the road and kind of watched what was going on until frankly it became boring. It's hard to imagine that it did, but after I stood there about 40 minutes and watching people scurrying about, so I then went and made what I'd said kind-of retrospectively true and phoned The Liverpool Echo, and funnily they weren't terribly interested. I thought, Cripes, here's my chance because I've always wanted to be in journalism, so I thought, hey, this is my chance to get into journalism. I could be The Liverpool Echo's "Man in Dallas", but they really didn't care. So I was a bit wounded by that, but then that night a mate of mine and I had been driving around and were trying to figure out what to do, and at the end of the evening I said, why don't we go down to the police headquarters and see what's going on. And we got down there, and I said to this policeman, I said "what's happening?" And he said, "Well, actually there's a press conference down here," pointing to a flight of steps into the basement of the building - "there's a press conference in here in a few minutes." And I said, "Well, actually I'm from The Liverpool Echo and this is my photographer," and we went down there. I mean, we didn't have a pen or paper or camera between us, but we went in there anyway. It's a story that I've told so often that you get to the point where you don't really believe it yourself, it just seems so unlikely. But then in one of the bits of film of that press conference, we were all standing in this room and they had the identification parade in the basement of this building and they said - Henry Wade said - that this is the man that's been charged in the assassination of President Kennedy, and they brought in Lee Harvey Oswald. And he stood there looking slightly puzzled and alarmed for a while, and then was taken away again. In one of the films of this, which they showed on British television, they showed that Jack Ruby was in the room as well - which I didn't know he was until I saw this film they sort-of panned across the room and in the last few frames you can see me and my friend Bob standing there looking like tourists." ...

"None at all, no. I wish, I don't know, y'know, I think, I mean, everybody else does, but I think we'll probably never know the truth."