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RainyTrain2 ago

The Cargill corporation has been one of the largest pushers of the migrant crisis, and according to Dr. Leuren Moret, the Cargill corporation is "A horrific center of pedophilia."

FingerLakesCornell ago

Who was a key executive at Cargill from one of the wealthiest families in America?

Curt Johnson

Where are the Johnsons from?

Racine, Wisconsin

What University are the Johnsons closely linked with?

Cornell University of Finger Lakes

What did Curt Johnson admit to?

The most evil crimes of pedophilia imaginable including with his own children and their friends.

Now ask what the slogan really means:

“A family company.”

@volunteerwork2000 @mercurysball2 @ababcb @fogdryer

MercurysBall2 ago

Do you know anything about these people ?

fogdryer ago

this pedophilia is a family affair