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James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 6:49 pm
by Heisenberg123
First of all, I will introduce David Henry Gerson, friend of James Alefantis and Nora Maccoby (sister of Izette Maccoby Folger)

Nora Maccoby is following David Henry Gerson on Instagram: ... 5d23e7.png

David Henry Gerson is friends with Nora Maccoby on Facebook: ... b7d0c8.png

Nora Maccoby since 1991 is friends with victim of satanic ritual abuse (SRA) in Belgium, Anneke Lucas, as I've described in this post:

Here David Henry Gerson is socializing with James Alefantis and Septime Webre in some private house, picture by James on his jimmycomet profile: ... 53af2f.png

David is friend of James Alefantis on Facebook: ... e8eeb8.png

David Henry Gerson is connected to niche movie industry as director, writer, producer, actor:

He played role in two movies of Matthew Lessner and for which James Alefantis was executive and associate producer, Chapel Perilous and Automatic At Sea:

Shooting of Automatic At Sea started in year 2014, from Matthew Lessner Instagram profile called Montelomax: ... 3f2cdf.png

In October 2014 he posted "Satan" writing picture just after he posted his "Automatic At Sea" post on Instagram: ... 925197.png ... fa46b1.png

In December 2015 he posted "pizza scene" from the movie and tagged it "secret pizza": ... 3418a8.png

Footage for movie was being shot on Martha's Vineyard when Obama was vacationing down the road: ... ea-lessner

Martha's Vineyard is island where Dershowitz was introduced to Jeffrey Epstein, also island where Rothschilds (Lynn Forester, friend of David Brock, ex boyfriend of Alefantis, also probably she knows Alefantis because he was invited with Brock to her house) and Obamas have their mansions: ... -a-client/
In his 2019 book, “Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #metoo,” Dershowitz offers a detailed rebuttal to Guiffre. He states that meeting Epstein was “just about the worst thing that ever happened to me.” He was introduced to Epstein in late 1990s by their mutual friend Lynn Forester de Rothschild while vacationing on Martha’s Vineyard.
Obamas house on Martha's Vineyard was described by some as high end cult site: ... t-compound

Lynn Forester and Evelyn de Rothschilds house on Martha's Vineyard: ... me-article

Additionally it's island where John Podesta was in August/September 2014 and where famous "pizza related map" (that people thought was code for something) was supposed to be left. John Podesta was planning to be there already in first half of August 2014:

And he was there August/September 2014 when Automatic at Sea production was reaching its climax, and he was asked about "pizza related map", Martha's Vineyard mentioned in lower part of the conversation:

On IMDB they changed description after Pizzagate broke out, from "secret pizza" to "secret soda" but pizza cultish like scene is still in the movie: ... _=tt_ov_pl - secret pizza archive from November 2016 ... _=tt_ov_pl - secret soda after Pizzagate broke out for good

I've watched the movie and made screenshots so I actually will show you what is inside of it, or some parts of it. Movie is basically about Eve, Swedish girl trapped on island with weirdo and dangerous Peter (played by David Henry Gerson) as he is described by other girl living with them on this island.

YouTube link for the movie:
BitChute link for the movie:

First of all you have James Alefantis listed as executive producer when the movie starts: ... ef4b57.png

To be listed as executive producer James Alefantis needed to give at least 10,000$ for the movie if that's the way he got listed in credits: ... g-hidden-r

You have two scenes in this movies where book called "Three Books of Occult Philosophy" is being shown: ... f4f372.png ... 8392b5.png

Here's the deal with the book: ... Philosophy
Three Books of Occult Philosophy (De Occulta Philosophia libri III) is Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa's study of occult philosophy, acknowledged as a significant contribution to the Renaissance philosophical discussion concerning the powers of magic, and its relationship with religion. The first book was printed in 1531 in Paris, Cologne, and Antwerp, while the full three volumes first appeared in Cologne in 1533.[1]

The three books deal with Elemental, Celestial and Intellectual magic. The books outline the four elements, astrology, kabbalah, numerology, angels, God's names, the virtues and relationships with each other as well as methods of utilizing these relationships and laws in medicine, scrying, alchemy, ceremonies, origins of what are from the Hebrew, Greek and Chaldean context.

These arguments were common amongst other hermetic philosophers at the time and before. In fact, Agrippa's interpretation of magic is similar to the authors Marsilio Ficino, Pico della Mirandola and Johann Reuchlin's synthesis of magic and religion, and emphasize an exploration of nature
There are also scenes like this in the movie, very cultish stuff, some figure you can sit on, Eve sits on it: ... 916323.png ... 22bbf8.png

There are scenes like this that maybe are trying to tell us something with 3D illusion book "Magic Eye II: Now You See It...": ... ceb8db.png ... 3eca02.png

Here Eve holds little goat: ... 5c7b09.png

There's also this scene with Eve surrounded by flowers but unlike the trailer it doesn't have her eating pizza, that will be later in the movie: ... c04f9d.png

Eve is getting trapped with bizarre vision of Peter (David Henry Gerson) turning into horned Greek god "Pan": ... 188ed6.png ... 433c65.png

Seeing visions of naked women on trees: ... 60145d.png

She also tells to Peter she saw a dragon or dragonfly, in other scene he is performing to song, on his back there is a dragon: ... 3a4f9b.png

When it comes to dragon, it is one of the description for Satan: ... nt_serpent
Serpent (Greek: ὄφις;[39] Trans: Ophis, /ˈo.fis/; "snake", "serpent") occurs in the Book of Revelation as the "ancient serpent"[40] or "old serpent"(YLT) used to describe "the dragon",[20:2] Satan[41] the Adversary,(YLT) who is the devil.[12:9, 20:2] This serpent is depicted as a red seven-headed dragon having ten horns, each housed with a diadem. The serpent battles Michael the Archangel in a War in Heaven which results in this devil being cast out to the earth.
When she says to Peter that she wants to escape from island Peter turns into horned creature again: ... bfda74.png

Then she is seen with guy with horns in cultish like scene with huge fire beside them: ... 68424b.png

In one scene Peter jokingly talks about "being sacrificed" but I can't show that unfortunately, subtitles are only for moments when Eve talks in Swedish. There's also moon theme repeating in the movie from the beginning of it, almost in ritualistic manner. Eve is asked by Peter what she knows about moon, she answers that she knows about tidal forces of the moon that impact behavior of waters in the oceans. And then the moon is sometimes reappearing throughout the movie with camera focus on it.

While being trapped in the bizarre vision she is finally trapped so much that she isn't trying to escape anymore, she joins weirdo girlfriend of Peter. Also in one vision she is eating pizza at night, very strange: ... c2883b.png

At the end of the movie Martha's Vineyard location is mentioned with list of many people but also Alice Waters is being thanked as one of the people on the list: ... 630d20.png

And if that's the same person as Alice Louise Waters then she is the one who sent something with writing Moloch Maschine on it to James Alefantis: ... a98c36.png
Source: ... -instagram

Moloch obviously is deity associated with child sacrifice:
Moloch (/ˈmoʊlɒk/; Masoretic מֹלֶךְ‎ mōlek; Ancient Greek: Μόλοχ, Latin: Moloch; also Molech or Molek) is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice.


This one is available for free on YouTube: It was produced before Automatic at Sea.

Let's start with the name of the movie, Chapel Perilous,

One of the descriptions of it says:
"Chapel perilous" is also a term referring to a psychological state in which an individual is uncertain whether some course of events was affected by a supernatural force, or was a product of their own imagination. It was used by writer and philosopher Robert Anton Wilson in his 1977 book Cosmic Trigger. According to Wilson, being in this state leads the subject to become either paranoid or an agnostic.[citation needed] In his opinion there is no third way.[citation needed]
Interestingly Robert Anton Wilson used Aleister Crowley as his inspiration for the books:
Wilson, a well-known author in occult and Neo-Pagan circles, used Aleister Crowley as a main character in his 1981 novel Masks of the Illuminati, also included some elements of H. P. Lovecraft's work in his novels, and at times claimed to have perceived encounters with magical "entities" (when asked whether these entities seemed "real", he answered they seemed "real enough," although "not as real as the IRS" but "easier to get rid of", and later decided that his experiences may have emerged from "just my right brain hemisphere talking to my left").
Among Wilson's 35 books,[17] and many other works, perhaps his best-known volumes remain the cult classic series[18] The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975), co-authored with Shea. Advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids," the three books—The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden Apple, and Leviathan, soon offered as a single volume—philosophically and humorously examined, among many other themes, occult and magical symbolism and history, the counterculture of the 1960s, secret societies, data concerning author H. P. Lovecraft and author and occultist Aleister Crowley, and American paranoia about conspiracies and conspiracy theories. The book was intended to poke fun at the conspiratorial frame of mind. ... Illuminati
Cosmic Trigger I deals with Wilson's experiences during a time in which he put himself through a process of "self-induced brain change" as well as vignettes of his earlier life. The main discovery of this process—which, he tells us, is known in certain traditions as Chapel perilous—is that "reality" (although a noun in most Indo-European language systems, and therefore[citation needed] commonly conceptualized as being a definite, unchanging "'thing") is mutable and subjective to the observer.
Crowley himself was being accused of endorsing human sacrifice:
He was also accused of advocating human sacrifice, largely because of a passage in Book 4 in which he stated that "A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory victim" and added that he had sacrificed about 150 every year. This was a tongue-in-cheek reference to ejaculation, something not realised by his critics.[257]
So going back to the movie, David Henry Gerson is playing as Levi, some say this is anagram for "evil". Anagram is simply word created from letters of another word.

It starts with the one eye symbolism: ... 8f5f4c.png

That one eye on hand was used by Montelomax profile picture (Matthew Lessner profile) on YouTube before people started accusing him in the comments of being part of the Illuminati, and they've started accusing him before Pizzagate broke out btw which you can still find on the link that is not archived and when you scroll through the old comments (before 2016) and here's his archived profile picture from 2014: ... j-Bbbck2Nk

Then snake symbolism appears in the movie: ... dd633e.png

There are snakes on David Henry Gerson (playing as Levi in the movie) trousers if you look closely (guy on the right): ... 1ebe28.png

They are introducing "The Cosmic Serpent" Book about ayahuasca and secret message encoded in DNA which can be found through ritualistic brew like ayahuasca: ... 3c90ce.png
Investigating the connections between shamanism and molecular biology, Narby hypothesizes that shamans may be able to access information at the molecular level through the ingestion of entheogens, specifically ayahuasca.[1] Biophysicist Jacques Dubochet criticized Narby for not testing his hypothesis.[1]
Further in the movie Levi opens package he received from black guy who sits beside him, there's a snake in the package: ... 652e07.png

Levi is growing horns through weird ritual that allows him to discover secret of his DNA, horns are direct sign from the heavens according to guy leading him through ritual: ... 3ca9d3.png ... 01b0a2.png

Woman with snake at the end of the movie: ... 08efba.png

James Alefantis was associate producer for Chapel Perilous: ... 2e703d.png

Serpents are ofc associated with devil and evil powers in the Bible:
Serpent (Greek: ὄφις;[39] Trans: Ophis, /ˈo.fis/; "snake", "serpent") occurs in the Book of Revelation as the "ancient serpent"[40] or "old serpent"(YLT) used to describe "the dragon",[20:2] Satan[41] the Adversary,(YLT) who is the devil.[12:9, 20:2] This serpent is depicted as a red seven-headed dragon having ten horns, each housed with a diadem.

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:19 am
by brwn
Great post

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:49 am
by MercurysBall2
On Kickstarter: ... g-hidden-r
The film was written and directed by award-wining filmmaker Matthew Lessner, whose first feature THE WOODS made history as the first Kickstarter funded film to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.

Here's our synopsis (if you're into that sort of thing): On a whim, Eve (young Swedish traveler) accepts an invitation from Peter (wealthy heir) to vacation on his family’s private island off the coast of New England. As a series of unexpected delays prevent other guests from arriving, Eve discovers that she has little in common with the increasingly erratic Peter and that something is not quite right on this mysterious island. Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of her surroundings dissolves, and Eve finds herself trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza. David Henry Gerson in James Cagney's barn in a set still by Zach Lanoue [EDIT : THE IMAGES FOR THIS ARE BEING 'DISAPPEARED']

The project was born when actor/ producer David Henry Gerson attended a screening of writer/ director Matthew Lessner’s first feature film THE WOODS at the Sundance Film Festival. David approached Matthew immediately after the screening and told him that he was interested in helping him make his next film. Matthew enjoyed the flattery and thought David looked like a real-life satyr. Thus began a long, strange, fruitful friendship and collaboration.
Seems alot happens at the Sundance Festival ... See:

Feb. 1987 : Authorities investigating the alleged abuse of six children found with two men in a Tallahassee, Fla., park discovered materials yesterday in the Washington area that they say points to a 1960s-style commune called the Finders, described in a court document as a "cult" that allegedly conducted "brainwashing" and used children "in rituals."..

But another neighbor, college professor John Matthews, who said he had lived at 3918 W St. for a short time while looking for an apartment, said the residents were "a close-knit group" of feminists who liked to help people and were not a cult.
A number of points from that WaPo article on the Finders cult. I'm going to look at the journalists who wrote that piece in 1987 - Saundra Saperstein and Victoria Churchville... Saundra Saperstein, who has been the media director of the Sundance Film Festival since its inception

History of the Sundance Film Festival

On the arts side, there was Sterling van Wagenen, a Brigham Young University film school graduate; on the commercial side, Utah State Film Commissioner John Earle. Together with a small group of associates, they decided it would be an excellent idea to launch a film festival for the state - the Utah/US Film Festival.

To oversee the event, the management of the fledgling festival tapped its network of friends and colleagues to put together a board of directors. A local Utah resident since the late 1960s, Robert Redford became involved as the festival board's inaugural chairman through Van Wagenen (at the time, Redford was married to Van Wagenen's cousin Lola). Funding for the festival came predominantly from Earle through the Utah Film Commission, but it also relied on industry sponsors and donations from wealthy friends of those involved....The first Utah/US Film Festival kicked off in Salt Lake City in September 1978...Having Redford's name associated with the festival helped the young team garner interest from studios and distributors who would have probably otherwise not returned their calls.

Van Wagenen was born in Provo, Utah, in December 1938. She was raised in a Mormon family, but as an adult has explored other sources of religious and philosophical thought. She met her first husband, actor Robert Redford, in Los Angeles in 1957.[6] They were married on September 12, 1958, in Provo, Utah, following a secret wedding a few months earlier in Las Vegas, Nevada. They divorced in 1985.

She married George Burrill, Ph.D., the founder of the international development firm ARD,[10] on July 17, 2002, in Shelburne, Vermont. Burrill is the Honorary Consul from New Zealand to Vermont.[11] He was a US delegate to the United States New Zealand Partnership Forum in 2011, held in Christchurch, New Zealand, when a devastating earthquake struck the city.. Since the 1970s, Van Wagenen has served on the Board of Directors or in other capacities with various charitable organizations, including Shelburne Farms,[16] the Vermont Historical Society[17] and the New York Women’s Foundation.[18] She served on the Task Force on Appropriate Technology with the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment in 1977.[19] In 1979 she was a member of the National Commission on the International Year of the Child.
George Burrill founded an international professional services consulting firm, ARD Inc., and served as Chief Executive Officer from the firm’s inception in 1977 until 2007 when it was acquired by TetraTech. ARD was one of the premiere international economic development consulting firms in the USA with clients ranging from the World Bank to the US Department of State and foreign governments. Focused mainly on the developing countries of Africa, Asia, Latin America and the transitional states of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe the firm developed a project portfolio in the areas of agriculture, environment and natural resources, water supply, renewable energy, financial analysis, and building democracies and the institutions and civic societies that sustain them.
Look up Redford, Paul Newman .. the Sundance Kid film and the Hole-in-the Wall-Gang ... ball2&b=on

Newman and his kids camp which recently experienced a fire viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1701

Back to James Cagney's barn:

James Cagney’s Longtime Martha’s Vineyard Farm Asks $13.5 Million ... lion-67787
In Chilmark, the roughly 69-acre property includes the house where late actor lived, as well as a guesthouse, studio and barn..

Mr. Cagney, who was known for 1930s and 40s gangster films such as "Angels with Dirty Faces," also owned a home in Edgartown on Martha’s Vineyard...

The Cagney family sold the farm in the 1980s, and it was later used as a commune, according to Ms. Bodnar. Boston restaurateurs Patrick Lyons and Sean Gildea bought the property for $4.1 million in late 2012.

Mr. Lyons and Mr. Gildea, who are friends and business partners, said they bought the property under the name You Dirty Rat LLC in homage to Mr. Cagney. They each planned to build vacation homes on the property, which can be split into several different parcels. But Mr. Lyons said he and his wife have since decided to keep their current Vineyard home on the South Shore, while Mr. Gildea ended up buying a different property.

Mr. Lyons is known for his role in making Boston’s Lansdowne Street a nightlife destination and owns a number of restaurants and nightlife spots in Boston. Mr. Gildea co-owns Blue Dragon and is co-owner of a commercial real-estate firm.
We have one reference to James Cagney in pizzagate:

Pizzagate Esoterica & Sodomite Programming: Seth Rogan Invokes Home Alone I&II Sodomite Gangsters for Christmas by @ASolo
...The entire concept of PIZZA as an occult food is that it RESEMBLES THE DETRITUS THAT CAN RESULT FROM ANAL SEX and the joke for them is the consumption of it as pizza)

So... This Tuesday , this Christmas Kaptain Kangol, Seth Rogan, James Franco's b(utt)est bud, either intentionally or unintentionally brought some attention to McCauley Culkin's Home Alone Series on Twitter:

Seth Rogen Learns the Gangster Movie from Home Alone Is Fake, Blows Celebrity Friends' Minds..

As it turned out looking into this Gangster film for Home Alone Series proved to be an interesting conspiratorial journey. Of course we all know about the energy surrounding Culkin and his band Pizza Underground and how he and his movies fit around the Pizzagate Saga, there are degrees of separation everywhere, even Culkin's recent odd behavior isn't helping anything...

....Parts of Home Alone 2 was filmed in Trumps Plaza Hotel...

But I digress, let me get back to the Gangster Film in Home Alone I and II that were specifically created for these films. The film in question was called Angels With Filthy Souls, a parody of the 1938 James Cagney classic Angels With Dirty Faces

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:12 am
by MercurysBall2
Must-see $10 million waterfront home on an island once owned by James Cagney ... story.html
It appears that crime does pay—at least in the movies.

James Cagney, famous for playing cinematic tough guys, once owned an island in Newport Harbor, CA. Known as Collins island, it's located on the western tip of Balboa Island and has since been divided into eight separate residential properties. One of those properties is now on the market for $10 million....

Cagney, who died in 1986 at age 86, owned the island from 1938 to 1948, and it’s rumored that he may have even won it in a poker game. Off screen, Cagney he was a fan of the seas, and was reported to have had boats harbored on both the East and the West coasts. Although he’s known for playing gangsters in “The Public Enemy,” “Angels with Dirty Faces,” and “White Heat,” he was a song-and-dance man who won an Academy Award for his role in the musical “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” ... port_Beach
In 1902, James McFadden sold his Newport townsite and about half of the peninsula to William S. Collins, who saw Newport Bay's resort and recreation potential. Collins took on Henry E. Huntington as a partner in the Newport Beach Company. Huntington had acquired the Pacific Electric railway system and used it to promote new communities outside Los Angeles.

James Cagney bought Collins island or possibly won it in a poker game in 1938 for $32,000.[1][2] The United States Coast Guard used Collins Island during World War II, and Cagney sold the island in 1948.
Balboa Island, Newport Beach ... port_Beach
Balboa Island is a harborside community located in Newport Beach, California, accessible to the public via bridge, ferry and several public docks..Originally, Balboa Island was little more than a mudflat surrounded by swampland. Today's Newport Harbor emerged only after dredging millions of tons of silt. ..

..The site was ideal because a submarine canyon (Newport Submarine Canyon - a favorite breeding ground for great white sharks), carved along with Newport Bay by the ancient Santa Ana River, provided calm waters close to the shore. McFadden Wharf was completed in 1888 and was connected by rail to Santa Ana in 1891.

..In 1902, James McFadden sold all of his Newport property, including the Newport townsite, about half the Balboa Peninsula, and the swamplands that were to become Harbor, Lido, and Balboa Islands (totaling about 900 acres) to William Stepp "WS" Collins (WS Collins was also president of the Associated Oil Company) and C. A. Hanson for an undisclosed amount, suspected to be $50,000 with $5,000 down
Newport posts:

Jeffrey Epstein's business partner Andrew Farkas recently dumped the Montauk Yacht Club. Does it have any connections with the Montauk Project ? Let's take a look....
Montauk Yacht Club has a new owner.. The newly acquired property is the second one that the company has in the Hamptons Hamlet. The other recreational property in this area is Gurney’s Montauk Resort & Seawater Spa. In total, the companies have three resorts now having acquired another one in Newport in 2017.
New Comet Ping Pong revelations: Photo evidence reveals 'Sasha Lord Presents' hosted show on rooftop of Standard Hotel, linked to MULTIPLE MK-Ultra/Tavistock locations.
Newport Beach.
Hotel GM.
What happened @ those hotels?
Child prostitution charges filed against Newport Beach CEO of international food company
Prosecutors accused a Newport Beach man who runs of global food distribution company of engaging in prostitution with teenage girls, and also filed human trafficking charges against a Huntington Beach woman..
Is Aaron Lopez Epstein's role model?
Came across this interesting historical link. Evidently, slave trafficking and using children to "seal the deal" is nothing new....

"“English, German and Dutch slavery was financed primarily in Amsterdam where slaving finances, insurance, fitting out and profits were negotiated in Amsterdam’s largest synagogue there. Later the center of United States slave trade finance was the synagogue in Newport Rhode Island, the first synagode in the United States. Aaron Lopez, Converso, the wealthiest merchant in British Rhode Island, personally controlled about fourteen slave ships while his Sephardic Jewish colleagues bought a total of about 300. The Icemen were unmoved about the slave cargo, terminally tortured (90% lethal) humans on a death trip except as cold profit."

“Aaron Lopez was said to have owned a plantation in Mombassa, Kenya that was famous for its notorious orgies where visiting merchants could chose among girls as young as 7 years old. Some of the Falasha (Beta Israeli) Black Jews of Ethiopia were rumored to have come from this plantation where as many as 4000 children (bastards) were born. President Obama’s Luo ancestors were conned by the Muslins to capture prisoners of war and sell them into slavery. The slave Fort (White) Jesus built by the Portuguese in Mombassa had its notorious misery tunnels of no return similar to the slave fort torture dungeon tunnels in West Africa”....

“Newport Neanderthal proved that Capitalism worshiped by these slavers is the most heinous of crimes that corrupted the nascent United States. No less than George Washington, also a notorious slaver, paid homage to the Neanderthal Newport Slavers who had formed themselves into the King David Masonic Lodge. .." ... -new-york/
On the art world, occult groups and military links: SHAEF, Biltmore Estate, Monument's Men, and Psyop Units
Well it seems that SHAEF was involved with Biltmore too. At the website The Monument's Men for the Preservation of Art: ... -hugh-usnr
In 1942 Smyth enlisted in the U.S. Navy Reserves and served as an instructor first at Newport Naval Training Base and later at the U.S. Navy Reserve Midshipmen's School at Columbia University. In April 1945 he was selected for service with the MFAA. He arrived in Europe alongside fellow USNR Monuments Officer Lt. Cdr. Thomas Carr Howe, Jr. in May 1945. The pair reported to Monuments Man Lt. Col. Geoffrey Webb, head of the MFAA Section at SHAEF Headquarters at Versailles, and were assigned to SHAEF’s G-5 Division (Civil Affairs).
In comments:

I can simplify this: American Leftists = Nazis = Pedophiles = Commies = Human Trafficking = Vanderbilts = Deep State = Cuba.. My guess is that they move the kids from the Haiti/Cuba area, to Marthas Vineyard, where Joan Nathan spends a lot of her time, then on to Newport/RI

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 7:26 am
by MercurysBall2
Image Newport Masonic lodge - on the East and West coasts of the USA and Newport Masonic Hall Ltd. UK
Related post:

youth groups leader for pre-teen /teenagers/teacher/bus driver/substitute teacher/ mason arrested
David Osborn, age 41, of New Castle, Delaware, was sentenced today to 5 years in prison for transportation of child pornography via AOL chat rooms and email. Osborn also was sentenced to 5 years of supervised release following his prison sentence. He also will be required to register as a sex offender in any jurisdiction in which he lives, works, or attends school. At the hearing and documents filed in court, Osborn was identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation through reports of child pornography trafficking that had been provided by AOL LLC to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (“NCMEC”)...

Over the 13 years prior to his arrest, Osborn worked as a substitute teacher in the Appoquinimink School District and as a school bus driver for elementary and high school students at various New Castle County Schools. Osborn also was a member of Masons Lodge Number 26, in Newport, Delaware, where he held various positions supervising youth groups for pre-teen and teenage boys and girls.
the main way that high level initiates of Freemasonry can have a long running supply of children for sexual abuse is by infiltrating Child Care Centres, Government-run Children’s Homes and Boys Clubs.

Lodge History Armstrong Lodge No. 26 A.F. & A.M. was chartered on June, 1870 and could rightly be called the “mother Lodge” of Newport, because of the rapid rise in membership during the 1940’s and 50’s. It would help four Lodges get their start in the Newport area. Included would be Ionic Lodge No. 31 in 1950, Unity Lodge No. 32 in 1955, Christiana Lodge No. 35 in 1963 and High Noon Lodge No. 38 in 1978. The events of the last fifty years have shone brightly from the labors of the quarries of Armstrong Lodge No. 26. In addition to the formation of new Lodges they have also had the honor of four of them members being elected Grand Master of Masons in Delaware; Joseph W. H. Watson, served two terms, in 1880 and 1881, Paul Yearsley in 1947, Arthur G. Craig in 1965 and David J. Marianelli in 1989.

After serving as Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master-elect Edward P. Sturgis was called from labor on September 15, 1974 about two weeks prior to his scheduled installation as a very young Grand Master at the age of 40. Brother “Ed” was a hard working Master Mason who had been awarded nearly every honor possible as a DeMolay, including the DeMolay Cross of Honor. Bill Clinton was a DeMolay. Although not a "Masonic organization" as such, DeMolay is considered to be part of the general "family" of Masonic and associated organizations, along with other youth groups

While many brethren have been involved in the in the maintenance of the Newport Masonic Temple over the years. Though they have been called from labor, their devotion to serving the membership in providing a well-maintained facility will long be remembered and appreciated by the various bodies that use the facility.
In 1964, PGM Paul Yearsley retired as Treasurer of the Lodge after twenty-two years of service. He was the first DeMolay to occupy the office of Grand Master in 1947. In 1971, PGM Arthur G. Craig retired as Secretary of the Lodge after twenty-three years of service in that office.
After serving as Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Grand Master, Grand Master-elect Edward P. Sturgis was called from labor on September 15, 1974 about two weeks prior to his scheduled installation as a very young Grand Master at the age of 40. Brother “Ed” was a hard working Master Mason who had been awarded nearly every honor possible as a DeMolay, including the DeMolay Cross of Honor. Bill Clinton was a DeMolay. Although not a "Masonic organization" as such, DeMolay is considered to be part of the general "family" of Masonic and associated organizations, along with other youth groups

While many brethren have been involved in the in the maintenance of the Newport Masonic Temple over the years. Though they have been called from labor, their devotion to serving the membership in providing a well-maintained facility will long be remembered and appreciated by the various bodies that use the facility.

Through the influence of PGM Craig, the early English Table Lodge was reconstituted at Armstrong Lodge. It proved to be a very popular event and it was not unusual to have 250 to 300 brethren in attendance.
As part of the 100th Anniversary Celebration of Armstrong Lodge, a public installation of officers was held at the H.C. Conrad High School Athletic Field on June 27, 1970. Much hard work had to be done to make this event a success, as the field had not been in use for some time. In addition, the Lodge furniture had to be moved to the field as well. There were over 200 family members and friends who watched from the bleachers.
New Castle, Delaware > Newcastle UK:
Video of Dr. Pong Berlin includes James Alefantis in Newcastle. The weird world of Pongress and photos of Pope with ping pong paddles.
Funny dat.

Moar: UK Ping Pong, Football and that pizzagate scandal , Tavistock and George Soros
Alefantis and his cohort are most probably CIA. And they have been studying youth culture for years now, as @ASolo explains in this comment re Dr. Ping Pong and the Berlin Wall : . Alefantis even posted on Instagram an image of the pub calling it “Home” James Alefantis posted a pic of a stand-alone old buidling calling it "home". Does anybody recongize it?

Interestingly, rickman 3 months ago posted a possible link between Alefantis and another sport : football Alefantis and his football friend Chopra. It's quite possible he was on to something. Here's why... First, the UK pizzagate was originally about pedophilia in football ...

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 9:39 am
by MercurysBall2
<.. The Cagney family sold the farm in the 1980s, and it was later used as a commune, according to Ms. Bodnar. Boston restaurateurs Patrick Lyons and Sean Gildea bought the property for $4.1 million in late 2012...>

Posts re Patrick Lyons:

Finders/Illuminati/Creepy Imagery: The Cardboard Box Where Obama Recently Dined, on Martha's Vineyard. Also, TCB's Partner Back Door Donuts' Owner Richard Friedman is Close to the Clintons The Cardboard Box restaurant and its Messenger Man logo

On August 6, 2018 Barack Obama dined at The Cardboard Box, a new restaurant on Martha's Vineyard: ... boardboxmv

Owner Ben De Forest's explanation of the name: It’s called Cardboard Box because it’s been my belief for a long time that if the food is great, someone will sit in a cardboard box to eat it.

The Cardboard Box opened on May 1, 2018. May 1 happens to be during Walpurgisnacht, April 30-May 1, which is tied with Halloween as the highest Satanic holiday. ... boardboxmv

Notice the logo. The faceless man in the dark suit and hat, holding a box with a heart on it, is called The Messenger Man. The artist Traeger di Pietro's website:

The Cardboard Box restaurant used “kidnappers’ ransom note” style cut-out words, a cut-out of a little boy, and wrote the word “dinner” with pasta: ... boardboxmv

..The box with the heart on it is suspicious, and, links below may suggest The Messenger Man references the Finders Cult, due to his dark suit and role as “a messenger.” A similar hat was noticed in a Finders group house. ..

Here the artist shows The Messenger Man's face as a skull: ... erdipietro
The artist's post on IG : traegerdipietro
#onthewarehousefloor #sunset #youdoodle #sage #art #streetart #create #mixedmedia #artist #traeger
Messenger Man stealing a heart: ... erdipietro

MM “steals away” a teen girl seen pulling away from him, train travel is alluded to, and her heart is indicated:

Another disturbing picture - a man and a girl: ... erdipietro
traegerdipietro :
one love before and after. #onthewarehousefloor #youdoodle #people #love #loveeverything #lovesthere#❤#art
The box carries “Back Door Donuts”: ... boardboxmv

Back Door Donuts, part of M.V. Gourmet Café and Bakery
The purple back door of M.V. Gourmet Café and Bakery is Back Door Donuts, a nighttime shop open from 7 p.m. – 1 a.m.

The business was sold in 2018:
passed the torch to local residents Richard Friedman, Patrick Lyons and David Ginsberg. Raffi and his team remain intact and the recipes are unchanged - the Back Door tradition alive and well.
Wealthy businessman Richard Friedman is very close to the Clintons..
Traeger di Pietro & Artism for Autism
Artist Traeger di Pietro has created a memorable Messenger Man collaboration in time for the Island Autism Group’s new Artism for Autism art show fundraiser Memorial Day weekend at the Ag Hall. Di Pietro worked with Island students with autism to create art with a message — the most important things in life are free. Using a lot of color, stars, rainbows, and hearts, the students and the artist have created the perfect backdrop for the Messenger Man, di Pietro’s faceless man in the black suit that pops up in his artwork and around the Island; he’s on the logo for the Oak Bluffs eatery, the Cardboard Box.

..The Artism for Autism fundraiser for IAG came about serendipitously. Jhenn Pillsworth, director of the Field Gallery in West Tisbury, is a board member for IAG as well as Friends of Family Planning (FFP), and when FFP raised enough money with proceeds from its annual art show at the Ag Hall to purchase a permanent Island home for their clinic, they decided to pass the event on to the IAG. Pillsworth explained that FFP, after putting the art show together for 28 years, is passing the torch.

..The IAG was founded more than 10 years ago by two moms, Marcy Bettencourt and Kate DeVane, who were looking for resources for their then kindergarten-age sons. Their sons are now teenagers, and the IAG is working to provide permanent support for both young children and adults with autism. They’ve developed an afterschool program for students ages 5 to 17 that gives them access to the YMCA, the Barn Bowl & Bistro, Misty Meadows, the FARM Institute, SailMV, and Rick Bausman’s drumming group. The IAG is now raising funds to develop a home base that could provide job training, work, social opportunities, and other activities for people with autism and other disabilities.

..Two fun projects, #themessengerman and #onthewarehousefloor, are di Pietro’s creations that spark the imagination and go beyond pieces of art. “On the warehouse floor” began when the artist worked for Pepsi-Cola and instead of loading trucks, he’d snap photos of a crack in the wall or a wet spot on the ceiling and turn it into a rendering of a couple in an embrace or an eagle swooping down to grab a fish out of the ocean.

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:32 am
by MercurysBall2
<... The Cagney family sold the farm in the 1980s, and it was later used as a commune ..>

James Cagney’s Island Refuge ... and-refuge
By the mid-eighties, the much-loved Cagney farm had been sold. The paper trail regarding ownership becomes complicated at this point but the new residents were a communal group whose members included Thomas Hart Benton’s daughter, Jessie Benton. Jessie was among the founders of the Boston-based commune known as the Fort Hill Community, which had achieved national notoriety in the 1970s amid allegations of drug use, violence, intimidation, and mind-control tactics. The estate became one of a handful of properties scattered across the United States acquired by the family collective. Its nucleus was Mel Lyman, a charismatic Boston-area folk musician and writer whose controversial lifestyle and outspoken philosophies were sensationalized in a two-part Rolling Stone magazine cover story in 1971 likening him to the notorious California cult figure Charles Manson.

..The commune, which referred to itself as a family collective, repeatedly denied all claims of wrongdoing but retreated from the public eye, reemerging in the 1980s (following Lyman’s death at age forty in 1978) for interviews with People magazine, The Kansas City Star, The Boston Globe, and The Boston Herald, among other publications. By then, two decades after its inception, the commune had raised a generation of children and forged a reputation for legitimacy as operators of Fort Hill Construction, respected builders and remodelers of homes in California, New York, and Boston.
Once-Notorious ‘60s Commune Evolves Into Respectability : After 19 Years the Lyman Family Prospers as Craftsmen and Farmers ... story.html
Aug. 4, 1985

Today they are prosperous builders who remodel homes for the stars, the 117 members of a notorious ‘60s commune who a decade ago wrote off the rest of the world as hopelessly corrupt and withdrew so completely that they adopted their own calendar to number the years. They are the Lyman Family, an eclectic band of musicians, artists, writers, philosophy students and psychic explorers who comprise one of the few ‘60s communes to survive the era.

The 60 adults have stuck together for 19 years, evolving from poverty, drugs and even a bank robbery into an unusual version of familial joy with 49 children, 10 of whom are now adults. There are eight other young adults who have joined the Family in recent years after growing up elsewhere...

..Prosperous today because of their industriousness and a small fortune inherited by one of their leaders, the Lymans own two Hollywood Hills mansions worth at least $4 million, with formal gardens, a peaceful stone pond filled with koi, a swimming pool and a classroom for the children. There is a huge underground garage where they keep their old white Lincoln limousine, two sports cars and a luxurious recreational vehicle, and surrounding all of this is a high brick and mortar wall.. They also own a scenic 280-acre Kansas farm, a Manhattan loft, a hilltop compound of eight residences above Boston’s poor Roxbury section and a Martha’s Vineyard retreat, plus three deep-sea pleasure fishing boats.

..Master craftsmen, the Lymans remodel homes for actors Dustin Hoffman and Richard Chamberlain, producers Steven Spielberg and Larry Gelbart and others made rich by Hollywood. Their own homes reflect extraordinary craftsmanship. In one Kansas farmhouse the wooden banister’s finial is a delicate carving of a nude woman. Lavish rugs that one of the women hooks enhance the Hollywood Hills mansions.

...They came from diverse backgrounds. The children of Kennedy men and Brooklyn laborers, they all became ‘60s cultural revolutionaries, witnesses at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. They dropped out of Harvard, Brandeis and Michigan State to seek God in vials of acid; they found him in an odd-looking banjo player named Mel Lyman.

..Deny Worshiping Manson

Today, Family members insist they never worshiped Manson, never put his picture above a vase of flowers that were changed daily, as several outsiders report they saw. Their deeds back then were no more crazy than the times, they say.

“We did a lot of outrageous things just to get people to open their eyes, to see what they were blind to,” said Eve Lyman, one of seven women who bore Lyman’s 12 children.

Then, in 1973, three commune members robbed a federal bank, saying they were protesting Richard Nixon’s involvement in Watergate. Boston police killed one bandit. (Another bandit, actor Mark Frechette, the star of “Zabriskie Point,” director Michelangelo Antonioni’s savage look at American decadence, later died in prison in what authorities said was an accident. The third bandit, Sheldon (Terry) Bernhard, 43, served his term and has rejoined the family.)

After that some of the commune children burglarized houses on Martha’s Vineyard and burned them down to cover their misdeeds.

The Family soon withdrew from the world, believing themselves badly misunderstood.

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:12 pm
by MercurysBall2
The Mel Lyman Personality Cult Revisited by Kliph Nesteroff ... sited.html
"I tell you I am the greatest man in the world and it doesn't trouble me in the least." - Mel Lyman

It seems unlikely that a scrawny, disheveled kid wearing a sailor hat and oversized military coat could actually hold power over one hundred people, let alone convince them he was God. A 1966 Oscar-nominated film called Festival is the closest look at this man we have today. The stark, black and white, cinema-vérité style documentary follows the goings-on at The Newport Folk Festival. It opens with a shot of Mel Lyman, flashing a toothy grin, playing harmonica with The Jim Kweskin Jug Band. He appears happy and sweet, young and sheepish. He looks like he could be the malnourished spokesperson for a brand of fish n’ chips. Many conclude that Charles Manson modeled himself after him.

Three years later Dick Cavett spoke into a television camera. “Will you welcome please Daria Halprin and Mark Frechette!” With that the young couple walked across the stage of The Dick Cavett Show and shook hands with fellow panelists Mel Brooks and Rex Reed. The two young stars of Michelangelo Antonioni’s Zabriskie Point didn’t smile. They didn’t wave to the audience. They sat down and stared off camera. It was one of the most awkward interviews Dick Cavett would ever conduct. Each question was greeted with long moments of hesitation. The interview subjects acted as if they were appearing against their will.

Not long after that awkward televised exchange, Frechette watched a close friend go down in a hail of bullets. Frechette himself would die under mysterious circumstances when he was asphyxiated by a barbell in a Massachusetts prison. It was obvious to Mel Brooks, Rex Reed and Cavett’s entire viewing audience that these kids weren’t normal - but nobody could pinpoint why. The world eventually learned that Daria Halprin and Mark Frechette were emotionally captivated players in an unnerving countryside family of young, hippie outsiders, or as Cavett refers to it today, "a cult that didn't kill anyone." In 1970, when Cavett said to his guests, “I understand you two live in a commune,” Frechette responded tersely. “It’s not a commune. It’s a community … and the purpose is to serve [our leader] Mel Lyman.”

The Harvard area had nurtured a nineteen fifties bohemian culture that eventually fostered folk luminaries like Joan Baez and Bob Dylan, bands such as The Lovin Spoonful and The Chambers Brothers, and a wealth of other underground notables. In 1961 Fritz Richmond was the focal point of this burgeoning scene, the leader of a small folk band making the rounds of Boston coffeehouses. Richmond was described by his peers, with only the slightest tinge of irony, as “the foremost washtub bassist in the world.” A few years later the obscure musician would join the West Coast hippie movement and leave a lasting influence on the counterculture as a whole. Roger McGuin of The Byrds says it was Richmond who popularized “the granny glasses look,” eventually appropriated by Jerry Garcia, John Lennon and legions of conforming flower children. Richmond’s band The Hoppers also profoundly affected a frequent New England coffeehouse patron named Jim Kweskin.

..The Family tried to recruit high profile members in the hopes they could be used to further the vague Lyman philosophy. The recruitment campaign brought in notables such as Owen deLong, a former speechwriter for Robert Kennedy, George Peper, an assistant to CBS President Don West, and a recently discovered nobody turned actor named Mark Frechette. Clearly, Lyman could not just captivate a series of conformist dummies, but some highly educated people. In the late sixties Mark Frechette was panhandling and picking up odd jobs around Boston, living the typical life of a late sixties drop-out. He stumbled across a copy of Avatar. Frechette was instantly captivated by the musings of Mel Lyman and wanted to join his controversial community.

...the final day Lyman Family member Christopher Thein was seen alive. During their hold-up of Brigham Circle Bank, he was shot several times by Boston police and killed. Mark Frechette was sentenced to five years in Norfolk State Prison. Still motivated to protest Watergate, the two surviving bank robbers mounted an in-prison play called The Whitehouse Transcripts based on a television special of the same name. Terry Bernhard played Richard Nixon and Frechette directed. Joining the inmate population to watch the performance were Massachusetts political notables Michael Dukakis and Ted Kennedy...

The last week of September 1975, Frechette’s body was found lifeless in the prison recreation room. A barbell weighing close to two hundred pounds was sitting on his throat. It was considered a freak accident. Death, financial woes, splitting factions, a tarnished reputation thanks to Rolling Stone and a perceived association with the Manson Family helped tear apart Mel Lyman’s peculiar world. Members continued to wheel and deal in real estate and run a profitable construction company, but they retreated further from public view.
Mark Frechette
Mark Frechette (December 4, 1947 – September 27, 1975)[1] was an American film actor. He is best known for his attempted bank robbery and the lead role in the 1970 film Zabriskie Point, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, in which he was cast despite his lack of previous acting experience...

Despite the film's being a critical and box office failure, Frechette enjoyed a period of considerable publicity, his face gracing the covers of Look magazine[3] in November 1969 and Rolling Stone magazine on March 7, 1970.[4] He appeared on the cover of Sight and Sound, the March 1970 and September 1970 covers of Films and Filming along with several other magazines. He also appeared in the November 1969 issue of Vogue in a fashion shoot. He appeared on The Merv Griffin Show alongside Abbie Hoffman when the latter controversially wore the American flag as a shirt and Frechette got in a fight with another guest, which was later discussed during his appearance on The Dick Cavett Show in April 1970 with his Zabriskie Point co-star Daria Halprin. He and Daria were romantically involved for a time after the film and were often referred to as the first counter-culture couple.

....In the early 1960s, Frechette was allegedly one of several victims of sexual abuse by Rev. Laurence Francis Xavier Brett of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport in Connecticut.

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:42 pm
by MercurysBall2
<..passed the torch to local residents Richard Friedman, Patrick Lyons and David Ginsberg...Back Door Donuts...>

From the post: Abandoned hospital Deaconess Hospital organ harvesting and the infamous "Kill Room" Photo
Tenet Healthcare: Dig.

..Tenet Healthcare was in Haiti as Covenant Children Inc... If they open the Investigation they will see Tenet is connected to the Clinton Found. & they will either have to hide it or it will EXPLODE...Well, so Deaconess Hosp. had a Heliport? Wow. Also they were charged with a wrongful death lawsuit of Mary Harvey of organ failure at age 67.
Another post: Repost: Finders/Illuminati-type Creepy Images: The Cardboard Box Restaurant Where Obamas Recently Dined, on MV | TCB Partner "Back Door Donuts" - Owner Richard Friedman Very Close to the Clintons
David Ginsberg, co-owner of Back Door Donuts..[and Boston Red Sox]

At the bottom of the page, MLG site There is this Beth Israel Deaconess Medical.
..Tenet Healthcare in Florida has nearly 3x the average infant mortality rate for pediatric surgery at 12.5 percent. Instead of trying to improve their care Tenet Healthcare gave Florida Governor Rick Scott $200,00 in campaign contributions. In return, Rick Scott repeals all of Florida's child pediatric heart surgery standards.

Re: James Alefantis and his friends as occult movies producers - summary

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:57 pm
by MercurysBall2
Alan Dershowitz sure gets around the island ... he_island/
Alan Dershowitz might want to consider suing Visa for trademark infringement. Why? Because it’s the Harvard Law professor who’s really everywhere you want to be. At least on Martha’s Vineyard. Seriously, spend a few days going to social gatherings on the island, and you’re certain to run into the ginger-haired Dersh, who’s like the bad penny of the party circuit. The day after we ran into him at Peter Norton’s place and, later, Peter and Melinda Farrelly’s party, he was back at it, hanging out with a group of Nobel Prize winners before joining a few friends at Patrick and Kristina Lyons’s spread in Chilmark. The next day, we again bumped into him at an event, held at the enormous compound of millionaire trial lawyer James Ferraro, honoring Morgan Freeman. (The host had several of the Oscar winner’s movies playing on large-screen TVs throughout the house.) Dershowitz and his wife, Carolyn Cohen, were there, chatting with others poolside and sampling some of the to-die-for apps prepped by party planner Patrie Grace and caterer Jaime Hamlin. The next night? A poker game at Peter and Ronni Simon’s house, where Dershowitz played Texas Hold ’em with “Curb Your Enthusiam’’ crank Larry David, filmmaker Farrelly, island insurance man Bob Mone, and Sox vice chairman David Ginsberg. (The big winner of the small-stakes game? Ronni Simon.)
VIPs light up Red Lantern ... d_lantern/
The owners of the new Stanhope Street restaurant Red Lantern opened the doors to a few of their VIP friends Sunday. (The Asian-influenced eatery doesn’t officially open until tomorrow.) Big Night Entertainment Group’s Ed and Joe Kane, Randy Greenstein and executive chef Kevin Long hosted a sneak peek party for pals, including Sox owners John Henry (and wife Linda Pizzuti Henry) and Tom Werner, Sox vice chairman David Ginsberg and his girlfriend Laura Margosian, author Ben Mezrich and wife Tonya, Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, chefs Michael Schlow, Dante de Magistris, and Evan Deluty, Pats linebacker Tully Banta-Cain, former city councilor Richard Iannella, and Shag stylist Sandy Poirier, who mentioned to us that he tended the tresses of New Kids Donnie Wahlberg and Joey McIntyre before the band’s show the night before at TD Garden.