carmencita ago

This post definitely deserves more up votes. Have given mine to both of his posts. Has done lots of research and is good at responding too.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Thank you. I may make a masterpost of Tenet Healthcare, however I think it may be worthwhile to reach out to some other mods as well. An indepth investigation into Tenet will tie the Clinton Foundation to organ harvesting, institutionalized murder, and stock manipulation. It would force the hand of the FBI to investigate. I have spoken with the FBI on unrelated matters and believe them to be legitimate. They would know who I am.

carmencita ago

Protect Yourself. Am waiting for your next post. I am thinking yours is the hottest post right now. Some are just click bait or maybe even some by ctr and shills. Thanks for your courage.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Thank you. Part of what is helping me is that I was questioned by the FBI on an unrelated matter not too long ago and it would be far too suspicious for anything to happen to me. That being said, I always take precautions. There will be more to come. If you want a hint: St. Louis has a lot of bad dirt, and is a hub of many very bad things. Remember: Obama's favorite pizza is Pi Pizzeria. There is a reason for this. Also, Reggie Love is from St. Louis, who was a close friend of Obama's who Obama begrudgingly had to let go when it came out he was a pedo. This will not be the main focus of my next post, but instead will be Tenet, though nobody has really caught on about the extent that St. Louis is tied up in all this.

carmencita ago

OK I am just now checking out Pi Pizzaria Instagram Lots of Roosters no Chickens. Pic of Tim Kaine and a baby with whip cream around mouth, a little toddler with a red and white check napkin for a bib and now a black and white pic of a chef guy with a goatee and pointed ears! He looks like the devil and if you look close there is a Pentagram Star on his apron. Behind him are flames that look like they belong with Satan if you look at the back of the design there is a kind of shape that reminds me of Comet Ping Pong. Richard Yonker is VP of Corporate Sourcing and Supply Chain Mgmt. at Tenet Health Care before coming to Tenet he was at Shriner's Hospital as Director of Materials Management, but in Texas. The other Children's Hospital is St. Jude's. For some reason I am thinking Shriners Hospital. Still doing research on Tenet in St. Louis.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are hot on the trail, so let me drop one more little hint about St. Louis. The catholic church is very involved in this trafficing.

carmencita ago

I also discovered that Shriners Hosp. is involved in Regenerative Research. Stem Cells? Was the pedo priest involved when he worked at Deaconess Hospital? Going out now. As usual I will be back at this til late.

carmencita ago

I am still working on St. Louis. Because of the location of the hospital and the murder of McCormick I became very suspicious and am taking a closer look.

Wolftrail7272 ago

There is an Imos Pizza across the street from where the hospital stood. Also there was a man abducted outside an Imos Pizza a few miles away from that one recently as well.

St. Louis is a hub.

carmencita ago

The urine burned in the fireplace sounds like it might be Satanic ritual. Since St Louis is a hub it would be ripe for trafficking of both humans and organs.

Fateswebb ago

Here is another video of another hospital I think or maybe it's the same one idk... but it's weird and they found a bloody Morge there.. (around like 6:30) still creepy but I don't think they tell us what hospital this is, but it makes you wonder... this hospital had been closed for over ten years so why is the power still on?

Fateswebb ago

Just want to point out this building was demolished years ago...

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are correct. What you should focus on is Tenet Healthcare. A building is only so important in the running of an organization.

carmencita ago

Well, so Deaconess Hosp. had a Heliport? Wow. Also they were charged with a wrongful death lawsuit of Mary Harvey of organ failure at age 67. I am going to research now on the Catholic Church and more on the priest.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You are getting red hot.

carmencita ago

So I read a whole bunch of old reddit comments on the death of Ricky. I know you said he had lost way too much weight in such a short time, but I was shocked that in one of the comments it stated he weighed 72 lbs! Is this correct. It is hard to believe. Also at the end of the comments section, someone had typed all of what has been deciphered. I had thought the FBI could not do it. There were a lot of mentioning of SEX Mostly in capital letters. Strange if this actually was real. Took quite awhile to read it.

Wolftrail7272 ago

The important thing is his weight, however the translation is incorrect.

carmencita ago

Yes his weight is the most important factor and what points to something nefarious if one pays attention and does not just discount him as just another poor mental dead body. I was hoping for the translation but in my heart I kind of knew it might not be right. Am waiting for your Tenet Posting. I am still investigating the Church's tie to Tenet and the Hospital.

carmencita ago

Well, I am looking into almost anything I can think of. The Jesuits have been written on here in being involved with MK Ultra etc. There is a Jesuit White House Retreat, WTH kind of name is that? Also a Jesuit Central and Southern with the Pope's picture and I am not trusting him anymore even. They are also connected to a High School. This stuff is hurting my brain.

carmencita ago

I am having a hard time with this now. Have found nothing on Card. Dolan and Tenet or Deaconess. Am thinking there is involvement with either Shriners or St. Jude (Am thinking Shriners but am open to anything at this point). There was something on here about The Jesters connected to Shriners). I am think the priest is the go between somehow between the Church and the organ trafficking since he was working for Tenet. So I think Mary Harvey was not the only wrongful death and that they were taking organs out of people they thought were going to die anyway also people that were in the Psyche Wards since a lot of them would not be missed or no one would suspect. What a setup with a heliport right at the hospital. On to more investigation.

carmencita ago

Yes, Tenet Healthcare was in Haiti as Covenant Children Inc. this could take awhile. I think you are right. If they open the Investigation they will see Tenet is connected to the Clinton Found. & they will either have to hide it or it will EXPLODE.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Yes. It will not be possible to avoid for the FBI. This is the corporation that will peel apart the Clinton Foundation. The murders during Hurricane Katrina are connected to the Foundation.

carmencita ago

So the murders in Katrina (I always wondered about the murder count) were for organ trafficking? I figured that when it was brought up on here about the bodies from the Haiti tragedy. I am now starting to wonder about all of the murders and killings that are allowed in the murder capitol of our country, Chicago. What happens to the organs before these kids die on the table? The parents and relatives, many too poor will not question the weight of the body as you mentioned about Ricky McCormick. I could be wrong, but it is now in the back of my mind and I cannot get it out.

Wolftrail7272 ago

You're getting it. Trust me, it goes deep. So deep that if I were to come out and say what I think nobody would believe, even most people on here.

carmencita ago

I would. I consider no one or nothing too wild or or too innocent to be investigated.

carmencita ago

If Sessions opens up an Investigation on the Clinton Foundation do you think Tenet Healthcare will be at the center? Or will they not want to go there? There are so many openings but this one will pull in many big players that they may not want to touch. The Bushes have a lot of influence and are heavily involved. But I say once they open the CF can of worms the worms will come crawling out by the thousands. I wonder if Tenet Healthcare is also located in Haiti. I will check.

Fateswebb ago

I mean yeah, maybe someone will see something that others didn't notice in the video.. so it's worth watching even for entertainment it's interesting. Just not sure what we're gonna get out of it. I do get the idea that maybe some of these abandoned hospitals are used at times otherwise why do they have power and equipment ready to go?

Wolftrail7272 ago

This hospital was the last place Ricky McCormick was seen at alive before he was found five days later, dead. He was a pedo, and was likely seeking out a pedo priest there at the behest of the FBI in exchange for a reduced sentence (11 mo of a 3yr for having babies with underage girls). The company Tenet Healthcare, who employed this pedo priest, have murdered patients during Huricane Katrina, lobbied Jeb Bush for looser restrictions on pediatric heart surgery, and habe made large donations to a certain Foundation. Tenet also gets its name from the Sator Square, as an interesting aside. Back to the point: Ricky McCormick's notes are likely copied from a file, files, or website on the dark web of pedo images, using what is known as an Xor cipher. I made a post about this recently that has all the info and goes more indepth. Luckily it gained more traction than I thought, justifying me releasing some other stuff I've come across.

Fateswebb ago

I saw that, and it's very interesting. To decode such a cipher then you would use frequency of letters such as this....

So what is the most common letter in his message? That letter is most likely E then find the difference between the letter used an E and most likely you have broken the code, if not find the second most common letter and move with that one. If that was the cypher used you should be able to find it pretty quickly even if they tried not to use common letters that only goes so far..

Wolftrail7272 ago

I have gone down this road before. Focus more on the circumstances of Ricky and the content of the notes will expose themselves. Two high profile known pedophiles just happen to cross paths in an institution involved with a certain Foundation, that has an exceedingly sketchy past (including outright murder as in their Hurricane Katrina euthanizing patients without consent [where did the bodies go?]), and then one turns up dead with notes that have a cipher the FBI can't even solve. Pedophiles are known to encrypt data in this manner. Ricky likely sought this priest out deliberately, as he went to the hospital complaining of chest pain but was not admitted, suggesting he had an alternative motive in going to this hospital. Why was his sentence so short for fathering as many as 4 children with multiple underage girls?

anolegion ago

I have looked at literally 1000s of photos of walk in freezers. Not a single one matches the #killroom photo even distantly. Those cooling units on the walls are especially hard to find.

Commercially available freezers in that size and shape must be very rare indeed. I matched them most closely with mobile freezing units or even refrigerated containers.

The cadaver room in this video doesn't look anything like the #killroom, except for the plates. Could be roughly the same age.

Fateswebb ago

Mobile refrigerator units would never have all the condensers on one side.. it would greatly weigh down the one side... the weight would be evenly distributed.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I disagree having worked in restaurants. Most walk ins are built to spec onsite and have very similar condensers.

I'm not saying these guys don't have a kill room somewhere or aren't using the walk in for nefarious reasons.

anolegion ago

I stand corrected wrt the evaporator, that looks like a Bohn 4-Fan or similar.

equineluvr ago

"I stand corrected"

Upvoat for having intellectual integrity and class, which are practically nonexistent on Voat.

Wolftrail7272 ago

It doesn't need to be the exact same freezer to fulfill the same function. Focus on context. I appreciate the scrutiny, though.

Wolftrail7272 ago

Thank you greatly. Remember: "pile of money under a sheet."

carmencita ago

So organ trafficking is involved maybe? Is this where they remove them? The pile of money under the sheet are the organs. Big Business in Organ Trafficking. Millions to be made. The plugs are still in so that they are at the ready at a moment's notice. The payments for the organs are hidden by making donations? Just a rough guess right now. Still looking.

JusticeR ago

Speaking of organ harvesting- Pakistani police rescue 24 from it yesterday.

But, of course, this is just a conspiracy theory.

carmencita ago

This is a huge Pandora's Box that will Explode if ever opened. I believe the CF may behind this in Pakistan. They were being held in a wealthy suburb? This is not some small time operation. There is a big time front org. involved.

Wolftrail7272 ago

What did Tenet Healthcare do during Katrina? You are getting close.

carmencita ago

I had seen reports on here of nefarious things happen in Haiti and I immediately thought of Katrina knowing what they are capable of.

Wolftrail7272 ago

My other post may be of interest to you beyond the visual similarities of the cadaver cooler and the "Kill Room."

Tenet Healthcare. It will blow your mind when you see why I bring them up.