eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I watched all them movies. Goonies was an especial favorite. First time I saw it, I was five. By the time I was ten, probably dozens of times. By this theory, I should have a huge hankering for some ass pounding about now. Yet, I don't. Hm.

Also, please explain how pizza resembles "detritus from anal sex". If you look at a pizza and see a bloody butthole, then I...feel for ya.

It's not that I don't believe in intentional programming. I do. But the leaps in logic people smacks of hysteria.

ASolo ago

Well. Ain't you special. Someone thinks theys untouchable. Sure, you don't crave dicks, that's all this programming does to y'all lol. Love it when ppl pop up that think they know better but their words glow from ego and betray so much about who you are. I can tell just by the way you write you have a very specific kind of dysfunction. You wanna come here and tell me your life is perfect and not guided by unseen motivations that have made a mess of your life and if you say it's perfect as it is I know your lying because no one's is. You have a myriad of cycles that roll around in your head everyday that makes you compensate in antiproductive ways. You're lying if you say it is any different.

Nice try w the male bravado though.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I'm not male. I'm female. I like dicks fine, if in their proper place. My butt is not that place. As for the rest of what you said, it was laughable drivel and I'm ignoring it.

What YOU have revealed about YOUR ego is that you can't handle constructive criticism. A lot of conspiracy theorists can't. Now don't mistake me, i believe conspiracies exist. But you have to recognize that their is a class of beings (you?) that sees a conspiracy in every spiral logo, in every pizza joint. UNDER EVERY DAMN ROCK. People like that make me mad because they hurt the cause and are generally fools.

"I can tell just by the way you write" Oh shut up. You can't tell jack about me from my writing. YOU THOUGHT I WAS A DUDE YOU IDIOT. LMAO.

ASolo ago

You are so convoluted you don't even understand that you proved my point triple fold. You see, I knew there was a chance you were female, but I figured, eh, if it is the way she talks she could make a sailor blush than her conditioning has her vocabulary to a degree that it is equal to a male with the same morality (I'm not saying youre not moral I'm saying that you feel free enough to describe a consequence to the conditioning as having a "huge hankering for some ass pounding" that your moral gauge is further down the scale then say an 1860's Mormon housewife who would think someone was severely possessed if those words were uttered in her presence).

Meaning, how was I supposed to know because chic, ya talk like a dude.

Really, all you did was dance around my supposition and ignored the crux of what real consequences to this conditioning creates, which is dysfunction. Just because I guessed your sex incorrectly for the reasons above doesn't mean I can't see the dysfunction in the way you speak.

You have still disproved nothing and have wasted a BUNCH of time being a skeptic when if you watch the Pizzagate Esoterica series you would probably not be here disagreeing. So not ONLY are you egotistical and selfish for wasting my time on YOUR doubt, you are also LAZY because you didn't do the research before you confronted me. Just disappointing.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Oh, and if you want an example of something TRULY corrosive in media, check out gamepwn's latest post. 😉

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Being skeptical is not wasteful. It protects you from being a damned nut. You really should try it. I've a fair knowledge of esoteric lore myself, owing to a time I was interested in it as a teen. (Never dabbled per se, but was sort of fascinated) I just think you're making huge leaps of logic. Look, God is good to us, and while we are frail, it's going to take a lot more than hearing a few purported double entendres in movies as kids to turn us into raging queers. No, for that you need to be interfered with at a delicate stage in your development. Aka molested. I think getting hung up on this stuff about movies is a diversion. There's plenty of blatant conditioning going on, such that worrying about some so-subtle-you-are-probably-imagining-it phraseology from movies 20+ years ago seems out of place in a forum expressly designated to expose crimes against children. That's why I get so annoyed with people who show up saying "look i found a spiral shape on this sign! Pedos omgzzzzz!!!!!111" Everyone's caught up in getting credit for discovering some new angle. That's not the point, damn it. The point is children are being trafficked.

And your post smacks of that, to me. Add to that how you upset and emotional you're being (the true sign of an ego in distress) and I think the argument could be made that you are deflecting.

ASolo ago

You tried to straighten it up and cleaned your mouth up a little and almost made some sense. Look, I'm not picking random things out of thin air. The breadth of research I'd have to cover for it to make sense to you would take so long when the simple fact of the matter is that if you can't logically see that this is happening through the examples provided you're hopelessly lost and there's nothing but frustration left in me for you. It's sad but what are you going to do? You can try to say that I'm seeing things where they don't exist but the proof way overwhelms any personal theory you might enjoy. Thanks for the banter but you have still, convinced noone and only convinced me how daft you are that you continually come here without even reviewing the material. You act like a retard continually walking into a wall with your lopsided argument.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I didn't clean my mouth up, Ass holo. 😘 And you haven't backed anything up--because ya can't! 😂

ASolo ago

You are right, I should have known better,"smacks of hysteria" is such a disgustingly gauche defensive statement it could only have come from an undereducated hybperbolic overreaching and needling female.

ASolo ago

Makes you sound like an SRA denier and 'satanic panic' CIA agent when you use the word "hysteria", definitely a favorite of the spooks.

Whether you are honestly ignorant or just a spook hired to stifle dissent in such a sensitive area let me just remind you and anyone else reading I don't create these threads because I think it needs discussion and some type of deductive proof to complete the thread. I don't need to convince anyone of what I already know is true, I'm simply posting this material as help for your own awakening. I could give a fuck if you're not on the same page.

ASolo ago

Combine the above MASS MIND CONTROL experiment (AMBIENT MK-ULTRA) with the Rockefeller/Carnegie funded Frankfurt Model (tavistock) Prison Public School System and their conditioning, culling and sorting and you will understand how your ENTIRE life is force fed and very few of your decisions are really your own. There is a paradigm for everyone and noone escapes, everything from religion to science has a built in backdoor that leads right to luciferianism, even the peace loving hippies were a cia experiment. Public schools and their standardized tests advanced or held back students not based totally on grades but pedigree and psychological profile. Emotional and artistic people were groomed to stay in lower echelons of society while dirty, pathologically sociopathic were groomed toward Ivy League schools and Administration/Government and trained to be easily compromisable.

The Underground History of American Education

ASolo ago

Children from Generation X were told that by the time they were 7 they would see over 1000 murders on television. We were then trained into believing that this material DIDN'T present any harm to the children watching it. This was also a lie. Anything consumed by the human organism especially between the ages of 3 and 7 records everything like a computer. Through various repetitive memes through an entire childhood of repeated symbols, sights and sounds they were able to embed certain triggers that would cause chaos and breakdown later in life from a lifetime of watching dysfunction and sodomite ques.

ASolo ago

Such an example would be Underdog who had to TAKE A PILL to turn into the hero, The Incredible Hulk inculcated a sense of Bi-polar disorder by becoming and entirely different person to deal with his problems. Video games have taught certain children that guns are a short route to taking care of your problems at school. Disney Princesses and the resulting toy industry have a litany of mental disorders that they cultivate into their viewers and masonic skull and bones for Pirate loving boys. Even the COLORS of a Barbie doll alone might be enough to trigger some people into a regression period.

If you'll notice we live in a TOTALLY regressed society. We have judges selling children off for profit, doctors sucking down their own drugs, the ubiquity of sexual imagery is everywhere. I could go on and on about how so called alleged "grown ass" adults at worse than CHILDREN,CLASSIC REGRESSION. The entire country is a MASS of contradiction and CONFUSION because of the AMBIENT Mk-Ultra and programming I have been describing in most of my material.

ASolo ago

Here is the clip when Kevin uses the movie in his repertoire

Home Alone 2 Angels With Filthy Souls funny Scene

LexTalionis ago

Too bad Rayford has not made another post in MONTHS. Ive enjoyed his work. As far as I know, from a women who actually stays I'm touch with him, he's fine, and giving her info as he can, which he hasnt still yet. Don't know what happened, of coarse from his blog you can think up some clear ideas what could have happened. At least he is hunkered down a d safe.

ASolo ago

Right, totally. I have been trying to keep tabs on him as well and have run across some of the same information. I guess he has intentions of firing up another website but that has been months as well. Good to know he is safe though and willing to keep producing his material.

derram ago :

Pizza Esoterica - Pizzagate or The Pizza Gate? Pizza Code in Media - YouTube :

Seth Rogen on Twitter: "My entire childhood, I thought the old timey movie that Kevin watches in Home Alone (Angels With Filthy Souls) was actually an old movie."** :

Home Alone - Angels With Filthy Souls - YouTube :

Home Alone - Angels With Filthy Souls - YouTube** :

Home Alone 2: Angels With Even Filthier Souls - YouTube :

Home Alone 2: Angels With Even Filthier Souls - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Diggernicks ago

The gangsters in home alone were dagos. So yeah, basically sodomites.

ASolo ago

Omg if you're going to comment on this thread at least try to make it sound a little more intelligent you fucking lump

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


ASolo ago

Mods, @Vindicator HUGE question why can I not see my Youtube links in the post when they were CLEARLY there in the template?

Vindicator ago

Not sure what is happening on your end, ASolo. The YouTube links are there and working for me. You embedded some of them (click the edit button to view your source formatting).

ASolo ago

Yes. Thank you. It's def on my end and still haven't figured it out but at least readers can see them.

Vindicator ago

That is weird. Did YouTube block you, do you think?

ASolo ago

I really don't know V what it is I've checked settings and everything but can't figure it out. It just chooses not to show up on the finished page even though it's in the template. I'm computer literate but this one has me stumped.

ASolo ago

Ok, yes, it has to be my settings the links show up on my phone. Thank you

ASolo ago

I would like for this issue to get rectified so that readers can see the links to the Youtube clips of Home Alone I and II. I guess folks please if you are interested just google the clips mentioned and watch. Sorry for the inconvenience.

ASolo ago

For all of those that might be as confused as I am about where my links went here is a quick link to The OpenScroll Pizzagate Esoterica Series by Bob Schlenker and Aaron Hermann on their site that isn't a Youtube URL

ASolo ago

This post doesn't make much sense without beng bale to watch the clips and I don't see the links to the clips that i posted in the thread. Do I have an incorrect setting on and thats why I'm not seeing them or is VOAT banning them from their script?