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The United Nations 'game' called "OUR WORLD" - a Karma credit system

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:15 am
by MercurysBall2
I came by the website OUR WORLD because of Lawrence Bloom.. he of the United Nations, Dakia Global/Universal Music Group and the Parvati Foundation.. all connected to the Bronfman family.
See: Boris Johnson's father Stanley , Parvati Foundation and NXIVM's Rainbow Cultural Garden viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2258
But Lawrence Bloom needs his own post.. let's focus on the Game and let me show you how sinister this gets... you'll notice that the text from the website which I copy and paste has some spelling and grammar errors .. that's because the website's creator is autistic.. and that's part of the bigger picture which I'll get to in another post.

Our Word partners with the Be Earth UN IGO (United Nations Intergovernmental Organisation)

We have pleasure in announcing that we have now partnered with the United Nations!

One of our contacts put us in touch with a new group of high profile talented people including Lawrence Bloom who is the Founder & Secretary General of the Be Earth UN IGO (United Nations Intergovernmental Organisation)....

......His passion is to support what is breaking through via what is breaking down in the current system. He considers this action will enable the emergence of a society whose understanding around the interconnectedness of all things will harmonise conscious economics, social wellbeing and environmental responsibility....

They also have other high profile members including Chris Rockefeller Lindstrom who also serves on the David Rockefeller fund.

Their website can be found below:
That Be EARTH website now requires a password (which it didn't a few months ago :-)).. we'll come to them a little later... the OUR WORLD website page continues:
Our World promotes the use of sustainable energy and educates people on the importance of moving away from fossil fuels and nuclear power and onto green alternative sources of energy. We will be teaching the importance of respecting each other's human rights, of looking after each other and working together. We will be raising peoples consciousness and awareness of the importance of looking after the enviroment and the planet that sustains them. We will show that if you prioritise the enviroment and peoples health then the economy will automatically thrive as we detail later in this post...

..Our World and the satellite apps/games are only the beginning of what we have planned... The profits we make will be used to launch our NextGen Hardware division, where we will be building NextGen devices such as laptops, smartphones, consoles, etc which are not only less harmful than the current ones but will also heal people. The current devices emit harmful radiation such as EMF (Electro Magnetic Field). We are electromagnetic beings and their fields effect us even if you are not aware of it at the time. Science and more sensitive measuring equipment is now proving this.

WI-FI and 4G also effect us, and the faster and more powerful they become the more damage they are causing us. We wonder why more and more people are being diagnosed with cancer, tumors and other health problems? This is one of the major contributors. 5G will be very dangerous to our health, which is why it is important we get our healing devices out there ASAP... As a bonus they will also never need to be charged....

...This is why we say we are the next Apple, because we intend to build fully integrated software and hardware solutions, which will improve peoples physical, mental & emotional health. We will talk more on this in a future post..

Professor Klaus Bosselmann gave a very important speech at the UN General Assembly on Harmony with Nature at the UN HQ in New York on 21st April 2017 where he called for UN nation states to be Earth Trustees.
Here's a word from the game's founder David Ellams I have no doubt he is sincere in his wish to create a better future for the planet.. it's the predators, I mean people, who surround and support and guide his work that we need to look at.. ... pen-source
We have pleasure in announcing that Our World/OASIS API/HoloNET have gone Open Source ...

OASIS API - Where the central avatar/profile is stored and managed along with the karma system that satellite apps/games can access. It is also the universal API to connect everything to everything for the new new Web 3.0 (The Spatial Web). It will allow Blockchain (to begin with will support Ethereum with others to follow later), Holochain, IPFS, SOLID, ActivityPub, Fedaverse, Mastodon, Diaspora, WebFinger & XMPP & much more to all talk to each other! No more walled gardens or silos! Plus, what's more, it will allow your profile/karma to be shared among them all including your karma. This will allow many more OApps (OASIS Apps) to be written for many platforms/networks including existing legacy apps/games/websites. It will act as the bridge from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0.
Karma system? Satellites? ... rma-system
The OASIS API & Karma System
Our World is much more than just a free open world game where you can build and create anything you can imagine and at the same time be immersed in an epic storyline. it is an entirely new ecosystem/asset store/internet, it is the future way we will be interacting with each other and the world through the use of technology. Smaller satellite apps/game will plug into it and share your central profile/avatar where you gain karma for doing good deeds such as helping your local communities, etc and lose karma for being selfish and not helping others since it mirrors the real world where you have free will. The karma unlocks certain abilities, special powers & items you can purchase in the game as well as quests and new areas to explore.
Yes, the continuation of the merging of fantasy with reality continues apace... the start of that was officially marked at the London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony.. . but that's for another post and I digress..

Check out how your Karma points will be assessed:

Re: The United Nations game called "OUR WORLD" - a Karma credit system

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 10:22 am
by MercurysBall2
How does Holochain work?
phpBB [video]
arthur brock webinar at Gaia Education ... k-webinar/
Posts re Findhorn

New Comet Ping Pong revelations: Photo evidence reveals 'Sasha Lord Presents' hosted show on rooftop of Standard Hotel, linked to MULTIPLE MK-Ultra/Tavistock locations.
Early on in the Pizzagate investigation, a group of researchers found that several new age centers in the United States and the Commonwealth were linked to Tavistock, a British program run out of London and which appears to also have its hand in the lives of several Comet Ping Pong members and Tony Podesta (see my Tavistock exposé here).

More testimony:

Spanning from Anon’s testimony and its ties to Harbin Hot Springs, we have uncovered a network of ritual abuse, child trafficking and evidence of Project MKULTRA taking place at institutions ranging from Harbin Hot Springs and Esalen Institute in CA through Ecstatic living, HAI Global and the Human Potential Movement through to The Haven in Canada, Findhorn in Scotland and more. These organizations are tied via the International Holistic Centers Gathering to the United Nations via the Findhorn Foundation, GEN, and Kitezh orphanage and Ecologia Youth Trust. They also share mutual ties and ancestry through the Psychosynthesis Institute, Teens & Toddlers and ARK (a part of the Clinton Foundation) with Tavistock, the Huxleys and Military Intelligence in Britain and the US. Psychosynthesis’ founder then ties back through Alice Bailey to Lucis Trust and finally returns to the occult foundations of the UN.
More here: ... tland&b=on

Re: The United Nations 'game' called "OUR WORLD" - a Karma credit system

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 3:32 pm
by MercurysBall2
Our World Is The Buckminster Fuller World Peace Game ... Peace-Game
We have pleasure to announce that Our World is the World Game that Buckminster Fuller envisioned many years ago in the 1960's.

Fuller's Background

Fuller was a legend, visionary and way ahead for his time, much like our very own founder and visionary David Ellams BSc(Hons). They appear to share a very similar vision of a World Peace Game, one which really will change the world...

We really love his Dymaxion Map, which shows Spaceship Earth as one island in one ocean and is actually more accurate than the traditional maps we still use today, which appear to emphasise more of what divides us rather than what unites us as Fuller map does...

Fuller also created many other amazing ground breaking inventions such as the Dymaxion House and Geosic Domes which were and still are a revolutionary house/dome made out of triangles formed in a sphere which proved to be much stronger that traditional rectangular houses. They were also much stronger, lighter and cheaper to make and used tension rather than compression as used in traditional housing. This is why they could withstand very harsh conditions and so were used extensively by the US military (they were also used elsewhere) and are still used in over 300,000 places, a common use was for radar domes....

...If we are honest we had not heard of Fuller's World Game until the latest BIG players joined our team who drew parallels to it. Upon reading his vision we realized we had the same vision and goals, it would appear we had both tapped into the same "Source" of the vision.

Oh, one of these BIG players is a small little organisation you may have heard of? The United Nations. We will share more on this in our next post... ;-) ...
The Johnson family lived at Wingspread through the 1950s and eventually donated the building to The Johnson Foundation in 1961 to be used as a conference facility. Since then, the fireplaces have been the gathering spots for individuals who come to private Wingspread conferences from around the world including Eleanor Roosevelt, Buckminster Fuller, David Rockefeller, Julian Bond, Frank Lloyd Wright, Les Aspin, and others. National Public Radio, the National Endowment for the Arts and the initial blueprint for arms control all had their roots in Wingspread conferences.
Voat posts re Wingspread
including : Bill Gates and the Black Nobility viewtopic.php?f=50&p=8747#p8747
How NPR was Conceived at Wingspread may not know that the concept for National Public Radio was born within the storied walls of The Johnson Foundation's Wingspread, in Racine, Wisconsin...

Johnson Foundation Board of Directors > Michael P. Dombeck > Melvin Laird > OPERATION POPEYE - Yet Another F'd Up Government Program to CONTROL WEATHER

Mike Dombeck > Bill Nye > Rachel Bloom > Child Mind Institute
Related voat post re Buckminster : ... nster&b=on
The World Future Society (WFS), founded in 1966, is a community of futurists and future thinkers.[1] Through publications, global summits, and advisory roles to world leaders in business and government, WFS members are credited with establishing the foundations of futures studies. Notable members and authors have included Buckminster Fuller, Herman Kahn, Gene Roddenberry, and Margaret Mead.

By 1970, the organization had 4,000 members representing a variety of different backgrounds and industries, with chapters and committees in 56 cities across the globe. Prominent members and contributors have included Ray Kurzweil, Peter Drucker, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Re: The United Nations 'game' called "OUR WORLD" - a Karma credit system

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2021 7:00 pm
by MercurysBall2
[ITWire]The Future of Humanity research institute at the University of Oxford, in partnership with United Nations Intergovernmental Organisation Be Earth Foundation, is working with two blockchain Australian startups, MiVote and Horizon State, in a collaboration ... n-state-on
Hmmm... The Future of Humanity Institute ? See:
Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University
In 2016, Oxford University opened its doors of the new Blavatnik building - home to the Blavatnik School of Government. The language in the Guardian article and the architecture of the building had me thinking New World Order and the UN. So, I google Blavatsky and Blavatnick and got a link to transhumanist Anders Sandberg, a colleague of Nick Bostrom and many links with Jeffrey Epstein. Then I found an archive of his links to all matters estoteric, including satanism
Future of Humanity Institute ... _Institute
The Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) is an interdisciplinary research centre at the University of Oxford investigating big-picture questions about humanity and its prospects. It was founded in 2005 as part of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Oxford Martin School.[1] Its director is philosopher Nick Bostrom, and its research staff and associates include futurist Anders Sandberg, engineer K. Eric Drexler, economist Robin Hanson, and Giving What We Can founder Toby Ord

Sharing an office and working closely with the Centre for Effective Altruism, the Institute's stated objective is to focus research where it can make the greatest positive difference for humanity in the long term..
re Effective Altruism:

History of United Way, its deep connections to the Gates family and its roots in eugenics viewtopic.php?f=50&t=1861
The organization has roots in Denver, Colorado, where in 1887 Frances Wisebart Jacobs, along with other religious leaders, began the Charity Organization Society, which coordinated services between Jewish and Christian charities and fundraising for 22 agencies....In May 2009, United Way of America and United Way International were integrated as one global entity, United Way Worldwide..

The Charity Organization Societies were founded in England in 1869..The Scientific Charity Movement was a movement that arose in the early 1870s in the United States to stop poverty. It sought to move the role of supporting the impoverished away from government and religious organizations and into the hands of Charity Organization Societies (COS)...However when it came to the COS's treatment of the "defective class" as they were labeled (insane, feeble-minded, blind, crippled, maimed, deaf and dumb, epileptic, criminal types, prostitutes, drug addicts, and alcoholics), the Scientific Charity Movement's other goals based in the popular post civil war social scientific theories of eugenics and social Darwinism came to light. ..Many of these "defective classes" were moved from the streets and into insane asylums where they were often experimented on by scientists of the time.

In July 2016, Jeff Kaufman wrote a blog post comparing elements of the Scientific Charity Movement to those of effective altruism, a more recent movement that also applies a scientific mindset to charity...
NOTE: Effective altruism has its modern roots in transhumanism and the scientists that Jeffrey Epstein was funding.