letsdothis3 ago

Charles River Laboratories in Wilmington, MA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_River_Laboratories

Charles River was founded in 1947 by Henry Foster, a young veterinarian who purchased thousands of rat cages from a Virginia farm and set up a one-man laboratory in Boston overlooking the Charles River. In an effort to fulfill the regional need for laboratory animal models, he bred, fed and cared for the animals and personally delivered them to local researchers. In the last six decades, this one-man laboratory has evolved into a worldwide network.

In August 2017, the business announced it would acquire Brains On-Line

The company has been the target of animal rights activists in the UK and US. It owned Shamrock Farm in England's West Sussex which closed in 2000 following a 15-month campaign by animal rights activists. The chairman and chief executive officer is James C. Foster, the son of founder Henry Foster. PETA named Foster #1 on its "Dirty Dozen" list of the twelve worst CEOs in the world for cruelty to animals in laboratories.


Transgenic Model Creation Services include CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing in mice and rats

Related: Podesta has another connection to genetic engineering Additional to consulting Swiss Billionaire Hansjoerg Wyss /v/pizzagate/1750186/8570886 also known for his efforts in cloning, Mr. Podesta has been involved in genetics since at least 2004 according to this recently deleted post /v/pizzagate/1766389

Charles River works with Kali-Duphar, a start-up based in Wilmington.


Fluvoxamine was developed by Kali-Duphar,[51] part of Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Belgium, now Abbott Laboratories, and introduced as Floxyfral in Switzerland and Solvay in West Germany in 1983. It was approved by the FDA on 5 December 1994 and introduced as Luvox in the US.[52] In India, it is available, among several other brands, as Uvox by Abbott.[53] It was one of the first SSRI antidepressants to be launched, and is prescribed in many countries to patients with major depression

The Solvay family owns the Castle des Amerois (Castle of Darkness) in the Dutroux case.


Denis Solvay is vice-president of the Solvay Group, chief executive officer of Abelag Aviation and director of biotechnology company Eurogentec. Patrick Solvay, main shareholder of the Solvay Group, actually lives in the castle. Little wonder that Solvay Pharmaceuticals introduced the drug Luvox to the world. The same Luvox that was the first SSRI exclusively marketed to children with OCD by the FDA in 1997. The same Luvox that Eric Harris was on in 1999 when he and his buddy Dylan Klebold became the Columbine patsies. Solvay is also the number one mass producer/distributor of fluoride and vaccines in the world. Etienne Davignon, former three-time member of the Trilateral Commission, and current Chairman of the Bilderberg group, is on their board of directors, and is whispered to be a Solvay by birth, changing his last name to hide who he was. Going farther back in the timeline, Ernest Solvay was close confidante with Hitler.

ASolo ago

Great thread LDT I've been floating in and out of it here and there for days looking into these angles and they are all quite interesting.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

Tate announces naming of Tate Modern’s new building after philanthropist Len Blavatnik

Tate is delighted to announce that the new building at Tate Modern is to be named the Blavatnik Building in recognition of the lead donation from the Blavatnik Family Foundation headed by the global industrialist and philanthropist Len Blavatnik.

The gift, which was pledged in 2011, well before the opening of the new Tate Modern, is one of the largest ever made in Tate’s history.

Len Blavatnik (59) is a major international industrialist and philanthropist. He was born in the Soviet Union and emigrated to the US with his family in 1978, becoming a US citizen in 1984. In addition, he became a UK citizen in 2010.

He has advanced degrees from Columbia and Harvard Universities, and sits on academic boards at Harvard and Tel Aviv University. He has long taken a close and active interest in higher education and in 2010 funded the establishment of the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. He has funded programmes at Cambridge for the Judge Business School and the Blavatnik Israel Fellows. He sits on the Board of Governors of the New York Academy of Sciences, and sponsors the annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the US, the UK and Israel to honour outstanding young scientists and engineers.

Oxford professor quits Blavatnik school after discovering founder donated to Trump

A professor [Bo Rothstein] at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford has resigned after discovering that its USSR-born billionaire founder, Len Blavatnik, made a $1m donation to Donald Trump's inauguration committee.

Blavatnik School of Government,, Oxford University present John Studzinski , a talk on The Art of Listening https://www.bsg.ox.ac.uk/events/art-listening

John Studzinski is an American-born British investment banker and philanthropist. He will be in conversation with Professor Ngaire Woods, Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government, on the topic of 'the art of listening'.

John J. Studzinski CBE is Vice Chairman, Investor Relations and Business Development and Senior Managing Director of Blackstone where he holds special responsibility for sovereign and institutional investor relationships, as well as important and influential pools of international family capital.

Mr. Studzinski is a Non-Executive Director of the Home Office of the UK Government and serves as Chair of the Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee in addition to chairing the Prime Minister's Business Against Modern Slavery initiative. He is Founder and Chairman of the Genesis Foundation, a UK-based charitable foundation that nurtures the careers of outstanding young artists, and Chairman of Create London. Mr. Studzinski serves on the U.S. boards of The J. Paul Getty Trust, Scholars at Risk, Tate Americas Foundation, Signature Theatre, and the Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies (FAPE).

He is Director Emeritus of Human Rights Watch and is Co-founder and Chair of the Arise Foundation, which partners with local networks to stop human trafficking. Mr. Studzinski is also Vice Chairman of The Atlantic Council and a member of The Council on Foreign Relations.

Mr. Studzinski holds the Papal honors of Knight of the Order of St. Gregory and Knight Commander of Saint Sylvester and in 2004 was awarded the Beacon Prize for Philanthropy. He received the Prince of Wales Medal for Arts Philanthropy and the Prince of Wales Ambassador Award for his work with the homeless. In 2007 Mr. Studzinski was voted Banker of the Year by The Bank of England. In 2008, the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List named him Commander of the British Empire (CBE) for services to the Arts and Charity.

voat posts on John Studzinski:

Blackstone, the Royal Foundation, the Varkey Foundation, the Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate and Hampstead

Another who is named is the US banker John Studzinski. He combats human trafficking apparently. Sounds like an ideal contact for Ivar Mountbatten and co. and Helen Windsor’s ex-boyfriend at SCL in making sure that the “Ukrainian girls” they supplied around the world were all properly kite-marked, wouldn’t you say? Everything above board and shipshape. Nothing untoward going on. All “compliance” boxes duly ticked.

So, here you'll see many images of Studinski with Prince Charles and Prince Harry as he's also president of the American Friends of The Royal Foundation.

..Their Honorary Chairman is Bill Clinton https://www.varkeyfoundation.org/about

Varkey runs massive, sharia law supporting GEMS education. He has donated over 5 million to Bill Clinton. they're headquartered minutes from comet ping pong and besta pizza https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1474351

Judge in case against DuPont Hospital for Children connected to Nova Bank fraud case, Scott Rothstein, Epstein and Clinton

[There's that Rothstein name again.]

Rainn Wilson and John Legend both linked to Atlantic Council created charity. by @Tanngrisnir

comment by @Quicktor https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2675210/13555432

John Studzinski, Vice Chair https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_J._Studzinski

@think- @swordfish69

Vindicator ago

@letsdothis3, could you add a brief paragraph explaining what transhumanism is, who started it, when, etc.? It is hard for many to keep all these cults, movements, and intellectual fads of the elite straight. Thanks :-).

letsdothis3 ago

Okay Vindicator. I'll put an explanation here and link to it in the main post.


Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies to greatly enhance human intellect and physiology.

According to Nick Bostrom, transcendentalist impulses have been expressed at least as far back as the quest for immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh, as well as in historical quests for the Fountain of Youth, the Elixir of Life, and other efforts to stave off aging and death.

Fundamental ideas of transhumanism were first advanced in 1923 by the British geneticist J. B. S. Haldane in his essay Daedalus: Science and the Future, which predicted that great benefits would come from the application of advanced sciences to human biology—and that every such advance would first appear to someone as blasphemy or perversion, "indecent and unnatural". In particular, he was interested in the development of the science of eugenics, ectogenesis (creating and sustaining life in an artificial environment), and the application of genetics to improve human characteristics, such as health and intelligence.

His article inspired academic and popular interest. J. D. Bernal, a crystallographer at Cambridge, wrote The World, the Flesh and the Devil in 1929, in which he speculated on the prospects of space colonization and radical changes to human bodies and intelligence through bionic implants and cognitive enhancement.[13] These ideas have been common transhumanist themes ever since.[2]

The biologist Julian Huxley is generally regarded as the founder of transhumanism after using the term for the title of an influential 1957 article.

H+Pedia is a project to spread accurate, accessible, non-sensational information about transhumanism and futurism among the general public

on Peter Thiel: https://hpluspedia.org/wiki/Peter_Thiel

The general public view Transhumanism as completely rooted in materialists science but we can find indications of an occult agenda. Here for example, an article : The Magus of Silicon Valley: Ray Kurzweil’s Transhumanism as Contemporary Esotericism - http://www.academia.edu/3853968/The_Magus_of_Silicon_Valley_Ray_Kurzweil_s_Transhumanism_as_Contemporary_Esotericism

In this paper, I will argue thatKurzweil’s transhumanism contains a dimension of transgressiveand millenarian spirituality that is best understood as an emergingform of contemporary esotericism.

The second part of my argument is that transhumanism, as amovement, is currently merging with and mobilizing parts of theocculture. Transhumanist milieus appear to be converging with thetechnophilian, science-oriented wing of what used to be the “NewAge movement”, and with fashionable “Eastern” religious systems. Thus, transhumanism adds a new set of discursive elements to what Kennet Granholm calls the “discursive complexes” that make upcontemporary esotericism.

And in this transhumanism article is via the perspective of the Theosophy School : The Next Stages in Human Spiritual Evolution, Part Two

This is how I see the coming sixth root race: a people of pluralism, individuality, new ways of image-based reading and thinking, leading up to an amalgamation of all those relatively enlightened individual humans into what is really a transhuman stage, the neuro technological linkage of all minds into agrand array of consciousness. That united supermind will be the seventh rootrace, the last which will have need at all for this physical world and which we hope will live on a spiritual level appropriate to its tremendous leap into cosmic consciousness.

Jeffrey Epsten (and whoever he works with) is heavily involved in the transhumanism community. CFR-Trilateral pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s corporate philanthropy tied to transhumanist neo-eugenics - http://www.intrepidreport.com/archives/14991

The scope of Epstein’s various science projects spans research into genetics, neuroscience, robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence (AI). Altogether, the convergence of these science subfields comprises an interdisciplinary science known as “transhumanism”: the artificial “perfection” of human evolution through humankind’s merger with technology. In fact, Epstein partners with Humanity+, a major transhumanism interest group.

The rest of that article is well worth a read as it connects a lot of bug names in the world of technology and explains their interest in eugenics.

Vindicator ago

Excellent! Thank you.

21yearsofdigging ago

Transhumanism is the enemy of God. Also, consider the push for transgender persons. Why?? It resembles Baphomet and it is defying God. It is all tied in with Satanism or rather a Luciferian agenda. These madmen want to play God. Horror of horrors awaits them

letsdothis3 ago

Another FB 'friend' of Eric Klien, formerly of match.com, and now president of the Lifeboat Foundation is Jose Cordeiro, vice chair at Humaity Plus: https://imgur.com/a/x2zKG14

DESERT NIGHTS CAMP, OMAN: Preparing the Campaign for the European Parliament Desert Night Party Jose Cordeiro #LaMuerteDeLaMuerte

with a link to this FB page: https://www. facebook.com/desertnightparty/?__tn__=%2CdK*F-R&eid=ARBQnRd-nxUv512MsgyYoq4ZYshjwRP8JPdi-E_4-AOIDv8XYsqYVaArw7LwcpDOiU4QOHD4z6f7-4Kg

He was a speaker at the 2018 Freedom Fest, Paris Resort, Las Vegas https://www.freedomfest.com/ . Speaking at the 2019 event will be Judge Andrew Napolitano


Jose Cordeiro writes about getting rid of DEATH. Yup, Death will be 'optional' and ageing 'curable' by 2045, say genetic engineers

We are really in the era of scientific mad men.

letsdothis3 ago

From (https://voat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/1914534](https://voat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/1914534)

Lifeboat was founded by online dating service [match.com] entrepreneur Eric Klien, who continues to run Lifeboat as president and chairman of the board of directors. Lifeboat is run out of Klien's home in Minden, Nevada, a suburb of Reno. The organization has raised over $500,000 in total donations from individuals and corporate matching funds programs, most of which went to "supporting conferences and publishing papers".[6] Writer and advisory board member Sonia Arrison describes the group as "basically a Web site that raises money for various things".

In 2007, the Lifeboat Foundation absorbed an organization called the "Alliance to Rescue Civilization", which aimed to establish a disaster-proof record of human civilization on the Moon.

voat related post re match.com: Airbnb and POLARIS (creator of the National Human Trafficking Hotline) have teamed up to fight against traffickers before they turn rentals into "pop-up brothels". Uh Oh.....

Well what have we already surmised about POLARIS ?

  • has Palantir and CIA connections

Match.com pairs potential lovebirds without revealing phone numbers, Airbnb sends rental notifications and the American Red Cross deploys volunteers, all through Twilio. ING, the European banking giant, recently announced it was yanking out 17 hardware and software systems across its global call centers and replacing all of it with Twilio. Its largest customer, WhatsApp, uses Twilio to verify customer accounts and logins.

Screenshot of FB page for Eric Klien: https://imgur.com/a/2Cxt5lS

He has 2,856 'friends', too many to go through. But I have looked at one or two, like: Lola Heavey, webmaster at Network for Church Monitoring


Church and State is a news website and an initiative of Network for Church Monitoring (N4CM), a non-profit organization founded in 2011 in London, England.

Church and State addresses the formidable challenges the world faces in the 21st century, including overpopulation, environmental sustainability, and social stability. We are committed to women’s reproductive health, rights and empowerment. “Overpopulation is the main driver of climate change, ill health and conflict,” according to the British Medical Journal. Nonetheless, the Catholic Church, as directed by its hierarchy in the Vatican, is a principle force in opposing population growth control.

They run articles like: Margaret Sanger: Her Life in Her Words

Lola and husband Declan seem to have problems with the state: http://network-of-those-abused-by-church.blogspot.com/

I am a former company psychologist from Madrid. My husband Declan, a former teacher, is from Dublin. We were forced to live rough on the streets of London for almost 4 years in total - from 3 November 2006 to 13 July 2009, and again from 14 April 2013 to 17 May 2014. We came to England in August 2003 from Ireland. Declan established Network for Church Monitoring as a nonprofit company limited by guarantee in 2011. We have no children.


Declan taught PE in one of Ireland's top schools (Glenstal Abbey) and recently acquired a UK Athletics coaching licence. He is also Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) cleared to work with children and adults.

"UPDATE 2 November (5.12pm): This evening the Mayor of London's St Mungo's TST agreed to ensuring that the following information will be uploaded verbatim to their organisation's information system: '... For over two years, Declan has been fighting without success to secure a long-term volunteer position through Newham Council's Active Newham. Declan has made several complaints of unfair treatment against the Council, culminating in his recent complaint to the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (Ombudsman's Case ID: 18011204).'"

How very odd because Glenstal Abbey is a Roman Catholic school: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenstal_Abbey_School

Glenstal Abbey School is an all boys independent day and boarding Roman Catholic secondary school, located on the grounds of Glenstal Abbey in Murroe, County Limerick. It is run by monks of the Benedictine order.

Former pupils are Paddy Cosgrave and Abbott Mark Patrick Hederman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Patrick_Hederman

The election as fifth Abbot of Glenstal[1] by the community of Benedictine monks, to an eight-year term, "came as a shock to those who knew him and his work because of the maverick figure that he is in the Irish Church."[4] Also, at 64, Hederman was the oldest to be chosen for the position since the monastery became an Abbey in the 1950s.[1]

In a piece published in early 2011, Abbot Hederman was quoted by novelist and writer Russell Shorto speaking about the sexual-abuse scandals in the Irish Catholic Church

Interestingly, he writes about the Tarot (as well as Underground Cathedrals, a metaphor for a new emerging Catholicism) https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/people/it-was-a-really-crazy-fantasyland-we-were-in-an-unhealthy-and-unreal-dream-1.1277885

That said, like many places, Glenstal Abbey benefited financially during the boom. “We’ve had some extremely generous donors, which allowed us to build a new library, the guest house and the new reception area.” There are plans to build three or four eco-friendly “God pods” near the abbey’s 17th-century walled garden. “That’s what is needed now: spaces where people can have as much silence and solitude as they want and yet be connected to the church.” Another plan in gestation is a farm where children can come to interact with animals and nature and then express themselves through workshops led by artists. “This will give children, especially those from feud-scarred areas of Limerick, a chance to express themselves artistically, which is the most enriching thing.”

He's talking art the ART BRUT movement.

letsdothis3 ago

Article by Sandberg on Qlippothic Magick http://archive.fo/Vq60D

cjtendon ago

The "Qlippothic" "magick" at the link is part of an entirely fictional role-playing game called Mage: the Ascension. That particular page is not evidence of anything more sinister than Dungeons & Dragons.

The directory at:


is a directory of legal accusations of alleged sex crimes. It may have been assembled by people with bad intentions, but the allegations have the same standing as any other allegation of crime.

The take-home lesson is: Don't get excited by something that appears to be related to Satanism until you have examined it in context.

letsdothis3 ago

I think you missed the point of my post. I already explained that Sanders is well known in the gamer community and the link to the podcast is an interview where he talks about the games such as Mage: the Ascension and he also talks about his own personal interest in magic, especially the hermetic variety. The rest of the post talks about the influence and connections of theosophy and transhumanism within the international relations community.

The take-home lesson is: People get what they want out of a post.

Clearly you got nothing out of this one. That's fine.

cjtendon ago

I think you missed the point of my post.

There were a lot of details in your post, many of which I was already familiar with - so I already had an axe to grind, which prevented me from reading as carefully as possible. My key mistake was thinking that the original poster and the commenter were two different people.

letsdothis3 ago

More about that broken link.. (http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit/Theosophy/Overview.html)

UFO FAQ by Cram ( From the alt.alien.visitors newsgroup ) http://www.v-j-enterprises.com/ufofaq.html

From: [email protected] (Steve Gamble)

Subject: alt.alien.visitors FAQ

Date: 23 Apr 1995 04:35:53

Charles McGrew has made the full FAQ together with other UFO related
material available by ftp. Here are the details:

ftp.rutgers.edu (

    >>many ufo-related documents (some of dubious reputability) in 
    pub/ufo.  See README's in the directory (and subdirectories). 
    Files are a little disorganized right now, since the document- 
    collection process is still going on, but if you're looking 
    for that "special file", this is a good place to check out. 
    More recent versions of the FAQ can be found here as 
    a.a.v-faq.  All files except the README's are in unix- 
    compressed format, so please be sure to use 'binary' transfer  
    mode. Anonymous ftp enabled. 

World Wide Web Access

    >>Rene' Mueller has kindly made both the full FAQ and the mini- 
    FAQ available by WWW on Spirit.  The WWW address is 

           > **http://zeta.cs.adfa.oz.au/Spirit.htm**l

letsdothis3 ago

Charles McGrew https://www.cs.rutgers.edu/staff/charles-mcgrew

The Talpiot Program, Zionist Supremacy, A.I and upcoming NOAH Conferences

Hmm.. serendipity. I just posted something about chabad. I've also discovered this ARC processor https://youtu.be/myYZfLhtOZc

comment by @Quicktor

phonetics, symbolism, sensory perception are the triune of how these diabolical sodomites simultaneously communicate and sew chaos on unsuspecting Goyim...


Newark, Jew Jersey , Rutgers University and the all the famous, significant people from/affiliated with New Brunswick is so significant I have decided to wait until Jared "Don't Call Me Jerry" Kushner is in chains with his old man before all those beans start spilling...

letsdothis3 ago

According to his CV Sanders is: http://archive.fo/WlXzA

Ordained Minister of the Universal Life Church

Discordian Freeman Scientist

letsdothis3 ago

So, he has a list of friends page: http://archive.fo/FIUkG

Clifford A. Pickover

He writes books like Death and the Afterlife: A Chronological Journey, from Cremation to Quantum Resurrection (Sterling Chronologies); Sex, Drugs, Einstein & Elves: Sushi, Psychedelics, Parallel Universes and the Quest for Transcendence

Here's his pinte rest https://www.pinterest.co.uk/cliffpickover/world-of-cliff-pickover-images-that-make-us-dream/

Behold the future https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/99994054196649611/


"The Book of Black: Black Holes, Black Death, Black Forest Cake, and Other Dark Sides of Life" by Clifford A. Pickover https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/99994054199418338/

letsdothis3 ago

THE BLAVATNIK SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT FOUNDATION https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07306386

Registered office address 6th Floor, Marble Arch House, 66 Seymour Street, London, W1H 5BT

Current Officers: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/07306386/officers

BENET, Lincoln Eduardo, BLAVATNIK, Leonard, Sir, BROWNE OF MADINGLEY, Edmund John Phillip, Lord, HARDING, Thomas Colum, KESTENBAUM, Jonathan Andrew, Lord, PAKENHAM, Michael Aidan, Sir

Sir Paul Collier https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Collier

Sir Paul Collier, CBE, FBA (born 23 April 1949) is professor of economics and public policy in the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. He is also a director of the International Growth Centre, the director of the Centre for the Study of African Economies, and a fellow of St Antony's College, Oxford.

From 1998 until 2003 he was the director of the Development Research Group of the World Bank.

Collier was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2008 Birthday Honours[13] and knighted in the 2014 New Year Honours for services to promoting research and policy change in Africa.[14]

International Growth Centre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Growth_Centre

The International Growth Centre (IGC) is a research centre based at the London School of Economics operated in partnership with the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford. The IGC was launched in December 2008 and is funded by the Department for International Development.

The IGC is led by Professor Jonathan Leape, Executive Director, and Directors Professor Robin Burgess[5] and Professor Sir Paul Collier.[6] The IGC Steering Group, which also includes Chang-Tai Hsieh (University of Chicago),[7] Timothy Besley,[8] and Anthony Venables[9] provides strategic direction.


But as always with Clinton, his rhetoric could not be more different than his policies. After the second U.S.-backed coup against Aristide in 2004, Clinton has worked with former World Bank employee Paul Collier, multinational corporations and the Haitian elite to impose another free-market plan on Haiti. While U.N. troops have occupied Haiti since 2004, Clinton and Collier toured the country promoting sweatshops, tourism, and export-oriented agriculture.


Chris Coverdale (Make Wars History) has unfortunately forgotten to mention that he also submits documents to the Institute for Public Policy Research, quoted on the website 'Think Defense', which advertises Raytheon and side-winder missiles (amongst other rather unsavoury things) on their website. This may explain why he is now complicit in the destruction of Brian Haw's anti-war campaign at Parliament Square.

..Countering the perception of a lack of current experience is the extensive contributions from a significant number of individuals, listed here in full, received over a 2 year period

....Paul Collier, Professor of Economics, Oxford University Economics Department...