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Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:45 am
by MercurysBall2
2008, The President Giorgio Napolitano, accompanied by his wife Clio and the National Inspector of the Italian Red Cross, Sister Mila Brachetti Peretti, on the centenary of the constitution of the National Corps of Voluntary Nurses of the Italian Red Cros

NWO’s Plot against Italy (X-file 1). Four Puppeteers behind New Draghi Govt & Technical Ministers ... ministers/ [archived:] - Translated from Italian
Image George Soros, Giorgio Napolitano, Sergio Mattarella, Bill Gates. In the box Mario Draghi, former ECB president
Mario Draghi, former president of the European Central Bank, after presenting yesterday the list of his 23 ministers to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella is ready to go to Parliament,...

Only Brothers of Italy by Giorgia Meloni, for consistency, has distanced itself from the great binge of ministerial seats by deciding not to support the nascent Draghi government.

...But if Draghi is ready to take the reins of Italy, Gospa News is also ready to reveal all the “dangerous” relations not only of his, between chastisement and international financial lobbies to which he refers, but also of some of his technical ministers who will take on highly strategic positions although they have embarrassing conflicts of interest that connect them to George Soros and Bill Gates, the two megadonors of the US Democratic Party who, after the nomination of their candidate Joseph Biden as president, will be able to establish a perfect “theatercracy” in which even characters authoritative like Draghi himself will risk being “puppets” in the hands of these two puppeteers.

Next to them, as emissaries of the New World Order in Italy, there are obviously Giorgio Napolitano and Sergio Mattarella who not only both come from the establishment of the Italian Democratic Party, having become authoritative after the election of Dem Barack Obama in the US in 2009, but, as we will see in the next installments of the “NWO conspiracy against Italy” dossier, they were the perfect directors of the choice of the former ECB president to bind Rome more and more to Brussels with financial pacts that no government of any future election will ever be able to more to break, just like the seigniorage of private banks (members of the ECB spa) imposed by the Treaty of Maastrict on the single currency that became a halt for Italy when the penalizing lira-euro exchange rate was set at £ 1,936.27 thanks to the advice of Draghi to government chaired by Romano Prodi, future PD leader....

Subsequently, the same risky research with Gain of Function (the enhancement of the viral load for “dual use” vaccine-bioweapon purposes) was also conducted in the USA thanks to the PREDICT project financed by the Obama-Biden administration thanks to the USAID agency, a financial tool for foreign missions of the CIA intelligence together with the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.

For now we limit ourselves to publishing the list of ministers (at bottom of article) so that the most expert in geopolitics understand who the future rulers may be to whom we will dedicate investigations and who will be the custodians of the future control of the health emergency but above all the socio-economic pandemic that, to because of the lockdowns

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:07 am
by MercurysBall2
NWO’s Plot vs Italy (X-file 2). New IT Minister among Bilderberg, McKinsey, Gates & CIA for Artificial Intelligence in Vaccines too ... elligence/
In a previous prophetic article we defined the Task Force wanted by the former premier Giuseppe Conte and by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella a “shadow government” which in fact represented a duplicate of the national executive, precisely for this reason subsequently frozen by the President of the Council.

We wrote it on April 17, 2020 highlighting the qualified and sparkling profile of globalism of Professor Vittorio Colao who has now been called to be one of the spearheads of the new government of former ECB President Mario Draghi (confirmed by the confidence of the Senate with 262 votes in favor, 40 against and 2 abstentions), for a clear “plot of the New World Order against Italy” fomented by the Deep International State as a hidden expression of the financial, Masonic, political and military potentates.

Colao (Brescia, October 3, 1961) is an Italian company executive, CEO of Vodafone from 2008 to 2018 and from February 13, 2021 Minister for Technological Innovation and Digital Transition in the Draghi Government...

..What obviously the colleagues of the Italian Mainstream Media forgot to remember is that Colao is also one of the reference managers of the well-known supra-massive lobbyist group Bilderberg. But they also failed to report that among the top financiers of McKinsey, recently stolen in the US by a Big Pharma consulting conviction on the lethal opioid scandal, is the usual Bill Gates, IT guru and big promoter. of artificial intelligence which in North America is already projected into two strategic and extremely delicate sectors: health care and military.

...Colao, after graduating from Bocconi University in Milan and a Masters in Business Administration from Harvard University, had a brief stint at the Morgan Stanley investment bank in London before making a career in McKinsey & Company, a leading international management company. We will see later the importance of his role there … In 1996 at Omnitel when the largest shareholder is Carlo De Benedetti’s Olivetti, card no. 1 in the future Democratic Party, publisher of the GEDI Group of the L’Espresso-Repubblica-La Stampa newspapers in which the Agnelli-Elkann family of the FIAT-FCA group, known throughout the world for 111 years of trials for various allegations of corruption.

And here the first intrigues begin. John Elkann, president of Fiat Crysler Automobile, with administrative headquarters in the Netherlands and fiscal headquarters in the United Kingdom but under investigation in the US by the administration of Donald Trump, is a member of the Standing Committee of Bilderberg together with Lilli Gruber, journalist of TG LA7 led by Enrico Mentana, founder of the online newspaper Open and fans of George Soros. Club Bilderberg’s annual private meetings between lobbyists from around the world were inaugurated in 1954 by David Rockefeller, brother of the politician Nelson, who became famous in secular-globalist history for having imposed the abortion law when he was Governor of the State of New York.

As reported by BlastingNews, that of 2018 was held from 7 to 10 June in Turin and, together with the two Italians already mentioned, also Vittorio Colao, Elena Cattaneo, director of the Stem Cell Biology Laboratory at the University of Milan, was appointed senator for life by President Napolitano, and the Roman economist Mariana Mazzucato, director and founder of the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose at University College London where she teaches.

Mazzuccato has a double passport having grown up in the United States, she is a member of the Council for the Future of Growth and Competitiveness of the World Economic Forum in Davos, she became Conte’s economic advisor before being appointed to the Colao Emergency Task Force.

The academic lecturer, in her acclaimed book The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy, revealed the “secret of Pulcinella”: that companies from Silicon Valley to the financial sector to Big Pharma have used nebulous notions of value to create confusion between rents and profits, describing themselves as creators of values but ending up destroying them, as noted in an essay article by former judge and economist Paolo Maddalena, emeritus vice president of the Constitutional Court. But to present his publication Mazzuccato was a distinguished guest at George Soros’ Open Society Foundation in New York.

The Hungarian-American plutarch, known for the Soros list of friendly MEPs and his meeting in 2017 at Palazzo Chigi with the former Italian premier Paolo Gentiloni (Democratic Party) today EU commissioner, in 2011 was one of the major investors of Verizon Communication ( $ 64.954 million in the first quarter, given US Securities and Exchange Commission OMB # 3235-0006 dated 8/31/12) where Colao worked in Cellco Partnership before becoming independent director in 2019.

..Colao «in 2012 he created the partnership Vodafone – GAVI Vaccine Alliance (WHO, UNICEF, Gates Foundation, World Bank) to computerize the vaccinations of children in sub-Saharan Africa – writes Cianti on his Facebook profile – In 2015 he was non-executive director in UNILEVER (food corp, 400 brands, 53 billion turnover in the hands of the usual well-known Vanguards, Black Rock, Wellington Management, etc. ..). But in 2018, Vodafone turnover collapsed to 2.8 billion with 6.1 billion in losses and Colao was kicked out with a liquidation in shares of over 33 million dollars. It is on this occasion that he turns to Bill Gates with whom he entertains for dinner in Seattle».

The new head of the Task Force can therefore well consider himself a foreign manager as he resides with his wife and two children in South Kensington, Greater London (UK). And it is precisely in the talked about world-wide management consulting group McKinsey & Company of New York (also based in Rome and all over the world) that he made a career from 1986 to 1996.....

«For the past four years, the powerhouse firm McKinsey and Co., has helped restructure the country’s spying bureaucracy, aiming to improve response time and smooth communication. Instead, according to nearly a dozen current and former officials who either witnessed the restructuring firsthand or are familiar with the project, the multimillion dollar overhaul has left many within the country’s intelligence agencies demoralized and less effective. These insiders said the efforts have hindered decision-making at key agencies — including the CIA, National Security Agency and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence» told reporter Natasha Bertrand and Daniel Lippman.

..Vox, on the other hand, highlights how the company has turned into a think-tank financed by powerful billionaires to influence the directions of world management. It publishes some graphs showing the huge funding invested in McKinsey since the foundation of Bill Gates who, as we have seen in a previous article, collaborated with a former CIA deputy director for the simulated exercise on the pandemic Event 201, held in New York in October 2019 when SARS-Cov-2 had not even been officially discovered yet…

The former executive of the American counter-espionage Central Intelligence Agency in Langley (Virginia) to which we refer is the lawyer Avril Haines, who later became National Security Advisor of the White House during the Obama-Biden administration (2015-2017) and in January was awarded by Joseph Biden, the new president of the USA, with the role never assigned to a woman of Director of National Intelligence to which all the civilian and military 007 of the nation belong.

Haines, formerly Biden’s advisor to Congress, is also an expert on biological weapons in the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), a non-profit organization that claims to be bi-partisan but was founded by former Senator Dem Sam Nunn, former president of the Committee on the US Senate Armed Forces, and funded by Warren Buffet, Gates partner in Microsoft Coroporation, of which Emma Natasha Walmsley, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline, the vaccine giant that controls Pfizer’s commercial sector, is executive director.....


“Researchers at the University of Southern California (USC) have unveiled an incredibly powerful, AI-powered method for producing new potential Covid-19 vaccine candidates in a matter of minutes or even seconds.” Russia Today unveiled in recent days. The new process, developed at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, could mark a major turning point in the information war against the coronavirus and its many, increasingly virulent mutations which are taxing an already challenging worldwide vaccine rollout.

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:23 am
by MercurysBall2
WUHAN-GATES – 23. From Cambridge Big Pharma’s Cartel controls Swabs, Vaccines and Clinical Trials. Disturbing Conflicts of Interest from Italy to the UK ... to-the-uk/
It is spelled One Nucleus, but it reads the Big Pharma cartel. The headline sponsor is AstraZeneca, the Anglo-Dutch multinational controlled by the shareholders of the Weapons Lobby, which has come under the spotlight for clinical trials on the vaccine against Covid-19, temporarily suspended in the United Kingdom and in the United States after two serious adverse reactions between human guinea pigs, and for the mysterious death of a young volunteer medeico in Brazil. But with her there is also Johnson & Johnson, the American pharmaceutical giant convicted several times for health crimes.

..Established in 1997, One Nucleus is an award winning not-for-profit Life Sciences & Healthcare membership organisation centred on the Greater London-Cambridge-East of England corridor. Headquartered in Cambridge, at the heart of Europe’s largest Life Sciences & Healthcare cluster..In that same area, AstraZeneca has developed a partnership with GSK, or GlaxoSmithKline, the other London vaccine multinational controlled by the same US investment funds and convicted several times in the courts. ..


..This Big Pharma cartel in which the ring of economic interests closes, obviously for the good of shareholders more than humanity, is even more suspicious if it is noted that most of the new infections in Italy, albeit at 95% asymptomatic as claimed by many world-famous virologists such as Professor Giorgio Palù, academic in Padua and Philadelphia, have emerged in Lombardy and Piedmont precisely where the Italian branch of Cerba operates which in the last three years, from 2017 to October 2019, has acquired the most important laboratory chains in northern Italy as if in a crystal ball he had intuited the future business deriving from the epidemic of the new Coronavirus strain.

...Among the first to think badly was John Pombe Magufuli, the very Christian president of Tanzania (reconfirmed at the head of the nation since the elections at the end of October), who had the swabs received as a gift from the African section of the World Health Organization tested and found positive Covid-19 a goat, a quail and even a papaya. The purchasing manager of the Ministry of Health was fired on the spot and the story ended up in many global counter-information media curious to know who had produced those swabs that someone suspected were “used” and therefore already positive.

Gospa News revealed that they came from a donation from the Jack Ma Foundation, a self-styled Chinese philanthropic organization created by the owner of Alibaba, the main Asian E-commerce platform that was enriched like Amazon during the period of lockdowns in China and other Eastern countries. thanks to the closure of retail and wholesale stores...

... Stefano Massaro, CEO of Cerba HealtCare Italia..

...First of all, it should be noted that the European nations in which Cerba operates are among those at the top in the explosion of autumn infections. Among the countries most affected are in fact France, where the diagnostic laboratory has its headquarters in Paris and collaborates with the national government, Italy, which we will talk about more specifically later, and Luxembourg where it has an important headquarters the diagnostics multinational that presents itself as a European leader in the sector but operates in 16 countries through various partnerships (including China and Africa).

But the most striking case is represented by Belgium. «Cerba Research Proud to be part of Government Task Force in combat against Covid-19. The Belgian Taskforce to combat Covid-19 has taken off! Cerba Research and sister company, CRI, have engaged to be a vital part of the government-led consortium, alongside PPD, JnJ, GSK, Biogazelle, UCB ULiège, Sciensano, ThermoFisher, UgenTec and MIPS. Together, we will work to upscale Covid-19 testing in Belgium».

...This is what was already read in March on the website of the same group, citing among the partners GlaxoSmithKline, managed by a non-executive director of Microsoft Corporation and financed in various research on vaccines by the foundation of Bill Gates, but also Johnson & Johnson, another pharmaceutical giant with various judicial convictions, which is a partner of the Eco Health Alliance of New York.

EHA a global non-profit organization for environmental health that financed the EPT-PREDICT projects, commissioned by the Barack Obama US administration and funded by the American government agency USAID, operational tool of the Central Intelligence Agency, on the extremely dangerous experiments on bat superviruses in Wuhan with the SARS-1 genotype infected with HIV, the pathogen of AIDS...

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:12 pm
by HennyPenny
Magufuli passed away on Wednesday, 17th March 2021, from heart complications at a hospital in Dar es Salaam where he was receiving treatment. The vice president of Tanzania announced his death on state television. Read more: ... areer.html

Magufuli was a prominent skeptic of the coronavirus. He had not been seen in public since the end of February, fueling speculation he was ill and possibly incapacitated.

Magufuli is pictured as the Trump of Africa (negatively) in this article written by a black female Tanzanian who studied at Univ of Nottingham (known for covid studies and it's China campus) and currently at Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison( the state with the phony absentee ballots). ... for-votes/

Magufuli's opposition who has been in Belgium for the last 3 years calls Magufuli's death from "covid" "poetic justice".
CIA justice? ... c-has-died

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:56 am
by MercurysBall2
@HennyPenny Thank you for an interesting comment. Those links you provided are anti-Trump, anti-populism, pro-COVID scam articles.. so I'm taking a closer look at the writers of those articles as they give us more names for the SWAMP database... so the black Tanzanian (second author of that piece) is Aikande Clement Kwayu
I have a PhD in Politics and International Relations. My research has largely been on Religion and Politics, from which I have published a book titled "Religion in British International Development" (2020) by Palgrave Macmillan. I am currently doing research on Party Politics in Tanzania with focus on parties' use of social media in an autocratic context.
Her book on Amazon gets favorable reviews from: Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser, Oxfam; Wilfred Mlay, former Vice-President of World Vision International, Africa Region; Amy Stambach, Director of Global Studies and Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Anthropology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison; Dr. Aikande C. Kwayu, University of Wisconsin-Madison

We have posts on World Vision (connected to DS shill Meghan Markle), Oxfam and the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Amy Stambach and Aikande C. Kwayu have written research papers together, like: Confucius Institutes in Africa, or How the Educational Spirit in Africa is Re-Rationalised

We have posts on the Confucius Institutes as well. They are notorious spy centers for the Chinese and feature in the COVID scamdemic story: In Galway there is a building marked as a "Covid test site," the building is a confucius institute funded by the PRC as a "Chinese cultural center"
Other articles from Dr. Aikande C. Kwayu are really eye opening in terms of how Western missionaries allied with the UN are infiltrating Africa under the cover of 'charity work' and shaping the continent through their political activism.

Now let's get to the FIRST author of your article, a white Brit : .. Dr. Dan Paget is a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Political Science at University College London. He's really the driver of the hit piece on the deceased Tanzanian president. He wrote a far more favorable article on Magufuli in 2017. I find his closing paragraphs quite interesting: ... -magician/
In this sense too, Magufuli is a magician. He is a performer, adept in show business and displays of wonder. “The Bulldozer” is a guise that the public invented for him, an image of straightforwardness that cloaks the deftness with which he deals in words as well as deeds.

We ought to learn from Frank Baum’s novels, immortalised in The Wizard of Oz. Dorothy’s adventures in Oz are children’s stories, but also works of satire and deep wisdom. They contain an old truth that where there is a magician, or wizard, one should not only admire his accomplishments, but the look for the man behind the curtain, and see how his greatness is constructed, and what purposes it serves.
with a link to this Wizard of Oz scene : Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain...

The 2 writers of your other article for NPR : ... c-has-died :
Laurel Wamsley : apparently she wants to be children's writer Beverly Cleary ... 9993800710
I just looked up Cleary and that would be a whole other post ... -clarence/
Eyder Peralta
Eyder Peralta was a Bringing Home the World Fellow in 2014.

Eyder Peralta currently covers breaking news for NPR's The Two-Way. It means that he's played a role in network's coverage of every major news event -- from the killing of Osama bin Laden to the reelection of President Obama to the Boston Marathon bombings.
President of NPR :John Lansing, president and CEO
Chair of the NPR Foundation: John McGinn

Public members of the board:
Carlos Alvarez, CEO, The Gambrinus Company
Fred Dust, designer, speaker, and consultant
Paul G. Haaga, Jr., retired, Capital Research and Management Company - Chairman of the NPR Board of Directors
Jacqueline Reses, head of Square Capital and Chief People Officer of Square
Jeff Sine, co-founder and partner, The Raine Group
Carlos Watson, CEO and co-founder, OZY Media, Inc.
Howard Wollner, senior vice president, retired, Starbucks Coffee Company
Telisa Yancy, CEO, American Family Insurance
Neal Zuckerman, partner and managing director, Boston Consulting Group

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:29 am
by MercurysBall2
How NPR was Conceived at Wingspread may not know that the concept for National Public Radio was born within the storied walls of The Johnson Foundation's Wingspread, in Racine, Wisconsin.

In the late 60s, the radio industry was struggling to remain relevant. In 1967, the Carnegie Commission on Educational Television concluded a successful two-year campaign to acquire public funding for educational television when Congress, under President Johnson, passed the Public Television Act. Challenged yet again by the seemingly insurmountable visual appeal of the flourishing medium of television, the fate of radio seemed sealed.

Shortly after the launch of the Carnegie campaign in 1965, hope for radio prevailed in the passionate leadership of its own Jerrold Sandler. Then Director of National Education Radio, Sandler began an effort to convene a meeting of radio’s finest for a conference he entitled “Educational Radio as a National Resource.” Intending to match the prestige of the Carnegie-led television movement, Sandler enlisted the support of The Johnson Foundation and requested space at the Foundation’s own Frank Lloyd Wright designed venue, Wingspread.

Sandler’s project matched perfectly with the Foundation’s mission and purpose: “The Foundation shall be an instrument for creative programs which serve man….” Supporting education, growth, freedom, and community were part of the Foundation’s early statement of purpose. Preserving the communication shared over the country’s airwaves was a project the Foundation could easily embrace.

The three-day meeting took place at Wingspread in September of 1966. What resulted was a set of specific action steps designed to convince members of Congress that radio deserved equal billing with television in the pending Public Television Act. The eventual result of the Wingspread meeting: congress issued and passed an amended bill. The Public Broadcasting Act authorized the creation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to act as a funding and policy making agency. National Public Radio was incorporated in February of 1970. A meeting that ended very well – All Things Considered.
Johnson Foundation Board of Directors
Helen Johnson-Leipold
Chairman, The Johnson Foundation at Wingspread
Chairman and CEO, Johnson Outdoors Inc.
Chairman, Johnson Financial Group, Inc.
Related voat post: International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world's biggest sexual health charity, is accused of offering YOUNG volunteers to adults at events in Africa...Here's what we know. .. zika.. SC Johnson Donation Supports First-of-its-kind Sustainable School in Fortaleza, Brazil

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:58 am
by MercurysBall2
Johnson Foundation Board of Directors:

Michael P. Dombeck

Michael Dombeck Papers .. This digital collection consists of material collected by former Forest Service Chief Michael Dombeck over the course of his career at the United States Departments of the Interior and Agriculture.
Mike Dombeck, Melvin Laird (former 7th District Congressman and former Secretary of Defense) ... AHFZYTZC8E
Voat posts re Laird:
OPERATION POPEYE - Yet Another F'd Up Government Program to CONTROL WEATHER

The Fellowship in DC aka The Family aka The National Prayer Breakfast...keen interest in poor Third World Children More to follow
Bill Nye (Children's TV science show host), Mike Dombeck (Forest Service Chief), Al Gore (Vice President) ... GXFXVH2M8J

Bill Nye? Well that puts this more into context: My Sex Junk - Rachel Bloom - Bill Nye Saves The World
phpBB [video]
and the connections with the Child Mind Institute ... itute&b=on

August 8, 2000
Mike Dombeck (Forest Service Chief), Jim Lyons (Under Secretary of Agriculture), John Podesta (White House Chief of Staff) aboard Air Force One ... GTOI2DWV85

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:38 pm
by HennyPenny
Beautiful research!

NPR: National Propaganda Radio

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 6:03 pm
by MercurysBall2
Re Duncan Green, Senior Strategic Adviser, Oxfam ... responses/
I’m doing some interesting work with Tom Kirk at LSE as part of the CPAID research programme, on the way donors/aid agencies understand power (aka ‘public authority’) in fragile/conflict settings. ..

In 2014, World Vision’s Johan Eldebo and colleagues set about designing a tool for conducting rapid, yet socially grounded contextual analyses in the middle of escalating crises. The team’s big idea was to systematise and scale up the informal ways that information was being gathered in such places. The result was the ‘Good Enough Context Analysis for Rapid Response’ tool or GECARR, for short.

.......Tom was in Zimbabwe as part of a wider project undertaken with Duncan Green to examine how Oxfam, World Vision and Mercy Corps understand, engage and involve public authority in their programming in FCVAS.
Observing COVID-19 in Africa through a public authorities lens - Edited by Professor Duncan Green and Dr Tom Kirk
Most discussion of Africa’s response to COVID-19 takes place at the national level, focussing on the role of formal state authorities. However, less is known about the role of ‘public authorities’: traditional chiefs, self-help groups, kinship networks, professional associations, faith-based groups, civil society organisations, multinational companies, humanitarian agencies, organized criminal gangs, militias and rebels. These often operate below the national level and are particularly important in areas where the state is weak or absent.

To explore this gap, researchers at the Centre for Public Authority and International Development CPAID) were asked to provide vignettes of life under, and public authorities’ responses to, the pandemic in the places they intimately know: northern Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone.
CPAID is funded by ESRC Global Research Challenges Fund ... bout-cpaid

Global Challenges Research Fund: COMPASS ... d:_COMPASS
Elena Korosteleva has been awarded £3,776,443.00 for the COMPASS [3] project, funded by the Research Councils UK Global Challenges Research Fund which aims to open up communication with academics in former Soviet states of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan by setting up hubs of excellence in research in these countries.

She and her research partner, Siddharth Saxena from Cambridge University, say this is a research initiative to empower the target countries in research, impact governance and public policy outreach. COMPASS will enable a sea change in the UK's strategic relationship with the region.

The University of Kent[4] and their Co-Investigators, Cambridge Central Asia Forum (Jesus College) and the Centre for Development Studies, University of Cambridge, have years of experience in collaborating with the region in supporting their research.
Dr. Siddharth S Saxena is a physicist at Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge and Director, Cambridge Central Asia Forum ... h-s-saxena ... hina-day-0
On Thursday 21 November 2019 the China Centre hosted the second Fellows’ China Day in the Webb Library...

Dr Siddharth Saxena provided an account of his extensive work linking Central Asia and China. As well as his anthropological research in Central Asia, a key aspect of this work concerns the Scientific Silk Road. Dr Saxena’s research in theoretical physics involves close academic links with both Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as a major research laboratory in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Dr Saxena’s presentation emphasised the way in which theoretical physics has proceeded across ideological divides. He drew particular attention to the role of Pyotr Kapitza, who linked research on theoretical physics in the USSR during the Cold War with that in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge.
Voat posts re Cavendish Lab :

Wayfair UK, such an interesting place, with connections to Bain & Co, McKinsey, Crescent Petroleum, UAE and Los Alamos National Laboratory
Astrid Gonzalez-Rabade – Director, Wayfair
PhD Physics, University of Cambridge;
Her research focused on organic semiconductor physics and solar cells. Astrid's specific research area was on the photophysics of interface states between semiconducting polymers. She worked in the leading research group in this field at the Cavendish Laboratory of Physics at the University of Cambridge under Professor Sir Richard Friend.
before that she was worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Astrid worked on a research project for the National Security Agency (NSA). She received full graduate salary despite being an undergraduate student. Her work contributed to two academic publications on novel techniques for magnetic force microscopy.

Sir Richard Henry Friend FRS FREng[3] (born 18 January 1953) is a British physicist who is Cavendish Professor of Physics at the University of Cambridge and Tan Chin Tuan Centennial Professor at the National University of Singapore. Friend's research concerns the physics and engineering of carbon-based semiconductors...

..Friend is married to Carol Anne Maxwell (née Beales) with whom he has two daughters.[1] His brother[17] Peter Friend is a professor of transplantation and director of the Oxford Transplant Centre.
The Schumann Resonance, HAARP and the Great Awakening.
Kavli Foundation website: . ... _Cosmology
The Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Cambridge (KICC) is a research establishment set up through collaboration of the University of Cambridge and the Kavli Foundation. It is operated by two of the University's astronomy groups: the Institute of Astronomy (IoA) and the Cavendish Astrophysics Group.

In August 2006 an agreement was reached between the University of Cambridge and the Kavli Foundation for the establishment of an Institute for cosmology.[2] The Kavli Foundation will support several 5-year senior research fellowships in perpetuity, and the University committed to provide a building to house the Institute. Operation began in October 2008 with the appointment of the first Kavli Institute Fellows. The building was completed in July 2009, and was officially opened 18 November 2009 by Prince Philip as Chancellor of the University in a ceremony with Fred Kavli.

Re: Bill Gates and the Black Nobility

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:41 pm
by MercurysBall2
So, noting that physicist Astrid Gonzalez-Rabade is a Director at Wayfair having come from Cavendish Lab. and Bain & Co. London.. I googled those organisations and came across another former Bain& & Co. employee who found his way to Wafair:

Yoni Pasternak, Associate Director ... bdomain=uk

Prior to Bain he worked for 5 months at Universal Music Group. That caught my attention because one of the founders of that company is Lawrence Bloom...a Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles associate at the WEF and advisor to the Parvati Foundation.

See: Boris Johnson's father Stanley , Parvati Foundation and NXIVM's Rainbow Cultural Garden viewtopic.php?f=16&t=2258

His website:
Lawrence Bloom is currently Secretary General of the Be Earth Foundation, a UN Inter Governmental Organisation which advises, assists and enables in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals on behalf those Countries with which it has Treaties

He is a Co Founder of Dakia Global LLC, the ultimate holding company of a JV with the the Universal Music Group which together are creating and building music themed hotels, districts and cities. He also forming, on behalf of the Company, an emerging global think tank called the Dakia Scholars

Lawrence is Chair of Be Energy a green energy company specialising in the conversion of waste and plantation timber to a post fossil fuel green diesel.

He was voted into the top 100 list of the worlds most inspiring people for the year 2019 by Ooom Magazine, and in 2017 was voted by SALT magazine as among the top 25 most Conscious Global Leaders. In 2016 Lawrence received an award at the UN from the Humanitarian Innovation Forum for Conscious Leadership.

Lawrence was appointed the first Chairman of the World Economic Forum, Global Agenda Council on Urban Management and he is a current alumna of all Agenda Councils. He is former Chairman of the UN Environmental Programme, Green Economy Initiative, Green Cities, Buildings and Transport Council, and also served as an active a member of the Corporate Responsibility Advisory Group of the ICEAW.

Lawrence enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the property industry. Among a number of senior positions, he sat on the Executive Committee of the Intercontinental Hotel Group from where he managed their $ real estate portfolio. Whilst there he worked on the creation of an hotel environmental manual, which was subsequently adopted by HRH Prince Charles, and is currently in use in 5 million hotel bedrooms worldwide. The most famous part of the manual which only took up three paragraphs in three volumes gave guests the option of not having their towels washed every night.