Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

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Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Google went into the Christ Church Primary School in Hampstead UK before the whole thing blew up. Their presence in a primary school was never adequately explained and pretty unusual at the time. The recent Joe Biden speech included references to Climate Change and school buildings not being environmentally and healthwise safe. Sounded to me like he was softening people up for a radical overhaul of the education system.. i.e. online learning. I thought I'd look into Y Combinator and Google's influence in the education sphere...

Make School is redesigning college for the 21st century https://www.ycombinator.com/companies/33
Make School is redesigning college for the 21st century. Our bachelor's degree program combines liberal arts, computer science theory, software development, and character development with an emphasis on preparing students for successful careers as software engineers, product managers, or entrepreneurs. Our alumni work at Facebook, Google, Apple, Snapchat, LinkedIn, Lyft and more.

Our college is accessible to students of all backgrounds, 40% are underrepresented minority students and 50% come from low income families. Students pay tuition as a percentage of earnings once they are employed, directly aligning their incentives with ours. Make School is funded by Learn Capital, Y Combinator, Mitch Kapor, Alexis Ohanian, Tim Draper and others.

Mitch Kapor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitch_Kapor
Mitchell David Kapor (/ˈkeɪpɔːr/ (About this soundlisten) KAY-por; born November 1, 1950[1][2]) is an American entrepreneur best known for his work as an application developer in the early days of the personal computer software industry, later founding Lotus, where he was instrumental in developing the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. He left Lotus in 1986. In 1990 with John Perry Barlow and John Gilmore, he co-founded the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and served as its chairman until 1994. In 2003, Kapor became the founding chair of the Mozilla Foundation, creator of the open source web browser Firefox. Kapor has been an investor in the personal computing industry, and supporter of social causes via Kapor Capital[3] and the Kapor Center.[4] Kapor and his wife, Freada Kapor Klein, invest in social impact tech startups
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Sunlight's original advisory board was constituted of Esther Dyson, Craig Newmark and Kim Malone. Jimmy Wales, Yochai Benkler, Charles Lewis, Lawrence Lessig, Kim Scott, and Mitch Kapor later joined as advisors, with Newmark and Dyson moving to the board...

In 2010, Matt Halprin of the Omidyar Network joined the board. In 2011, lawyer Andrew McLaughlin joined the board. In 2013, Stacey Donahue of the Omidyar Network joined, replacing Halprin. In 2014, Sunlight announced that Sue Gardner, Allison Fine, Mark Horvit and Daniel X. O’Neil would join its board of directors..

The Sunlight Foundation's donors include the Open Society Foundations, The Pew Charitable Trusts, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Omidyar Network, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Mitch Kapor spends $40 million on scheme to ensure fewer white male engineers get jobs https://searchvoat.co/v/Immigration/379109
Stewart Brand, Long Now; Mitch Kapor at THE EDGE SCIENCE DINNER 2003 https://www.edge.org/igd/1097
Re Long Now Foundation:

Reddit hired (then unhired) so called 'pedo enabler' Aimee Knight, Subs go private viewtopic.php?f=16&p=8573#p8573
Paul Graham , mentor to Reddit CEO.. is on the board of Long Now
Posts re Stewart Brand:
2010: Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep' Predicted 2020 'Lockdown' https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/4033325
In 2010, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Rockefeller Foundation, one of Our major “philanthropic” organs, convened what is called a “scenario planning exercise” where future events that we may or may not be planning are “gamed”.

Ostensibly, future and scenario planning is simply prudent, especially as regards public health, so it was not seen as any threat by the masses at large. Nevertheless, Our corollary organs did everything possible to keep this information from them, including high levels of increasing and creeping censorship, especially where health information is concerned.

The exercise was conducted in association with a group called the Global Business Network (GBN), a now-defunct group of very sophisticated and connected Silicon Valley influence peddlers described by Wikipedia as a “global strategy firm that specialized in helping organizations [including businesses, NGOs and governments] to adapt and grow in an increasingly uncertain and volatile world.”

These included “futurist” Peter Schwartz, Stewart Brand, both former members of Students for a Democratic Society, and Jay Ogilvy, an Esalen Institute–associated Statfor board member who has no Wikipedia page but whose family name is the same as one of the biggest names in advertising. (It is unclear if there is a connection.)

All are connected to SRI International, formerly Stanford Research International, and Royal Dutch/Shell. Stanford University’s science departments are well known to be connected with DARPA and US intelligence, and are creators of so-called “artificial intelligence”.

https://principia-scientific.com/2010-r ... -lockdown/
Jeffrey Epstein and MIT Media Lab https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagateTNT/3215616
The Media Lab was founded in 1985 by Nicholas Negroponte and former MIT President Jerome Wiesner, and is housed in the Wiesner Building (designed by I. M. Pei), also known as Building E15. The Lab has been written about in the popular press since 1988, when Stewart Brand published The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T.,
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Re: Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

2010: Rockefeller's 'Operation Lockstep' Predicted 2020 'Lockdown'...The exercise was conducted in association with a group called the Global Business Network (GBN)..These included “futurist” Peter Schwartz, Stewart Brand, both former members of Students for a Democratic Society, and Jay Ogilvy, an Esalen Institute–associated Statfor board member

https://inmamartinez.wordpress.com/2011 ... n-network/
In 1987, a group of friends in Berkeley – Peter Schwartz, Jay Ogilvy, Stewart Brand, Napier Collyns, and Lawrence Wilkinson – conceived the idea that a connected network of the brightest minds in the world was the source of the best possible thinking when executing scenario-planning strategies, and so they created the Global Business Network. The members of GBN couldn’t be more diverse and iconoclastic: from economist Francis Fukuyama to musician Laurie Anderson, producer Brian Eno and MIT professor Sherry Turkle. A 100 people, a multitude of disciplines. ..
GBN was previously a member of Monitor Group, prior to the acquisition of Monitor by Deloitte.[1][2] GBN was based in San Francisco, and had offices in New York City, London, and Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Monitor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monitor_Deloitte

Monitor Group was founded in 1983 by six entrepreneurs with ties to Harvard Business School, including Michael Porter, Mark B. Fuller, and Joseph B. Fuller.

Re Peter Scwartz :

The Highlands Group, the Bank of the Ozarks and the Clintons https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagatewhatev ... 2/19273682
Mark Zuckerberg was supposed to simply be the fake “boy genius” of Larry Summers’ (Harvard’s president) social media project funded by DARPA/In-Q-Tel (CIA)/IBM and the secretive international “public-private” group called The Highlands Group organized with the DoD Office of Net Assessment...

Andrew ‘Yoda’ Marshall, head of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment (ONA) and co-chair of the Highlands Forum, at an early Highlands event in 1996 at the Santa Fe Institute. Marshall is retiring as of January 2015....The Highlands Forum’s influence on US defense policy has thus operated through three main channels: its sponsorship by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (around the middle of last decade this was transitioned specifically to the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence, which is in charge of the main surveillance agencies); its direct link to Andrew ‘Yoda’ Marshall’s ONA; and its direct link to DARPA.

"Known as the ‘Highlands Forum,’ this private network has operated as a bridge between the Pentagon and powerful American elites".. The Highlands Group, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Bank OZK - Little Rock, AR

Pierre Wack retires from Royal Dutch Shell’s Planning Group, his place taken by Peter Schwartz. [For more on Peter Schwartz, see “The SAGE Speaks of What He Sees: War Games and the New Spirit of Capitalism”]
1984 : The Santa Fe Institute is founded to examine the relationship between disparate topics such as biology, computer engineering, artificial intelligence, and economics to complexity theory. Kenneth Arrow, formerly of RAND and the Cowles Commission, is a member.

1987 : Peter Schwartz, building on the tactics devised by Herman Kahn and those used at the Royal Dutch Shell Planning Group, co-founds the Global Business Network – an“information hunting and gathering” consulting company for large corporations. Among those closely affiliated with the Global Business Network is Kevin Kelly, a developer for the Whole World ‘Lectronic Link and writer and editor for Wired magazine...

1999 - The Swarm Development Group is launched by members of the Santa Fe Institute. It received heavy funding from the Department of Defense’s Joint Warfare Analysis Center.

The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Partial Timeline (+links) - https://deterritorialinvestigations.wor ... ine-links/
1971 : Futurists Ted Newland and Pierre Wack begin deploying the scenario forecasting designed by Herman Kahn at RAND and the Hudson Institute at Royal Dutch Shell’s Group Planning Office.

Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development [2010 document] - Rockefeller Foundation https://searchvoat.co/v/thinkdrafts/3771106
..Written by Peter Schwartz of Global Business Network...

...The Swarm Development Group (SDG) is an American non-profit organization to advance the development of complex adaptive system-oriented agent-based modeling (ABM) tools initiated at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, US. It was formed in 1999 by a group of multidisciplinary scientists, researchers, and software developers, led by Chris Langton. Langton was also the founder of the emerging field of research called artificial life.

Chris Langton, Founder of Alife , EPFL, Lausanne http://lslwww.epfl.ch/pages/events/neumann97/home.html
Synthetic Biology at the University of Miami http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/255/ ... ic.bio.htm
This discipline may have begun when Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans and Hamilton O. Smith discovered restriction enzymes... Computational biomodeling is in its infancy. One of the major stumbling blocks is understanding protein folding which is currently being researched by the BlueGene and Foldinghome projects.
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Re: Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

<.. Sunlight's original advisory board was constituted of Esther Dyson, Craig Newmark and Kim Malone. Jimmy Wales, Yochai Benkler, Charles Lewis, Lawrence Lessig, Kim Scott, and Mitch Kapor later joined as advisors, with Newmark and Dyson moving to the board....>

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark and Global Voices co-founder Ethan Zuckerman.
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Re: Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Drue Kataoka with Craig Newmark at Stanford University

2015 White House Correspondents Garden Brunch - Haddad Media
Craig Newmark
https://www.flickr.com/photos/haddadmed ... WHZ-6ymAx5

2015 White House Correspondents Garden Brunch
Tammy Haddad, Tony Podesta
https://www.flickr.com/photos/haddadmed ... 872562373/

Father Richard Curry and Jose Andres
https://www.flickr.com/photos/haddadmed ... 872562373/
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Re: Y Combinator and Google in Our Schools and Colleges Data Dump

Post by MercurysBall2 »

2011, Craig Newmark Palantir
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