TrustTheTruth ago

This link may also be of interest.

What is the Knight Commission on Trust, Media and Democracy?

TrustTheTruth ago

Here are a few related links of interest, and a reminder that the Clinton's model for Community Policing in Racine which coincides with the extreme infant mortality, lead poisoning, and incarceration rates to establish Racine as one of the top 3 worst cities in America for black families. (Community Camera Program)

What is the Model for 5G+ AI and Smart Cities?

What is the Model for UN Agenda 21 and 2030?

What is America's Bellwether?

What is the ROOT of All Evil and Model for the real Agenda that has been Shared since The Beginning?

Racine, Wisconsin

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

Peter thiel was the founder of palantir, the data analytics company that the government uses. He is also the driving force behind facebook. If it was not for theil, facebook would have been nothing more than a girl ranking page.

The giant question is: Was Epstein an agent who was trying to get black mail information on thiel? Thiel is the most dangerous man in the world, and numerous attempts to destroy him have failed.

letsdothis3 ago

The dingo... er, Google stole my patent! Biz boss tells how Choc Factory staff tried to rip off idea from interview

Jie Qi, cofounder of edu-tech electronics biz Chibitronics, marked the launch of patent education site with her account of how Google tried to patent her research after inviting her to meet with company executives.

In March 2014, Qi says, she was working on her doctorate at MIT's Media Lab, developing techniques for integrating electronic circuits into paper books. She received an invitation to visit Google's Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group, which was headed at the time by Regina Dugan.

..Google then proceeded to file a US patent application related to her work, a fact she didn't realize until 2016. That's when a friend involved in paper engineering mentioned that some of the individuals who had met her at Google had filed a patent application on interactive pop-up booked embedded with circuitry.

"These patents covered many of the same things that [I] had discussed, that I’d showed them, with no mention of my or others’ work in the field," wrote Qi in her post. "I found out from a friend who followed a pop-up book blog – someone there was excited that Google was researching book technologies and happened to publish a blog post about it."

This was three weeks after she learned that the backer of a crowdfunding campaign to develop LED stickers filed to patent that idea without the involvement of Qi or her colleagues.

After Qi involved MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, Google offered to add Qi as an inventor of the patent. She declined, she says, because others who had worked on the project would not be included.

Patent Pandas website: