Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

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Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

In the post:

Anders Sandberg and the Future of Humanity Institute - More links with Jeffrey Epstein, Transhumanism, Occultism and Oxford University https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2946668
Anders SANDBERG'S RESOURCE PAGE DEDICATED TO MAGICK http://archive.fo/F35XQ ; http://archive.fo/lOf8D

On this page: http://www.aleph.se/Nada/Magick/mod_page.html.gz he has many links organized into sub-headings as : Chaos Magick, Discordianism; McKenna, Leary, Wilson et al. , Gurdjief , Necronomicon and other Lovecraftian Magick , New Age , Satanism, the Left Hand Path and related groups , Theosophy , Wicca and Neopaganism

We need eyes on this as there are many links. Some of them are broken. When I clicked on the “Tools for Chaos” link it took me to: https://www.criver.com/
I went back to that Tools for Chaos link... criver.com (Charles River website) was a redirection from http://www.crl.com/~tzimon/
Wayback machine:
Page maintained by tzimon yliaster .. He was into chaos magic .. email address: pali151netcom.com

He wrote many essays on the topic like :
Signal Working. A Random Act of Infomagick, Tzimon Yliaster https://www.scribd.com/document/4478118 ... n-Yliaster

The Vortex Rite http://www.chaosmatrix.org/library/chao ... ortex.html

He is mentioned in this paper: Deus Ex Machina? Witchcraft and the Techno-World [pdf link automatically downloads] https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=htt ... AdAAAAABAJ

A survey of American Neopagans conducted by Margot Adler in 1985
showed that a sizeable percentage had jobs in the information technology
industry. Suggested explanations for this connection were: that computers are
analogous to magic and can be used for magical purposes; Paganism is a
practical religion, utilising available tools; communication is greatly increased
through internet services and allows Pagans to share information..

Popular Neopagan authors like Raven Kaldera, Tannin Schwartzstein and
Christopher Penczak have encouraged city-dwellers to form a psychic bond
with telegraph poles, cars, subway systems, radios, televisions, and other
electrical and mechanical objects, pushing for an expansion of the notion of
holism and an acknowledgement of our techno-centric reality..

Noteworthy numbers of Chaos magicians
contributed to discussions about the propensity for magic to be performed via
the internet and with various programming systems. The esoteric interpretation
of encryption is an example that is demonstrated well in this post from
alt.pagan veteran Tzimon Yliaster:
Newsgroups: alt.pagan
From: pali151netcom.com (Tzimon Yliaster)
Subject: The Secret of the Hyssop
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 1994 02:29:21 GMT
A secret is contained herein. The 8th seal, the seal of Octarine.
Couple this with the .GIF which follows, and its yours.

I googled the name and got some weird stories.. https://theslugfile.wordpress.com/tag/tzimon-yliaster/
Aside from the kidnapping, what’s wrong with any of the rest of it?
Ritual torture has been used in magickal work for thousands of years, and
so have hard drugs. The only thing wrong with ’em is that someone made
them illegal (unless the torture wasn’t consentual, but in many countries
you can be tried on aggravated assault charges if your caught whipping
someone who likes it)...

Tzimon Yliaster +
+ Tools of CHAOS Maintainer +
+ http://www.crl.com/~tzimon +
+ tzi…crl.com +
+ PO Box 26362 +
+ San Francisco, CA 94126
One of his websites: THE AUTONOMATRIX http://www.arcane-archive.org/occultism ... trix-1.php
..The AX does not employ any single clue to disclose membership
in the guild...

The AutonomatriX may be reached via

Temple Babel
PO Box 26362
San Francisco, CA 94126
Vox Mail: 415- 267-6937
or via the

The Arcane Archive website provides a link to Lucky Mojo, an online magic shop http://www.luckymojo.com/catalogue.html
Address: 6632 Covey Road, Forestville, California 95436
Voat post:

The Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Occult Shop - They hide in plain sight. https://searchvoat.co/v/GreatAwakening/3501223
I was spiritually guided to search "Lucky Herbal Magic". The first link was for The Lucky Mojo Curio Co. Occult Shop in Forestville, CA.

Which is near me and very close to Bohemia Grove.

So I started to dig on the owner Catherine Yronwode, she has written books and one that have sold over 24,000 copies since 2002 on spells.
Catherine Yronwode https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Yronwode
Catherine Anna "Cat" Yronwode (née Manfredi; May 12, 1947) is an American writer, editor, graphic designer, typesetter, and publisher with an extensive career in the comic book industry. She is also a practitioner of folk magic.

Catherine Anna Manfredi was born in 1947 in San Francisco. Her father was Joseph Manfredi, a Sicilian American abstract artist, and her mother was Liselotte Erlanger, a writer and Ashkenazi Jewish refugee as a member of the Kohn family of Nuremberg, in Nazi Germany.[1] She grew up in Berkeley, California, and Santa Monica, California.[2]

She attended Shimer College in Illinois as an early entrant, but dropped out.[3] Returning to Berkeley, she sold the Berkeley Barb underground newspaper on the streets and catalogued rare books for her parents' bookstore. In 1965 she left urban life for rural places.

Yronwode began writing while in her teens, contributing to science fiction fanzines during the 1960s. She was a member of the Bay Area Astrologers Group, co-writing its weekly astrology column for an underground newspaper, San Francisco Express Times. She produced record reviews on a freelance basis for the nascent Rolling Stone magazine, and short articles on low-tech living for the Whole Earth Catalog and Country Women magazine. While in jail for growing marijuana, she wrote about her experiences ("Letters from Jail") for the Spokane Natural an underground newspaper.

With her mother Liselotte Glozer, Catherine co-wrote and hand-lettered the faux-medieval cookbook, My Lady's Closet Opened and the Secret of Baking Revealed by Two Gentlewomen (Glozer's Booksellers, 1969).[4]

In 1969 she and her then-partner Peter Paskin created the joint name "Yronwode" and all of her subsequent work has been published under that surname.[2] She generally styles her name in lower case, as "catherine yronwode."

While unemployed in 1977, Yronwode created a magico-religious index to the Marvel Doctor Strange comics called the Lesser Book of the Vishanti; she later published parts of it in various small presses and it is posted on her website in updated form. Marvel writers are said to have consulted it.[5][6]

In 1980, Yronwode began work at Ken Pierce Books, editing and writing introductions to a line of comic strip reprint books. Titles included Modesty Blaise by Peter O'Donnell and Jim Holdaway, Mike Hammer by Mickey Spillane, and The Phantom by Lee Falk.[7]

Also in 1980 Yronwode succeeded Murray Bishoff as news reporter for Comics Buyer's Guide[8] and began a long-running column "Fit to Print", presenting a variety of industry news, reviews, obituaries, and opinion pieces. Beanworld creator Larry Marder credits her positive review for his title's success.[9] Similarly, when Dan Brereton received a poor review from Yronwode for an early project, he felt his "promising career in comics was over".[10] The column, and her work with the APA-I comic-book indexing cooperative, led to freelance editing jobs at Kitchen Sink Press. She wrote The Art of Will Eisner in 1981 and produced several other books for Kitchen Sink over the next few years.[11][12]

In 1983 she began a partnership with Dean Mullaney, the co-founder of Eclipse Enterprises, a comic book and graphic novel publisher which had been in business since 1976. With Yronwode as editor-in-chief, Eclipse published titles such as Miracleman by Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, The Rocketeer by Dave Stevens, and Zot! by Scott McCloud.[13][14] Eclipse also published graphic novels adapted from opera librettos, such as The Magic Flute by P. Craig Russell, and classic children's literature, such as The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.[15] In 1983 Yronwode won an Inkpot Award, given for lifetime achievement in comics and related areas..

During the 1980s, Eclipse developed a new line of non-fiction, non-sports trading cards, edited by Yronwode. Controversial political subjects such as the Iran-Contra scandal, the Savings and Loan crisis, the AIDS epidemic, and the Kennedy Assassination, as well as true crime accounts of serial killers, mass murderers, the mafia, and organized crime were covered in these card sets. Yronwode was widely interviewed in the media about her role in their creation.[20]

In 1993 Yronwode and Mullaney divorced, at which point she left Eclipse and joined Claypool Comics, handling production, distribution, and typesetting for titles such as DNAgents and Elvira, Mistress of the Dark.[citation needed] In 1998 she was joined at Claypool by Tyagi Nagasiva. They married in 2000, at which time he changed his name to Nagasiva Bryan W. Yronwode. Both Yronwodes continued to work for Claypool until that company ceased print publication in 2007...

From 1965 to 1980, Yronwode lived as a rural back-to-the-land hippie at Tolstoy Peace Farm, an anarchist commune in Washington; the Equitable Farm commune in Mendocino County, California, and the Garden of Joy Blues commune in Oregon County, Missouri..

Yronwode lives on an old farmstead in rural Forestville, California, in "tantric partnership" with Nagasiva Bryan W Yronwode.[1][2] They met in 1998 and married in 2000
To be continued..
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Re Nagasiva Bryan W Yronwode

Predators tell children how to kill themselves https://archive.md/i9syP
Death cult: Nagasiva Yronwode, of the Church of Euthanasia
A network of "suicide gurus" who use the internet to advise people how to kill themselves has been exposed.

They are blamed for prompting depressed and vulnerable youngsters to take their own lives.
One, an American satanist who boasts of writing a guide to the subject, says: "What's the problem with ending your life via suicide?"
Another is a "pro-choice" Dutch writer whose website includes detailed accounts of dozens of suicide methods.
Campaigners have uncovered 29 "internet suicides" in Britain since 2001, including two new cases reported this weekend.

The findings follow the cluster of suicides among young people in Bridgend, where a coroner is now re-examining nine deaths on top of 16 suspected suicides under investigation. It emerged on Friday that another two young people from the Welsh town had been found hanged. Nathaniel Pritchard, 15, and his cousin Kelly Stephenson, 20, were both members of a social networking ­website.

Among the most notorious suicide websites, which The Sunday Telegraph has decided not to name to avoid encouraging their use, are two discussion forums, or "chatrooms", in which users offer advice on how to end one's life.
In some cases, people with suicidal feelings have been encouraged to take their own lives rather than to seek professional advice.

n a posting on one of the sites last week, a desperate user wanting to know how to hang himself was directed, by another correspondent, to a website containing drawings of knots and nooses.
Internet service providers and search engines like Google and Yahoo say they cannot block these websites and forums unless they are made illegal by the Government.
One of the most notorious figures on the internet suicide scene is Nagasiva Yronwode, a self-confessed satanist who runs a shop selling occult books and charms in the small Californian town of Forestville, north of San Francisco.
Yronwode, 46, describes himself as the "outreach director" for an extremist cult called the Church of Euthanasia, which advocates suicide as a means of saving the world from the effects of overpopulation.
Writing under the name Boboroshi, he has edited a suicide guide, which details various methods. Yronwode's own website contains links to online suicide discussion boards and forums.

He told this newspaper: "The guide is there to make it easier for people who opt for suicide to carry it out. The purpose of my information is empowerment for competent human beings who have an interest in ending their lives. What's the problem with that? ..

Yronwode rejected arguments that he was responsible for the deaths of suicide victims.
"I'm not the protector of these troubled youths," he said. "Their parents are the people who made them troubled. They are responsible for them. They should look at their living conditions, genetic features and local conditions which might lead them to take their own lives. Everything else is a ­distraction."
Another person closely linked to the suicide discussion forums is Karin Spaink, 50, a Dutch former schoolteacher who became a writer in 1986 after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Spaink is an advocate of the right to die and has published on her website a manual detailing 41 ways of committing suicide. The manual ends with the lyrics to the song Suicide is Painless, which featured in the 1970 film M*A*S*H.

The best-known of the suicide chat­rooms is understood to have been founded more than 10 years ago by a British man, originally from Newcastle upon Tyne. At one stage he was apparently operating from a Newcastle University email address. However, there is now no trace of him.
Calle Dybedahl, a 38-year-old Swedish IT worker, later took over as editor of the site. On his personal website, Dybedahl describes himself as a witch and a member of a coven and says he has had psychiatric treatment for depression...
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Church of Euthanasia

'Save the Planet, Kill Yourself': The Contentious History of the Church of Euthanasia https://www.vice.com/en/article/bnppam/ ... nasia-1022

..The Church of Euthanasia was founded in 1992 by software developer and DJ Chris Korda. Korda was inspired by the ideals of Dadaism, an artistic movement that emerged during Word War I out of a desire to, as one artist put it, "to destroy the hoaxes of reason and to discover an unreasoned order." According to poet Tristan Tzara, the beginnings of Dada "were not the beginnings of art, but of disgust."..

On the church's site, Korda says this inspiration came to her in a dream, during which she was "confronted [by] an alien intelligence known as The Being who speaks for the inhabitants of Earth in other dimensions. The Being warned that our planet's ecosystem is failing, and that our leaders deny this. The Being asked why our leaders lie to us, and why so many of us believe these lies." She was also heavily influenced by news of global climate change, a view she claims to have begun forming as early as age 10, after reading a New York Times headline about the irreversibility of global warming...

There are also four pillars, which are voluntary: suicide ("optional but encouraged"), abortion ("may be required to avoid procreation"), cannibalism ("mandatory if you insist on eating flesh," but only if someone is already dead), and sodomy ("optional, but strongly encouraged")...

The first effort Korda made at popularizing this phrase was at the 1992 Democratic National Convention in New York City, where she passed out stickers with the slogan to other convention delegates. A few months after that, she began applying the stickers on police vehicles. The slogan would become a staple of the church's abrasive banners and signs at public events for years to come. It was also the name of Korda's 1994 EP—released, fittingly, on the label Kevorkian Records.

In 1994, the church was recognized by the state of Delaware; 501(c)(3) tax exempt status would follow a year later. A journal called Snuff It was published and mailed to members along with Korda's "e-sermons." On September 10 of that year, the church held its first public march as part of Boston's Population Awareness Day event. Korda led a contingent of about a dozen members while carrying a stick with a bloody baby doll and a torn strip of an American flag tied to it—a pro-abortion symbol. Other props included a large fake RU 486 abortifacient pill that was rolled around while everyone chanted "Save the planet! Kill yourself!" The church was promptly ejected from the festivities.

The church's pro-suicide advocacy began in 1995 with the purchase of a billboard with a 900 number for a "Suicide Assistance Hot-Line" and the message: "Helping you every step of the way! Thousands helped! How about you?" The idea was to play callers pre-recorded messages with suicide instructions, but the phone company, recognizing these intentions, never activated the line.

The church's website would go on to feature explicit suicide instructions. This was back in the days when Jack Kevorkian was actively assisting people in ending their lives, and Korda figured the legal risk of advocating suicide was low. She would openly tout the instructions on the site as a way to get publicity, telling Shovel in 1999 that it was "a disappointment to me that no one's actually killed themselves and then had their parents sue us. That would actually punch through the media shield."
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

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Rev. Chris Korda arrives in Germany https://archive.org/details/Rev.ChrisKo ... G97-02.jpg

On August 16, 1997, International Deejay Gigolo Records flew Rev. Korda to Colgone to perform at Europe's largest music convention, Popkom. Gigolo had just released the "Save The Planet Kill Yourself" single, and this was Rev. Korda's first appearance outside the USA. Rev. Korda played at club Apollo, and surprised everyone by playing electric guitar and singing. The set list included "Nothing," "Some People," and of course "Save The Planet Kill Yourself." The next day Rev. Korda addressed a group of German Dadaists organized by Carsten Meissner at a cafe in Bochum. Rev. Korda then traveled by train to Munich, making many new friends and spreading the gospel along the way, and repeated the performance at Gigolo's home base, club Ultraschall, on Aug. 23.
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

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Operation Mindfuck http://taggedwiki.zubiaga.org/new_conte ... b314223da6
Operation Mindfuck or OM is an important practice in the Discordian religion. The concept was developed by Kerry Thornley and Robert Anton Wilson in 1968[1] and given its name by Wilson and Robert Shea in The Illuminatus! Trilogy.[2] It is most often manifested as a decentralized campaign of civil disobedience, activism, art movements, especially performance art and guerrilla art, culture jamming, graffiti and other vandalism, practical jokes, hoaxes, reality hacking, chaos magic, words of power, trolling and anything else that is believed to bring about social change through disrupting paradigms and thus forcing the victim to question the parameters of one's reality tunnel.

There is a disagreement among Discordians as to whether or not, through OM, they should seek to improve society, topple it or claim that the practice is in fact only for entertainment. Because much of Operation Mindfuck itself involves hyperbole and exaggeration in regard to discussing the Discordian Society, it is difficult to determine the actual scale of the campaign, be it large or practically non-existent.

In The Illuminatus! Trilogy and its sequels, Operation Mindfuck is epitomized by a protagonist named Markoff Chaney, an anti-social dwarf who engages in subtle practical joking, in a deliberate attempt to cause Discord, as a protest against his mistreatment by society. One such joke involves the forging of signs that are signed by "The Mgt." (leading people to believe they're from "The Management" instead of "the Midget") that contain absurdities, and placing the signs in stores and other establishments.
The Illuminatus! Trilogy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Illuminatus!_Trilogy

The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels by American writers Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, first published in 1975.[1] The trilogy is a satirical, postmodern, science fiction–influenced adventure story; a drug-, sex-, and magic-laden trek through a number of conspiracy theories, both historical and imaginary, related to the authors' version of the Illuminati. The narrative often switches between third- and first-person perspectives in a nonlinear narrative. It is thematically dense, covering topics like counterculture, numerology, and Discordianism.

The trilogy comprises three parts which contain five books and appendices: The Eye in the Pyramid (first two books), The Golden Apple (third and part of fourth book), Leviathan (part of fourth and all of fifth book, and the appendices). The parts were first published as three separate volumes starting in September 1975. In 1984 they were published as an omnibus edition and are now more commonly reprinted in the latter form.

In 1986 the trilogy won the Prometheus Hall of Fame Award..

Publishing history
The trilogy was originally written between 1969 and 1971 while Wilson and Shea were both associate editors for Playboy magazine. As part of the role, they dealt with correspondence from the general public on the subject of civil liberties, much of which involved paranoid rants about imagined conspiracies. The pair began to write a novel with the premise that "all these nuts are right, and every single conspiracy they complain about really exists".[3] In a 1980 interview given to the science fiction magazine Starship, Wilson suggested the novel was also an attempt to build a myth around Discordianism:

It started with the Discordian Society, which is based on worship of Eris, the Greek goddess of confusion and chaos [...] We felt the Society needed some opposition, because the whole idea of it is based on conflict and dialectics. So, we created an opposition within the Discordian Society, which we called the Bavarian Illuminati [...] There were several Discordian newsletters written in the 1960s, and several Discordian members wrote for the underground press in various parts of the country. So, we built up this myth about the warfare between the Discordian Society and the Illuminati for quite a while, until one day Bob Shea said to me, "You know, we could write a novel about this!"[4]
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Operation Mindphuck
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

There is quite an interesting back story to transgender Chris Korda and the Church of Euthenasia .. (intelligence services *cough*) but first.. here he is on the Jerry Springer Show .. uh huh ..
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Okay, so now I'm falling down a few rabbit holes.. so this is going to meander a bit..

This is Chris at his family home in 1981, Stonegate Farm, Pleasant Valley NJ https://archive.org/details/stonegate-f ... gate01.jpg

Then this image (date: July 1981) is captioned "04 Chris Korda, Townsend, Margaret Korda" https://archive.org/details/stonegate-f ... gate04.jpg

"05 Margaret Korda, Townsend, Chris Korda" https://archive.org/details/stonegate-f ... gate05.jpg

Margaret Korda is Chris's step-mother..

So, is that Pete Townshend of the Who? I went looking..

June 1981

On the 8th, Pete joins Springsteen on stage during the encore of Bruce's set in Birmingham, England. He adds guitar to "Born To Run" (with Pete playing lead), a Mitch Ryder medley, "Shake" and "Sweet Soul Music."

On the 9th, Pete takes Bruce to see the up-and-coming Irish band U2 at the Hammersmith Palais in London.

On the 14th, John is a guest on the Robert Klein Radio Show.

Pete begins two months of work on his second solo album for Atlantic Records. During this month he goes into Oceanic Studios and records a rehearsal version of "It's In Ya" with John "Rabbit" Bundrick, Peter Hope-Evans, Tony Butler, Mark Brzezcki and Jody Linscott that is later released on Scoop 3. Around this time there is an incident with Rabbit getting violent while drunk. He is fired from The Who, missing the 1982 album and tour..

Sometime during this summer Roger sets up a professional trout farm.

July 1981

Many stories begin to circulate about Pete's drinking, drug use and deteriorating health. In response, Pete writes a letter on the 30th for publication in the Who's News fanzine denying that he is ill, has marital problems, has given up on Meher Baba or is an alcoholic. The final lines are: "I still get upset when I hear people talking about me 'killing' myself. That won't happen unless by accident." In truth, everyone around him is horrified by his lifestyle and afraid he will soon join Keith Moon in the afterlife.
So, from the radio show it looks like Pete was in the area at the time.

Atlantic Records https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Records
Atlantic Recording Corporation (simply known as Atlantic Records) is an American record label founded in October 1947 by Ahmet Ertegun and Herb Abramson. .. In 1944, brothers Nesuhi and Ahmet Ertegun remained in the United States when their mother and sister returned to Turkey after the death of their father Munir Ertegun, Turkey's first ambassador to the U.S.

Long Branch warehouse fire
Atlantic suffered a catastrophic loss in the early morning of February 8, 1978, when a fire destroyed most of its tape archive, which had been stored in a non-air-conditioned warehouse in Long Branch, New Jersey.. The four-story warehouse, located at 199 Broadway, was the former location of Vogel's Department Store, before it closed down in March 1975. The building was purchased less than a week earlier and had been scheduled to reopen as a Nadler's Furniture Center, in an effort to revitalize the downtown area

The building was owned by the family of Sheldon Vogel, the chief financial officer of Atlantic at the time. He had recommended moving the company's multitracks and unreleased recordings to the building after Ertegun had complained about the aforementioned tapes taking up too much space in the company's Manhattan offices in New York..
Post on Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records:

OPERATION SWORDFISH BEGINS https://searchvoat.co/v/pizzagate/2013314/9930940
Phil Collins This Is Your Life (1988) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPn2FQpWz0kYouTube

In attendance Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records. Interesting article on the man here: https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/t ... t-ertegun/
Ertegun was also well connected with powerful figures of the Zionism, Satanic Cabals and the American Shadow Government. He sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary, Frank Carlucci,. Carlucci was also the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor with ties to the 9/11 Inside Job, Former President and CIA Director George Bush, Sr., Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Ladens.[27]

Adorno was within the secret “inner circle” of thinkers, social scientists, and philosophers, etc., (Frankfurters) associated with the Frankfurt Institute of Social Research in Germany. During WWII, many of the Frankfurters in the U.S. joined and were recruited into the OSS. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). It was an agency of the U.S. federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during WWII that also had been heavily infiltrated by Frankfurters.[28] The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acou stics — topics that were precisely in tune with Adorno’s research and area of expertise.
Fast forward to 2020:

Former Atlantic Records Executive Gives $50 Million for a New Medical Campus (Gifts Roundup) https://www.philanthropy.com/article/fo ... ts-roundup
Anne and Sheldon Vogel’s gift will go toward the Monmouth Medical Center’s new 100,000-square-foot medical campus in Tinton Falls, N.J.

Anne and Sheldon Vogel gave $50 million to back the development of the center’s new 100,000- square-foot medical campus in Tinton Falls, N.J., which will be named for the Vogels.

Sheldon Vogel served as controller and chief financial officer at Atlantic Records. The couple have a long association with the medical center as donors; both were born there when it was known as Monmouth Memorial Hospital.
Sheldon with John Kalodner
Source: http://www.johnkalodner.com/photos_friends_00.html
John Kalodner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Kalodner

John David Kalodner is a retired American A&R (artists and repertoire) executive.
John David Kalodner was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania[1] and was a writer and photographer at Concert magazine. He went on to be a photographer for various record labels by 1972, as well as being a freelance music writer and photographer for the Philadelphia Inquirer. He wanted to be in the record industry and was first noticed and hired as a publicist in 1974[2] by Atlantic Records executive Earl McGrath.[1] His initial role at Atlantic was as a writer and photographer, while he continued to review concerts on the weekend for the Inquirer, commuting from New York.

Kalodner was headhunted as the first A&R executive for David Geffen's new label Geffen Records in 1980, where he worked with Asia, White Zombie, Madness, XTC, Whitesnake, Wang Chung, Nelson and Aerosmith. He brought Jimmy Page and Sammy Hagar success as solo artists, and was responsible for the musical collaboration Coverdale•Page and the formation of supergroup Damn Yankees.

His achievements included signing Peter Gabriel and Phil Collins to Atlantic Records in the 1970s.[citation needed] Contradicting claims that Kalodner signed AC/DC and Foreigner, fellow Atlantic executives Phil Carson and Jerry Greenberg have asserted in interviews[citation needed] that they, and not Kalodner, signed those artists (Carson signing AC/DC and Greenberg signing Foreigner). However, Mick Jones laid this theory to rest himself, telling a recent interviewer that Kalodner did indeed sign Foreigner...

Kalodner retired from the music business in 2006.[4] Until late 2005, he had been the senior vice-president of A&R at Sanctuary Records Group.[1][4] He subsequently sold most of his industry awards and RIAA record plaques to Scott Roderick President of Rock-N-Roll Warehouse, donating the proceeds to the City of Hope cancer research center.[2] In 2014, he was inducted into the Rock Radio Hall of Fame, in the "Visionary" category.
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Re: Operation Mindfuck and the Discordian Magicians of Oxford University

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Oxford gets $41 mln from Ahmet Ertegün https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/oxfor ... egun-14943

Oxford University says the widow of Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun has donated more than 26 million pounds ($41 million) to fund humanities scholarships for graduate students, the Associated Press reported.

Mica Ertegün said her husband, who died in 2006, had loved the arts. She said the enriching potential of the arts and humanities was especially important “in these times, when there is so much strife in the world.”

The university said yesterday the donation is one of the biggest in its 900-year history.

The Mica and Ahmet Ertegun Graduate Scholarship Program will initially fund 15 annual international scholarships for the study of subjects including literature, history, music, art history, Asian studies, Middle Eastern studies and archaeology. That will rise to 35 scholarships a year.

Ahmet Ertegün was a Turkish American musician and businessman, best known as the founder and president of Atlantic Records, and for discovering or artists like Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Genesis, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Crosby, Stills Nash, and Young, Aretha Franklin and Ray Charles. He also wrote classic blues and pop songs and served as Chairman of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and museum.
https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/t ... t-ertegun/
David M. Franklin was a “quiet as kept” Washington DC/Atlanta black attorney that worked closely with Ahmet Ertegun at Atlantic Records with black artists.[13] Franklin was known to work behind the veil on a lot of political things for Washington DC. He was the chief economic development consultant of the Cooperative Assistance Fund (CAF) in Washington from 1970 to 1975. CAF was established in 1968 by a group of foundations to make investments in minority and low-income communities thru CAF. In other words, it was a multi-million charity- slush money laundering operation ran by a bunch of insider Washington DC political head Negro in Charge Coons and Uncle Toms.[14] David was the husband of Shirley Franklin, 58th Mayor of Atlanta, GA...

The CIA director in 1979 was full four star Admiral Stansfield Turner, former President of the Naval War College and Commander-in-Chief of NATO’s Southern Flank. Under Turner’s direction, the CIA emphasized technical intelligence (TECHINT) and signal intelligence (SIGINT) more than human intelligence (HUMINT) – Parapsychology.[18] It’s on public record that MK ULTRA, the mind control research which Turner admitted to in 1977 spent millions of dollars studying the paranormal– Voodoo, witchcraft, and psychics. Turner disclosed that the CIA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers of unsuspecting victims for years, without their knowledge or consent...

On August 3, 1977, Turner went before congress. He told senate hearings about MK ULTRA/MONARCH. He gave an account of a CIA established network, including 80 medical universities, hospitals, and prisons – together with 185 high-ranking U.S. scientists, researchers and doctors. It was mentioned that the program had begun under the Director of the CIA, Allen Dulles, in 1953.[19] That pretty much says it all. There is a link between what was going on with Frank Olson in the early 1950s and Donny Hathaway in the 1970s. U.S. Civilians were unwitting drugged with LSD (instant Schizophrenia) during the 1950s under the U.S. Navy’s Schizophrenia and MK ULTRA from 1953 into the 1970s. Undoubtedly, Donny was confined during the 1970s at one of the MK ULTRA mental hospitals right up until the time of his death...

Donny Hathaway was signed by record label, Atco Records and Herbert Abramson– Atlantic Records Company. Atlantic Records was founded in 1947 in Washington DC by Turkish former Swiss, French, and the United Kingdom citizen, Ahmet Ertegun, and Herb Abramson, who was his family’s Jewish former U.S. Army dentist. Ertegun and Jerry Wexler [at Atlantic] signed him in 1969.[37] With his first hit single for the Atco label, “The Ghetto”, in early 1970, Rolling Stone magazine “marked him as a major new force in soul music”...

By 1971, wife and friends said Donny became delusional. By the end of 1973, he allegedly dropped out of public sight to deal with his mental illness until just before his death on January 13, 1979. We now know that wasn’t exactly the case. Donny had been removed and it looks involuntarily committed and confined to a (MK ULTRA) mental institution by Ertegun and Atlantic Records. They controlled whether he left or stayed in the mental institution- not Donny, his wife or family.

Atlantic Records & Theodor W. Adorno

He was a Frankfurt School of Thought philosopher, socialist and musical composer. It is believed that Adorno of the Frankfurt School had been implanted at Atlantic Records during the 1940s. Behind the veil, Adorno was the mysterious German Professor engineering and controlling the company’s sound studio like a dictator...

The story about Atlantic’s first sound engineer is intriguing. Atlantic moved out of Washington, DC. and into a building at 234 W 56th Street in New York in 1947. There a “German Professor” helped the young businessmen record their first jazz albums. Ertegun told this story many times, but no one ever found out who the “German Professor” actually was. There are clues though. According to Ertegun, “the studio had this German professor who did the bulk of the engineering.” The professor was “a little middle-aged German doctor” who was really difficult to work with. Ertegun claimed that, the professor “wouldn’t let us turn up the bass, or touch anything, but we were told he was a master, so we put up with him.”

Why was a German social scientist, Theo Adorno, controlling the sound studio at Atlantic Records? Most of the following comes from “From Cybernetics to Littleton: Techniques of Mind Control” by Jeffrey Steinberg.

Immediately after World War II, when there was a concerted effort launched, by the Frankfurt School and the London Tavistock Institute, to use the Marxist/Freudian perversion of psychology and other social sciences, as instruments for mass social control and brainwashing. The two pillars of the assault on the American intellectual tradition were cybernetics and the drug counterculture. Lord Bertrand Russell of the Frankfurt School was an advocate for clandestine Mass Social Engineering. In his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society. He wrote:

“ … [M]ass psychology. . . . Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called `education.’ Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part. . . . It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.”

Russell continued, “The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. . . . The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black.”

Russell’s description of a “scientific dictatorship” was matched by the account of Aldous Huxley, author of the Utopian tract Brave New World, in a speech on the U.S. State Department’s Voice of America, in 1961, of a world of pharmacologically manipulated slaves, living in a “concentration camp of the mind,” enhanced by propaganda and psychotropic drugs, learning to “love their servitude,” and abandoning all will to resist. “This,” Huxley concluded, “is the final revolution.”..

Ahmet Ertegun was raised in Turkey as a Muslim. However, he has belonged to a secret Turkish Kabbalistic American- Israeli Zionist circle related to the Sabbateans for decades.

Former U.S. Secretary of State (1973 –1977), 8th U.S. Security Council Adviser (1969- 1975) Henry Kissinger and Ertegun traveled “… to many foreign countries, though as the son of a distinguished Turkish diplomat, he was quite at home everywhere. We went together to India, China, Nepal, and World Cup tournaments in Spain, Italy and France and, of course, to Turkey.”

he secret group emerged into the light of day at the April 1992 gala celebration of the Quincentennial Foundation. The foundation had been created in 1989 to organize the 5OOth anniversary celebration, in 1992, of the Ottoman Empire’s acceptance of Jews who had fled Spain. The objective of the Quincentennial Foundation from an Israeli and U.S. standpoint has been to rope in Turkey as an expendable, regional military instrument of the New World Order directed by the German Jew- Henry Kissinger...

Ertegun was also well connected with powerful figures of the Zionism, Satanic Cabals and the American Shadow Government. He sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary- CIA Director, Frank Carlucci. Carlucci was also the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor with ties to the 9/11 Inside Job, Former President and CIA Director George Bush, Sr., Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Ladens..

In 1979, the Essex House Hotel in New York, NY where Donny was murdered was owned and managed by J. Willard Marriott. Nobody but nobody could tell J. Willard that he wasn’t the highest of the high. He dined with U.S. presidents, heads of government and state, and the elite of the elite. He was more than a friend to the CIA.
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