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cantsleepawink ago

Phil Collins This Is Your Life (1988)

In attendance Ahmet Ertegun of Atlantic Records. Interesting article on the man here:

Ertegun was also well connected with powerful figures of the Zionism, Satanic Cabals and the American Shadow Government. He sat on the board of the RAND Center for Middle East Public Policy Advisory Board with former U.S. Defense Department Secretary, Frank Carlucci,. Carlucci was also the chairman of The Carlyle Group, a defense contractor with ties to the 9/11 Inside Job, Former President and CIA Director George Bush, Sr., Saudi Royal Family and the Bin Ladens.[27]

Adorno was within the secret “inner circle” of thinkers, social scientists, and philosophers, etc., (Frankfurters) associated with the Frankfurt Institute of Social Research in Germany. During WWII, many of the Frankfurters in the U.S. joined and were recruited into the OSS. In 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD). It was an agency of the U.S. federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during WWII that also had been heavily infiltrated by Frankfurters.[28] The OSRD was also interested in psychology and psycho-acou stics — topics that were precisely in tune with Adorno’s research and area of expertise.

msgtw123 ago

Didn't Led Zeppelin reunite for a tribute to Ertegun?

BlissNarwhal ago

MolochHunter ago

oh rly, Frankfurt school? The seed-pod of progressive values, political correctness and cultural marxism.