COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

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COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

‘Dangerous’: Scientists Say Gates and Bezos-Backed Mining Venture Could Threaten Arctic Ecosystem ... PIM0CWKWjQ
A phalanx of billionaires are backing a new mining initiative in Greenland, in what they hope will boost access to minerals used to manufacture electric cars. It’s significant news in a country that has not always celebrated natural resource exploration. And it has some environmental scientists concerned.

The source of the billionaire money is an initiative founded by Bill Gates, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, whose investors include Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Jack Ma, Ray Dalio, and Michael Bloomberg. Gates founded Breakthrough Energy in 2015 as a vehicle for combating climate change, and it has raised $2 billion to date, including a $1 billion funding round completed earlier this year. The organization has invested in dozens of startups in the sustainable energy space.

The Greenland project is a joint venture between a publicly traded British firm, Bluejay Mining, and KoBold Metals, an American company that is paying $15 million for a majority stake in the operation. Breakthrough Energy is one of KoBold’s principal investors; the venture capital mega-firm Andreessen Horowitz is also a backer.

..Amnesty International has documented cases of human rights violations in overseas mine facilities used by battery companies, including use of child workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“The glamourous shop displays and marketing of state of the art technologies are a stark contrast to the children carrying bags of rocks, and miners in narrow manmade tunnels risking permanent lung damage,” said Mark Dummett, a researcher at Amnesty International, in a 2016 report.
There are a number of issues in that article. First, I just want to mention the coincidence of the company called BREAKTHROUGH Energy and the COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases ... cases.html

Apart from Bill Gates, I hope that this post will start to connect some dots between what is currently happening in the healthcare sector and the transformation of the Energy sector...

Now remember some of our previous posts about batteries? Like..
Melanie Loveridge is a materials chemist with a proven background in new materials development and characterisation in the disciplines of energy storage systems (batteries) and corrosion inhibition in coated metal systems. She completed an Engineering Doctorate sponsored by Akzo Nobel & Tata: An in-situ Scanning Kelvin Probe Applied to Mechanisms of Corrosion-driven Coating delamination in Organic Coated Steels (2004).

Since I've got melanin on the mind due to a previous post, I thought I'd look into any connections with melanin in this area of research and of course, there is.

Melanie has been involved with successful funding applications for EPSRC and TSB grants and collaborated in projects with top UK research groups. A significant time spent within industry (including a university spin-out company) has given her experience of being a specialist, leading teams and generating journal publications and inventions in international patents. Her research background is multi-disciplinary enabling cross-pollination and successes in taking concepts to material realities.

Skin pigment could power safe, implantable battery ... e-battery/
Your body may use it to catch a tan, but now the skin pigment melanin has been repurposed for the first time to make batteries. These may one day offer a safer way to power electronic devices that can be swallowed or inserted into the human body for drug delivery or internal monitoring.

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are widely used in electronics because they are very efficient and can hold their charge for long periods. But because they contain lithium, these batteries are potentially toxic if used long-term inside the body. So Christopher Bettinger at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, wanted to find a way to build batteries from biological materials.
Anyone else see a connection between these two stories?
Google Pharmaceuticals subsidiary GlaxoSmithKline, assist in Haiti relief effort in 2010. ... f-efforts/

GlaxoSmithKline starts to experiment making Electronics with melanin, a compound found plentiful in black skin 2012. ... evices.amp
That was a very interesting question...

Another aspect of the Arctic mining story is the involvement of the Parvati Foundation in that region...
phpBB [video]

“You Gotta Believe” was written on the day the twin towers fell in 2001, was performed by Parvati at Madison Square Gardens, and is an expression of Parvati’s heartfelt belief in the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

The footage in this video was shot as part of the northernmost musical performance ever, when Parvati travelled to the North Pole to raise awareness of the melting polar ice. Additional footage is from Resolute Bay, Nunavut.

Thanks to sponsors JVC, WonderWorks and Emergen-C for their support of the trip.

Perversion of the "TRUTH" Doctors, the UN's Parvati Foundation and the Supreme Master Ching Hai satanists viewtopic.php?f=50&t=3306
Founded by award-winning music artist, producer and Ocean Changemaker, Parvati, not-for-profit has a vision to slow down the melting Arctic ice...The plan is to create the world’s largest marine protected area in the Arctic, called the Marine Arctic Peace Sanctuary (MAPS).
BoJo's dad Stanley who is involved with this foundation showed up on BBC Newsnight this week to talk about the environment..

Stanley Johnson Baffles Viewers After Going On Newsnight As An 'Environmentalist' ... 1936df4c89
The prime minister's father has been popping up quite a lot lately.
Yes, he has HuffPost.. because everything we're watching at the moment is a psyop by the Nazis of the Great Reset crowd...

Now I'm going to quickly jump to a couple of Department of Energy posts:

EPSTEIN and the Eugenicists, CRISPR , the Podestas and another VATICAN connection
CRISPR and a Harvard scientist funded by Epstein, George M. Church
George McDonald Church (born August 28, 1954) is an American geneticist, molecular engineer, and chemist. As of 2015, he is Robert Winthrop Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and Professor of Health Sciences and Technology at Harvard and MIT, and was a founding member of the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard.[3][2][6] As of March 2017, Church serves as a member of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Board of Sponsors.

..Church has also served as director of the Center on Bioenergy Technology at Harvard, funded by a multiyear award from the U.S. Department of Energy and of the Center of Excellence in Genomic Science (CEGS) at Harvard, funded by a P50-type award from the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), a part of the National Institutes of Health.

...Harvard and MIT geneticist George Church lists the nonprofit Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation, a private foundation established by convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, as a source of funding. According to George Church's Harvard website, this funding started in 2005 and continues to the present.
The Wellcome Trust, Tavistock, Biotech and pizzagate -
The institute was founded by Hansjörg Wyss, who previously created the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering in the United States...The founding members of the Campus Biotech are the Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, the University of Geneva, the Bertarelli Family and Hansjörg Wyss.
...The wikileaks email in the above link points to the connections between the Bertarelli Foundation and Prince Charles

..connections with the Swiss Guard at the Vatican ... ss-guards/

and Harvard iLab ... vard-ilab/

...Since we know that the Podestas have some kind of family connection to Switzerland and seem to have some kind of base in Lausanne, I thought I'd do a search for his name with that of Bertarelli, and here comes a wikileaks email:

...Mark Bolland: Director, Bertarelli Foundation & Group Communications Director, Waypoint Capital Holdings.. In 1996 he became Deputy Private Secretary to HRH The Prince of Wales, with responsibility for media relations and the Prince's interests in healthcare, the environment, and architecture. .. Since 2008 he has been a Trustee of both The Helen Hamlyn Trust and its educational initiative "Open Futures". He is also a Trustee of the David Ross Foundation and the David Ross Education Trust, which sponsors a number of school Academies in the United Kingdom.
Lord Guy Black is a Life Peer member of the House of Lords, UK, and Executive Director of the Telegraph Media Group. Mark is a public relations executive who has worked for the Advertising Standards Authority and the Press Complaints Commission before serving as Deputy Private Secretary to Charles, Prince of Wales. Both are committed cat fans and are pictured here with their Russian Blue, Victoria
Awww, isn't that special. People with cat pictures always makes me think of the intelligence services. Something I connected with when researching Hampstead. Speaking of Hampstead... and thinking of the energy sector, namely CERN..

In post: Meghan Markle and her prince, Archie the Cat, the Ezra Jack Keats Foundation and Fermilab... yeah..we're back to the military... , remember this?
phpBB [video]
Before I stop.. I just want to connect the Nyumbani Orphanage with Amazon Smile... on the orphanage's website: Give back to Nyumbani by shopping with Amazon Smile!
That's another rabbithole which needs developing..
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

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2013 post from Operation Smile: ... 666342111/
We've recently partnered with Amazon Smile! If you're shopping for the holidays on
, choose Operation Smile and the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5 percent of the purchase to heal smiles.
Operation Smile posts here: ... um=on&b=on

Nick Silverio, Founder- A Safe Haven for Newborns
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Order of Saint Lazarus
The Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, also known as the Leper Brothers of Jerusalem or simply as Lazarists, was a Catholic military order founded by crusaders around 1119 at a leper hospital in Jerusalem, Kingdom of Jerusalem, whose care became its original purpose, named after its patron saint, Lazarus.[1][2][3] It was recognised by King Fulk of Jerusalem in 1142 and canonically recognised as a hospitaller and military order of chivalry under the rule of Saint Augustine in the Papal bull Cum a Nobis Petitur of Pope Alexander IV in 1255. Although they were centred on their charism of caring for those afflicted with leprosy, the knights of the Order of Saint Lazarus notably fought in the Battle of La Forbie in 1244 and in the Defense of Acre in 1291.[4] The titular seat was successively situated at Jerusalem, Saint-Jean-d'Acre and - after the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem - split in two main branches in Italy and in Château Royal de Boigny-sur-Bionne in France..

In 1489, Pope Innocent VIII attempted to merge the order and its land holdings with the Knights Hospitaller. This was resisted by the larger part of the jurisdictions of the Order of Saint Lazarus including those in France, Southern Italy, Hungary, Switzerland, and England. The Knights Hospitaller only managed to appropriate the Lazarus holdings in Germany.

In 1572, the Order of Saint Lazarus in Italy was merged with the Order of Saint Maurice under the Royal House of Savoy to form the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, which still exists until today, widely recognised as a dynastic successor of the Italian branch.
Hmm.. about the pedophile Cardinal Pell ... %20bio.pdf

Cardinal Pell joined the Order of Saint Lazarus on 25 July 1985 and was the senior chaplain tf
the Victorian Commandery and has continued as a chaplain of the Order to the present day.
Cardinal Pell has been decorated with Australia’s highest decoration, a Companion of the
Order ofAustralia, and has been decorated by the Order of Saint Lazarus.
Pell was the subject of allegations of sexual misconduct in 2002 over activities allegedly committed from 1978–2001 that eventually led to a court prosecution that was later overturned. Pell was convicted by the County Court of Victoria in 2018 on the charges of sexual offences.[5][6] In 2020, the High Court of Australia unanimously overturned this conviction and set aside the orders of the Victorian Court of Appeal rejecting appeal.[7][8][9] The separate investigation by the Holy See's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith into these allegations of abuse concluded upon his acquittal by the High Court, though it was previously thought to be ongoing.[10][11]

Australia's Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse revealed its findings on Pell in 2020 and found that he knew of child sexual abuse by clergy by the 1970s but did not take adequate action to address it. Pell said he was "surprised" and that the commission's views "are not supported by evidence".
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Jack Ma posts:

WTF??? Adrenochrome supply cut off? Alibaba website (Chinese-owned, Jack Ma) sells freeze-dried ADRENOCHROME. Someone call the FEDS.

Elon Musk and Jack Ma agree: The biggest problem the world will face is population collapse

Ray Dalio:

Billionaire Ray Dalio's son dies after crashing car into Verizon store. " Was this a hit"
Coney was at BRIDGEWATER the world's biggest hedge fund whose founder is eccentric billionaire Ray Dalio whose philanthropy ive linked so far to Grameen, Boy Scouts, and especially adoptions ( his son at age 16 founded an orphanage for disabled kids after falling in love with a little girl, no joke, it's called China Cares).

His brother is corrupt in some way too..
9 executives who practise meditation ... editation/
Marc Benioff – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Salesforce
Arianna Huffington – President and Editor-in-Chief, the Huffington
Bill George – Senior Fellow, Harvard Business School
Padmasree Warrior – CTO and Strategy Officer, Cisco Systems
Rick Goings – Chairman and CEO, Tupperware Brands Corporation
Larry Brilliant – President, Skoll Global Threats Fund
Ray Dalio – Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Bridgewater
Nouriel Roubini – Professor of Economics and International Business, Leonard N. Stern School of Business, New York University
Rupert Murdoch – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fox
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

A nest of vipers...

Mark Bolland and Guy Black: ... 3434422275
Sooo Piers Morgan is friends with Mark Bolland Eyes .. makes sense now!! Mark’s partner, “Lord” Guy Black, was Press Complaints Commission director during this time Right pointing backhand ... 56609?s=21
ROYAL EXCLUSIVE: The secret power triangle behind Rebekah Brooks’ illegal Prince Harry “stitch up” ... stitch-up/
IN THE first part of this new investigation into criminal newsgathering, we told how Rebekah Brooks, the most senior serving British employee of Rupert Murdoch, kept Prince Harry under illegal surveillance for a year when he was a child. Now in Part Two of the ‘Triple Whammy’ series, we look at the extraordinary soft power Ms Brooks brought to bear on the then 16-year-old prince and Buckingham Palace to legitimise her highly dubious tabloid operation.

THE FIRST whispers of a ‘Royal drugs story’ reached Rebekah Brooks in February 2001.

Rumours were washing up in the News of the World Editor’s glass-walled Wapping office that Prince Harry, just 16, was drinking underage and had dabbled with cannabis.

The unlikely focus of the gossip was a Cotswolds pub called the Rattlebone Inn, close to Prince Charles’ Highgrove country home, near Tetbury, Glocs... And despite the fact his private life – while still in education at least – was officially off limits under an agreement between Fleet Street and its self-regulator, the Press Complaints Commission, Ms Brooks’s interest was piqued.

But Rupert Murdoch’s hand-picked choice to run the best-selling newspaper in the English language had a problem – a total lack of evidence.

So, to try and bridge the evidential gap, Ms Brooks turned to her trusted News Editor Greg Miskiw – a man steeped in the ‘dark arts’ of covert surveillance and voicemail eavesdropping.

Mr Miskiw later admitted his part in hacking Royal phones, going on to become a whistle-blower on an area of tabloid criminality his former boss denied all knowledge of – under oath and on penalty of perjury – at her criminal trial in 2014.

Now, he is giving first-hand insight into Ms Brooks’ triple whammy of tabloid surveillance and sting tactics, a deceitful war of attrition with Palace gatekeepers, and personal influence over a tame industry watchdog, to manufacture a seven-page story on Harry while he was still in his GCSE year.

Pivotal to the strategy was Ms Brooks’s influence on Mark Bolland, the future King’s communications chief, with whom – along with his partner Guy Black – she was friendly enough to holiday together in Tuscany.

Ms Brooks repeatedly pressurised Mr Bolland to ‘stand up’ her story, having cultivated their friendship during his five years as press chief to Prince Charles and his children, whom – as minors – he also acted for.

It is not known whether Prince Charles knew of the potential conflict of interest caused by this friendship, nor whether the palace knew how far it antagonised rival tabloid editors, further complicating the job of protecting Princes William and Harry from Press intrusion...

JUST AS Rebekah Brooks was quietly locking on to Prince Harry, she met the other actors in her developing production at one of the most powerful and significant social events of the year.

For in February 2001, the PCC used a big tenth anniversary party to mark the supposedly improving relationship between the papers and the Royal family, since the paparazzi-related death in August, 1997, of the Princes’ mother Diana, Princess of Wales.

The event was seen as a Royal endorsement of a system that put the PCC between Buckingham Palace and the Fleet Street machine, controlling invasions of privacy, in return for managed access including photo-calls at milestones in the princes’ lives.

Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles attended, as did Prince William, to show their support for the industry-funded self-regulator. So too did Ms Brooks, Mark Bolland, and Guy Black.

This noticeable public stepping out together contributed to questions about the PCC’s credibility.

Critics asked whether Mr Bolland should be so closely connected to Ms Brooks, editor of one of the main newspapers his PCC was “independently” policing, while his partner was also media manager of one of its top front-page targets.

Daily Telegraph editor Charles Moore attacked Brooks’s closeness to Mr Bolland and Guy Black. He complained the cosy relationship helped her corner and deliver up a vulnerable Prince Harry, with Moore even calling the PCC a “stitch-up”...
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Terrence Higgins Trust: Lord Black becomes a patron ... mes-patron
The Terrence Higgins Trust today announced that Lord Cashman CBE and Lord Black of Brentwood have become patrons of Terrence Higgins Trust.

As patrons of the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity, Lord Cashman and Lord Black will take on the challenge of working towards ending HIV transmission and supporting people to live well with HIV in the UK.

The new patrons will join an eclectic group of current Terrence Higgins Trust patrons, including Stephen Fry, Tracey Emin and Dame Judi Dench. ... yped_query
Terrence Higgins Trust=Aids=Fauci=Gates........
Funny, just what I was thinking.

Re Judi Dench:

Chickenshed (also known as Chicken Shed or the Chicken Shed Theatre Company) is a British theatre company based in Southgate, London.

Chickenshed’s membership programme comprises four Children’s theatre groups and two Youth theatre groups for young people aged 5–21 years. They run Saturday and holiday workshops for ages 5–12 years and performance and singing workshops for adults. They also operate education courses in inclusive performing arts at BTEC, Foundation Degree and BA (Hons) Levels.

Chickenshed was founded by teacher Mary Ward and composers Jo Collins and Anthony Filby in 1974. It began in a disused chicken barn in Barnet, which is how it came to be called Chickenshed. ... Chickenshed is registered as a charity under the name The Chickenshed Theatre Trust. In 1996, company founder Mary Ward was awarded the MBE for Services to the Arts followed in 1999, with a Creative Britons Award, to acknowledge her 25 years of work with the theatre,[3] while co-founder Jo Collins was awarded the MBE in the 2001 New Year's honours, for Services to Music.[4] Chickenshed has performed at a number of public events, including Queen Elizabeth II's golden jubilee celebrations in 2002.[5] A show to commemorate 100 years of J. M. Barrie's children's story Peter Pan was staged by the theatre company at the Albery Theatre, London in 2004, in order to raise funds for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

..The first musical writers for Chickenshed were Jo Collins and Anthony Filby, who together formed Colby music, through which they published a collection of musicals that Chickenshed performed. The music team has since greatly expanded...In December 1997, Chickenshed released a single, entitled "I Am In Love With The World", performed by children from the theatre...The song was included on Diana, Princess of Wales: Tribute, a charity album recorded following the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Diana had been the royal patron of the theatre along with Dame Judi Dench, who is also a great supporter, and it was one of her favorite charities.

..Late 2003 saw the release of The Chicken Shed Album, a compilation that marked the 30th anniversary of the theatre company. Contributors to the album included supporters of the organisation, such as Cliff Richard, Emma Bunton, Bob Hoskins and Kenneth Branagh, as well as three tracks by Chicken Shed itself. Jo Collins & Chickenshed recorded a song, "Talk Through Me" for the 2007 show tunes album Over the Rainbow, in aid of The Association of Children's Hospices ... n-40-years

Professor Jonathan Shalit, talent agent, has been a trustee of Chickenshed for 17 years.
Charity work includes trusteeships with Variety, the Children's Charity, the Chicken Shed Theatre Company.[2] He is also a supporter of Norwood charity.
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Re: COVID Breakthough cases, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Bill Gates et al and energy harvesting

Post by MercurysBall2 »

Ok. At this point I'm lost but I'm putting the following in because I know it's all connected.. somehow...

<..The Greenland project is a joint venture between a publicly traded British firm, Bluejay Mining, and KoBold Metals, an American company that is paying $15 million for a majority stake in the operation. Breakthrough Energy is one of KoBold’s principal investors; the venture capital mega-firm Andreessen Horowitz is also a backer...>

Andreessen Horowitz in the post:

It's ASMALLWORLD : CUOMO, AHLUWALIA, HELLER, and the Usual Suspect's Connections to SOLLIS HEALTH and NORTHWELL HEALTH: NY's Largest health care provider, private employer & blood lab
This is a continuation of research into the ASMALLWORLD network.. A SMALL WORLD private social club with members Jeffrey EPSTEIN, WEINSTEIN, Rothschild et al. Foundation connections to PLAN INTERNATIONAL..

Located on the Upper East Side, our flagship center has an on site lab for blood tests and the most advanced diagnostic equipment including MRIs, CTs and x-rays...
BEN KRUGER Co-Founder _ When Ben was Senior Vice President – Acquisitions at Vandewater Capital Holdings in New York, he managed portfolios in healthcare and media investments, which inspired him to help create compelling customer experiences in patient-centered healthcare. He was also Creative Director at Jesta Digital/Fox Mobile Studios after working as a writer and producer in Los Angeles.

Fox Digital Entertainment - Parent: Disney Parks, Experiences and Products (The Walt Disney Company)
Fox Digital Entertainment Teams Up With TinyCo for "FAMILY GUY" Mobile Game Coming in 2014 : TinyCo builds engaging game worlds .. The company's investors include Andreessen Horowitz, Pinnacle Ventures, and angel investors including Ron Conway and Keith Rabois

Weill Cornell and the Mason Lab are doing experimental COVID testing [?].. The Mason Lab doing the experimental testing is run by the mayor of Racine’s brother..

Racine partnering on new, quicker COVID-19 test - ... 11460.html

When Mayor Cory Mason learned that his brother, Christopher, an associate professor of genetics at the Weill College of Medicine at Cornell University, was part of a team developing a new, faster test for COVID-19, he saw an opportunity...When the test reached the point where its efficacy in the field could be tested, Christopher Mason reached out to Alison Kriegel, associate professor at the Medical College of Wisconsin and another Racine native and longtime friend of Christopher Mason’s.

The planned permanent space for the lab is in the basement of the City Hall Annex and is currently occupied by Tex Reynolds’ Toys for Tots.

Mason Lab website: they work with Memorial Sloan-Kettering, NY Presbyterian Hospital and NY Medical School. There seems to be an emphasis on youth... Daniela Bezdan is their main contact point for collecting DNA shipments to their lab.

she is heading the Mason wet lab team and collaborating with developmental teams of Illumina, Nanopore, Sage and Promega on cutting-edge new technologies. Daniela is also the co-founder and advisor for five biotech start-up companies. Finally, she heavily involved in several NASA studies including Mars Rover, ISS space station environment and the NASA twin study.

One of those start ups is Sensoria: .. they've set up a fake Mars stage on the island of Hawaii..

Hawaii’s Mars Simulations Are Turning Into Moon Missions - ... on/576295/
The Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, or hi-seas, was carried out in a small white dome nestled along the slope of a massive volcano called Mauna Loa. The habitat usually housed six people at a time, for as long as a year. ... Sometimes, as they drifted off to sleep, with nothing but silence in their ears, they really believed they were on Mars.

In February of this year, something went wrong. The latest and sixth mission was just four days in when one of the crew members was carried out on a stretcher and taken to a hospital..

But the habitat on Mauna Loa was not abandoned. While officials at the University of Hawaii and nasa investigated the incident, the wealthy Dutch entrepreneur who built the habitat was thinking about how the dome could be put to use...Henk Rogers made his money designing computer games, but he is passionate about space exploration, and particularly the idea of constructing human settlements on other worlds.
Henk Rogers and Richard Branson ... caribbean/
Rob was invited by Sir Richard Branson to Creating Climate Wealth Summit in the Caribbean, where energy prices are amongst the highest in the world...In 2013 Figueres helped launch the Global Ocean Commission to formulate politically and technically feasible recommendations that address key issues facing the high seas. He serves as co-Chair.

Rob with Henk Rogers, Director at Blue Planet Foundation and owner of Tetris.. He is a video game designer and entrepreneur, known for producing Japan’s first major turn-based role-playing video game The Black Onyx, securing the rights to distribute Tetris on video game consoles where the game found popularity, and the founder of The Tetris Company which licenses the Tetris trademark.
Illumina is in the news at the moment...

Illumina won £123m deal after David Cameron wrote to Matt Hancock ... -smf8q7nl3

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