Dr_Tyrone_Watermelon ago

is this why the WHO is talking about going into peoples homes and taking people out?

are they targeting children with this thinking?

take the children out of homes to "protect" them from this virus?

Specific_Fox ago

That's a possibility. One way to "protect" you from getting the virus is to knock you off. Problem solved.

moderator99 ago

Cheap stuff! Only $100 a kg.

$84,000 for an incinerator. I wonder how many bodies I could dispose of in a day?

Specific_Fox ago

How many do you need to dispose of? I'm sure you could stack 'em.

Fancy451 ago

IIRC the price of adrenachrome is around several billion per key.

Specific_Fox ago

Well either this is a knockoff or they're having a fire sale.

Cat_anon ago

Seems too cheap to be real

amarQ144 ago

kuz it is... "Carbazochrome" It's medical use is pretty much as a topical to cause blood clotting...like on hemorrhoids,...so it is arguably true that a lotta assholes use the stuff. It is also a common "Analytical Reagent" used in chem-labs everywhere.

Specific_Fox ago

This ad doesn't say it's synthetic. Says it's "high quality". Regardless of what it can be used for, it still appears to come from adrenalized humans from all sources online.

amarQ144 ago

nah...Synth process was patented I do believe in '65...a number of processes and compounds similar as well. How much do you pay for good coke where you live? (don't answer that) By comparison this "reagent" is around 25 cents a gram. Snort at yer own risk. It does make one wonder why other similar chemical structures, like epinephrine (also synth...same family) are so much more expensive.

Specific_Fox ago

Infected chili powder. The gift that keeps on giving.

MrBateman ago

JFC you search adrenochrome on alibaba and it shows options for "High Efficiency Human Body Cremator For Crematorium Made In China Cremation Machine Corpse Incinerator"

FatFreddiesCat ago

Tucked right between the list of adrenichrome ads

"You might also need this"-

Cremation Machine Corpse Incinerator

zx9000 ago

hahaha, AI advertising bot is trying to help... That is fucking crazy.

Specific_Fox ago

Guess they figure if you need one you might need the other.

verboten ago

"People who bought X also bought ..."

Specific_Fox ago

If you scroll down on that link, you'll see one. Only $84,000. Good to know if you need one and can afford it, I guess.

moderator99 ago

Grndma is geting on and she never saved for her own funeral. It's your choice.

MrBateman ago

Should sell these with a gps in them