Whitening ago

They're only worried about a collapse of 3RD WORLD populations

jstressman ago

This article hand waves away the threat to whites by appealing to an average global decline. They only mention the drastic increase of blacks as an aside they don't go into.

That's the whole problem. The higher IQ civilized societies are shrinking while the low IQ primitives are exploding and now they want to move all the extra blacks from Africa into white countries to make up the loss... this predicated on the WILDLY false premise of blacks being, on average, no different to whites in IQ and temperament. The objectively false "blank slate" narrative so cherished by the left, and even clung to by civic nationalists who think that culture is the only difference and civic values the great uniter of these otherwise fundamentally equal people.

I lament the fact that most of western civilization won't be around to see and grasp when the failure of this ideology becomes undeniably apparent.

They'll probably still deny the true causes... "lead pipes and Rome" and all that.

FreeinTX ago

The only population in danger of collapse, and therefore a catastrophe, is the population of whites.

Anon83 ago

We should be so lucky.

totallynotFBI ago

The great filter is not enough people getting laid once they figure out how to substitute for the need for sex. Whodathunkit. Here's hoping humans are horny enough.

ardvarcus ago

The only population that's collapsing right now is the white population. However, when whites disappear, all the goodies the blacks, browns and yellows depend on go with us, and then they will see a population collapse of epic proportions.

BeingUseful ago

At least the yellows have the cognitive capacity to steal our technology and emulate it. They may not be much on the innovation front, but if we invent it, they can copy it and use it.

Here's hoping that if the first base on Mars isn't whites, it's at least Japanese.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Now is the time to educate yourself on Blockchain to be part of the next master group.

thebearfromstartrack ago

Also the niggering of the population. White people are smart enough to escape this madness. Niggers are too stupid to realize until the welfare checks and other freebies are terminated and there is nobody to blame but themselves.

Tallest_Skil ago


Good would be several billion nonwhites.

by 2021


Nosfewratsjews ago

More specifically, if we shed the low-IQ, unproductive useless-eaters. Amusingly, all that has to happen is a "collapse" that ends the Welfare system that allows them to exist in the first place. What a coincidence, it appears right around the corner.

Nosfewratsjews ago

What Musk and Ma call a problem, I call the solution.

undertheshills ago

The solution is pure bred african niggers.

Nosfewratsjews ago

The solution is a mind virus that makes people give up trying. It's almost finished.

novictim ago

So dumb. The only criteria that matters is PER CAPITA GDP. Not overall GDP.

So population decline in the 3rd world is a GREAT THING. Make is happen.