guinness2 ago

Unfortunately we don't have accurate statistics on the worst nation for rape because it many Muslim countries, raping little boys is "normal" and raping little girls is called marriage and if a woman reports being raped then she'll be raped by the police and then murdered by the community for the sharia crime of adultery or honor killed by her parents for being "impure".

Perhaps the Muslim space program would be more than a semen stained goat carcass if Muslims didn't solve all of their problems using rape and murder?

derram ago :

Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now? - Telegraph :

Teenage girl victim of grooming gang 'raped by 30 men in just six hours including father and schoolboy son' | Daily Mail Online :

Report about Asian grooming gangs was supressed to avoid inflaming racial tension - Telegraph :

Detectives hunt group of 'Asian men' after 17-year-old girl gang-raped in woods | The Independent :

Police 'hid' abuse of 60 girls by Asian takeaway workers linked to Charlene Downes murder | Daily Mail Online :

Police 'hid' abuse of 60 girls by Asian takeaway workers linked to Charlene Downes murder | Daily Mail Online :

'Five men trafficked 13-year-old runaway so they could abuse her' | Daily Mail Online

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