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fogdryer ago

just found this on reddit, had to post

How the Clintons captivated Hollywood movie-makers and the lackeys in the press, painting a romantic and imaginary view of America and its lost horizons, under the Clintons. Hillary's father, Hugh Rodham, Sr., was reportedly a "fixer" and "bagman" for banks and insurance companies, here and overseas. Her brothers have reportedly aligned themselves with business in the former Soviet Union, described by some as with the criminal oligarchs of the Russian mafiya and their laundry banks. In the Clinton administration, there was no effective scrutiny or restraint of the Russian criminals operating in U.S. big cities, like Chicago, Cleveland, and New York. America's secret political police, the FBI, the CIA, and the DEA, have been willfully blind. With impunity, dope from Southwest Red China floods into the U.S. through Chicago as a major intake point. According to law enforcement personnel, the Rodhams reportedly stem from links to the Gambino crime family in Scranton, Pennsylvania. We were among the first to publicly mention that Bill and Hillary are a CIA couple, each from an early age with their own separate agenda. Operating under the wing of the CIA Station Chief in London, Bill pretended to be an alleged "draft evader", a convenient cover to infiltrate the Viet Nam Peace movement in Europe. So sponsored and financed, he went to Moscow with shadow Strobe Talbott, and somehow together they unearthed the secret transcript of Krushchev lambasting the old-line Stalinists. Used as propaganda by the American CIA. Hillary became Board Chairman of a reputedly CIA proprietary, the New World Foundation, financing CIA agents provocateurs used to frame up and discredit real dissidents. Jointly with George Herbert Walker Bush, Hillary was reportedly involved in supplying weapons in the 1980s to Iraq in their war with Iran. The purpose was to keep up the price of oil for the worldwide oil cartel. The Elder Bush reportedly had a sizeable financial stake in the U.S. unit of a French firm, American LaFarge. Hillary was on their Board of Directors. They apparently supplied the ingredients to Bagdad for the making of poison gas used by Iraq against their own dissidents the Kurds, and against the wave after wave of exceptionally young soldiers of Iran in that conflict. And used against U.S. troops during the Persian Gulf War, implicated some say, partly as the cause of the Gulf War Syndrome. Hillary and her reputed lover and law partner, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., played key roles through the twin infamous enterprises, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, BCCI, and Banca Nazionale Delavoro, BNL, owned in part by the Vatican. The Atlanta branch of BNL supplied some 5 bi dollars, disguised as Agriculture Department loans, for weapons for Iraq. The Chicago branch of BNL laundered billions of dollars of Persian Gulf oil kick-backs from the weak sheikdoms to the Elder Bush and his private business partner of the decade of the 1980s, the Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein.

Commoner ago

Bush Sr said that Bill Clinton was like a son to him. Jr said he was like a brother. And Jeb was suppose to run against his sister-in-law for president?

carmencita ago

That is certainly an Eyeful AND and Earful. They have built quite a little business for themselves while plundering around the globe. If I may add the infamous Railroad Tracks Case