Vindicator ago

Interesting find, Eric. The butterfly stuff is sketchy, since that was one of the explicit pedo symbols listed by the FBI. However, it doesn't incorporate the heart-in-heart design.

Just looking at her blog, this woman comes off to me as legit. Check out her guilty call for donations:

So far, in my time with our artisans in Haiti, I have not had to do that. I never wrote support letters to ask for personal financial support, though I am no stranger to the process as I did my fair share of personal fundraising when I was an endorsed “missionary” with both Young Life and Youth with a Mission in my twenties and thirties.

For me, I have tried to make the business of creating jobs in Haiti able to support all the foreign staff (including myself) in order to make it sustainable and because we are all (I hope) worth our pay. Being paid with a percentage of the artisan goods so that I too can support my family doesn’t always sit right though. There isn’t a month that goes by where I don’t feel guilty about what I have and what I can spend money on. Can I take the kids to Disneyland? Can I buy those shoes? What about my pets? Is my dog allowed to have a better life and be better fed than so many Haitians ever have? The financial burden is strong and confusing. There is no way that it feels right. On one hand, for business to be strong and sustainable, it needs to be able to robustly support all its staff- from top to bottom. And for years we were able to do this. But in a down-turn, I have been forced to make decisions about who should be laid off or have their hours cut and what the business can actually support.

The present time has been tough and with this past year’s political unrest in Haiti, we have reached an impasse. Let me be clear, we are not in despair and are very hopeful and know that this downturn is temporary. Our move to a new location, the return of stability in the country, and our efforts like never before on marketing are going to pay off! (I really believe that!)

But at this time, I can no longer justify keeping my salary while cutting hours to mothers and fathers who desperately need the income to feed their babies. Just last week, Nadia looked me in the eye and told me that her one day of week she was able to work was not enough to feed her three children let alone send them to school. My aching heart! These are my friends!

So, should I just quit? You might ask… I’m not sure that would give the outcome I would be after. If I quit and try to get a job that can pay what I need, the business, and everything that has been built would undoubtedly begin to unravel. My role in the company as the “bridge” to the market is real and necessary for what we need to survive and thrive again. I can’t minimize the fact that the artisans would be hurt by my abandoning my post. But how can I stay and not take money from the business during these difficult times? I too need to support my family. How can I choose to keep them working and allow myself to be let go from the burden of payroll?

There is only one way. I need you. I need to raise independent support for myself to be able to stay in the missional position of creating opportunity for artisans to earn an income. The scripture passage above states it so well, “the Lord will satisfy my needs”. I am in a place where I need to step out in faith and rely on the generosity of personal donors to give generously in order for me to be able to continue working.

I would like to humbly ask you to consider becoming a monthly donor to help me continue the work in Haiti. I hate asking, but I hate looking at Nadia’s children in need even worse. I am hoping to raise at least $3500 per month in donations so that I can free up those available resources to keep our moms and dads working first! If I can find 100 friends to commit to $35 per month, I will be able to keep doing my job.

The good news is that all donations can be made to Papillon Empowerment, which is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit charity, so support will be tax deductible. Any amount above what I need for my monthly pay will be used to help with training, emergency needs and the work that Papillon Empowerment is doing in Haiti.

Will you join me? My hope is that prosperity returns soon, and your commitment is temporary, but I would be humbled and grateful to have you on my team for 2020! If you ready to partner with me please click the donate button below. Thank you so much for being willing to invest in me and join me in this incredible journey!

EricKaliberhall ago

However, it doesn't incorporate the heart-in-heart design.

The first thing I saw when I clicked the marketplace-link was the 'Davidson Heart Ornament', that's the heart-in-heart design. Then I noticed a pizza at 2:35 in the 'Beauty is Changing Lives' video. They get promoted by Netflix and of course the Clinton foundation.

It's been annoying me all weekend, I just had to get some fresh eyes on this one. Kek, I'm seeing swirls all over, bro...

If you think it's legit, should I take it down?

Vindicator ago

I think it's 50/50. Could be legit, or it could be fake-legit to cover for child trafficking. I would leave it up, for all the reasons you just stated.

Fateswebb ago

well, just thinking about the way the "charity" works... It seems legit to me too. like the thing is the bad charities want to kidnap your kids, so finding ways to not kidnap them seems counter productive to them... this is probably legit, she is finding ways for moms to keep their kids... instead of kidnapping them lolol...

EricKaliberhall ago

Thank you @Fateswebb, I've been down the rabbit-hole all weekend and I really needed some feedback.

SerialChiller ago

Butterfly symbolism - is a little bit of a coincidence?

TomThung ago

These micro-businesses were scams set up to entrap the Haitian people. They loan the people money to start and when they can't repay they take a child or organ for payment. The fucker Carlos Slim with his free pre-paid phones were how they coordinated everything . Be very alert before you buy anything.

derram ago :

Clinton Foundation in Haiti 2015: Artisans - YouTube :

Papillon: Beauty is Changing Lives - YouTube

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