Vindicator ago

Any evidence this involved kids?

MercurysBall2 ago

In the video the reporter says that the raid took place at a house near 27th Avenue and Indian School.

In this instagram post:

We met as planned at 27th Avenue and Indian School in Phoenix, which happens to be one of our main sex trafficking hubs. It's crazy, you get out of your vehicle and look across the street, and as the Officer who is there to patrol traffic for us said, "I looked at the pimps standing on the corner and there's some of their girls. They looked at me, I looked at them, then after a few minutes they walked away. They have no concern for us because they know no one is going to call to report them. So what are we going to respond to if there's no complaint?" Today, was amazing! It was great to see new faces and so many of you, whom I've met through Facebook only and you showed up. It was so wonderful to fight with you. We stood in the heat and raised our voices, held our signs with pride, and educated and raised awareness. It was also great to share openly, that because the AZ Common Ground campaign began to gain so much attention, we've decided to turn the campaign into a nonprofit organization, and as of earlier this week Respect our Daughters is now a new 501c3. Our goal is to sustain a long fight until we eliminate this ugly, disgusting plague which us targeting our children. Thank you to all of you who shared our posts and have stood by us since we began.

On Respect Our Daughters FB page:

Phoenix is one of the leading cities in our country for sex trafficking. People are buying and selling our children. On Wednesday, October 24th, 2018, at 6 PM, we are marching to get the word out to our city, to our state, that the attack on our children is over. Will you stand up for our children. Respect Our Daughters is a campaign to bring education and awareness to our fellow citizens to wake up and get active to eliminate sex trafficking.

Vindicator ago

Nope. That's perfect. Thanks. :-)

con77 ago

Phoenix leads the western hemisphere in home invasions and human trafficking. Cartel crime the press doesnt report on.