*>#Funtime Comics

Anthology Contributors: ... Regular international contributors include Zlatko Krstevski from Macedonia, Claudio Parentela from Italy and sisters Mary Knott and Beppi from Baltimore, United States.


"COMIC" of Child w hands cut off : http://comics.org.nz/funtime/graphics/covers/ftcp01.jpg

"BEST KEPT OUT OF THE HANDS OF CHILDREN"* http://comics.org.nz/funtime/graphics/covers/ftcp02.jpg



@think- More morbid art to dig

Funtime Comics


Heisenberg123 ago

This guy is crazy. I wonder if we can connect him to any other sick people.


I wonder if we can connect him to any other sick people.

Definitely. No damning evidence but I haven't found a legitimate artist on one of his blogs YET. Most of the scary creepy images are them not him . He is the connecting thread. Why so many blogs?

Will you dig :

''DIaBEtic DEW555'' ( http://diabeticdew555.blogspot.com )

We need to delegate or I'll miss something.

Heisenberg123 ago

Thx, I'll look into that.


Claudio Parentela

Born and raised in Catanzaro, Italy, artust Claudio Parentela isn’t the average creative mind. As a result, he created a life filled with activities he likes most. His collages describes itself best as “art with a freakish taste“. His pieces are a mix of paintings, photography and undefinable scribbles.


Parentela hasn’t been making art his entire life. Back in 1995, he decided to dedicate his entire life to art. He explains: “I feel fully free when I create art, shoot photos, cutting, painting and glueing. Freedom is the most essential object in life to me. It’s essential to breathe, to continually live day after day.” His decision to fully focus on his artistic career, happened by chance, when he “started drawing and painting compulsively.” Short after, he started to exhibit his work and soon collaborations with other artists followed. “Since then I never stopped.” In the meantime he became a professional succer for everything that inspires him, for example black ink. “For the first 14 years I’ve only drawn in black and white. I created many rivers of black Indian in. Hence, I love the thousand shades between the black and white of the ink. They’re like the thousand shades of the human soul.”

Drawing his inspiration from fashion, books and “everything that attracts my attention“, Parentelo commonly creates a diverse range of work. Big names such as Sara Vaughan, John Galliano and Karl Lagerfeld inspire him on a daily basis.

When asking about his survival method during lockdown, he has a resolute answer: “I don’t have a very social life, I like to stay locked up in my studio all day to work on my drawings, my paintings, my music and other projects. My life didn’t change much during the lockdown, except for the fact that I drew a lot more. Furthermore, I participated in many mail art projects and I drew, painted and sew many masks. In these strange days, in these dark days, the time has passed very quickly. It’s a strange feeling. But I made the most out of it.”



The rigidity of conventional responses to sexual imagery takes a beating in Parentela’s collages – their brutal exposition of the flawed humanity beneath and beyond the adland exterior is made obvious by crude overlays of cartoonish meta-commentary, or by cut-and-pasted features.

Does it make a difference that Claudio Parentela is a man?

On seeing his garish collages, the initial reaction is to misread the final vowel of his name and assume that the artist is of feminine gender. The conceptual attack on conventional images of femininity, and of feminine sexuality, are something we have grown to expect from a post-YBA crop of female artists hacking furiously at the dominant visual trope of the 21st century.

That it comes from a man then, is somewhat of an affront. It’s the difference between the anti-semite and the self-hating Jew; the diffference between the word ‘nigger’ uttered by the black emcee or yelled by the pasty-white EDL member; the arch self-definition by the outre ‘fag’ versus the vicious spitting of the same word as the blows rain down.

the difference between the anti-semite and the self-hating Jew

What right does a man have to confront the holy temple of the airbrushed, primped, teased and toned female form, attack it as visual fascism, as the endlessly-paraded passive-agressive definition of how a woman should look, should act, should be?

Talk of oppression is far-fetched. On the face of it, the heterosexual male has never had it so good. Western media saturates him constantly with sexualised imagery of idealised women, their allure a series of visual cues designed to appeal to his involuntary hormonal responses. These are pre-ordained, defined, restricted to a lowest common denominator choice of zones, curves, skintones. Conformity of stimulus is assumed, homogeneity of chemical triggers a given.


And if stockings and suspenders don’t turn him into a ravenous sex pest, there must be something wrong with him, right?

The rigidity of conventional responses to sexual imagery takes a beating in Parentela’s collages – their brutal exposition of the flawed humanity beneath and beyond the adland exterior is made obvious by crude overlays of cartoonish meta-commentary, or by cut-and-pasted features. In style, we see the colours and frivolity of pop-art combined with a Dadaist use of cynical absurdity. In composition, there is no point in ignoring the obvious influence of Picasso. It’s bright, disjointed, initially familiar, and then a little disturbing. Claudi Parentela lives and works in Cantanzaro, Italy.



Interview with artist/writer Claudio Parentela —

  1. Who are you and what do you do? I am Claudio Parentela, a visual artist and journalist freelance…. I live in Italy … in South Italy …. I do this wonderful work since over 20 years ….I paint, I create collages, installations. I also shoot a lot of photography, crazy videos, tons of illustrations, comics, etc.

''PAINTING 111''


  1. Why art? Oh… I feel completely absolutely free only when I’m amongst my “artistic things” and in my studio, with my photos, my papers, my colours, my glue, my scissors, my ropes, tapes, plastics, all my 1000 things I found around in the city. It’s been difficult to arrive here where I’m now but it’s a wonderful continuous magical journey, every moment and every day. ''ASSEMBLAGE 1867" ”ASSEMBLAGE 1867″ 3.What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist? Since I was a kid I drew strange beings with big eyes.I always drew terrible and long battles amongst these beings. I drew always eyes, eyes and again eyes. I don’t know why, perhaps I’ve always been interested in the study of the human soul.
  2. What are your favorite subject(s) and media(s)? I love fashion, high, low, weird fashion. Underground comics too, but really I don’t think to have and to love a particular favourit subject. I love to play with all in my creations, with all I feel, I watch, I smell. I drew and painted for years, only in black and white with tons of black indian ink. Then, I needed colors, the colors of new materials to know myself again. I like to experiment and reinvent myself again and again and again … to decompose me … to tie and untie myself in knots and then to knot them again and again …. ''ASSEMBLAGE 376'' ”ASSEMBLAGE 376”
  3. How do you work and approach your subject? The subject approaches me instantly, magically, every day. When I have my music, all my things all around me, all happen magically in a fantastic shamanic trance. Every day when I’m in my studio, I program absolutely nothing. I’ve no idea of what I’ll do, but in few moments all flows magically on the paper. ''ASSEMBLAGE 2015'' ”ASSEMBLAGE 2015” "PAINTING 205" “PAINTING 205”
  4. What are your favorite art work(s), artist(s)? I love all the artists of all the times. Every artist has a wonderful gift to give, every artist’s work is unique and unrepeatable. I love Pablo Picasso, all his art, pure light and beauty.
  5. What are the best responses you have had to your work? During all these years, many years really, all good responses and results. Many many different things done, collaborations, shows. Always wonderful experiences and always fantastic people encountered. ''ASSEMBLAGE 139'' ”ASSEMBLAGE 139”
  6. What do you like about your work? The total freedom that I have. I feel free only so, when I create, and when I can express myself in my art. ''ASSEMBLAGE 1719'' ”ASSEMBLAGE 1719”
  7. What advice would you give to other artists? To be and to continue to be, and try to be themselves. It’s so important, and then to have fun to have fun to have fun . . . ''PAINTING 117'' ”PAINTING 117” 10.where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? I’ll be a cook on Mars. Claudio Parentela Claudio Parentela LINKS —

Website: http://www.claudioparentela.net

Blog: http://claudioparentel.altervista.org/

Facebook: https://www.faceboo k.com/claudio.parentela.1

Google Plus: https://plus. google.com/u/0/110183603506146850232

Tumblr: http://claudioparentela.tumblr.com/

Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/98296270@N03/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ClaudioParentela/videos



What is your earliest memory of wanting to be an artist? Since I was a kid I drew strange beings with big eyes.I always drew terrible and long battles amongst these beings. I drew always eyes, eyes and again eyes. I don’t know why, perhaps I’ve always been interested in the study of the human soul. https://www.artsillustrated.com/claudio-parentela-artistwriter/

SPIRALS AND GREYS from his Disturbing Black Ink series: https://web.archive.org/web/20070625214712/http://parentelacla.altervista.org/ILLUSTRATION35.jpg


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SearchVoatBot ago

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Can we replace the Belgrade sticky with this and flair it New Lead! or appropriate? I think the artist Parentela Claudio and the art/network promoted in his blogs are very much worth our digging and archiving... @vindicator @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall @shewhomustbeobeyed @think-

Vindicator ago

Sure :-)

Aasb ago

Imagine you work for covert government agencies where the budget plays no role and you're secured with impunity.

lets say your work deals with the study of the human mind and mindcontrol..they will provide you with what is needed, they will allow you to do the most outrageous experiments under the disguise for the greater good and national security. And when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back into you. So you study the dark and forces greater than you study you back. You become a vehicle of something you don't understand. What we see on the surface of society, dealing with all its degeneracy seems like the symptoms, or like the lighter version of what is being done in the hidden.


Then imagine you have the audacity to call yourself an Artist.

Aasb ago

Thank you for your work in general. Hope you detox your mind with lighthearted stuff too.


Can I put you in charge of perusing this blog?

''ELvis IN hawaii'' ( http://elvisinh.blogspot.com/ )

I need some help if you can! Thanks!

Aasb ago

This will need time. General browsing or anything specific?


Just general browsing for confirmations or symbolism that indicates those featured are connected by more than just an odd artistic taste.

Aasb ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply.

the following doesn't have to mean anything, it's just the one stuff that caught my attention.


First link on the right side: ClaudioParentela'sOfficialSite

short bio about him "..Active since many years in the international underground scene."

could have a double meaning

followed by magazines, institutions, clubs, etc. he collaborated with.

Look at this find: Mystery Island Magazine. I couldn't find this specific term on a general search,

but I found Mystery Island Publications (mysteryisland.net) and I'm not sure if those two are connected or not. Very possible.

nevertheless: Insecure website.

I don't know what to think about that, but it's hightly suspicious.

comic drawing of an underground pizza party, there is one link called MAP.

and this is written on their front page,:


"The Secret Society is running low on pizza!

What can you do, dear citizen?

Back the Mystery Island Kickstarter!

Get in on the underground floor!

Receive official pulp book digests!

Limited edition trading cards!

Original art by Mort Todd, and other rare merchandise!

Just click the Pizza Party to join in on the fun!"

Bradley Mason Hamlin is someone you wanna look into I guess, the author/poet who writes the stories on MIP. comic stories about secret societies for example. http://www.mysteryisland.net/bradleymasonhamlin.html

He's also mentioned in the "The Literary Underground Wiki". Seems to be another weird page.


Sage Club Berlin (similarites to the double heart logo on the front page)

their homepage: https://www.sage-club.de/Sage Club Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rockatsage/ a few pics with pyramid symbolism, satanic imagery.

Also a collab with Panda Club in Italy, seems to be a restaurant, nothing out of the ordinary on a superficial look.


Most stuff in the list is hard to find on a classic google search, seems like he repeats a few colaborations. others lead to many broken pages. I guess a lot of his work is from the past and with entities that no longer exist or who changed their name.

To anyone reading, feel free to browse the rest, there's just too much stuff with no order. and other than similar art style there's not much to find, maybe there is if we dig deeper.

My personal opinion is that his kind of art is part of the deconstruction of orderly things..being life forms or concepts.

it also comes across like expressions of dissociation, maybe hints to MPD or DID which are results of trauma.

a lot of psycho artists also like to brag about their hidden degeneracy. for example, the colors they use may be real fluids from their victims. they alter pictures of them and put it on wide display cause noone notices while they get off. or some sound examples from their songs are the recordings of tortured victims. slightly altered.


Thank you for your words and caring reminder. I will maintain the balance.

Heisenberg123 ago

Great finding and thanks for making a new thread. This finding is so big that I wonder how it wasn't made before here or elsewhere because I can't find anyone talking about it. It's maybe because it's easier to find it through posting her email in search engine than simply posting her name - I've found it now on page 11 while posting just her name.

We need to definitely look into Claudio as well, I don't know if it's normal for him and he seems to be interested in ritualistic stuff - but he posted that interview with Djurdjevic on 3:33 AM. He could know secrets of Djurdjevic or not know them at all - he's interviewing tons of artists and there's interesting pattern of them creating something very disturbing. His favs on Flickr are something else.

The biggest thing here is how she confirms our worst imaginations on this topic.


His favs on Flickr are something else.

Everything reeks.

As far as the quote/interview/blog, I found it on the second page of duck duck go when searching her email.

Heisenberg123 ago

I've found that Claudio interview with Djudrjevic was saved (archived) 7 times between April 23, 2017 and August 22, 2018, so someone definitely did saw it https://web.archive.org/web/2018*/https://thethermostatandthegreendragoon.blogspot.com/2007/10/interview-with-biljana-djurdjevic.html

The interview is also mentioned here back in 2016: https://archive.org/stream/PizzagateHow4ChanUncoveredTheSickWorldOfWashingtonsOccultEliteTheVigilantCitizen_201612/Spirit%20Cooking%20Pizzagate%20on%20John%20Podesta%2C%20Marina%20Abramovic%2C%20cannibalism%20%20child%20trafficking%20_%20True%20Freethinker_djvu.txt

Source: http://www.truefreethinker.com/articles/spirit-cooking-pizzagate-john-podesta-marina-abramovic-cannibalism-child-trafficking

But with other context than we focused here in this thread:

The worse comes from Biljana Djurdjevic. Djurdjevic noted that some influences are “German philosophy like Friedrich Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Schiller, writers like Kafka, Bulgakov, Bela Hamvas, David Bowie.” Asked, “How do you dream up with your wacky ideas? What is your creation process?” she noted, in part, “maybe it is compilation of my thoughts that I collect through ordinary day…or seeing an other victim of paedophilia for this and other subjects unfortunately I didn’t need any imagination. Just a pure reality.”

She also stated, “I think I have compulsive behavior…the moment I finish work I don’t look at that canvas.” Asked “What is the strangest thing you have ever done?” her reply was “There is no such thing in my life; probably that is the strangest thing” (Parentela Claudio’s Interview with Biljana Djurdjevic October 18, 2007 AD).

Here are some paintings which depict occult ritual type poses such as those seen to be related to the movie “The Devil Rides Out” (and note the homage to Disney via the Mickey Mouse shirt).


awesome added to OP

Great Work @Heisenberg123