3141592653 ago

When i saw the title, I was excited get a valid list of names. But this list is not accurate and is very concerning.

cueanon2 ago

The majority of names from the flight manifests are merely two initials, such as GM. Some only have a first name. But there are also some with complete first and last names. I wrote down some of them from a source on www.scribd.com. The URL is https://scribd.com/document/365409235/Epsteinn-Flight-Manifests

Some of the names are listed here, not all.

Naomi Campbell. Kevin Spacey. Lawrence Summers. Bill Clinton. Alan Dershowitz. Stephen Hawking. Glen Dublin. George Mitchell. Bill Richardson. Doug Band. Nicole Junkermann. Oliver Sachs. Steven Pinker. Gwendolyn Beck. Sandy Berger. Shelly Lewis, Cindy Lopez.

In addition one entry is merely a last name, which is "Wasserman." (9-23-02) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? There's an entry, "Lyn Forester." (1-25-98) Would that be Rothschild? Keep in mind that Epstein also had a "black book" containing more full names.

theHare ago

I’ve read the book. This doesn’t seem accurate. Are you intentional disinfo?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Walt Disney? He died in the 30s didn't he?

millennial_vulcan ago

JENNA JAMESON is dropping one truth bomb after another to her 140K followers on Twitter. (Thank you @fogdryer for first posting on V/Pizzagatewhatever.)

Jenna has literally covered every thread made here on V/PGate, including all the latest. Her most recent tweet is a direct response to Skippy: “You surfaced from your pedo dungeon to post this drivel? We see you, evil animal!”

Please go show your support @jennajames (before Twitter goes dark again!)

Share + Repost. Thank you.

kazza64 ago

“Some people are just, like really into the evil shit – Yarvo! [Referring to film director, David Yarovesky].”


Mind_Games ago

Guess we know why Tom Hanks ran to Greece and became a citizen there.

Mad_As_Helll ago

This post is inaccurate and confusing bullshit. If we want people to believe us, we’ve got to present things meticulously. This kind of post hurts our cause greatly.

fogdryer ago

Would you like to write the post?

Vindicator ago

Fogdryer, what's going on here? People are saying you're naming names not supported in your links, but you haven't fixed the submission. Is this deliberate disinfo? Did you not take the time to check this stuff out before posting it? I thought you were beyond making these kinds of submissions.

Not sure whether it was @EricKaliberhall or @darkknight111 who flaired this for Rule 2, but they are correct. It's times like now that we need to be at our best if we want to bring down the corrupt child abusers. We can't afford posts like this.

You have had a problem with this type of thing in the past and been warned multiple times. I really don't want to have to ban any OG pizzagate researchers. But I will if you don't honor the submission rules.

fogdryer ago

I took down the post. No worries

I thought the links I provided were accurate.

My bad

I’ll try harder to stay out of there

Vindicator ago

Thanks. Next time there is something like this that might be full of disinfo, post it with a "Help needed verifying" type headline if you don't think you can vet it properly yourself. Also post archives of stuff to avoid including facebook tracking codes if you don't know how to remove them.

fogdryer ago

Yea I screwed up the Facebook tracking code....🥴

But I really thought all those links together had my back

My bad.

argosciv ago

Indeed. How it got ~25 unanswered upvotes is ridiculous, though I strongly suspect at least 10 of those to be disingenuous upvotes from a collection of subversive users and their alts who constantly seek to bog pizzagate down with disinformation and confirmation bias.


moderator99 ago

I agree that we need to be far more meticulous in how we present information. If someone is going to catalog names in the docs or whatever, they should provide enough info to lead back to the source.

PatriotLove ago

Let's start a meme where we share the screen shot of the log on these sickos socials

tech-adm ago

Did a few random searches in the provided document cloud link and some names came up and some didn't.

argosciv ago

Yep. Once again we have another bullshit post trying to smear Jim Carrey among others.

Note also that OP included a facebook click id parameter in the documentcloud link, which is otherwise a 'security risk' in that it allows google analytics to map all clicks from this voat.co submission back to the facebook post from which OP got their link. This will otherwise enable the media and other relevant malicious parties to further slam all pizzagaters as disinformation pushers when they use the analytics data to paint a picture of the spread of disinformation.


FantomasSF ago

Are these verified within this doc? What page are the names being mentioned on?

argosciv ago

Are these verified within this doc?

No, they aren't, and as such this post's claims are not supported by the links provided. Indeed many of these names cannot be supported as being relevant to this post with any evidence whatsoever. Therefore, this submission – aside from being disinformation appealing to confirmation bias – breaks subverse rules and should be flaired with 24 hours grace at absolute minimum.

With that said, OP has been around for a long damn time and knows the rules about supporting claims with evidence and this is far from their first offense in terms of spreading unsupported claims and/or disinformation.

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @EricKaliberhall

trseeker ago

Trump never went to the island, he was on the plane from Florida to New Jersey.

fogdryer ago

I said partial. 😂😂😂😂