kestrel9 ago

Prostasia: Chat site for MAP (Minor attracted people) age 13 and up? WTF. Oh it's a 'child protection nonprofit'!

Jeremy Malcolm

Jeremy Malcolm is Executive Director of Prostasia Foundation, a child protection nonprofit that is also human rights focused and sex-positive. He is also a member of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) of the IGF and former Senior Global Policy Analyst at the EFF, where he worked on EFF's international team on issues such as Intellectual Property, Internet Governance, intermediary liability and trade. At ICANN, Malcolm is involved in the NCSG (Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group).[1]

Jeremy was a co-founder of the Best Bits civil society network, Coordinator of the Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus, member of the Internet Governance Civil Society Coordination Group, and steering committee member of the OECD's Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council.

Malcolm wrote the first book on the Internet Governance Forum, based on his PhD thesis in law, titled "Multi-stakeholder Governance and the Internet Governance Forum" (2008).

He also maintained, between 2007 and 2020, a critical blog about the Internet Governance Forum called IGFWatch.

gamuil ago

At first, I thought Prostasia might be quirky and misguided liberals who listen way too much to pedophiles, but anyone with a working brain knows a pedophile run chat site is a place no minor should ever be.

They got suspended by Discord in 2018 for "sexualizing children" and Prostasia defended them. Prostasia exaggerated their ties to Lucy Faithful Foundation, a prestigious prevention org, who were only there for two weeks before they got booted for trying to stop them sexualizing children.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Another grooming operation.

lopus ago

On Twitter do a search for #map ... especially in combination with #mappositivity #mappride ("map" alone might lead to confusing results as there are also normal accounts using it for "touristic maps"..) - you will get lots of results. If you pick one of those accounts + check the followers.... you can find some really weird looking accounts... usually hidden from the normal twitter user (but there are now also anti-pedo-accounts using those hashtags!). Many of them have cartoon-like avatars.

Jack obviously does not care about this - but much more about so called "hate speech" and Qanon-accounts.

gamuil ago

twitter . com / ProstasiaInc / status / 1270394232071749636 Candice. Another name on the list.

gamuil ago

www . docdroid . net / f2HaDtR / letter-to-twitter-re-maps-redacted-1-pdf Jeremy Malcolm of Prostasia signed the letter which led to it.