Shillaxe ago

My guess is the virus is to scare everyone away from paper money to digital currency.

3141592653 ago

Could be. Something fishy is going on.

think- ago

Kirby Sommers, who says she is a sex slave survivor and sells info to her followers on Twitter, asked people to go to their Tiwitter account and 'wish them a speedy recovery'. :-/

Tom and Rita Hanks have tested positive for the Coronavirus.

Please go to his account and wish them a speedy recovery. Meanwhile, Trump has said all is okay.

In another new tweet, she asks for financial support, because she alleges knows wwhere Ghislaine Maxwell may be found.

In an AMA she did on Reddit , she seem- to use her business url as her screenname.

And recently, she sent a video to her supporters with footage of an actual human sacrifice (at least she said so).

She may telll the truth re having been kept as a sex slave, but all of the above is a bit disconcerting.

@MercurysBall2 @gamepwn @darkknight111

MercurysBall2 ago

Kirby Sommers asks for money 'because she alleges knows where Ghislaine Maxwell may be found'. Uh huh...

On another note, looking at who is being affected by the coronavirus:

Tom Hanks

Rick Scott

Voat post: Meghan Markle, the Portland Hospital and HCA Healthcare - which takes us to Rick Scott, ... and the Florida ratlines....

Royal family of Norway Royal family of Norway placed into quarantine

Voat post: Yet another Kevin Spacey Accuser Dies.

Princess Mette-Marit and Prince Haakon holiday with Bill Gates

Interesting times.

think- ago

Interesting times.


gamepwn ago

Yes I got the word out last night!

This is all pizzagate connected in a lot of ways. This is ether the start of Martial Law/FEMA Camps which will lead to laws changed (i.e. pedophilia for the elite under an NWO) or the storm. Time will tell. If it is the arrests it is ingenues but it can also be a ploy to fake there deaths. I've been covering all of this. The National Guard is deployed in New Rochelle, New York right now and it leaves me with such a sour feeling I won't lie. I hope we can really trust the U.S. Military and this is not the cabals plan.

think- ago

I hope you and your family will stay safe, @gamepwn. God bless.

gamepwn ago

You too think! Stay safe. God bless you as well.

think- ago

Thank you, @gamepwn. :-)

You might want to check out the vids about the Gotthard tunnel opening in Switzerland on YT a few years ago, which was a satanic ritual imo.

There's a scene with a crowd of people covered in dust and coughing iirc. Always looked odd to me, like a hint what they planned for the future for us ordinary citizens in the West....

siegnagel ago

He's full of shit. I bet any money that 'self isolating' is the new celeb virtue signalling. Anyway, if he has got it, I hope it destroys him.

plancktonne ago

What is with the one glove in the trash on Hank's Instagram? Others here commented his Instagram has a lot of weird pics of single things like socks. Is this some occult thing or just a running joke.

carmencita ago

He also has pics of just one shoe. So morbid. Always reminds me of death scenes where there is one stray shoe. One sick pervert.

think- ago

He also posted a weird pic of him, Oprah, and another woman where he has a black eye (sic), and holds a note with a weird message. He is certainly into occult shit and one of them.

Watch the video of R. Gervais's Oscar speech, and look at Hank's facial expression when Gervais says Epstein was their friend. Priceless.

3141592653 ago

He acts like it's a joke, but I'm pretty sure most of us here find it odd, if not suspicious...

WithTheTruth ago

Coronavirus is not a lie or ploy. It is real and it is much, much worse than the flu. It will get much worse.

Coronavirus was already preading in Wisconsin in early October. How are Wisconsin scientists involved?

Many more will get it. Tom Hanks is Evil and deserves much worse, but he will survive this too. Not all will however. Some may claim to have it but do not, however this is only The Beginning of something much greater.

This is about silencing The Truth, and every aspect of pizzagate is involved including Anthony Weiner, Jeff Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and even Corey Feldman. They have openly shown how the system works, and how deep it goes. Everyone remembers the two Coreys from the movies, and everyone knows Tom Hanks.

Corey serves his role as a controlled puppet begging for scrap stardom. He is Luciferian victim turned predator and extortion artist serving for disclosure and fake opposition. Mac Culkin is similar. Others including Leo have better success.

What does Kristin Bauer van Straten have in common with the two Coreys, and why is that significant to Tom Hanks?

Why was That 70’s Show set in Racine, Wisconsin?

What is the significance of Jeff Epstein being a member of the Knights of Pythias and linked to Racine?

The elite can outlast the rest as long as it is controlled. This will set the stage for what is to come. Who are major investors in space?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

What is The Parousia?

Roughpatch ago

What is it?

think- ago

He won't tell you, because he is trollbot.

Roughpatch ago

That news broke early today...already has dust on it.

think- ago

Such a charming guy...

Roughpatch ago

I know, I know!

3141592653 ago

Even if it is real... For the first celebrity to come forward and say that have it.. Be Tom Hanks?! It's just all way too hard to take at face-value/seriously. Like... They day after Weinstein in his bullshit fake wheelchair goes to jail, and Corey Feldman tells the world that Charlie Sheen raped young Corey Haim.... All of a sudden, the first public figure with Coronavirus is T. Hanks?! For the life of me, i don't believe it whatsoever! Also, with all due respect, i do NOT think Feldman deserves to be called a predator. I am NOT cool with his whole Angels thing at all, but "predator" is another level, and there is zero evidence of that. Cheers.

2020Parousia ago

The Parousia is the Return of The Truth and Jesus Christ..

The Truth has been Shared with All since The Beginning

Why would George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ in Racine, Wisconsin?

How was George Sweigert exposed in Racine, and what happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

This is not a drill, or a joke, or a game, or a LARP.

Corey Feldman is compromised and Luciferian. He mocks Jesus Christ and The Truth.

Corey Haim knows about the predators in Racine from his time filming Fever Lake with Mario Lopez.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting involving Paul Ryan and the reason why he and so many other officials resigned.

We are the reason for the extreme censorship of the Internet including Reddit, 8chan and Voat.

We are the reason why Donald Trump closed The Deal in Racine from the public.

We are the reason why the False Prophet QAnon was created.

What is The Rapture?

What is The Mark of the Beast?

Why is Racine the model for the real Agenda of Eternal Enslavement?

What is The Path of Souls?

The Truth they cannot Allow the World to Know is in Racine, Wisconsin.

Roughpatch ago

Hiem is dead so he doesn't know much.

Vindicator ago

What is artificial intelligence? What is a bot? How might it be used to distract, discourage and demoralize survivors of child sexual abuse?

fogdryer ago

Tom Hanks just announced he and his wife have the Coronavirus, mariah carey, and others

3141592653 ago

Mariah carey now too.!? Again, maybe im wrong, but i am NOT buying this

QualityControl ago

All I can find about Mariah Carey is that she cancelled a concert, I don't see anything about her being infected.

Call_Of_Goat ago

Those poor pedophiles

3141592653 ago

Fist bump