think- ago

Foxnews and CBS report that Bloomberg drops out of the Presidential race.


So at least we will have only one candidate who is in Epstein's address book.

kestrel9 ago

Is @MercuryBall2 an alt of yours? half /s If so why delete the other comment?

think- ago

Huh? No, it's not an alt of mine. rolls eyes I don't talk to myself, you know. /half s

@MercurysBall2 @Vindicator

kestrel9 ago

Do you know why @MercuryBall2 would delete the hit and run on Trump that was pure speculation? Their bigger fish to fry comment might have some leads to research on "non political" topics.

think- ago

No, I didn't even know they deleted their comment before you mentioned it.

I suggest to PM them, and ask them. Thanks.

@MercurysBall2 @Vindicator

kestrel9 ago

I'm finding interesting info from their posted research, thanks.

MercurysBall2 ago

I deleted my comment because I thought my remarks re Trump would not go down well with some people on here and I don't want to get into a discussion or any drama about politics which I think is a distraction atm from other areas I'm currently researching.

As I said in my original comment I'm currently looking into the Georgia Atlanta area as I'm finding many weird connections re the CDC, the Coca Cola company, the Pendergrast brothers (one of whom is the writer Mark Pendergrast who is part of the 'debunk SRA' lobby), Elton John's presence in that area etc.. I will soon post about that.

Didn't mean to cause any drama @think-

kestrel9 ago

Thanks for the info, I appreciate that. I know that feeling of not wanting to get distracted. Good luck with your research :)

MercurysBall2 ago


think- ago


think- ago

Silence among outlets that largely oppose Bloomberg’s candidacy regarding his connections to Epstein and those in his close social orbit is odd


Yet, the outlet did not make the direct connection that Sycamore Partners-backer Bloomberg is a friend of Wexner’s and has attended Wexner’s personal social parties for years prior to the most recent scandal.

The plot thickens...


MercurysBall2 ago

That's easy. The silence is because if they go after Bloomberg/Epstein it will bring in more details of Trump's connections. They don't want too many people red pilled. Too many people on Voat still swallowing the left/right paradigm Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, President Bill Clinton, Joe Torre and Billy Crystal at the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation 2008 Golf Classic July 14, 2008 at Trump National Golf Club in Briarcliff Manor, NY.

I have bigger fish to fry: Georgia, Atlanta; a murdered Georgian senator who called out Child Protective Services; the CDC, Coca-cola company; Peachtree Street at Five Points in Buckhead Atlanta; the Pendergrast brothers; Dr Tim Alefantis, his patents and studies on biowarfare viruses...

Meanwhile people still distracted by the the theatre of politics...None of it is real people.

carmencita ago

They are protecting Mike for a reason imo. Biden has made quite a few ridiculous gaffs. He seems to be doing good no matter what. Imo Bloomberg is waiting in the wings to takeover when Biden gets caught playing with someone’s hair or worse. It seems he’s their boy but I am waiting for him to implode bigly. And he will.

kestrel9 ago

Do you think HRC would run with him?

carmencita ago

Btw Lee Camp has put out info that Mike B has connections to JE and HW. And he includes a video. I have a colossal headache so haven’t watched. I was surprised since not many are speaking out.

carmencita ago

Ha. In a heartbeat. She learned nothing from her first run and made same mistakes the next run. She listens to no one. She is a Narcissist of epic proportions. It would give her a chance to run things maybe. We have no idea what they are planning. If Mime would win the deal could be that she would run the show. If she had the BP spot sh would be too old to run for Pres. 4 yrs later. This is her last shot in the drivers seat. If it happens. Good God. That scenario is frightening.

Shillaxe ago

"We have no idea what they are planning."

"We" seems an odd choice for wording, unless you work for another candidate.

carmencita ago

We means all those interested in the election. The outcome of who runs and bows out can change the votes. I don’t have to tell anyone who I’m for. When I came here most of us respected each other’s choices because we knew that the elites had been fooling all of us with their lies for years. We all have been had at one time or another. I find it odd that you would take my comment in favor of one candidate or another. It was meant only as a political discussion. Thanks for taking an interest.

kestrel9 ago

I've been working on a post regarding CDAN#37 (Wexner, homosexual Barry Diller and his wife Diane von Furstenberg, Epstein, Clintons, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine..more) and Chelsea Clinton ties to Barry Diller which fits in with this topic and the following:

Maybe Mike Bloomberg got some tips on running against Donald Trump from Hillary Clinton at dinner this week?

The former NYC mayor and current Democratic presidential candidate was spotted at Orso on Wednesday night with Hillary, as well as her daughter Chelsea Clinton. Also at their table were Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg, plus Annette de la Renta, we hear.

Sources said that the group was celebrating de la Renta’s birthday, which is later this month. The meal was so spirited that Chelsea’s husband, Marc Mezvinsky, was spotted telling another table, “I hope we weren’t too loud.” related story

America and so called 'New Establishment' (I'm just putting the list here and pointing out names related to the CDAN#37 and the above article. Haven't cross checked it yet on the Zerohedge article.

(Annotated by M.C. Piper)

1. Rupert Murdoch, billionaire global media baron financed by the Rothschild, Bronfman and Oppenheimer empires. (Widespread belief that Murdoch is Jewish is disputed. See below.)

  1. Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of the Apple computer conglomerate.

  2. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google, the Internet giant.

  3. Stephen Schwarzman and Pete Peterson, founders of the Blackstone Group, a financial investment giant, representing shadowy cliques of plutocratic predators.

  4. Warren Buffett, a longtime U.S. satellite of the European Rothschild family and one of the owners of the Washington Post publishing group.
  1. Bill Clinton, former president of the United States.
  1. Steven Spielberg, Hollywood producer and director, perhaps the most powerful man in the movie industry.
  2. Bernard Arnault, French industrialist whose growing empire produces such luxury label items as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Dom Perignon, among others.

9. Michael Bloomberg, billionaire New York mayor and possible presidential candidate who made his fortune in the financial news information industry.

10. Bill and Melinda Gates, the husband-and-wife team who are the rulers of the Microsoft computer colossas.

11. Carlos Slim Helú, Fortune magazine says this Mexican billionaire of Lebanese descent is the world’s richest man, controlling 200 companies that account for 7% of Mexico’s gross domestic product.

12. H. Lee Scott, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart.

13. Ralph Lauren, fashion industry tycoon.

14. Oprah Winfrey, widely promoted television personality.

15. Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg (husband and wife). Diller is a Hollywood figure who is now a major player in the television home shopping business. His wife is a major fashion designer.

  1. David Geffen, Hollywood business partner of aforementioned Steven Spielberg and a major movie industry figure in his own right.
  2. Howard Stringer, chief executive of the Sony corporation.
  3. Richard Parsons, African-American front man was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of directors for the Zionist rulers of the Time-Warner media empire. (Recently stepped down.)
  4. Al Gore, former vice president of the United States and father-in-law of an heir to the Schiff international banking fortune that financed the Bolshevik Revolution.
  5. Larry Ellison, chief executive officer of Oracle, the database software giant known for his patronage of Israeli causes.
  6. Herb Allen, head of the influential privately owned investment house of Allen & Co; he convenes an annual conclave of elite industrialists at Sun Valley, Idaho.
  7. Jeff Bewkes, recently became CEO at the Time-Warner media empire (which has long been under the influence of the Bronfman family and other Zionist elements).
  8. Jeff Bezos, the founder of the book and video Internet powerhouse.
  9. Peter Chernin, runs Fox News for Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch’s behind-the-scenes sponsors.
  10. Leslie Moonves, head of CBS, the fiefdom of the Sarnoff family.
  11. Jerry Bruckheimer, Hollywood producer— major films and weekly television.
  12. George Clooney, film star and supporter of liberal causes.
  13. Bono, rock star & global poverty activist.
  14. François Pinault, luxury brands king/art collector
  15. Roman Abramovich, Russian oilman and financial wheeler dealer.
  16. Ronald Perelman, billionaire cigar monopoly kingpin and head of the Revlon cosmetics giant.
  17. Tom Hanks, actor/producer
  18. Jacob Rothschild, global banking tycoon of the famed Zionist family and major behind-the-scenes influence in the United States through such associates as non-Jewish Warren Buffett.
  19. Robert DeNiro, actor/producer.
  20. Howard Schultz, founder of the Starbucks coffee shop chain.
  21. Robert Iger, head of the Walt Disney media conglomerate.
  22. Giorgio Armani, fashion designer and clothing tycoon.
  23. Jeffrey Katzenberg, partner of aforementioned Spielberg and Geffen.
  24. Ronald Lauder and Leonard Lauder, rulers of the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire; major figures in theWorld Jewish Congress.
  25. George Lucas, Hollywood producer (best known for the Star Wars films and marketing gimmickry empire).
  26. Harvey Weinstein and Bob Weinstein, major Hollywood producers.
  27. Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols (husband and wife). Sawyer is a television and “news” personality; Nichols is an influential Hollywood producer and director.
  28. Bruce Wasserstein, chief of the powerful Zionist investment house of Lazard and owner of New York magazine.
  29. Miuccia Prada, famed fashion icon and handbag designer.
  30. Steven Cohen, hedge-fund manager at SAC Capital Advisers.
  31. Tom Cruise, actor/producer closely associated with an organization known to have been taken over from within by assets of Israel's intelligence service.
  32. Jay-Z , rapper/entrepreneur
  33. Ron Meyer, chief of Universal Studios, now under Bronfman family empire control.
  34. Frank Gehry, architect.
  35. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former actor-turned-governor of California, closely associated with Rothschild family associate Warren Buffett (see above).
  36. Henry Kravis, leveraged buy-out king at Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts; his wife is a major player in the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based adjunct of the Rothschild family’s London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs.
  37. Karl Lagerfeld, head of the Chanel perfume empire.

53. Oscar and Annette de la Renta, fashion designers.

think- ago

Arnold Schwarzenegger, former actor-turned-governor of California, closely associated with Rothschild family associate Warren Buffett (see above).

I read that Schwarzenegger visited Jacob Rothschild in England before running for go v in Cal.

kestrel9 ago

James Wolfensohn was at the meeting, quite the resume.

He was named after (see also Dorothy is credited with essentially making the Balfour Declaration possible and therefore playing no small part with creating the nation of Israel Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration

"He also revealed for the first time the role of his cousin Dorothy de Rothschild, who acted as a critical go-between while still in her teens. Describing her as “devoted to Israel,” Rothschild said: “What she did, which was crucially important, was to connect Weizmann to the British establishment, and extraordinarily, she told Weizmann how to integrate, how to insert himself into British establishment life, which he learned very quickly.”

She has a plaque/brick dedicated to her and a garden, at the Supreme Courthouse in Israel (she did donate the building, with it's funky pyramid).

think- ago

It would be interesting to dig into the Warren Buffet - Rothschild connection.

kestrel9 ago

list con't

Parts of this list may be outdated...

Martha Stewart, popular television personality and home products tycoon.

Mickey Drexler, chief of the J. Crew fashion company.

Michael Moritz, financier previously associated with Google and former journalist who was San Francisco bureau chef for Bronfman-controlled Time magazine. Holds an interest in Pay Pal and inYahoo.

Brian Roberts, heads Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company and second-largest Internet provider.

Roger Ailes, runs Fox News channel for Murdoch and associates.

Vivi Nevo, Israeli-born international investment tycoon who holds large takes in Time-Warner, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft. (One of his principal associates is Israeli arms dealer, Arnon Milchan, a major backer of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons development program.)

Mick Jagger, rock star.

Jeff Skoll, film producer.

Vinod Khosla, Indian-born, American-based major investor in “green” technologies such as solar, clean coal, fuel cells and cellulosic ethanol.

Diego Della Valle, major figure in the luxury accessories fashion industry, notably the Tod’s shoe company.

Stacey Snider, co-chief of DreamWorks, the Spielberg-Geffen-Katzenberg combine in Hollywood.

Brian Grazer and Ron Howard, major Hollywood producers.

John Lasseter, Disney-Pixar studios.

George Soros, infamous international wheeler-dealer.

Philippe Dauman, runs Viacom media giant for Zionist mogul Sumner Redstone (who also controls CBS).

John Malone, runs Liberty Media (Discovery Channel, USA network etc); formerly associated with Jerrold Electronics, founded by Milton Shapp, a devout Zionist who served two terms as governor of Pennsylvania.

Sumner Redstone, owner of the Viacom/CBS media giant.

Paul Allen, head of Vulcan investment house and co-founder, with Bill Gates (see above) of the Microsoft empire.

Eddie Lampert, money manager for major figures in the global elite; member of the secret Skull & Bones fraternity atYale.

Leon Black, major investor with controlling influence at Telemundo, Spanish-language broadcasting, Harrah’s casino empire, and Realogy, which controls real-estate companies such as Coldwell Banker and Century 21.

Jann Wenner, owner of Rolling Stone magazine

Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan Working Title Films, London

JerryWeintraub, Hollywood producer.

Donatella Versace, fashion empire head.

Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times columnist.

Tim Russert, NBC news commentator.

Charlie Rose, PBS television news commentator and talk show host.

Joel Silver, Hollywood film producer.

Frank Rich, NewYork Times commentator/ author

Jonathan Ive, designer of the iPod, iMac and Iphone.

Larry Gagosian, owner of art galleries in New York, London and Los Angeles, closely associated with Zionist billionaires such as David Geffen and S. I. Newhouse Jr., etc.

Charles Saatchi, owner of the famed Saatchi Gallery and longtime major figure in the public relations industry.

Jean Pigozzi, art collector and close associate of the Rothschild family.

Stephen Colbert, television-based political satirist/host.

Bill O’Reilly, Fox television conservative talk show host.

Jon Stewart, TV personality and pundit.

Steve Bing, film producer.

Eli Broad, billionaire investor and patron of Zionist causes.

Michael Milken, Wall Street predator, ex-convict, and devoted supporter of Israel.

Arthur Sulzberger Jr., owner of the NewYork Times media empire.

Ron Burkle, supermarket and media magnate (including Motor Trend and Soap Opera Digest).

Scott Rudin, Hollywood producer

Jimmy Buffett, singer and musician, branching into investments.

Steven Rattner, private equity and hedge fund investor, former reporter for The NewYork Times.

Arianna Huffington, writer and television personality.

Doug Morris, runs Universal Music for its owners, the Zionist Bronfman family and its wide-ranging empire.

Jimmy Iovine, head of Interscope Rec